Today on The Rated R Safety Show, we discuss all things safety and the news.
In our main story, we ask the all important question...well, it's the title of the show.
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In our main story, we ask the all important question...well, it's the title of the show.
Hear it, stream it, see it, or download it all today!
Show Notes
[00:00:00] : this show is brought to you by safety. The following program is rated M L S V. It contains strong language, sexual situations and violence. It is intended only for mature audiences. Finally, show with the ball should call him like it is Rated R safety show on safety FF Countdown to audio torture directed. Our safety show starts in 321 lady ear drum pain Begin Forget the corporate bullshit. This is the rated R safety show with your host Dr Uh, It doesn't matter who the host is. Well, is that not the truth or one? Today's April, the sixth of 2021 day 96 of the year in only 269 days left to go Anyways, hopefully you're off to a grand style at the beginning of this bad boy here today. Hopefully, you didn't stay up too late watching the n c double A championship game. Yeah, congratulations to the Baylor Bears out there, as everything is going on and around about. So anyways, we are moving and grooving talking about the things that are going on. And of course, we are broadcasting live from the safety FM studios in Orlando, Florida, and coming across the multiverse that is known as Safety FM. And of course, we're hanging out with our friends and our buddies from our sister station. You know that other place over there you're being infiltrated. The trio Big Oh yeah, infiltration radio big. You know how it goes. We talk about it, we move on, groove on and all that other fun stuff. So let's talk about what is going on here today. According to the trends, it is Tuesday, one of the glove liest days of the week. And the only reason I say that is because we talk about new music that's coming out. And, of course, what is trending. So let's talk about what are the top five songs according to Let's Go With Spotify first. This time, according to Spotify, the number five songs, according to them, is the weekend would Save your Tears and number four. Olivia Rodrigo with Driver's license. There is a new follow up song. Kind of kind of interesting was taking a listen to that one yesterday. Max Wolff, number three with Astronaut in the Ocean. Uh, little Naz X Montero. Call me your name. That's at number to Justin Bieber with peaches. So there you go. That's the number one song. According to 45. According to uh, iTunes. Here we go. Top five goes something like this Fleetwood Mac with dreams. That's definitely an older song. BTS with film out Little Knots X with Montero. Call me your name. Uh, number two with mass wolf astronaut in the ocean. And at the number one spot, according to iTunes, is Bruno Mars Anderson Pack silk sonic. Leave the door open. Which door we talking about? We talk about front or back. Who the hell knows, anyway? So there you go. Those are with the songs that are actually trending right now, according to our friends at Spotify and on iTunes. So there you go. That's what's going on. So anyways, you know how we do the show. If not, let me kind of tell you how we do the show. If you're new to this. This is the layout of the land. It kind of goes something like this. We bring some professional broadcasters in. They talk about what the hell is going on inside of the world in the news. Then I jump in and kind of give you my version al itty or interpretation. I was going to say the word spin. But after looking up, what the hell all that shit means? Probably not a good idea to go to go down that sequence of path and all that kind of fun stuff. So anyways, let's get it moving and grooving with some feature story news from our friends from feature story news and we'll start talking right away. Here is the news on the safety show Feature story news in London. I'm Ali Barrett. North Korea says it will no longer participate in the Tokyo Olympics, citing concerns over the coronavirus pandemic, a local websites reported the decision was taken to protect the country's athletes from the global health crisis situation. Phoebe Amoroso Reports from Tokyo North Korea has become the first country to pull out of the game's over covid 19 concerns, according to a North Korean website. The decision was made during a session of North Korea's Olympic Committee held in Pyongyang on March, the 25th. State run media reported last month that Olympic committee members discussed how to arrange mass based sports activities this year, but did not mention participation in the Summer Games. Pyongyang claims that there have been no cases of COVID 19 in the country, which officially cut off traffic to and from China and Russia from early 2020. Phoebe Amoroso, Tokyo, Australia and New Zealand will have quarantine free travel between the two countries from the 19th of April. Wellington's reciprocating After Australia opened its border to travelers from New Zealand months ago, UK regulators are considering whether to recommend the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine only be used for older people. It comes after some countries restricted its use for younger age groups over concerns about rare blood clotting incidents. The blood clots are rare and it's not been established whether they are caused by the vaccine, UK Vaccines Minister Nadhim Zahawi says. The regulators recommendations will be followed at the moment. Our regulator as well as the European regulator and recommend the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine foot any adult over the age of 18 because the benefits far outweigh the risks and the HR is independent and they're looking at these very rare glove cloth incidents and they will report as they did last week and they'll continue to look every day at the incidents. And and, of course, we'll report. This show is almost as enjoyable as hearing the sound of the toilet flush. Rated R Safety show on safety FM I spend a lot of time in the backyard, and I'm the center of attention at summer barbecues. In 96 I made some of the tastiest smores, and at oh nine, it was me, your backyard fire pit that accidentally started a wildfire when a summer breeze carried one of my embers into some dry brush. Spark a change, not a wildfire. Visit smokey bear dot com Brought to you by the U. S. Forest Service, your state forester in the ad council. Only you can prevent wildfires. Hope you enjoy your meal. And I just want to say he's lucky to have a brother like you. Lucky, caring for my brother is far from easy, but he's a part of me, like my arms and legs, so I'll be his no time for tired. Nothing can disable this love. He needs me, but I'm the lucky one, even though I need help now and then. If you're caring for a loved one. Visit AARP dot org slash caregiving for care guides and community support for your strength brought to you by AARP and the ad Council. What if I told you that a tornado was going to happen tomorrow right where you live, Shit, that it would touch down at exactly 3. 