Today on The Rated R Safety Show, we discuss all things safety and the news.
During on main story, we discuss the all important subject of not being able to speak.
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#RRSS #SafetyFM
During on main story, we discuss the all important subject of not being able to speak.
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#RRSS #SafetyFM
Show Notes
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[00:00:00] : This show is brought to you by safety. The following program is rated M. A. L. S. V. It contains strong language, sexual situations and violence. It is intended only for mature audiences. Finally show with the ball should call it like it is rated R. Safety show on safety Ff. Come down to audio torture decorated. Our safety show starts in 321 Ah lady your drum pain begin. Forget the corporate bullshit. This is the rated R. Safety show with your host. Dr uh It doesn't matter who the host is. No whammies. No whammies. No whammies. Stop! Look at that. That worked out fine. Anyway, today is Wednesday april 28th 2021 day 118th of the year In only 240 days left to go. Hopefully everything is off to a grand start in your neck of the woods depending on what the hell you got going on. Of course. Uh we are broadcasting live from the safety FM studios in Orlando Florida. Uh yes, we're coming across the multiverse of safety FM. And, and, and, and of course, we're hanging out at that other place. You know that we do some stuff, you know, you know that, that other place. Yeah, that place 34 radio never sounded this rape or has a radio big. So we are hanging with our friends and our partners at radio big dot FM on this lovely Wednesday. So there you go. Uh, so, if you're not familiar with how it goes, it goes something like this. We are a radio show that goes into a streaming service that goes into a podcast or is the podcast then into the streaming service, Something along those lines. So, if you're not sure depending on where you're hanging out, we are on all social media platforms, at least the ones that matter. Um, and then we're also hanging out on our different radio apps because they will probably be the easiest way for you to get us that safety FM dot com. You can go to download the app right there. It's also available in the google play store and the in the Apple store just in case. Um if you're looking around the Apple app store, so we're available right there. Um and then if you're looking at the radio Big side of the house, yeah, that's available to But you have to go to radio Big dot FM. Yes, that is radio big dot FM. Like the same way that we have safety dot FM. We have radio big dot FM. Yes. Dot FM. FM. Is radio stations just F. Y. I. For you right there. But we do hang out on the radio big side of the house on live 3 65 Ap. Yeah, so that way you kind of get a little mixture of everything um if you decide to go into that angle of the biz So anyways that's what's going on. So let's start talking about what is trending according to the new york times best sellers. He said we're going to talk about the fiction and nonfiction category. So according to the fiction category, let's take it from the top. We want to go fiction. Yeah, let's go fiction first. Uh number five where the Craw Dads sing at number four, the four winds At number three. The Devil's hand at # two. The hills will be the quills with the hills we climb. Apparently you have to be. I mean at the number one spot according to the fiction category is ocean pray. So there you go. If you were looking at what were the top spots inside of the world of Book Ege yeah, there we go. In the nonfiction category and goes something like this. The body keeps the score. Hey, now Number four have broken horses. Number three, the code breaker at number two, Empire of pain and at the number one spot according to the nonfiction categories, according to the new york times bestsellers on the house. Yeah, on the house. There you go. So here we go. We're gonna start talking a little bit more about things that are going on. We're gonna bring our friends in from feature story News. Let them know. Um, but let them tell you exactly what's going on. And then of course we'll kind of jump in, start talking about what's going on inside of the world of the news. We'll talk about the good, the bad and the ugly. And then of course we'll talk about some of our main story stuff. So that's what we do around here. So hang on and let's go forward with this one. The news from Feature Story News in London. I'm ali Barrett. India's Daily Covid 19 infections have hit another global daily record high. New infections rose by more than 300,000 in the past 24 hours. While there were more than 3000 deaths. That brings the overall numbers of lives lost to COVID-19 in India. According to official figures To more than 200,000 Rebecca Braden reports from Mumbai countries including Britain, the United States Germany France and Australia are sending in vital medical supplies such as ventilators and oxygen concentrators. But as India continues to grapple with the massive second wave of COVID-19 infections and people continue to die because of difficulties accessing treatment. Doctors are worried about the impact on the health system. As numbers of infections continue to rise, Medical experts believe the new strain of the virus is more infectious and is having a greater impact on the lungs. There are severe shortages of hospital beds, medicine and oxygen. Despite government efforts, including an oxygen express train which transported supplies of the gas to Delhi, which is at the epicenter of the crisis Rebecca bands in Mumbai, A single covid 19 vaccine dose can reduce transmission of the virus in households by up to half. According to new UK data. Prime Minister Boris johnson says it's news that will be crucial in beating the pandemic. People who received one dose of either the Astrazeneca or Pfizer vaccine and later became infected were between 38 and 49 less likely to pass the virus on than people who haven't been vaccinated. Public health expert. Professor john Ashton says the new data should lead to a shift in the vaccination. Roll out the people who are most likely to spread the virus now, those who are in daily regular contact with the general public, you know, taxi drivers, bus drivers, her dresses, workers on the checkout in the supermarket. I'd like to see those being vaccinated now because we need to stop the virus circulating during the summer. You know, we don't know what's going to happen about new variants. What we really don't want is for the virus to be going around again during the summer, like it did last year and then pick up when we come into autumn, the european parliament's overwhelmingly ratified the Brexit trade deal between the UK and EU 660 mbps voted in favor and just five against the Hong kong. Government says, for the second year running, it won't allow a mass vigil to commemorate the crackdown on the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests in Beijing. The government says this is due to covid 19 risks. Democracy campaigners say the virus is being used as an excuse. Richard Kimber reports from Hong kong, the government's leisure and cultural services department says it stopped processing all bookings for what it calls non designated uses of public park spaces that it manages due to the latest coronavirus situation. Last year, thousands of Hong kong has defied the police's first ever ban on the vigil, which had also been made due to coronavirus concerns from bureaus worldwide. This is FsN this show is almost as enjoyable as hearing the sound of the toilet flush rated r safety show on safety FM. Distinct issues. Scientist. Dear john, I'm leaving uncontrolled. High blood pressure is serious and I can quit whenever I want. Why can't we get back to when you checked on me? I don't want to leave. But remember when I quit you quit sincerely. Your heart listen to your heart and don't let it quit on you. High blood pressure can lead to a stroke. Heart attack or death. Get your stew a healthy range today for help. Keeping yours at a healthy range. Text pressure 297779 A message from the american Heart Association. The american stroke Association and the Ad Council WWF superstar Alberto del rio. Take one. Behold the angry giant. Try it again. Alberto Behold the angry giant. Perfect. Good luck tonight, Behold the angry giant. Read me another one. Dad, this is W. W. Superstar Alberto del Rio. It only takes a moment to make a moment. Take time to be a dad Today, visit fatherhood dot gov. Brought to you by the US Department of Health and Human Services in the Ad Council. It may be hard to believe, but people just like you are already saving money, feed the pig dot org makes it easy there. Simple savings plan teaches you how to start saving without going overboard so you don't need to sell all your belongings and live in a commune. These dungarees belong to all of us now tom you don't need to get a second job as a stuntman. We need you just need feed the pig dot org. Don't get left behind. Get tips and tools that feed the pig dot org brought to you by the american Institute of CPAs in the Ad Council. Welcome to Calvin's barbershop. You all got to see this. I don't even want to know what you're looking at on that phone. Well, you should, I was learning about the dangers of high blood pressure and that We need to get our check regularly. High blood pressure can increase the risk of heart attack or stroke. But this text program can help keep it at a healthy range. Just text barbershop 297779 to sign up. I'll get right on it as soon as I'm done with this baby panda. Video text barbershop 297779 A message from the american Heart Association and the ad council. We are now video streaming the rated R. Safety show. I don't know why our host has a face for radio rated R. Safety show. So there you go. A lot of stuff going on inside of the world of the news as we are 10 minutes past the top of the hours we're getting you started on this Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday. So hopefully here everything is fantastic as we are moving forward. Um, Anyways, let's continue talking about some things that we're seeing according to the hit list, We'll start taking the dive down that path and start talking about some of those things that are there. So, I don't know if you heard about this, but there is news that are circulating right now. So let's talk about this. We're just a brief moment about the last month, more than 5000 unvaccinated people crammed into an indoor concert venue in Barcelona. All were rapid tested for COVID before entering and were required to wear a mask, But that's it. No social distancing or seating assignments. One month later, organizers say that there was no sign that it spurred a mass outbreak of the 5000 attendees. Six did test positive a month later, but organizers say that the illness wasn't contracted at the event. No other, no other information was given about that. So let's just make sure that we're clear here, as I do state this now. As you are aware yesterday, there was some rumblings and some uh, some information that was circulating uh, as President Joe biden said because of the extraordinary progress that we have made in the fight against Covid 19, the C. D. C. Made a big announcement today meeting yesterday. If you are fully vaccinated and if you are outdoors and not in a large crowd, you no longer need to wear a mask. So what do you think about this? What do you think about this now? About this? Actually circulating? People saying this that you're able to, if you're outside where you let's start off with the other portion before I kind of go too far here. Were you wearing a mask when you were outside? If there was nobody else around? I'm just asking the question because I want to have a better understanding here because I don't know. Of course it all depends, I guess severely on where you're based out of um, in this glorious state where I'm currently located, not the one that I'll be visiting soon, but the one that I'm currently at. Um, a lot of people don't wear mask if you were out in public, if there was not a lot of people around and I'm not talking about the grocery store, I'm talking about people in general. So if you're out and about and there were people that were distanced from you, you didn't see people wearing masks or they would put them back, they would put them on as you got closer. So what do you think about this is just have a big change to what you have going on or not? That would be kind of an important question. Or does it really not changing how you were doing things? I will tell you, I normally go walking quite often. Not as often as I did over the weekend, but uh yeah, I really don't see a lot of people with mask on and I'm not, I'm not over here passing judgment because I will tell you if I do go for a long walk and there's nobody around, I will carry my mask with me. But as I get closer to people, I'll put the sucker on, that's for sure. So I don't know. I don't know if that's having any impact or change in your world, mortal kombat beat down. Okay, so Pfizer Ceo says that a simple pill that treats covid symptoms early could be ready for, ready for the market by the end of the year. The oral antiviral drug is in early stages of trials with promising results, he says as um, while the head of Hachiko is optimistic, the official line from the company from the company says that it's, they're going to wait to see the results of the data before they put the concrete dates onto the calendar. Uh, yes. Actually, to answer your question, Richard Nichols and get a little loss at the weekend, sir. Yes, I did. I sure did. Um, didn't really go into it on this show, but I ended up going camping over the weekend, went out on a solo project. Um, and I decided to follow some walking trails that you were supposed to be able to see some grand things what it was all said and done. I didn't see any of the stuff that the walking trail said that they had and I think I ended up walking like 7.3 miles before I actually found my way back to my campsite. So yeah, it was pretty exciting. Um but what I always say it's life is what you make of it. So it's kind of, it was exciting to be lost in the wilderness. I think over the seven miles, if I remember my count correctly, I had seen seven people and two of them had mask on from a distance, just throwing that out there as well. Anyways, let's continue talking. The crew, one astronauts onboard, the space station won't be headed back to Earth today. Weather forecast made splashdown complicated. So Nasa is pushing back the re entry till saturday May the first. Um Did you hear about this? Did you hear about this? I mean of course the weather always plays a big factoid on what's going to happen. But of course I mean I guess if you're already up there for quite a few quite a few period quite long period of time let me learn how to speak. Uh It gets you pretty uh pretty riled up as you're taking a look at this or you go um Well I guess I'm not coming back anytime soon but I guess you know you prepare for things like this because you always have to be prepared because I guess when you're doing space travel things can change in a moments notice one would imagine. Uh So now that I see mr Nichols if I don't do it now I will definitely tend to forget because I have that terrible habit of forgetting a lot of things if it doesn't happen in the spur of the moment of us when we're talking about it. So, um, I guess I should probably post this and then play that and we'll get it moving. Have you ever sat back and ask yourself that question, Who is in your corner? Well, that's what we're all about. On May the 18th at safety Day 2021 presented by the A. C. F. S come to the event on May the 18th at the Rosen Plaza Hotel in Orlando florida. There will be world renowned speaker speaking about this. All important subject of who is in your corner when it comes to dealing with safety. If you want to learn on how to reduce risk houses aboard safety and be a health champion, this is the event for you. Don't miss out on this event available by the A. C. F. S. Now, the question that always comes up, it's what are these events worth? What is the cost? What is it going to cost me? Well, it's not gonna be as much as some of the other events, you will get this great value for $30. Yes, you heard me correctly. $30 that's lunch, That's parking. And that's even C. E. U's. For $30. For more information, go to a cfs dot org, that's a cfs dot org. And enjoy safety day 2021 an in person event. So there you go. A. C. F. S. 2021. Safety Day 2021 may the 18th in Orlando florida. Like I said an in person event. If you're inclined to come hang out and do all that kind of fun stuff, we will be broadcasting off and on live from the event. So don't worry about that. So if you want to come out and hang out and don't worry, this show is not going away on that day, so just f y i there uh not sure if people are gonna love that, but that's just kind of how it happened. So you're more than welcome to come by swing by. Uh we will have some of the hosts from some of our shows here um at the event speaking, Sam Goodman from the um Sam Goodman from the Hop nerd will actually be there, giving his his rock and roll style spill of what he has going on inside of the world of safety, and then Emily L ride from unapologetically bold will actually be there as well. Of course, they have several other speakers that will be available, speaking about all the things that are going on, so make sure to come out and hang out and take a listen to what the hell is going on on that day. So we're going to get into it and we're gonna start talking about everything else that is going on. So let's start talking about the world of stocks because it's about that time. So let me bring in my friend john Smalls and let him tell you exactly what's going on. Here's your market beat minute for Wednesday. April 28th 2021 Tuesday was another quiet day of trading for the major markets. But that all came to an end after the close of the session, reports from Microsoft and google parent alphabet. Both beat the consensus estimates and sent their respective markets moving off in different directions, shares of alphabet gained more than 5% in the wake of the report. While Microsoft fell nearly the same amount. Market action, Wednesday is going to be hot with traders shedding underperforming names in favor of those with proven results. Earnings driven action will heat up again after the close with reports from Apple and yum brands to name a few. The FomC is not expected to change its policy stance, but a shift in sentiment towards inflation could send the market reeling based on reports from Alcoa packaging Corporation of America and the rising price of oil. It looks like inflation is here and fairly strong too. You can get the inside track in your inbox at market beat minute dot com. Okay, so there you go. So stocks finished pretty flat on Tuesday, the dow closed about um just up three points. Meanwhile, the NASDAQ stocks were down a bit and then slipping at .5%. So there you go. By the way, I see Sheldon Prima's inside of the box, so we still need to figure out why in the hell you're not making it to safety day 2021 especially being down the road, you have enough time to reschedule, whatever other stuff you got going on. And uh let's be realistic Mr Nichols, you will make it onto the station. Um all you have to do is show up, You kind of already know that. Okay, so let's continue talking. Expert ex expect a surge in gas prices this summer alongside a severe shortage of supply. Yes, that's correct. There's plenty of fuel, but it's a matter of getting it where it needs to go. The problem stems from the severe lack of of drivers qualified to operate tanker trucks. In 2019, for example, about 10 Of available trucks were sitting unused due to the shortage of the drivers. Now that sat for about 25 qualified drivers left the droves after the severe dip in the demand that cause that was caused last year due to the lockdown demand for gas is already at 97% of what levels were at 2017 Teaching C. Oh hold on. What do you got here? I'm booked already, whatever so much bs there. Mr premise, I only told you that about a year ago just giving you a hard time anyway. So here is the thing, so let's talk about qualified drivers and getting things out there. So I love the transportation industry, you know that I talk about it all the time, but the driver shortage thing is real. This has been an ongoing problem in the driving industry for a long period of time. Um the driver shortage of qualified drivers becomes a huge issue across the board. Um This is why you see signing bonuses when it comes to driver to our drivers who are qualified and then if you have a specialty, it's even a bigger bonus. So the thing that you have to look for if you're inside of that world of transportation is some of the protocols and some of the background checks when it comes to it. And I'm talking mostly related to things along the lines of how long they've been driving. What are their qualifications? Do they know what they're doing? Because that becomes another issue. But I think you probably already knew where I was going with that. You are listening to something you're listening to the rated R safety show Charlene I know has been named as the county's hottest housing market by the Wall Street Journal. The city, the city sits on the Idaho Washington border and it's a great outdoorsy types of with trails and hiking and water sports. Medium home sale prices up by 47% as of March, local retailers say that it's next to impossible to get a house there with the listings going um North of 30 offers. You know of what the house is going for. So meanwhile, once the house goes on to the market, 30 offers, I'm thinking people are paying full price there. And then some anyways, the C. D. C. Made it official on Tuesday. The fully vaccinated people don't have to wear a mask outside. We just talked about that. Even if you're mingling with the combination of vaccinated and non vaccinated people. Thank you. Uh Thank you. Thank you. Oh my God. Should I even say this? No, I'm not gonna say that. That's stupid. Uh So there you go. So what do you think? I mean I think that this is going to be a big subject of conversation going on yesterday. We spoke about it for a brief period of time where some people were talking about that there's already people on job sites that are saying, hey, there's no need to wear a mask because of some of the information that dr Phil had said over the weekend. So definitely some things to think about. As we are talking here anyways, new york police department has detained a suspect in last week's assault of a 61 year old asian man, cops arrested 49 year old Gerard Powell Tuesday morning and recommended two counts a felony assault according to CNN. So you are starting to see a lot of this, a lot of information going around about what is going on um with a lot of these things. So it's interesting that we keep on seeing assaults against asian people, asian americans and so on. So what do you think is the cause of this? Of course there's been mixed reviews depending on what media you definitely take a listen to. So what are you thinking here? What are you thinking is coming about and so on? And do you set protocols inside of your workspace that are slightly different now because of this, there are some mingling and some warnings has been being used for this. But I would like to know your opinion on it because that's something that we always have to talk about. And also does this get added no joke here to your hazard matrix. Something to think about that's for sure. Listen at your own risk rated r safety show. So Tesla boasted its most powerful, most powerful, Yeah, most powerful boasted its most powerful and profitable quarter ever from january to March and it has nothing to do with selling electric cars. Instead the profit came from Bitcoin That it netted $100 million. Additionally, it sells of regulatory credit and the company another, you know, $518 million. It's value is over $700 billion, making it five times more valuable than Ford and General Motors combined. Meanwhile, Jeff bastos isn't thrilled that Nasa awarded Elon Musk's SpaceX its lunar lander contract and not its own Blue Origin space exploration outfit. In a statement about the decision, Blue Origin uh, laments the Nasa decision eliminates the opportunity for competition and significantly narrows the supply base. Uh, just like amazon does the small businesses right? I'm just saying, I'm just saying. Uh, so of course Elon musk had a cheeky reply on twitter to the news of the statement of Blue Origin. Can't, can't get it up to orbit L. O. L. There you go. His wording not mine don't hold me for it safety in a way. Never heard of before the rated R. Safety show on safety. FM. Okay. So you know it's almost that time. So let's go ahead and do this. Here is our main story on the radio safety show. So let's talk a little bit today. Let's talk a little bit today about that whole conversation when you start thinking about it and you start realizing that you get to certain portions in your career where it just seems that you can't speak, where it just seems that you've gotten to the point where conversations that should exist don't exist. And let's get to it for a moment because at some point or another you've probably felt this way at some point or another. We've had a conversation or you've had attempted to have a conversation with leadership management and so on and nothing has happened, nothing has changed. And you're kind of told to sit on the bench, you're kind of told at the same time not to do a thing. Have you had that experience yet or have you been able to sit back for a period of time and take a look at what's going around? But it's kind of like look but don't talk talk, but don't here here, but don't taste taste but don't enjoy kind of getting the point there. Sometimes. It's unfortunate in our careers that we have to start talking about these things because they do happen. It is unfortunate that from time to time these things happen because of people not wanting to hear what is going on from a safety standpoint. And we start talking about this more and more as we do move forward. And here's the fun part depending on where you're kind of located through your career trajectory because that's what it's going to boil down to when you look at this and you start going through it. What happens? How does it make you feel? How does it make you feel that every time you have a conversation with the upper management, that you have a conversation with the people that are in charge with the team leads, they don't want to converse with what you have going on. There isn't money associated to what you want to have done. There isn't money associated to these things of why these things on why you're wanting to change all of this stuff that's going on all of these conversations come about, but things can't happen because of X. Or it's not budget or it's not X. It's not why it's not. See now look, don't get me wrong, businesses run for the whole point of making money. I understand that there's also there's also the whole thing where people refer to safety as a cost center. Yeah, I did say that real quick. A cost center realizing right there that by name alone, the cost center means that you are a cost to the company not refer to as a profit center, but