17 PM and I told you the exact path it would take. You would, of course, prepare. You would talk with your loved ones and you'd make a plan today. It's true. I can't tell you a tornado strike tomorrow, but shouldn't you have a plan anyway? Go to ready dot gov slash communicate and make your emergency plan today. Don't wait. Communicate Brought to you by FEMA and the Ad Council This is Mario Andretti. You know me as a race car driver, but I'm also a Meals on Wheels volunteer I've raised against the sport's biggest personalities, but I've never met more vibrant, amazing people than a senior served by meals on wheels. You can make a difference by dropping off a hot meal and saying a quick Hello, So America, let's do lunch. Volunteer your lunch break at America. Let's do lunch dot org This message brought to you by meals on wheels America and the ad council J. Allen in the morning on radio. Yeah, okay, so there you go, a lot of things going on inside of the world and the news, at least part of the news that we get to receive. So, yes, you are absolutely correct in the box. Uh, it sounds like the news didn't make it all the way. And, hey, that's just kind of part of the gig of what happens from time to time anyway. So let's start talking down the hit list of exactly what's going on. So we'll jump around, talk about some of those things and then go from there anyways. According to Major League Baseball's, the Major League Baseball decision to move the All Star game out of Atlanta will likely cost cop counting more than $100 million in lost tourism revenue. According to one jobs report. Jobs were creator network Alfredo Ortiz spoke on the topic on Monday, calling the decision another blow to the city's economy. Georgia is barely making out out of this pandemic, and now they're faced under Biden administration with potentially higher taxes, higher minimum wage and more red tape and regulation, and now is, uh, and now that's what he explained now. So there you go. So they're fully some, you know, some people frustrated with that going on with it being moved out, the Major league baseball game or the All Star Game being removed out of the Atlanta region. So there you go. I don't know. I mean, everybody's going to have their own opinion on it. I know. The governor spoke on it yesterday. Governor Brian Kemp disagrees with the backlash, saying that the Election Integrity Act makes it easier to vote at hard to cheat. So apparently this is one of the main reasons why the decision to move away. There's also been some rumors, of course, circulating now with the amount of movies that normally get done in that area, that that could be actually moved to. I don't know. I don't try to go into the game anyways. Let's continue talking. As of Monday, over 167.1 million Covid vaccines have been administered. Nationwide, over 62.3 million Americans have been fully vaccinated well, more than 100.75 million effortless is even at least one dose of the vaccine, the total number of community of cases is now at 30.5 million, and that's with more than 554,000 deaths attributed to the virus. So there you go, a lot of stuff going on as we are talking about it. So here's the thing I am. I started to have some conversations yesterday about people saying that now at one of their work sites, I won't say what the company is, uh, that they were requiring the people we vaccinated before they come back. Kind of an interesting standpoint, and I kind of wonder how this is going to be going forward like, What are you going to be? The requirements and can that be even required? What's your opinion? You can talk about it as we do go through it because I think it's gonna be interesting to see workplaces requiring or requesting that you be vaccinated before you come into, uh, the actual live point of going into the office. Um, so the interesting part will be this. Will people say I'd rather not be vaccinated than, uh for the for the segment of just being able to work from home. I I don't know. I'm just asking the question. And as we continue to talk more and more about the virus, of course. Have you made the decision? What are you doing? Are you going forward with this? Are you not going forward with this? Are you shying away from it? What have you done? Enough research. Have you looked at enough studies to determine what you want to do, or are you already kind of full bore? It's kind of an interesting question, because depending on where you're located, things do vary from time to time. Um, exactly on what that answer might be. Anyways, let's continue talking. A new, highly contagious variant of the coronavirus has been found in California Bay Area. One confirmed case and seven other presumed cases have been identified by Stanford Clinical Virology Laboratory. A spokesman said. A spokesperson, not a spokesman. Sorry. Uh, the variant, which was originated in India, is being dubbed the Double Mutant. It almost sounds like an excellent thing, as it carries two mutations of the virus. The three vaccines vaccines Moderna, Pfizer and Johnson and Johnson are presumed to be effective against the variants, so there you go some interesting things as we are talking about it. Uh, so as we are talking about California, this did happen yesterday while we were on the show. So let's talk about this. A pair of earthquake that rattled Southern California early Monday morning with the largest measuring about a 4.3 on the Richter scale. That aftershock hit of 4.3 on the Richter scale. There were no reports of damages or injuries stemming from the quakes. So there you go that something's going on right there in the California area. I was talking to our friend colleague Mr Brennan Sudden yesterday, and he was referencing that in the area that he was in over the weekend, shortly after he was living one of the areas they had hit a 6.2 earthquake. If I do remember correctly the number So thankfully he is good and good and good to go in regard to what is going on Anyways, let's continue talking about some other other other things. But it's 14 minutes past the top of the hour, just in case LG is exiting the smartphone game. Oh, there you go. The the South Korean electric giant will shut down its mobile phone business and leave it in incredibly competitive. There you go industry the industry by July, the 31st it announced on Monday. So it is going bye bye. The company said the decision will allow it to to