a cost center. Yeah, I think about this for a moment. This is where it gets pretty interesting. So you get to the point where you start realizing that maybe inside of your organization that you're currently at, you don't have the availability or the capability of being able to speak. You have good ideas, but you're not allowed to talk about them. You have great ideas, but you're not allowed to talk about them. And they ask you hold off, hold off to next quarter, hold off till next physical year on the books and we'll use that idea. Now I will tell you that when it comes to trends and regulations and things like that, I would love to tell you that we can go year to year and wait along to see what's going to happen. Unfortunately, that's not the case. The weird part about it is I have realized that a lot of the people that are out there that we get to speak with, that we get to interact with the you and I talked to you on a daily basis have the general feeling that they can't speak and listen. I understand that there are times in life that you have to look like you are United Union in public, but behind closed doors you should be able to speak your mind. That is normally most cultures inside of work organizations. Yes, I know. It kind of sucks, but I'm just telling you here's the interesting part when you start doing things inside of the organization that are helping them to save money because this accident didn't occur. This issue didn't occur. This safety measure was put into place unless it's a reduction from the previous year cost. It's really not tracked. We've seen a reduction in this. Here's the interesting part. If you saved a million dollars on a potential accident that never occurred, you have no way to track that. You have no way to put value on it. But you are looked at as a cost center because of what you want to implement, what things you want to put into place your salary, your health care package, whatever benefits you're receiving. But you've become a cost center because normally safety is considered a different department. I hope. I'm not saying anything that's not true here, but that's how it is in more organizations. So as we talk here and we realize on how a lot of times safety professionals are not allowed to speak, giving us the can't speak aspect of this today. What happens if you want to change it? We've had the conversation that you can get up and leave. That's one option. But what happens to the people that you left behind? You have the option of staying there and going through and working your way to see what you can happen to occur next. That's an option. But also at the same time, how do you make a movement to start occurring inside of your organization? Listen, as we talk about this more and more because it isn't a conversation that we're never going to solve in one brief show in one brief episode, just not the way that it works. If you could look at this and have the work point, that would make the most logical sense inside of an organization is if you had a dotted line, if you were the head person of safety, if you still have one of those actually reported directly to the Ceo and not to operations and if they're not reporting to the Ceo, the finance Department is actually the next best place. The reason that I say that is because normally the people in the Finance department are black and white. They want to talk about what makes sense to them. Really dollars and sense makes sense to what they're doing. So, having a conversation normally with them relatively easy to do. But here's the thing, if you don't have the availability to speak, are you willing to go out there and find people that will be the cheerleaders for safety? That will be the safety evangelist inside of your organization. That will go around and talk about these things seriously, because sometimes you might be limited on what you can do because you've been capt, You've been tapped. You are no, you're not allowed to speak. And this happens. But would you let somebody else do the speaking for you? Would you find someone that you're willing to have the combo with that would be willing to share some of the information that you want to spread? Keep in mind that you're going to have to be open minded enough that they have to spread the messaging and you're just kind of kind of be there in the background. This is why I'm a huge fan of organizations that don't have Safety Department. And let me explain. I love the safety people don't get that. Don't take that the wrong way. The reason that I say this though is because that changes partially the culture. You can still have, um, something else. You can title it something different, but you want it to be blended into the culture. If it's blended into the culture of the organization, it does make life a little bit easier. It does make life slightly better because now it's not just being looked at as a safety thing, it's being looked at as an operational issue. It's looking at as a culture issue inside of the organization. If you build the culture with safety already inside of it, opposed to actually trying to build it as a stand alone. It makes life much different, lots of stuff to think about today because what I would hate for you to not to be able to do would be not to be able to speak because if you can't have a voice, what are you going to be able to do? It's an interesting thing to think about. But like I've said before, just a guy behind a microphone, what the hell do I know? What did she just say? We have safety. Don't always agree with the viewpoints of our hosts and guests. Now, back to real safety talk on safety. FM. Don't go anywhere. You're listening to the home of real safety talk. You are listening to safety. FM. We'll be right back. I spend a lot of time in the backyard and I'm the center of attention at summer barbecues. In 96 I made some of the tastiest smores and at oh nine it was me, your backyard fire pit that accidentally started a wildfire when a summer breeze carried one of my embers into some dry brush spark a change. Not a wildfire visit. Smokey bear dot com brought to you by the U. S. Forest Service. Your state forester in the AD council only. You can prevent wildfires, hope you enjoy your meal. And I just want to say he's lucky to have a blood that like you lucky, caring for my brother is far from easy, but he's a part of me like my arms and legs so I'll be his no time for tired. Nothing can disable this love. He needs me. But I'm the lucky one even though I need help now and then if you're caring for a loved one visit AARP dot org slash caregiving for care guides and community support for your strength brought to you by AARP and the AD council. What if I told you that a tornado was going to happen tomorrow, right where you live? Yeah. That it would touch down at exactly 3:17 PM and I told you the exact path it would take. You would of course prepare. You would talk with your loved ones and you make a plan today. It's true. I can't tell you a tornado strike tomorrow, but shouldn't you have a plan anyway? Go to ready dot gov slash communicate and make your emergency plan today. Don't wait communicate brought to you by fema and the AD council. This is Mario andretti, you know me as a race car driver, but I'm also a meals on wheels. Volunteer I've raised against the sport's biggest personalities but I've never met more vibrant, amazing people than a senior served by meals on wheels. You can make a difference by dropping off a hot meal and saying a quick hello, So America, let's do lunch. Volunteer your lunch break at America Let's do lunch dot org. This message brought to you by meals on wheels. America and the ad council the motivation minute is courtesy of better credit cards dot com. John R wooden said, don't let what you cannot do, interfere with what you can do. I love that. Sometimes it's easy to get caught up in the details of the little things that we can't do. I love this quote because I agree with it 100%. Don't focus on the things you can't do. Instead focus on the things you can do. If you're looking for a solution, you can cross off the things that you can't change. So then you can focus on the things you can change to get the desired results. Sometimes it's tempting to dwell on the little negative things, but instead just focus on the positive things and make them big. This has been today's motivation minute, courtesy of better credit cards dot com. I'm john small. Thanks for listening. Your favorite motivational quotes can be submitted for upcoming programs at motivation minute dot org. Okay. This is space age girl machine by the conditional. The song is readily available on Spotify and itunes appreciate conditional allowing us to use this one today. So there you go. There you go. There you go. Uh, so anyway, is 40 minutes past the top of the hours were hanging out here. You and I together doing the things that we do this lovely. Well I'm in the morning. I don't know where the hell you're located. It could be afternoon, depending depending on what segment you're taking a listen to us at. That's kind of the way that it goes. So anyways today, today, today, today, before I forget. Um I do have an event toyed going on. I'm trying to figure out what it is. Uh The Excel yeah, ex C E L. So Excel, OSHA Safety Event that's going on today. You can actually go to linked in. Um and find that out. We actually have posted it on safety F. M. Uh let's see on the linkedin page. On safety FM. You can go sign up. I will be doing a speech today. It's an all day. It's actually a three day or but I will be speaking today at 11 a.m. Eastern Standard Time. Uh Talking about Revolutionary acts. Yes, we'll talk about those. Yes. It comes from that popular book of Dr Todd Conklin. So don't worry about that. I love that book. I think it's one of the uh what's he the most, one of the most underrated books that's available out there. He has tons of great word. But I think that one's extremely underrated. It's a little short read. I love that book. I think it has such good information on addressing safety, a safety cultures and organizational change. You haven't picked it up. I recommended strongly on taking a taking a view of it. That is for sure. Anyway, let's get back into some of the news on what is going on. Let's talk about some home cures. This is not a joke as I am talking about it. What if instead of a vaccine, you could take a pill to cure yourself of Covid 19. We're going to talk a little bit more of what we're talking about a little bit earlier. So don't worry about that. Um, and if you can take it at home, that's exactly what fighter is working on in two separate trials. I want to give you more detail. One in the U. S. And one in Belgium Volunteers are being given the first pill specifically designed to stop SARS COv two uh, in the initial trials have been extremely successful. If it is possible that home cure for covid will become available later this year. The antiviral medication would attack the virus and stop replicating in our noses, yeah, throat and lungs. This is not a joke. As I am reading this fighter isn't giving many details yet, but we do but we do know that the trials involved first testing to see how well it's tolerated. The medication is for his for to be used in humans. And then it will be need to establish whether or not a drug works for those exposed to SARS Covid too great here um to come to come to the comments of the anti filibuster. Yeah, just in case they're uh they're also a better hurry while they can still find people who aren't having been vaccinated. That might be another thing real quick. They couldn't they couldn't try this on animals first. I mean there are animals that are literally called guinea pigs. Just something to think about. And the other thing that's been circulating is they've been asking that when they do release this pill to market, um not to actually release the pollute the pill to be blue with the word fighter on it. What did he just say? We have? Safety. Don't always agree with the viewpoints of our hosts and guests. Now, back to real safety talk on safety. FM. Oh, there you go. There you go. Something's for sure talking about it anyways, life is not a box of chocolates says it turns out oh you're sweet tooth. Could uh could be worse for you than just a mouthful of cavities. A new study says that eating sweet treats like donuts, chocolate and sugary drinks increase your risk of cardiovascular disease and can increase your risk of death during middle age. Oxford University researchers found that two diets that are associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and death. Middle age. Well, I think I said that's when I got to say it. Twice. The first consisted of a high intake of chocolate, uh butter and white bread in a low intake of fresh fruits and vegetables. The second was centered around sugary, sweet and high, higher fat cheese. Um bob bob bob bob, bob bob bob bob. What else beverages? Fruit juice, chocolates, uhm table sugar and preserves. Um So there you go. The scientists say that they are fighting out that it consisted the consists of the previous research, which has been suggested that eating foods that contain less sugar and fewer calories may be associated with lower risk of cardiovascular disease and death before retirement age, especially if you eat them before dinner. Right Mom. Just saying, just saying, didn't you get that shit when you were getting? Um, and also, but wait, I went away to go death by chocolate. Yeah. Hasn't that been called something before. And then it's like they're reading my own grocery list as we talk about this. But this is a lot of weird stuff to think about. I mean, here in the US, we talk about the standard american diet. I mean if you kind of look at the abbreviation