pour resources into growth businesses such as smart homes, robotics, artificial intelligence and electric. An electric vehicle parts. So there you go. We got another player leaving the game, which is kind of common practice inside of the world of business. So this is kind of tells you more and more on some of these different platforms that are out there, because when you start thinking about smartphones, which ones come to mind? Well, normally, by default, Google comes we'll we'll google as a phone to come to mind. But I'm talking about Apple comes to mind number one and then number two. Normally, if you go to brand default, you're not gonna say android. You're probably gonna say Samsung. And why is that? I don't know. It's just we've been branded properly. I mean, we've been marketed to property, not Brandon. What are we talking about here anyways? Just some tough to think about. When you look at this whole thing, what is the phone that is your go to phone? Some people love Apple. Some people love Android. Some people love Samsung's. I mean, let's talk about it as we know. A few years back, Samsung was having issues with their phones, particularly the battery, and people still stuck to the brand, even with the issues going on. So you are aware that people do like their brands and they do like their styles of acts, and that's okay. I mean, if you even want to go further back, there was Antenna Gate that occurred with the good old Apple product. I think that was going all the way back to the iPhone for Yeah, let's talk about that for a moment. So there you go, some stuff to think about, as we do move forward anyways, because we're in that moment in that moment of time, why don't we just try to get motivated for a minute? And maybe we should go down that path and let's get John Smalls in here. And let's talk about the motivation minute. The Motivation minute is courtesy of better credit cards dot com Maya Angelou said. Success is liking yourself, liking what you do and liking how you do it. I've always enjoyed working. I'm not even sure why. Maybe I've just spent fortunate enough to get great coworkers. Or maybe I just avoided the ones I didn't get along with. Either way, I always liked what I did for a living, and I usually loved what we got to do, or, as Maya Angelou said, how we did it. But I do remember a time when I worked at a place where they began making some changes that just seemed wrong to me. I tried to be a positive voice, but that didn't change anything, so I eventually moved on. Later, they tried to get me to come back and help make the changes, but it was too late. You spend a lot of time working, so make sure you're doing something that makes you happy. This has been today's motivation minute, courtesy of better credit cards dot com. I'm John Small. Thanks for listening. Your favorite motivational quotes can be submitted for upcoming programs at motivation minute dot org. You are listening to a radio God, what? This has to be an error. That host is not a radio guard. Anyways. This is the rated R safety show on safety FM. Oh, I couldn't have said it better myself. Our good old friend John Smalls, who hangs out here in the afternoon on radio Big Dot FM, dropping some wisdom in regards of what's going on there. Do what you love, Do what you love anyways. Yesterday, Minneapolis Police Chief Madeira Orlando took to the stand on Monday in the Derrick Charlotte murder murder trial. He told the courtroom that the former officer violated department policy and training during his fatal encounter with George Floyd. He should have removed his knee from the victim's neck once there was no longer any resistance. The chief who fired Derek, um, and three other cops following the incident on May 25th has called Floyd's death murder. The prosecution is expected to, um, to focus on Derek's training this week as part of the trial. Anyway, let's continue talking some more with some other things going on. Um, there's before I say that, or before I go on to the next thing. This trial was going to be interesting during, um for sure on what is the outcome going to be? And I know that in the US we always talk about innocent until proven guilty. And I know that there's some hard stances depending on how you look at this, especially when you kind of go back, that we're talking close to a year ago that you were able to see the video of what occurred during the incident. So I know we discussed that it was difficult for them to find a jury. There was probably extremely difficult for people to not to already have an opinion formed, but it was going to be interesting on how this case moves forward. So this will be something that will continue to take a look at as we as we continue going down the path of this case, because I think it's going to be important. The outcome either way on how the case goes, I already know that this case is in re in the court of public opinion. I mean, there's no way ends, if about about talking about it as we really do. Think about it safety in a way never heard of before. The safety show safety Okay, Two teens accused of killing the uber. Each driver during a botched Carjacking are expected to reach a plea deal with prosecutors. While it is unclear if the if the deal will fully resolve the case, a source told The Washington Post that the that the bargain will likely be reached in the incoming days. The girls, who are charged with felony murder, Carjacking, armed robbery, are due back in court on April the 20th. So there you go some interesting things, of course, going on around that, Um, we have been speaking about this incident over the last week or so, UH, let's continue talking. A unit within the Guantanamo Bay detention centre has closed, and the prisoners moved to another facility in the Cuba base. Those house at Camp seven were transferred to a facility adjacent to where the other detainees on the base are held in the U. S. Military prison said was an effort to increase operational efficiency and effectiveness. Among those held at the camp, seven are five prisoners charged with war crimes for their alleged roles in the September 11, 2000, and one terrorist attacks. The total number of prisoners in the units was not revealed, So there you go, some more information. Let's continue talking. Firefighters worked on Monday to contain a wildfire in Theodore Roosevelt National Park that had tripled the size of the day before crews worked through the night to battle flames encroaching on the park staff, housing maintenance buildings and the C C C campground, according to the North Dakota Forest Service. High winds and dangerous dry conditions fueled the fire over the weekend. Wildfires in the states have already burned more than 47 square miles of spring, compared to the 15.6 