for, it is a sad diet. So I don't know if that's something that you should be actually taking a look to in the first place. Anything known as a sad diet is something you should probably run from safety show sarcastic. Never. Okay. Some of your beeswax. Yeah. Just take a listen real quick. A beekeeper is begging homeowners not to mow the dandy lions in their lawn. Yeah. Not a joke here. For the sake of the bees, Roger crawled from Halifax. Honeybees. Society backs up the comments of many of the social media of many on social media who pointed out the dandy lions are important source of food for bees emerging after a long winter in hibernation. According to him, dandy lions may not be the first choice for bees, but there are so many dandy lions right now that I see my bees coming in and landing on a planet with yellow pollen. I don't even know how the hell this news story got in here. Dandy lions are the most important to me. He's in the spring because they are very hungry and may have already gone through their stores of honey according to be key. A beekeeper Terrel appointee. So if your lawn is crawling with dandelion, it's okay to keep them while for, for a while, the bees will thank you. The reason why we're talking about this is because local honey is so important. If you actually take that for your benefit to your health, that's what I'm being told right now. Uh, so that's the reason why it got in here. Thanks, appreciate it. Uh, so there you go. Uh, these days, experts are telling us not to rake our leaves in the fall and not to bow our grass in the spring. What a wonderful time to be alive. It's a good thing. My wife likes flowers. I guess. I guess we can leave those there. And it turns out that I live in a neighborhood for a full environmentalists are okay with this decision. I guess as we are talking about, Okay, it is 47 minutes past the top of the hour. As you and I are hanging on and I am losing my voice. I must take a drink safety in a way. Never heard of before. The rated R. Safety show on safety. FM. Okay so let's start talking about some other stuff going on inside of the world. Uh let's tread lightly here because we are getting into the swamp here. President biden is expected to request $80 billion in additional funding for the I. R. S. To hire people to audit americans. The plans say that beefing up tax environment efforts will lead to an additional 700 billion in collection over the next decade and would be earmarked specifically for child care, child tax credits, government, childcare programs and local college funding. Additionally, it will crack down specifically on monitoring, investigating and auditing small business income. So there you go. Some things to talk about right there. West Virginia democrat joe Manchin is holding the line on continued government spending. He's holding out for the negotiation to scale back the 2.2 point five trillion infrastructure package President joe biden proposed stuffed full of social program goodies. Senate republicans have put forward about 568 billion package of their own getting the ball rolling on compromise spending bill between 600 billion and one trillion progressive democrats want to done sooner rather than later. Uh, Senator Durbin says that time is not on their side. We have so many things to do immigration policies. All these things are critical elements and we don't have a lot of time on the calendar. Uh, so there you go. I guess this is really some consideration to start talking about. He's likely worried about the midterm elections, which are even, uh, you know, the smaller version of politics as we do talk about it here in the US as we'll see how things start moving and grooving inside of there. Anyway, let's talk about the lottery. No winner for saturday night's powerball drawing. Tonight's drawing will be $416 million jackpot or an $80.6 billion cash payout. So there you go. If you play the game well, I guess you have a chance to win. If you don't play well, It's kind of, um, kind of, uh, kind of kind of difficult not to do. So there you go. Some stuff going on there as we are talking right away right away. Uh What else do we got going on? Let's talk about things that occurred. Should we talk about things that occurred dan? Let's not do that yet. Let's not do that yet. Let's talk about some wack fax. It is Wednesday. So I guess we should talk about whack fax. The average adult have 2 to £9 of bacteria in their body. Isn't that lovely? Uh There are about 550 hairs on the average eyebrow. Well you should shave them and try to start counting them if you want to. Uh meeting an ice. Hold on, melting an ice cube in your mouth. Burns about 2.3 calories. The pilgrims refused to eat lobster because they thought they were huge insects. Scientists have been have that. Uh What is it? Scientists believe that octopuses are smart, as smart as dogs. I did not know that. Did not know that. Good morning puzzle. Good morning. The word noon originally meant three p.m. What? I didn't know that. Did you know that? I'm totally at a loss we at safety FM are not responsible for what this idiot behind the microphone is saying is trying to be entertaining rated r safety show. So are you going to any safety events this year? Do you have anything planned? And is there anything that's not virtual that you're interested in going to this time? I'm just kind of curious. I don't know. I know that there are some safety events that are coming up uh, that are finally coming out and hanging out in person. Are you planning on going to any of them? If so, which ones are you excited about? You don't have the list which ones you're not excited about. But what are you deciding to do? Move forward and all that kind of fun stuff. And I love seeing all the people that are actually talking about them speaking at safety events, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, Fantastic. Good for them. I love it. I also want everybody to feel included that is not speaking at any safety event. So we have come up with this little thing uh If you're not seeing us on the screen, let me tell you what it says. I am not speaking At any safety conference or expo between September the 13th to the 15th. So, if you want to have something to post on your social media platforms, you got it right there. I am not speaking at any safety conference or expo between September the 13th through the 15th, you are more than welcome. More than welcome to actually download it by using the QR code that's on the screen. Or you can go to safety FM dot com forward slash I am not just put it all as one giant word, I am not. So it'll be kind of fun times there. Anyway, some good times hanging out, 52 minutes past the top of the hour as you and I are together on this thing right now. Anyways, let's talk about some things that occurred back on this date and that's not a joke. Uh, let's see. Let's take a look at what we have to configure here. Um, yeah, should I talk about you? I'll talk about two of them 1986 2 days after the Chernobyl meltdown, the soviet government publicly admits to the catastrophe. Yeah. A nuclear power plant in the in Sweden was detecting spiking levels of radiation some 1000 miles away, drawing attention uh, to the incident, even with their feet held to the fire, the soviet regime downplayed the scope of the disaster and leverage into propaganda about american nuclear accident like Three Mile Island. Yeah, that's not a joke. I don't know if you haven't seen it or if you have seen it, but if you have the opportunity, HBO not going to give you a code here, But HBO has something about Chernobyl, which is definitely worth watching. It's a, it's kind of a reenactment and some of the stuff that took, um, that took place during that time there, but something definitely to take a look at. I didn't realize those lights were not on the whole time. So there's definitely some things to take a look at if you're inclined to do so, so there you go. Uh, so what else, what else do we got? What else do we got? Um, Yeah, and then also on 20 and 2019 Disney marvel films. A venture. Endgames makes an estimated $1.2 billion worldwide. Making it the first film to make more than a billion dollars in the opening. Wicked Domestically. It raked in about $350 million. So there you go. I have some things to think about um, just in case if you were intrigued or um, I wanted to do about it. Anyways, let's talk about some birthdays that are going on today. If you want to know. Uh, let's see Juan Mata soccer player turns 33 today. Harry Shrum turns 39. He's from Glebe, Jessica alba. Yeah, her, You know from Dark Angel and Honey, she turns 40 today. Drew, Jonathan Drew and Jonathan Scott turned 43, you know from HD TV fame, Penelope Cruz turns 47 And Jay Leno turn 71 today. So there's some birthdays for you just in case if you want to know. Um, but hey, that's some stuff. And if you want to know some other things, if you need some good defense, well, I got something for you. I'm a trial lawyer. I'm not part of your family and I don't do skits with my mom. I'm a real lawyer. A damn good lawyer. The best lawyer this state has to offer and I've built a reputation for standing up for the people of this country righting the wrongs. You may not agree with all of my views, but when it comes to try in cases, there's only one view, Justice and justice is what I get feiger law. That's why we're unstoppable. We at safety FM are not responsible for what this idiot behind the microphone is saying is trying to be entertaining rated R safety show. Okay, so let me tell you real quick. The most important thing that I will tell you no matter what show you listen to, no matter what will ever talk about. This is always the most important. So, I'm gonna tell you right now. Let me tell you about my friends at the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. They want you to know and I want you to know you're not alone. Whether you have struggled with suicide yourself or have lost a loved one, know that you're not alone here about personal experiences from people in your local communities whose lives have been impacted by suicide and depression. If you need someone to talk to, you can go to their website a f s p dot org. That's a f sp dot org. Or you can give them a call at 1 802 738255 That's 1 802 738255 Or you can test the word Text, the word talk to 741741 understand that we can't do what we do without you. So if you're going through any thoughts of depression or contemplating suicide, make sure that you contact them before you do anything. Seriously? Don't do anything until you do that first. Anyway, let's continue talking real quick about some other things going on today. If you need a phone starter, uh Try this one. What do you absolutely hate to share? Why did ice cream come to mind? I don't know. Uh if you need a random joke for today? Try this one. Can you imagine how awkward it would be if your pet went to your phone and found the hundreds of pictures you have of them sleeping? Yeah, that could be an awkward moment if you need something for the water cooler today. Try this one Question. According to a survey, this happens to the average person at precisely 9.40am. What is it? Do you know? Do you know, do you know, do you know They fell fully awake at 9:40 AM? I don't know why that occurs. That's 9:40 a.m. Just in case. Oh 9 40. Oh 9 40 just for you. Anyway, So there you go. That's what we have going on today. So like I was saying, if you want to come and hang out at 11 a.m. XL XL event, you can go to safety FM. Uh, you can go to safety FM on linkedin. So go to linkedin type and safety FM. The events sign up is right there. If you want to come out, hang out with us at 11 a.m. Eastern Standard time, I will be doing a smell presentation about simple revolutionary tax baby. Um, so you come hang out and they got all kinds of other speakers going on at the same time or throughout the next three days. So you're more than welcome to come out, get this free ticket and come and hang out with them. Um, and do the things that they are going to be doing because that's gonna be for sure. Anyway, so there you go. That's what we have going on. That's at 11 a.m. If you want you as well. Right after this show, we jump onto radio big dot FM. Hang out for the next couple hours talking about some news, uh, talking about music, We play a lot of music during that time. Just in case. Uh, so we'll start getting back into that. Talking about some other things going on as well. All you have to do is go to radio big dot F. M or download the app from live 3 65. Once you get in there, this type in radio big dot FM. Anyways, there you go. Thank you for always being the best part of safety FM. And that is the listener safety FM is the home of real safety talk. Just in case if you did not know that. We're also screaming on radio big dot FM, which I will be going out to hang out with. Uh, so if you need a thought for today, if I can leave you with this, let's do this. It is better to look back on life and say, I can't believe I did that than to look back and say, I wish I did that boy. I really hope that when the day comes I'm able to say that anyways. Thank you for taking a listen to what the hell we have going on here today. I know who you are, you know who I am, love. You mean it and goodbye. The views and opinions expressed on this podcast are those of the host and its guests and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the company. Examples of analysis discussed within this podcast are only examples. It should not be utilized in the real world as the only solution available as they are based only on very limited in dated open source information, assumptions made within this analysis are not reflective of the position of the company. No part of this podcast may be reproduced stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means mechanical, electronic recording or otherwise. Without prior written permission of the creator of the podcast, jay