square miles in just last year. So there you go, some interesting information coming about their Let's go in. I mean, it's kind of interesting when we started talking about this stuff because think about it for a moment. We're talking about how much has burned in just a short period of time, and how do you plan for something like this? I know Hazard Matrix Learning Team. We're going to go down that path right away, but it's stuff that we have to talk about is the unplanned events that we have to talk about. And of course, you look at that. You hear that 47 square miles, compared to 15.6 square miles from the previous year. So we're talking close to triple already in such a short period of time, really over triple. But you know, you know what I meant. So there you go, some things to think about as we are talking about it anyway. So we did bring John in already one time. How about we bring in John again? Because it is time to start talking. How about stocks? It is time about talking about Bonds and all that fun stuff. So let's bring John in to do the market minute and then I'll talk about it some more. Here's your market beat minute for Tuesday, April 6th 2021. Equity markets started the week strong with the S and P 500. Dow Jones industrials and transportation average is moving up to set new all time highs. The move was led by Tech and help lift the NASDAQ composite by more than 1.5% to set a new six week high. The S and P 500 gained more than 1.25% while the Dow Jones Industrial and Transportation averages posted slightly smaller gains. With earnings season just around the corner, the markets appear to be optimistic and getting a lift from the economic data. The March jobs report was not only better than expected, but points to healthy consumer conditions this spring. This week, the market will be on the lookout for key reads on services and producer prices. The I S M Services PMI already came in hotter than expected at 63.7 and led by a sharp increase in hiring. You can get the inside track from Wall Street's brightest minds, delivered directly to your inbox every day at market beat minute dot com. Okay, so continuing on with a little bit more of that information. The new trading week started with the strong session as the Dow search 373 points. The NASDAQ wrote 225 points and the S and P added about 58 points. The both the Dow industrial average and the S and P 500 closed at a new records. Updated CDC guidelines Travel for Vaccination Vaccine Vaccinated individuals were released on Friday when the markets were closed. During Monday sessions, investors brought heavily into shares of Southwest Airlines, American Airlines, Jet Blue, Royal Caribbean Carnival, Norwegian Cruise Lines. On the news. The United States economy added about 916,000 jobs in March, which far exceeded analyst expectations, and the unemployment rate is down to 6%. So there you go some changes inside of the markets as we are talking about all these things going on. It is currently 24 minutes past the top of the hour. So let's start talking about that other stuff that we do talk about right now. Um, so maybe we should talk about our main story. Do we wanna do Main story? Let's do Main story. Here is our main story on the right safety show. So the question came about this morning right away as we were looking through the information and going through it and thinking about it. And I think we've been leading and going down the path all the time to get to this particular point of talking about. Are you Are you living or are you surviving seriously? And I have to tell you, some people are not gonna believe this. John and I had no conversation of what his motivation minute was going to be about today before we got into the show this morning. It just kinda is serendipity on how it actually did work out. But here's the thing. I asked the question, and I want to challenge you all the time. I want to challenge you to think about this. Are you living or are you surviving? And I and I know we're in the middle of a global pandemic. At least we're seeing some light at the end of the tunnel here. But I'm going to ask the question, Are you doing what you love, Are you? And if you're not, why aren't you? And if you are good for you, how are you enjoying it? Because here's the thing. I will tell you this more and more and more. I talk to people that tell me that they hate what they do and they want more. The organization is not moving the way that they wanted to, so they want to do something else where they can help multiple organizations. They want to go into a different standpoint. You know the different things that you want to do. So here's the thing if you're living or you're surviving. This is where you need to start doing some considerations and some things here. We need to start talking. What are you doing To do things differently? Now I will tell you as you and I are having a conversation here. Many, many, many years ago I had issues with finances, so I took hold of every financial book. I could get a hold of and read it. The more information I could gather, the more I liked it. The more I could find, the more I would dive into it. Now don't get me wrong. It wasn't an overnight sensation in regards of getting things fixed, but, hey, those books that I read took me down, a journey that allowed me to do other things that I was interested in. It allowed me to have a certain level of financial freedom that I was not having in my life until that point. So this book that I read help me or books that I read help me get to the portion where I was at led me to some programs, led me to some knowledge. Let me essentially led me to you what I will call, you know, one of the most well known financial gurus in the world, Which would be Dave Ramsey until this day. When I learned about this several years ago, I think it's been over a decade. At this point, it's definitely a matter of fact. I don't think it's been way over a decade at this point. Um, I think we're going on two decades. What the hell am I talking about, anyway? So it's been a very long period of time in regards of doing about this, but it sent me on a trajectory that was different, and that's what I have noticed. We have actually gotten to the point where we look for that instant stuff. We look for the things that are there, but we want the instant gratification, and I understand that. Believe me, I understand that. And sometimes that difference between living and surviving is where that instant gratification comes from. It becomes one of those things that I do. I do it now, or do I do the long term. So here's the thing. Can you honestly sit back for a moment and tell me what is the last book that you read. How long ago was it that you read that book? Seriously, think about it for