[00:00:00] : This show is brought to you by safety. The following program is rated M. A. L. S. V. It contains strong language, sexual situations and violence. It is intended only for mature audiences. Finally show with the ball should call it like it is rated R. Safety show on safety Ff. Come down to audio torture decorated. Our safety show starts in 321 Ah lady your drum pain begin. Forget the corporate bullshit. This is the rated R. Safety show with your host. Dr uh It doesn't matter who the host is. No whammies. No whammies. No whammies. Stop! Look at that. That worked out fine. Anyway, today is Wednesday april 28th 2021 day 118th of the year In only 240 days left to go. Hopefully everything is off to a grand start in your neck of the woods depending on what the hell you got going on. Of course. Uh we are broadcasting live from the safety FM studios in Orlando Florida. Uh yes, we're coming across the multiverse of safety FM. And, and, and, and of course, we're hanging out at that other place. You know that we do some stuff, you know, you know that, that other place. Yeah, that place 34 radio never sounded this rape or has a radio big. So we are hanging with our friends and our partners at radio big dot FM on this lovely Wednesday. So there you go. Uh, so, if you're not familiar with how it goes, it goes something like this. We are a radio show that goes into a streaming service that goes into a podcast or is the podcast then into the streaming service, Something along those lines. So, if you're not sure depending on where you're hanging out, we are on all social media platforms, at least the ones that matter. Um, and then we're also hanging out on our different radio apps because they will probably be the easiest way for you to get us that safety FM dot com. You can go to download the app right there. It's also available in the google play store and the in the Apple store just in case. Um if you're looking around the Apple app store, so we're available right there. Um and then if you're looking at the radio Big side of the house, yeah, that's available to But you have to go to radio Big dot FM. Yes, that is radio big dot FM. Like the same way that we have safety dot FM. We have radio big dot FM. Yes. Dot FM. FM. Is radio stations just F. Y. I. For you right there. But we do hang out on the radio big side of the house on live 3 65 Ap. Yeah, so that way you kind of get a little mixture of everything um if you decide to go into that angle of the biz So anyways that's what's going on. So let's start talking about what is trending according to the new york times best sellers. He said we're going to talk about the fiction and nonfiction category. So according to the fiction category, let's take it from the top. We want to go fiction. Yeah, let's go fiction first. Uh number five where the Craw Dads sing at number four, the four winds At number three. The Devil's hand at # two. The hills will be the quills with the hills we climb. Apparently you have to be. I mean at the number one spot according to the fiction category is ocean pray. So there you go. If you were looking at what were the top spots inside of the world of Book Ege yeah, there we go. In the nonfiction category and goes something like this. The body keeps the score. Hey, now Number four have broken horses. Number three, the code breaker at number two, Empire of pain and at the number one spot according to the nonfiction categories, according to the new york times bestsellers on the house. Yeah, on the house. There you go. So here we go. We're gonna start talking a little bit more about things that are going on. We're gonna bring our friends in from feature story News. Let them know. Um, but let them tell you exactly what's going on. And then of course we'll kind of jump in, start talking about what's going on inside of the world of the news. We'll talk about the good, the bad and the ugly. And then of course we'll talk about some of our main story stuff. So that's what we do around here. So hang on and let's go forward with this one. The news from Feature Story News in London. I'm ali Barrett. India's Daily Covid 19 infections have hit another global daily record high. New infections rose by more than 300,000 in the past 24 hours. While there were more than 3000 deaths. That brings the overall numbers of lives lost to COVID-19 in India. According to official figures To more than 200,000 Rebecca Braden reports from Mumbai countries including Britain, the United States Germany France and Australia are sending in vital medical supplies such as ventilators and oxygen concentrators. But as India continues to grapple with the massive second wave of COVID-19 infections and people continue to die because of difficulties accessing treatment. Doctors are worried about the impact on the health system. As numbers of infections continue to rise, Medical experts believe the new strain of the virus is more infectious and is having a greater impact on the lungs. There are severe shortages of hospital beds, medicine and oxygen. Despite government efforts, including an oxygen express train which transported supplies of the gas to Delhi, which is at the epicenter of the crisis Rebecca bands in Mumbai, A single covid 19 vaccine dose can reduce transmission of the virus in households by up to half. According to new UK data. Prime Minister Boris johnson says it's news that will be crucial in beating the pandemic. People who received one dose of either the Astrazeneca or Pfizer vaccine and later became infected were between 38 and 49 less likely to pass the virus on than people who haven't been vaccinated. Public health expert. Professor john Ashton says the new data should lead to a shift in the vaccination. Roll out the people who are most likely to spread the virus now, those who are in daily regular contact with the general public, you know, taxi drivers, bus drivers, her dresses, workers on the checkout in the supermarket. I'd like to see those being vaccinated now because we need to stop the virus circulating during the summer. You know, we don't know what's going to happen about new variants. What we really don't want is for the virus to be going around again during the summer, like it did last year and then pick up when we come into autumn, the european parliament's overwhelmingly ratified the Brexit trade deal between the UK and EU 660 mbps voted in favor and just five against the Hong kong. Government says, for the second year running, it won't allow a mass vigil to commemorate the crackdown on the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests in Beijing. The government says this is due to covid 19 risks. Democracy campaigners say the virus is being used as an excuse. Richard Kimber reports from Hong kong, the government's leisure and cultural services department says it stopped processing all bookings for what it calls non designated uses of public park spaces that it manages due to the latest coronavirus situation. Last year, thousands of Hong kong has defied the police's first ever ban on the vigil, which had also been made due to coronavirus concerns from bureaus worldwide. This is FsN this show is almost as enjoyable as hearing the sound of the toilet flush rated r safety show on safety FM. Distinct issues. Scientist. Dear john, I'm leaving uncontrolled. High blood pressure is serious and I can quit whenever I want. Why can't we get back to when you checked on me? I don't want to leave. But remember when I quit you quit sincerely. Your heart listen to your heart and don't let it quit on you. High blood pressure can lead to a stroke. Heart attack or death. Get your stew a healthy range today for help. Keeping yours at a healthy range. Text pressure 297779 A message from the american Heart Association. The american stroke Association and the Ad Council WWF superstar Alberto del rio. Take one. Behold the angry giant. Try it again. Alberto Behold the angry giant. Perfect. Good luck tonight, Behold the angry giant. Read me another one. Dad, this is W. W. Superstar Alberto del Rio. It only takes a moment to make a moment. Take time to be a dad Today, visit fatherhood dot gov. Brought to you by the US Department of Health and Human Services in the Ad Council. It may be hard to believe, but people just like you are already saving money, feed the pig dot org makes it easy there. Simple savings plan teaches you how to start saving without going overboard so you don't need to sell all your belongings and live in a commune. These dungarees belong to all of us now tom you don't need to get a second job as a stuntman. We need you just need feed the pig dot org. Don't get left behind. Get tips and tools that feed the pig dot org brought to you by the american Institute of CPAs in the Ad Council. Welcome to Calvin's barbershop. You all got to see this. I don't even want to know what you're looking at on that phone. Well, you should, I was learning about the dangers of high blood pressure and that We need to get our check regularly. High blood pressure can increase the risk of heart attack or stroke. But this text program can help keep it at a healthy range. Just text barbershop 297779 to sign up. I'll get right on it as soon as I'm done with this baby panda. Video text barbershop 297779 A message from the american Heart Association and the ad council. We are now video streaming the rated R. Safety show. I don't know why our host has a face for radio rated R. Safety show. So there you go. A lot of stuff going on inside of the world of the news as we are 10 minutes past the top of the hours we're getting you started on this Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday. So hopefully here everything is fantastic as we are moving forward. Um, Anyways, let's continue talking about some things that we're seeing according to the hit list, We'll start taking the dive down that path and start talking about some of those things that are there. So, I don't know if you heard about this, but there is news that are circulating right now. So let's talk about this. We're just a brief moment about the last month, more than 5000 unvaccinated people crammed into an indoor concert venue in Barcelona. All were rapid tested for COVID before entering and were required to wear a mask, But that's it. No social distancing or seating assignments. One month later, organizers say that there was no sign that it spurred a mass outbreak of the 5000 attendees. Six did test positive a month later, but organizers say that the illness wasn't contracted at the event. No other, no other information was given about that. So let's just make sure that we're clear here, as I do state this now. As you are aware yesterday, there was some rumblings and some uh, some information that was circulating uh, as President Joe biden said because of the extraordinary progress that we have made in the fight against Covid 19, the C. D. C. Made a big announcement today meeting yesterday. If you are fully vaccinated and if you are outdoors and not in a large crowd, you no longer need to wear a mask. So what do you think about this? What do you think about this now? About this? Actually circulating? People saying this that you're able to, if you're outside where you let's start off with the other portion before I kind of go too far here. Were you wearing a mask when you were outside? If there was nobody else around? I'm just asking the question because I want to have a better understanding here because I don't know. Of course it all depends, I guess severely on where you're based out of um, in this glorious state where I'm currently located, not the one that I'll be visiting soon, but the one that I'm currently at. Um, a lot of people don't wear mask if you were out in public, if there was not a lot of people around and I'm not talking about the grocery store, I'm talking about people in general. So if you're out and about and there were people that were distanced from you, you didn't see people wearing masks or they would put them back, they would put them on as you got closer. So what do you think about this is just have a big change to what you have going on or not? That would be kind of an important question. Or does it really not changing how you were doing things? I will tell you, I normally go walking quite often. Not as often as I did over the weekend, but uh yeah, I really don't see a lot of people with mask on and I'm not, I'm not over here passing judgment because I will tell you if I do go for a long walk and there's nobody around, I will carry my mask with me. But as I get closer to people, I'll put the sucker on, that's for sure. So I don't know. I don't know if that's having any impact or change in your world, mortal kombat beat down. Okay, so Pfizer Ceo says that a simple pill that treats covid symptoms early could be ready for, ready for the market by the end of the year. The oral antiviral drug is in early stages of trials with promising results, he says as um, while the head of Hachiko is optimistic, the official line from the company from the company says that it's, they're going to wait to see the results of the data before they put the concrete dates onto the calendar. Uh, yes. Actually, to answer your question, Richard Nichols and get a little loss at the weekend, sir. Yes, I did. I sure did. Um, didn't really go into it on this show, but I ended up going camping over the weekend, went out on a solo project. Um, and I decided to follow some walking trails that you were supposed to be able to see some grand things what it was all said and done. I didn't see any of the stuff that the walking trail said that