a moment. And now this could be audio book. This could be a book that you physically read E books count. I guess you would extend, but they're normally kind of short. But when was the lifetime that you read a book on a subject matter that was important to you? Now? Important to you, of course, can be several different levels of thing. It could be nonfiction. It can be fiction. It could be a different categories, that's for sure. But when you were doing this, what were you looking at for self improvement? Now, self improvement can vary significantly. Of course, it could be personal self improvement. It could be carrier self improvement. However, you want to take a look at it. But are you looking at stuff or reading books that are worth your while? And I know that this is something I normally talk about at the beginning of the year. But, hey, we're already in April, so let's start talking about it again. Would you consider reading one book a month on a subject matter that can help you improve to what you want to do. Seriously One book a month. Think about that. That would be 12 books inside of a year. Now, I'm not going to go tell you. Go out there and buy these giant books that are over 1000 pages and read that in a month. I'm trying to be realistic with the approach, but if you are surviving and you want to be living, I'm not gonna say go out there and buy a financial book. But I'm gonna tell you that if you're wanting to change career trajectory, if you want to change something inside of your life, maybe those are things that you look into. And let's say, for instance, that your survive we can take this to the different categories if you're surviving in your job because you're doing kind of the bare essentials to get by because you might not like the organization. What can you do to make yourself live inside of that organization? And I mean really be a focal point, a spotlight in regards of changing some things. So let's not limit this to just self. Let's kind of look at the bigger trajectory here if you're not great at safety, but you want to be good, but you're doing only the bare minimum. Maybe read a safety book. But I'm gonna tell you the majority of our listeners and the people that you and I hang out with, they don't have safety problems. It's not that they don't know about safety. You want to want me to tell you where the biggest issue is? They don't understand business Communication. Yeah, I said it. That's our biggest issue. Because I'm gonna tell you if you go into a meeting where you're hanging out with the manager, you're hanging out with people in the C suite and I turn around and tell you about statue, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, number, code, blah, blah, blah. Well, that's great that you are knowledgeable in this category and you are a subject matter expert. But guess what? There is a book or there is a reference guide or there is a online website that I can go to. That more than likely can give me that exact same thing that you have memorized and will not be so important to the people inside of the C suite. I'm sorry, but it's the truth. But imagine that all of a sudden, if you're having those same struggles inside of the organization because you cannot communicate with the people, you get a book on business management and you learn the lingo. You learn how to speak to those leaders, managers, team members about what is going on inside of the business, inside of the organization, using their same language, talking about the return on investment, talking about things that they're wanting to know. Now. Let's be realistic. Here is the other portion, and it's kind of a shitty thing. So let's be honest. We can kinda hold our stakeholders to a bigger value than what we do. Our team members. That's the subject for a different day, but we'll talk about that. But that's the thing. The organization has to see a value on what you're bringing to the table, and I'm unfortunately, if you're giving them standard blah, blah, blah with ordinance, blah, blah, blah, that does not mean shit to them. They're not gonna care just the reality of what's going on, because if I'm talking to somebody who's in warehousing and I'm talking about X standard and they're sitting inside of a meeting that has 10 people inside of there. And that standard that I'm talking about is affecting one person. They're probably not going to care too much about it because the other night are gonna be looking at their phone, their computer or lost in land. So think about it in that faction. So if you take a book on business management and start focusing on that, maybe that will change you from surviving to living inside of your organization. Now think about on how many different things that can apply to inside of your life. It could be your relationship. It could be personal growth. It could be finances. It could be computing. It could be podcasts. You know, everybody's favorite subject lately. I don't know. There's if there's a book on clubhouse yet, but I'm sure they'll be what, at some point or so on. But that's the thing. Maybe that's the things that we need to start considering maybe we get to the point that we stop surviving on what we're doing and we start living. I'll tell you that I hate having conversations with people where it comes down to this. They know that what they're doing for their career, they're only surviving. So the fear of being fired is every day that you talk to them, I'm gonna get fired. I'm gonna get fired. I think I'm gonna get fired. I think if that is to happen, yes, it is a life changing event. But did you do enough? And I know I speak to more people that have been fired that, um, it wasn't me with somebody else and all that other fun stuff. And yes, I understand that those things happen, especially when nothing's going on inside of the organization. If everything is being safe, it's kind of a common thing, but that's another story. But let's think about this. What could you do? Let's take a year from today, the sixth of April of 2021 if you cover 12 books from today to next year, April 6, 2022. How different would your life be? Seriously, things that could help you in your career or whatever you feel that you are surviving in all I'm asking you, is for time, because let's be realistic. Books are available online. There are libraries that are available if you want to go that far. Matter of fact, not a plug, but let's talk about it. Even Amazon or Kindle Kindle has a thing called Kindle Unlimited. That's essentially you can get as many books as you want for a month for X price, so let's be realistic about it. What did you do to change your trajectory? Starting today? It's a challenge. Think about it. There are so many books in the world, there's so much knowledge that are out there that people are wanting to share and think about how it can change you from surviving to living in X category. I hate, hated, hated, hated, hated speaking my way through life. I couldn't stand it. I wanted to do something that might have an impact and provide change to others. Have I accomplished my goal? Absolutely not Every day. I'm looking for a way that I could better myself. Am I an asshole? Sometimes? Absolutely. Do I acknowledge that? Yes. Is it on purpose? Sometimes it is. Sometimes it isn't. But I look at it is that I'm trying to better myself and sometimes people need to be encouraged in different ways. I don't get along with everybody. Not everybody gets along with me. Not everybody likes what I do, especially this show. But the stuff that comes out of this show pisses more people off than I can shake a stick at whatever the hell that means. But that's the fun part. The funny thing was when I was doing the J. Allen show or what we call the safety FM show for such a long period of time. People were okay with it because they knew that one side of my personality. But when I was started doing the call it as it is, because that's what you guys requested for this to happen. People didn't love it, and that's okay. That's okay. I just don't want to eke my way through life. And I would hope at the end of the day, as you and I hang out here, you don't want to eat your way through life, either. I want to see you live in strive and what you deem important that you want to move forward in. If you were able to have that honest conversation with the people that are around you of asking them, tell me of a thing that I'm good at and what else I suck at and you were able to do that. You should have a pretty good gauge on what you should be able to move forward in. Listen, I am not a perfect bean by any means, and I try to learn to become better daily. So if anything, I challenge you challenge you that over the next 12 months you read 12 books for you can go from surviving to definitely living because I think it's going to be pretty important. But then again, what do I do? I'm just a guy behind a microphone. Don't go anywhere. You're listening to the home of real safety Dog. You are listening to safety. FM will be right back. Hamilton was adopted from a rescue in 2000 and eight. She really likes to be around people. I get out my mat and I'm doing a downward dog and he's underneath. He's quite the pug about town. He gets invited to a lot of parties, you know, he's a pretty big deal. Look at this little face. I do not love him. Hamilton, the pug Instagram star and shelter pet. Amazing adoption stories start in shelters. Visit the shelter Pet Project org To find a pet near you brought to you by Maddie's Fund, the Humane Society of the United States and the Ad Council, you make sure his toys don't have any sharp edges. You taught her what to do when the smoke alarm goes off. You do so much to keep your child safe. But are you using the right car seat for your child? Car crashes are a leading killer of Children ages 1 to 13. Protect your child's future at every stage of life. For information on the right seat for your child visit safer car dot gov slash the right seat. A message from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Ad Council. So you see, son, good manners are important. Should I go through it again? Yes. Yes, please. Yes, please. Exactly. Always say please. Thank you. You're welcome. An excuse me. Sit up straight. Hold doors open. I'll speak with your mouth full. Keep your elbows off the table, Share your things, play nice and generally treat others the way you'd like to be treated. Got it? Got it. And stop picking your nose most parenting is hard to do in just two minutes, two minutes twice a day. Making sure they brush their teeth is easier, and it could help save them from a lifetime of tooth pain. Visit two men two x dot org To find out more a message from the Partnership for Healthy Miles Healthy Lives in the Ad Council. I'm a retired school psychologist and helping people with my thing. After my stroke, when meals on Wheels started, I was on the other end of the stick, so to speak. My name is Julius Cain's creative writer, poet, photographer, one and six seniors faces the threat of hunger and millions more. Live in isolation. Drop off a Hotmail and say a quick Hello, volunteer for meals on wheels by donating your lunch break at America, Let's do lunch dot org. This message brought to you by Meals on Wheels America and the Ad Council. Of course, I come in in the nod, singing part. Oh, there you go. I just want to come alive. So there you go. That is soup. Yep. You can download this would on Spotify and iTunes. Appreciate when they let us play these interesting songs on radar safety show. Okay, so there you go. Just come alive. Like I said Soup. You can download it one more time. Radio big. Not on radio big, that's for sure. Anyway, let's continue going down the path here. Let's talk about some other things that are going on inside of the world of the news and all that kind of fun stuff anyways. A super spreader Summer The city of Liverpool in the UK plans to hold a number of testaments this summer where attendees are not required to have been vaccinated for Covid 19 as a way to determine the impact of the larger events and clubbing on the spread of the coronavirus, a business event, outdoor cinema, club nights and comedy gigs will be used as test out the risk of each type of event. The government will work with the University of Liverpool and Cultural Liverpool on the project that will see the events go without vaccine passports. The pilots will be we'll explore how the different approaches to social distancing ventilation in testing on the entry. Could he's the opening and maximizing participation. Residents from the area will soon be able to apply for tickets of the event and under the event doesn't take place. Ticket holders will be given a full refund. Hold on. Do you have to pay for this? What kind of give it is that? And give it to the vaccine? Just a thought. So I don't know who the hell knows. And then if these have ended up being canceled due the pandemic, then we'll know that the experiment is a failure, I guess. I don't know. Maybe they should wait a bit and see what happens that the Texas Rangers home games. That could be probably a good idea of of doing that. I mean, I'll tell you usually produce does anything like that in the US Uh, I'll go ahead and participate in that. Just saying, Anyway, let's continue talking. Yes, as a as a matter of fact, I do have 55 For the first time ever, scientists have connected a human brain to a computer wirelessly. Say what? Yeah, For the first time ever, scientists have connected a human brain to a