they had and I think I ended up walking like 7.3 miles before I actually found my way back to my campsite. So yeah, it was pretty exciting. Um but what I always say it's life is what you make of it. So it's kind of, it was exciting to be lost in the wilderness. I think over the seven miles, if I remember my count correctly, I had seen seven people and two of them had mask on from a distance, just throwing that out there as well. Anyways, let's continue talking. The crew, one astronauts onboard, the space station won't be headed back to Earth today. Weather forecast made splashdown complicated. So Nasa is pushing back the re entry till saturday May the first. Um Did you hear about this? Did you hear about this? I mean of course the weather always plays a big factoid on what's going to happen. But of course I mean I guess if you're already up there for quite a few quite a few period quite long period of time let me learn how to speak. Uh It gets you pretty uh pretty riled up as you're taking a look at this or you go um Well I guess I'm not coming back anytime soon but I guess you know you prepare for things like this because you always have to be prepared because I guess when you're doing space travel things can change in a moments notice one would imagine. Uh So now that I see mr Nichols if I don't do it now I will definitely tend to forget because I have that terrible habit of forgetting a lot of things if it doesn't happen in the spur of the moment of us when we're talking about it. So, um, I guess I should probably post this and then play that and we'll get it moving. Have you ever sat back and ask yourself that question, Who is in your corner? Well, that's what we're all about. On May the 18th at safety Day 2021 presented by the A. C. F. S come to the event on May the 18th at the Rosen Plaza Hotel in Orlando florida. There will be world renowned speaker speaking about this. All important subject of who is in your corner when it comes to dealing with safety. If you want to learn on how to reduce risk houses aboard safety and be a health champion, this is the event for you. Don't miss out on this event available by the A. C. F. S. Now, the question that always comes up, it's what are these events worth? What is the cost? What is it going to cost me? Well, it's not gonna be as much as some of the other events, you will get this great value for $30. Yes, you heard me correctly. $30 that's lunch, That's parking. And that's even C. E. U's. For $30. For more information, go to a cfs dot org, that's a cfs dot org. And enjoy safety day 2021 an in person event. So there you go. A. C. F. S. 2021. Safety Day 2021 may the 18th in Orlando florida. Like I said an in person event. If you're inclined to come hang out and do all that kind of fun stuff, we will be broadcasting off and on live from the event. So don't worry about that. So if you want to come out and hang out and don't worry, this show is not going away on that day, so just f y i there uh not sure if people are gonna love that, but that's just kind of how it happened. So you're more than welcome to come by swing by. Uh we will have some of the hosts from some of our shows here um at the event speaking, Sam Goodman from the um Sam Goodman from the Hop nerd will actually be there, giving his his rock and roll style spill of what he has going on inside of the world of safety, and then Emily L ride from unapologetically bold will actually be there as well. Of course, they have several other speakers that will be available, speaking about all the things that are going on, so make sure to come out and hang out and take a listen to what the hell is going on on that day. So we're going to get into it and we're gonna start talking about everything else that is going on. So let's start talking about the world of stocks because it's about that time. So let me bring in my friend john Smalls and let him tell you exactly what's going on. Here's your market beat minute for Wednesday. April 28th 2021 Tuesday was another quiet day of trading for the major markets. But that all came to an end after the close of the session, reports from Microsoft and google parent alphabet. Both beat the consensus estimates and sent their respective markets moving off in different directions, shares of alphabet gained more than 5% in the wake of the report. While Microsoft fell nearly the same amount. Market action, Wednesday is going to be hot with traders shedding underperforming names in favor of those with proven results. Earnings driven action will heat up again after the close with reports from Apple and yum brands to name a few. The FomC is not expected to change its policy stance, but a shift in sentiment towards inflation could send the market reeling based on reports from Alcoa packaging Corporation of America and the rising price of oil. It looks like inflation is here and fairly strong too. You can get the inside track in your inbox at market beat minute dot com. Okay, so there you go. So stocks finished pretty flat on Tuesday, the dow closed about um just up three points. Meanwhile, the NASDAQ stocks were down a bit and then slipping at .5%. So there you go. By the way, I see Sheldon Prima's inside of the box, so we still need to figure out why in the hell you're not making it to safety day 2021 especially being down the road, you have enough time to reschedule, whatever other stuff you got going on. And uh let's be realistic Mr Nichols, you will make it onto the station. Um all you have to do is show up, You kind of already know that. Okay, so let's continue talking. Expert ex expect a surge in gas prices this summer alongside a severe shortage of supply. Yes, that's correct. There's plenty of fuel, but it's a matter of getting it where it needs to go. The problem stems from the severe lack of of drivers qualified to operate tanker trucks. In 2019, for example, about 10 Of available trucks were sitting unused due to the shortage of the drivers. Now that sat for about 25 qualified drivers left the droves after the severe dip in the demand that cause that was caused last year due to the lockdown demand for gas is already at 97% of what levels were at 2017 Teaching C. Oh hold on. What do you got here? I'm booked already, whatever so much bs there. Mr premise, I only told you that about a year ago just giving you a hard time anyway. So here is the thing, so let's talk about qualified drivers and getting things out there. So I love the transportation industry, you know that I talk about it all the time, but the driver shortage thing is real. This has been an ongoing problem in the driving industry for a long period of time. Um the driver shortage of qualified drivers becomes a huge issue across the board. Um This is why you see signing bonuses when it comes to driver to our drivers who are qualified and then if you have a specialty, it's even a bigger bonus. So the thing that you have to look for if you're inside of that world of transportation is some of the protocols and some of the background checks when it comes to it. And I'm talking mostly related to things along the lines of how long they've been driving. What are their qualifications? Do they know what they're doing? Because that becomes another issue. But I think you probably already knew where I was going with that. You are listening to something you're listening to the rated R safety show Charlene I know has been named as the county's hottest housing market by the Wall Street Journal. The city, the city sits on the Idaho Washington border and it's a great outdoorsy types of with trails and hiking and water sports. Medium home sale prices up by 47% as of March, local retailers say that it's next to impossible to get a house there with the listings going um North of 30 offers. You know of what the house is going for. So meanwhile, once the house goes on to the market, 30 offers, I'm thinking people are paying full price there. And then some anyways, the C. D. C. Made it official on Tuesday. The fully vaccinated people don't have to wear a mask outside. We just talked about that. Even if you're mingling with the combination of vaccinated and non vaccinated people. Thank you. Uh Thank you. Thank you. Oh my God. Should I even say this? No, I'm not gonna say that. That's stupid. Uh So there you go. So what do you think? I mean I think that this is going to be a big subject of conversation going on yesterday. We spoke about it for a brief period of time where some people were talking about that there's already people on job sites that are saying, hey, there's no need to wear a mask because of some of the information that dr Phil had said over the weekend. So definitely some things to think about. As we are talking here anyways, new york police department has detained a suspect in last week's assault of a 61 year old asian man, cops arrested 49 year old Gerard Powell Tuesday morning and recommended two counts a felony assault according to CNN. So you are starting to see a lot of this, a lot of information going around about what is going on um with a lot of these things. So it's interesting that we keep on seeing assaults against asian people, asian americans and so on. So what do you think is the cause of this? Of course there's been mixed reviews depending on what media you definitely take a listen to. So what are you thinking here? What are you thinking is coming about and so on? And do you set protocols inside of your workspace that are slightly different now because of this, there are some mingling and some warnings has been being used for this. But I would like to know your opinion on it because that's something that we always have to talk about. And also does this get added no joke here to your hazard matrix. Something to think about that's for sure. Listen at your own risk rated r safety show. So Tesla boasted its most powerful, most powerful, Yeah, most powerful boasted its most powerful and profitable quarter ever from january to March and it has nothing to do with selling electric cars. Instead the profit came from Bitcoin That it netted $100 million. Additionally, it sells of regulatory credit and the company another, you know, $518 million. It's value is over $700 billion, making it five times more valuable than Ford and General Motors combined. Meanwhile, Jeff bastos isn't thrilled that Nasa awarded Elon Musk's SpaceX its lunar lander contract and not its own Blue Origin space exploration outfit. In a statement about the decision, Blue Origin uh, laments the Nasa decision eliminates the opportunity for competition and significantly narrows the supply base. Uh, just like amazon does the small businesses right? I'm just saying, I'm just saying. Uh, so of course Elon musk had a cheeky reply on twitter to the news of the statement of Blue Origin. Can't, can't get it up to orbit L. O. L. There you go. His wording not mine don't hold me for it safety in a way. Never heard of before the rated R. Safety show on safety. FM. Okay. So you know it's almost that time. So let's go ahead and do this. Here is our main story on the radio safety show. So let's talk a little bit today. Let's talk a little bit today about that whole conversation when you start thinking about it and you start realizing that you get to certain portions in your career where it just seems that you can't speak, where it just seems that you've gotten to the point where conversations that should exist don't exist. And let's get to it for a moment because at some point or another you've probably felt this way at some point or another. We've had a conversation or you've had attempted to have a conversation with leadership management and so on and nothing has happened, nothing has changed. And you're kind of told to sit on the bench, you're kind of told at the same time not to do a thing. Have you had that experience yet or have you been able to sit back for a period of time and take a look at what's going around? But it's kind of like look but don't talk talk, but don't here here, but don't taste taste but don't enjoy kind of getting the point there. Sometimes. It's unfortunate in our careers that we have to start talking about these things because they do happen. It is unfortunate that from time to time these things happen because of people not wanting to hear what is going on from a safety standpoint. And we start talking about this more and more as we do move forward. And here's the fun part depending on where you're kind of located through your career trajectory because that's what it's going to boil down to when you look at this and you start going through it. What happens? How does it make you feel? How does it make you feel that every time you have a conversation with the upper management, that you have a conversation with the people that are in charge with the team leads, they don't want to converse with what you have going on. There isn't money associated to what you want to have done. There isn't money associated to these things of why these things on why you're wanting to change all of this stuff that's going on all of these conversations come about, but things can't happen because of X. Or it's not budget or it's not X. It's not why it's not. See now look, don't get me wrong, businesses run for the whole point of making money. I understand that there's also there's also the whole thing where people refer to safety as a cost center. Yeah, I did say that real quick. A cost center realizing right there that by name alone, the cost center means that you are a cost to the company not refer to as a profit center, but a cost center. Yeah, I think about this for a moment. This is where it gets pretty interesting. So you get to the point where you start realizing that maybe inside of your organization that you're currently at, you don't have the availability or the capability of being able to speak. You have good ideas, but you're not allowed to talk about them. You have great ideas, but you're not allowed to talk about them. And they ask you hold off, hold off to next quarter, hold off till next physical year on the books and we'll use that idea. Now I will tell you that when it comes to trends and regulations and things like that, I would love to tell you that we can go year to year and wait along to see what's going to happen. Unfortunately, that's not the case. The weird part about it is I have realized that a lot of the people that are out there that we get to speak with, that we get to interact with the you and I talked to you on a daily basis have the general feeling that they can't speak and listen. I understand that there are times in life that you have to look like you are United Union in public, but behind closed doors you should be able to speak your mind. That is normally most cultures inside of work organizations. Yes, I know. It kind of sucks, but I'm just telling you here's the interesting part when you start doing things inside of the organization that are helping them to save money because this accident didn't occur. This issue didn't occur. This safety measure was put into place unless it's a reduction from the previous year cost. It's really not tracked. We've seen a reduction in this. Here's the interesting part. If you saved a million dollars on a potential accident that never occurred, you have no way to track that. You have no way to put value on it. But you are looked at as a cost center because of what you want to implement, what things you want to put into place your salary, your health care package, whatever benefits you're receiving. But you've become a cost center because normally safety is considered a different department. I hope. I'm not saying anything that's not true here, but that's how it is in more organizations. So as we talk here and we realize on how a lot of times safety professionals are not allowed to speak, giving us the can't speak aspect of this today. What happens if you want to change it? We've had the conversation that you can get up and leave. That's one option. But what happens to the people that you left behind? You have the option of staying there and going through and working your way to see what you can happen to occur next. That's an option. But also at the same time, how do you make a movement to start occurring inside of your organization? Listen, as we talk about this more and more because it isn't a conversation that we're never going to solve in one brief show in one brief episode, just not the way that it works. If you could look at this and have the work point, that would make the most logical sense inside of an organization is if you had a dotted line, if you were the head person of safety, if you still have one of those actually reported directly to the Ceo and not to operations and if they're not reporting to the Ceo, the finance Department is actually the next best place. The reason that I say that is because normally the people in the Finance department are black and white. They want to talk about what makes sense to them. Really dollars and sense makes sense to what they're doing. So, having a conversation normally with them relatively easy to do. But here's the thing, if you don't have the availability to speak, are you willing to go out there and find people that will be the cheerleaders for safety? That will be the safety evangelist inside of your organization. That will go around and talk about these things seriously, because sometimes you might be limited on what you can do because you've been capt, You've been tapped. You are no, you're not allowed to speak. And this happens. But would you let somebody else do the speaking for you? Would you find someone that you're willing to have the combo with that would be willing to share some of the information that you want to spread? Keep in mind that you're going to have to be open minded enough that they have to spread the messaging and you're just kind of kind of be there in the background. This is why I'm a huge fan of organizations that don't have Safety Department. And let me explain. I love the safety people don't get that. Don't take that the wrong way. The reason that I say this though is because that changes partially the culture. You can still have, um, something else. You can title it something different, but you want it to be blended into the culture. If it's blended into the culture of the organization, it does make life a little bit easier. It does make life slightly better because now it's not just being looked at as a safety thing, it's being looked at as an operational issue. It's looking at as a culture issue inside of the organization. If you build the culture with safety already inside of it, opposed to actually trying to build it as a stand alone. It makes life much different, lots of stuff to think about today because what I would hate for you to not to be able to do would be not to be able to speak because if you can't have a voice, what are you going to be able to do? It's an interesting thing to think about. But like I've said before, just a guy behind a microphone, what the hell do I know? What did she just say? We have safety. Don't always agree with the viewpoints of our hosts and guests. Now, back to real safety talk on safety. FM. Don't go anywhere. You're listening to the home of real safety talk. You are listening to safety. FM. We'll be right back. I spend a lot of time in the backyard and I'm the center of attention at summer barbecues. In 96 I made some of the tastiest smores and at oh nine it was me, your backyard fire pit that accidentally started a wildfire when a summer breeze carried one of my embers into some dry brush spark a change. Not a wildfire visit. Smokey bear dot com brought to you by the U. S. Forest Service. Your state forester in the AD council only. You can prevent wildfires, hope you enjoy your meal. And I just want to say he's lucky to have a blood that like you lucky, caring for my brother is far from easy, but he's a part of me like my arms and legs so I'll be his no time for tired. Nothing can disable this love. He needs me. But I'm the lucky one even though I need help now and then if you're caring for a loved one visit AARP dot org slash caregiving for care guides and community support for your strength brought to you by AARP and the AD council. What if I told you that a tornado was going to happen tomorrow, right where you live? Yeah. That it would touch down at exactly 3:17 PM and I told you the exact path it would take. You would of course prepare. You would talk with your loved ones and you make a plan today. It's true. I can't tell you a tornado strike tomorrow, but shouldn't you have a plan anyway? Go to ready dot gov slash communicate and make your emergency plan today. Don't wait communicate brought to you by fema and the AD council. This is Mario andretti, you know me as a race car driver, but I'm also a meals on wheels. Volunteer I've raised against the sport's biggest personalities but I've never met more vibrant, amazing people than a senior served by meals on wheels. You can make a difference by dropping off a hot meal and saying a quick hello, So America, let's do lunch. Volunteer your lunch break at America Let's do lunch dot org. This message brought to you by meals on wheels. America and the ad council the motivation minute is courtesy of better credit cards dot com. John R wooden said, don't let what you cannot do, interfere with what you can do. I love that. Sometimes it's easy to get caught up in the details of the little things that we can't do. I love this quote because I agree with it 100%. Don't focus on the things you can't do. Instead focus on the things you can do. If you're looking for a solution, you can cross off the things that you can't change. So then you can focus on the things you can change to get the desired results. Sometimes it's tempting to dwell on the little negative things, but instead just focus on the positive things and make them big. This has been today's motivation minute, courtesy of better credit cards dot com. I'm john small. Thanks for listening. Your favorite motivational quotes can be submitted for upcoming programs at motivation minute dot org. Okay. This is space age girl machine by the conditional. The song is readily available on Spotify and itunes appreciate conditional allowing us to use this one today. So there you go. There you go. There you go. Uh, so anyway, is 40 minutes past the top of the hours were hanging out here. You and I together doing the things that we do this lovely. Well I'm in the morning. I don't know where the hell you're located. It could be afternoon, depending depending on what segment you're taking a listen to us at. That's kind of the way that it goes. So anyways today, today, today, today, before I forget. Um I do have an event toyed going on. I'm trying to figure out what it is. Uh The Excel yeah, ex C E L. So Excel, OSHA Safety Event that's going on today. You can actually go to linked in. Um and find that out. We actually have posted it on safety F. M. Uh let's see on the linkedin page. On safety FM. You can go sign up. I will be doing a speech today. It's an all day. It's actually a three day or but I will be speaking today at 11 a.m. Eastern Standard Time. Uh Talking about Revolutionary acts. Yes, we'll talk about those. Yes. It comes from that popular book of Dr Todd Conklin. So don't worry about that. I love that book. I think it's one of the uh what's he the most, one of the most underrated books that's available out there. He has tons of great word. But I think that one's extremely underrated. It's a little short read. I love that book. I think it has such good information on addressing safety, a safety cultures and organizational change. You haven't picked it up. I recommended strongly on taking a taking a view of it. That is for sure. Anyway, let's get back into some of the news on what is going on. Let's talk about some home cures. This is not a joke as I am talking about it. What if instead of a vaccine, you could take a pill to cure yourself of Covid 19. We're going to talk a little bit more of what we're talking about a little bit earlier. So don't worry about that. Um, and if you can take it at home, that's exactly what fighter is working on in two separate trials. I want to give you more detail. One in the U. S. And one in Belgium Volunteers are being given the first pill specifically designed to stop SARS COv two uh, in the initial trials have been extremely successful. If it is possible that home cure for covid will become available later this year. The antiviral medication would attack the virus and stop replicating in our noses, yeah, throat and lungs. This is not a joke. As I am reading this fighter isn't giving many details yet, but we do but we do know that the trials involved first testing to see how well it's tolerated. The medication is for his for to be used in humans. And then it will be need to establish whether or not a drug works for those exposed to SARS Covid too great here um to come to come to the comments of the anti filibuster. Yeah, just in case they're uh they're also a better hurry while they can still find people who aren't having been vaccinated. That might be another thing real quick. They couldn't they couldn't try this on animals first. I mean there are animals that are literally called guinea pigs. Just something to think about. And the other thing that's been circulating is they've been asking that when they do release this pill to market, um not to actually release the pollute the pill to be blue with the word fighter on it. What did he just say? We have? Safety. Don't always agree with the viewpoints of our hosts and guests. Now, back to real safety talk on safety. FM. Oh, there you go. There you go. Something's for sure talking about it anyways, life is not a box of chocolates says it turns out oh you're sweet tooth. Could uh could be worse for you than just a mouthful of cavities. A new study says that eating sweet treats like donuts, chocolate and sugary drinks increase your risk of cardiovascular disease and can increase your risk of death during middle age. Oxford University researchers found that two diets that are associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and death. Middle age. Well, I think I said that's when I got to say it. Twice. The first consisted of a high intake of chocolate, uh butter and white bread in a low intake of fresh fruits and vegetables. The second was centered around sugary, sweet and high, higher fat cheese. Um bob bob bob bob, bob bob bob bob. What else beverages? Fruit juice, chocolates, uhm table sugar and preserves. Um So there you go. The scientists say that they are fighting out that it consisted the consists of the previous research, which has been suggested that eating foods that contain less sugar and fewer calories may be associated with lower risk of cardiovascular disease and death before retirement age, especially if you eat them before dinner. Right Mom. Just saying, just saying, didn't you get that shit when you were getting? Um, and also, but wait, I went away to go death by chocolate. Yeah. Hasn't that been called something before. And then it's like they're reading my own grocery list as we talk about this. But this is a lot of weird stuff to think about. I mean, here in the US, we talk about the standard american diet. I mean if you kind of look at the abbreviation for, it is a sad diet. So I don't know if that's something that you should be actually taking a look to in the first place. Anything known as a sad diet is something you should probably run from safety show sarcastic. Never. Okay. Some of your