computer wirelessly. Not not, um, not an error. This comes months after Elon Musk revealed or unveiled his neuralink brain chip, which was implanted in a pig named curry itude. Now, researchers at Brown University in Rhode Island have created a connection between a human brain and a computer cable capable of transmitting signals. Full broadband fatality. The study sought to true trial participants with paralysis due to spinal cord injuries. Use wireless transmitters to point, click and type to the standard tablet and computer. The transmitter weighs just about 40 g. Instead of cables, the units are placed on the user's head, where there's connections and electrodes over a within the brain's motor cortex, using the same port used as a wired system. The hope is to use the tech to analyze brain activity over long periods of times and someday facilitate reliable restoration of communication and mobility for people with paralysis. This double shocker for me now that not only did I find out that the scientists have connected human brains to a computer wirelessly, I also learned that scientists have connected a human brain to a computer using wires. I can't see all all this ever becoming a horror movie, can you, um, I'm living in 2021. These guys are living in the Matrix, so there you go. So let's talk about it because let's say it that neuralink becomes the standard will. Definitely you would throw away my 12 book reading. My thing would be about Can you read 12 books in less than a minute if you have the option? And I am just asking the question here because it is an intriguing way. If you have the option to having a neuralink hooked up to you where you could be online all the time, would you do it? It's a very intriguing proposal. I mean, let's be real here 47 minutes past the top of the hour real quick, because think about it. Are we talking about that? It would be very similar to The Matrix because there is a reference there on how that would actually work. I'm just saying, asking the question because it would be extremely interesting on how quick you could actually pull information and kind of analyze something's Oh, yes, I did. Just see that your last social media update was this so already kind of know that turned this kind of mood. So let's go ahead and move forward and try to ask these questions related to this. Based on your answer, I can go through there and go through that boy. Would that become very, very, very, very interesting? Listen to our host of the rated R safety Self implode on our airwaves. Only on safety FM. Okay, so there you go. Did you know, let's talk about it. A 22 year old entrepreneur has created a business that he feels serves an important purpose. During these times of covid driven disarray, Cameron Banville started the bond cleaners. Yep, Not a joke here. His mobile bond cleaning business in Ottawa, Ontario. Last July, he decided to launch after learning to clean his own bonds and being able to ask by France to do the same for theirs. He charges $15 per Boggan says that he caters people who like to smoke but find cleaning that the equipment is dirty and nasty. Uh, nasty work. I mean, according to the band Banville, when he turns in the blanket of the black and bog and he then he turns it into a glistening piece of glass. People say, Wow, that's crazy. They were probably going to say that anyway, so that's something to think about regard So there you go, another interesting entrepreneur going into the world of business. I don't know if there would be a safety side to that. Maybe the glass handling would be, uh, some of the stuff that you would talk about, Um, in that particular regards. I don't know how that one got stuck in there, but it sure as hell did. Anyways, let's continue talking about some other things going on inside of the world, Um, and all that kind of fun stuff. As we continue talking, I've gotten to the point that I really don't care about talking too much about the swamp. So let's continue going. UH, no winner on for Friday's night's mega million drawing. Tonight's drawing will be $484 million jackpot or 100 and 23 point million dollar cash payout. No winner for Saturday night's Powerball drawing, either Wednesday's drawing will be for $43 million jackpot or $29.3 million cash payout. So there you go. I got some options there. If you're still inclined to do so anyways, let's continue talking about some other things. Uh, that's more that's more of a radio Big news story. We'll skip over that. So let's talk about Let's talk about the world of sports. Aaron Rodgers still isn't sure about the future with the Green Bay Packers. The Kiwi recently told ESPN that his future is hazy as ever as he enters what could possibly his final season with the team. The ESPN anchor Kenny Mayne told Rogers just to say that he wants to be a Packer for life. Rogers replied, You and I both No, that that's not how it works. Packers Co. Their CEO, Mark Murphy, has refused to speculate on the tension between the organization and Rogers. Why is there tension? Hasn't he been there since, Uh, since since Brett was kind of ousted, I thought, I mean, what the hell happened? Okay, so let's talk about some things that occurred back on this day Anyways, 15 minutes past the top of the hour, let's talk about Stanley Kubrick back in 1968 Stanley Kubrick's 2000 and one A Space Odyssey is released in theaters. While critics had mixed reviews, there was so much demand for the film that some theaters carried it for regular showings for a year the film would win an Oscar for best visual effects. So think about that. That was some time ago. Uh, so there you go. There you go. There you go. Um, and back in 2016. Should we talk about this? A baby is born with DNA from three parents through Mike Rachael transfer in Mexico. The procedure, called spindles nuclear transfer, involves removing a healthy nucleus from one of the mothers eggs and transferring it into a donor egg, which has been, which is renewed, the nucleus removed. And the resulting egg with nuclear DNA from the mother is micro dog D N. A form of of the donor has been then fertilized by the father's sperm. Wow, that seems pretty simple then. The technique. The technique was used to ensure that the disease mutation carried by the mother would not be passed down to the baby. Let's not repeat that anyways. That was back in 2016, just for the information purposes. Just in case. Anyways, let's talk about some birthdays that are going on today. Candace Cameron Bird turns 45. Zak Brophy turns 46. Paul right turns 52. Black Francis turns 56. Michael Rooker turned 66 Billy Dee Williams turns 84 today. If you're looking for some reasons to party celebrate and all that kind of fun stuff today a day of celebration can be for these following things