beeswax. Yeah. Just take a listen real quick. A beekeeper is begging homeowners not to mow the dandy lions in their lawn. Yeah. Not a joke here. For the sake of the bees, Roger crawled from Halifax. Honeybees. Society backs up the comments of many of the social media of many on social media who pointed out the dandy lions are important source of food for bees emerging after a long winter in hibernation. According to him, dandy lions may not be the first choice for bees, but there are so many dandy lions right now that I see my bees coming in and landing on a planet with yellow pollen. I don't even know how the hell this news story got in here. Dandy lions are the most important to me. He's in the spring because they are very hungry and may have already gone through their stores of honey according to be key. A beekeeper Terrel appointee. So if your lawn is crawling with dandelion, it's okay to keep them while for, for a while, the bees will thank you. The reason why we're talking about this is because local honey is so important. If you actually take that for your benefit to your health, that's what I'm being told right now. Uh, so that's the reason why it got in here. Thanks, appreciate it. Uh, so there you go. Uh, these days, experts are telling us not to rake our leaves in the fall and not to bow our grass in the spring. What a wonderful time to be alive. It's a good thing. My wife likes flowers. I guess. I guess we can leave those there. And it turns out that I live in a neighborhood for a full environmentalists are okay with this decision. I guess as we are talking about, Okay, it is 47 minutes past the top of the hour. As you and I are hanging on and I am losing my voice. I must take a drink safety in a way. Never heard of before. The rated R. Safety show on safety. FM. Okay so let's start talking about some other stuff going on inside of the world. Uh let's tread lightly here because we are getting into the swamp here. President biden is expected to request $80 billion in additional funding for the I. R. S. To hire people to audit americans. The plans say that beefing up tax environment efforts will lead to an additional 700 billion in collection over the next decade and would be earmarked specifically for child care, child tax credits, government, childcare programs and local college funding. Additionally, it will crack down specifically on monitoring, investigating and auditing small business income. So there you go. Some things to talk about right there. West Virginia democrat joe Manchin is holding the line on continued government spending. He's holding out for the negotiation to scale back the 2.2 point five trillion infrastructure package President joe biden proposed stuffed full of social program goodies. Senate republicans have put forward about 568 billion package of their own getting the ball rolling on compromise spending bill between 600 billion and one trillion progressive democrats want to done sooner rather than later. Uh, Senator Durbin says that time is not on their side. We have so many things to do immigration policies. All these things are critical elements and we don't have a lot of time on the calendar. Uh, so there you go. I guess this is really some consideration to start talking about. He's likely worried about the midterm elections, which are even, uh, you know, the smaller version of politics as we do talk about it here in the US as we'll see how things start moving and grooving inside of there. Anyway, let's talk about the lottery. No winner for saturday night's powerball drawing. Tonight's drawing will be $416 million jackpot or an $80.6 billion cash payout. So there you go. If you play the game well, I guess you have a chance to win. If you don't play well, It's kind of, um, kind of, uh, kind of kind of difficult not to do. So there you go. Some stuff going on there as we are talking right away right away. Uh What else do we got going on? Let's talk about things that occurred. Should we talk about things that occurred dan? Let's not do that yet. Let's not do that yet. Let's talk about some wack fax. It is Wednesday. So I guess we should talk about whack fax. The average adult have 2 to £9 of bacteria in their body. Isn't that lovely? Uh There are about 550 hairs on the average eyebrow. Well you should shave them and try to start counting them if you want to. Uh meeting an ice. Hold on, melting an ice cube in your mouth. Burns about 2.3 calories. The pilgrims refused to eat lobster because they thought they were huge insects. Scientists have been have that. Uh What is it? Scientists believe that octopuses are smart, as smart as dogs. I did not know that. Did not know that. Good morning puzzle. Good morning. The word noon originally meant three p.m. What? I didn't know that. Did you know that? I'm totally at a loss we at safety FM are not responsible for what this idiot behind the microphone is saying is trying to be entertaining rated r safety show. So are you going to any safety events this year? Do you have anything planned? And is there anything that's not virtual that you're interested in going to this time? I'm just kind of curious. I don't know. I know that there are some safety events that are coming up uh, that are finally coming out and hanging out in person. Are you planning on going to any of them? If so, which ones are you excited about? You don't have the list which ones you're not excited about. But what are you deciding to do? Move forward and all that kind of fun stuff. And I love seeing all the people that are actually talking about them speaking at safety events, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, Fantastic. Good for them. I love it. I also want everybody to feel included that is not speaking at any safety event. So we have come up with this little thing uh If you're not seeing us on the screen, let me tell you what it says. I am not speaking At any safety conference or expo between September the 13th to the 15th. So, if you want to have something to post on your social media platforms, you got it right there. I am not speaking at any safety conference or expo between September the 13th through the 15th, you are more than welcome. More than welcome to actually download it by using the QR code that's on the screen. Or you can go to safety FM dot com forward slash I am not just put it all as one giant word, I am not. So it'll be kind of fun times there. Anyway, some good times hanging out, 52 minutes past the top of the hour as you and I are together on this thing right now. Anyways, let's talk about some things that occurred back on this date and that's not a joke. Uh, let's see. Let's take a look at what we have to configure here. Um, yeah, should I talk about you? I'll talk about two of them 1986 2 days after the Chernobyl meltdown, the soviet government publicly admits to the catastrophe. Yeah. A nuclear power plant in the in Sweden was detecting spiking levels of radiation some 1000 miles away, drawing attention uh, to the incident, even with their feet held to the fire, the soviet regime downplayed the scope of the disaster and leverage into propaganda about american nuclear accident like Three Mile Island. Yeah, that's not a joke. I don't know if you haven't seen it or if you have seen it, but if you have the opportunity, HBO not going to give you a code here, But HBO has something about Chernobyl, which is definitely worth watching. It's a, it's kind of a reenactment and some of the stuff that took, um, that took place during that time there, but something definitely to take a look at. I didn't realize those lights were not on the whole time. So there's definitely some things to take a look at if you're inclined to do so, so there you go. Uh, so what else, what else do we got? What else do we got? Um, Yeah, and then also on 20 and 2019 Disney marvel films. A venture. Endgames makes an estimated $1.2 billion worldwide. Making it the first film to make more than a billion dollars in the opening. Wicked Domestically. It raked in about $350 million. So there you go. I have some things to think about um, just in case if you were intrigued or um, I wanted to do about it. Anyways, let's talk about some birthdays that are going on today. If you want to know. Uh, let's see Juan Mata soccer player turns 33 today. Harry Shrum turns 39. He's from Glebe, Jessica alba. Yeah, her, You know from Dark Angel and Honey, she turns 40 today. Drew, Jonathan Drew and Jonathan Scott turned 43, you know from HD TV fame, Penelope Cruz turns 47 And Jay Leno turn 71 today. So there's some birthdays for you just in case if you want to know. Um, but hey, that's some stuff. And if you want to know some other things, if you need some good defense, well, I got something for you. I'm a trial lawyer. I'm not part of your family and I don't do skits with my mom. I'm a real lawyer. A damn good lawyer. The best lawyer this state has to offer and I've built a reputation for standing up for the people of this country righting the wrongs. You may not agree with all of my views, but when it comes to try in cases, there's only one view, Justice and justice is what I get feiger law. That's why we're unstoppable. We at safety FM are not responsible for what this idiot behind the microphone is saying is trying to be entertaining rated R safety show. Okay, so let me tell you real quick. The most important thing that I will tell you no matter what show you listen to, no matter what will ever talk about. This is always the most important. So, I'm gonna tell you right now. Let me tell you about my friends at the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. They want you to know and I want you to know you're not alone. Whether you have struggled with suicide yourself or have lost a loved one, know that you're not alone here about personal experiences from people in your local communities whose lives have been impacted by suicide and depression. If you need someone to talk to, you can go to their website a f s p dot org. That's a f sp dot org. Or you can give them a call at 1 802 738255 That's 1 802 738255 Or you can test the word Text, the word talk to 741741 understand that we can't do what we do without you. So if you're going through any thoughts of depression or contemplating suicide, make sure that you contact them before you do anything. Seriously? Don't do anything until you do that first. Anyway, let's continue talking real quick about some other things going on today. If you need a phone starter, uh Try this one. What do you absolutely hate to share? Why did ice cream come to mind? I don't know. Uh if you need a random joke for today? Try this one. Can you imagine how awkward it would be if your pet went to your phone and found the hundreds of pictures you have of them sleeping? Yeah, that could be an awkward moment if you need something for the water cooler today. Try this one Question. According to a survey, this happens to the average person at precisely 9.40am. What is it? Do you know? Do you know, do you know, do you know They fell fully awake at 9:40 AM? I don't know why that occurs. That's 9:40 a.m. Just in case. Oh 9 40. Oh 9 40 just for you. Anyway, So there you go. That's what we have going on today. So like I was saying, if you want to come and hang out at 11 a.m. XL XL event, you can go to safety FM. Uh, you can go to safety FM on linkedin. So go to linkedin type and safety FM. The events sign up is right there. If you want to come out, hang out with us at 11 a.m. Eastern Standard time, I will be doing a smell presentation about simple revolutionary tax baby. Um, so you come hang out and they got all kinds of other speakers going on at the same time or throughout the next three days. So you're more than welcome to come out, get this free ticket and come and hang out with them. Um, and do the things that they are going to be doing because that's gonna be for sure. Anyway, so there you go. That's what we have going on. That's at 11 a.m. If you want you as well. Right after this show, we jump onto radio big dot FM. Hang out for the next couple hours talking about some news, uh, talking about music, We play a lot of music during that time. Just in case. Uh, so we'll start getting back into that. Talking about some other things going on as well. All you have to do is go to radio big dot F. M or download the app from live 3 65. Once you get in there, this type in radio big dot FM. Anyways, there you go. Thank you for always being the best part of safety FM. And that is the listener safety FM is the home of real safety talk. Just in case if you did not know that. We're also screaming on radio big dot FM, which I will be going out to hang out with. Uh, so if you need a thought for today, if I can leave you with this, let's do this. It is better to look back on life and say, I can't believe I did that than to look back and say, I wish I did that boy. I really hope that when the day comes I'm able to say that anyways. Thank you for taking a listen to what the hell we have going on here today. I know who you are, you know who I am, love. You mean it and goodbye. The views and opinions expressed on this podcast are those of the host and its guests and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the company. Examples of analysis discussed within this podcast are only examples. It should not be utilized in the real world as the only solution available as they are based only on very limited in dated open source information, assumptions made within this analysis are not reflective of the position of the company. No part of this podcast may be reproduced stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means mechanical, electronic recording or otherwise. Without prior written permission of the creator of the podcast, jay
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