National Caramel Popcorn Day New beers Eve National. Sorry, Charlie Day. Sorry, Charlie. Uh, national Student Athlete Day National Teflon Day, Sam Day. That's Sam with two AIDS, by the way, um, of Sam Day of Action in the National Library. Worker Day. I like me. Some librarians. Um, that's for sure. Anyway, let's continue talking a little bit more before I forget, because it is closing out on Friday in case if you have not done so, please do. So this right here is the current contest that is being held by Safety FM. Yeah, over here. That contest if you're watching, uh, it is the accident investigation theory and practice. It is the class giveaway. So on April the 13th through the 16th, nipping AnAnd and Todd Conklin will be hosting this event virtually. And we are giving away a ticket for both sessions that you can attend to hosted by either one. So, just in case, if you want to enter. You have the opportunity to enter in daily until we give it away, which will be Friday at noon. Eastern Standard Time. You can go to the website safety FM dot com forward slash contest to enter to win that safety FM dot com forward slash contest to enter To win Now here's the gig once you enter into the contest and email will be sent to you. If you do not confirm the email, it's like it's never happened, just letting you know. So technically you didn't enter into the contest. Just saying The other cool part about this is that you can enter in the contest daily, so you have daily entries you can get into. I will tell you, within the 1st 13 hours of actually posting this, we had the most entries for any contest we had ever given away on Safety FM. Within the 1st 13 hours, not all of them combined just in case, but within the 1st 13 hours, the most entries of any contest. So all you have to do is go to safety FM dot com forward slash contests to be able to enter just want to make sure that I do reference that point more than 20 times. Okay, just in case. Anyways, let me tell you about my friends real quick at the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. If you're having any kind of thoughts of depression or thinking about committing suicide, don't do anything until you call my friends at 1 802 73 Talk. That's 1 802 73 Talk or text the word Talk to 741741 Or you can always go to the website. A f sp dot org That's a f sp dot org. Know that you're not alone, because if you're struggling with this, I don't want you to do anything until you make that phone call. Believe me, you cannot be replaced by anybody. We can't do what we do without you because you're the most crucial part. So go to the website, give them a call or text to the phone number website a fsp dot org a f sp dot org or call 1 802 738255 or text the word talk to 741741 If you don't remember anything else about the show today. Remember that because that is the most important thing always will be, regardless of what we're talking about, regardless of who's on, regardless of who's hosting. That is the most important part because you are the most important part, especially if you're struggling, know that there will be resources that are available in your local area, and that's what's important because people are there to be able to help you. A lot of us go through this. A lot of us struggle, suicide or depression. So let's continue having this conversation always be able to have this conversation. No ands ifs and buts about it. Seriously, I want you to think about that as we do. Move forward. You are listening to something. You're listening to the rated R safety show. Okay, let's continue. Continue. Continue. Let me tell you some wack faxes. We are 56 minutes past the top of the hour. Babies are born with taste buds on the inside of their cheeks. The inner skin of a banana peel can be used to whiten your teeth. I'll see some people testing that out later because English is so complex, the average person will create a sentence that never have been said before. Every day I have a friend that does that. I think every other sentence uh, superhero two words is a trademark phrase owned by DC and Marvel Comics. Uh, 20,000 leagues equals 69,000 miles. The deepest spot in the ocean on Earth is about six miles. If you commit any crime at sea, you are by definition, a pirate. So there you go. Let's continue talking real quick and let's kind of get through the end of this thing. If you want to hang out with me at the top of the hour, I will be going over to radio big DOT FM. You can pull it up on your Web browser are actually go to the live 3 65 app and download it and just look for radio big. Okay, so let me give you a random joke for today. I wrote a book on penguins, but in retrospect, I realize that the paper would have been easier. If you need a phones. It's harder for today. Try this one. What is the strangest place you've ever falling asleep? Yeah, I said falling asleep. If you need something for a water cooler, try this one in a poll asking people what would immediately put them in a good mood. This was the number one answer. What is it? Finding money in their own pocket. Really? There you go. Anyways, you've been listening to the rate at our safety show exclusively on safety FM dot com and radio big dot FM. I guess we're kind of on the streaming services anyways. But keep in mind that the best part of safety FM is you the listener. Because without you, we can't do what we do around here. Anyways, we do have a new J Allen show that had to drop this morning. Um, the podcast version and we talked to Ted from Ted speaks live. So if you do get a chance, take a listen to that one. I think you're really gonna enjoy it. The positive, the safety positivity, coach. Very. It was a good chat with him, by the way. Just wanted to let you know that anyway, so I can leave you with a thought for today. I would love to leave you with this one. Know your worth. Then add some taxes, that's for sure. Anyways, I know who you are. You know who I am, Love You mean it and goodbye. I'll be here tomorrow or you can come out to the top of the hour on radio big dot FM. The views and opinions expressed on this podcast are those of the host and its guests and do not necessarily reflect official policy or position of the country. Examples of analysis discussed within this podcast are only examples. It should not be utilized in the real world as the only solution available as they are based only on very limited and dated open source information. Assumptions made within this analysis are not reflective of the position of the company. No part of this podcast may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means mechanical, electronic recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the creator of the podcast
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