Today on The Rated R Safety Show, we discuss all things safety and the news.
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During on main story, How do I?
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#RRSS #SafetyFM
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[00:00:00] : Yeah, yeah. Six. This show is brought to you by safety. The following program is reading L. S. V. It contains strong language, sexual situations and violence. It is intended only for mature audiences. Finally show with the ball should call it like it is rated R. Safety show on safety FM. Countdown to audio torture decorated. Our safety show starts in 321 lady ear drum pain. But again, forget the corporate bullshit. This is the rated R. Safety show with your host. Dr uh it doesn't matter who the host is. Well, good morning to wherever the heck you're located. Anyway, today's Tuesday april 27th of 2021 Day 117th of the year. Yeah, that's that's right. 117th of the year and only 248 days left to go. We are broadcasting live from the safety FM studios in Orlando Florida and coming across the Multiverse of safety. FM. Of course we're hanging out with our friends at that other place that we uh, we do stuff with. So we are hanging with the peeps at radio big. So there you go. Hopefully you're off to a grand start and everything is going quite fantastic so far this morning. So let's start talking. Getting into what is going on. So today is Tuesday. So let's start talking right away of what is happening according to the music trends. Let's go right down the path talking about what is going on with Spotify according to the top five. So here you go, Julia cat is at number five with Kiss me more christian. No doubt both. Both. Yeah, at number four. Number three, Mass. Wolf astronaut in the ocean. At number two. According to Spotify, Justin Bieber with peaches. And at number one, according to the Spotify countdown. Little Nas X. Monteiro, Call me by your name now, let's go to the other side of the equation right away and start talking about that uh number five, Dua lipa levitating. Featuring the baby. Uh number four Christina Aguilera. Little kim. Listen, let's listen to this. Little kim Maya and pink lady marmalade dot Yeah, that one's kind of been out for a while and it started going back onto the chart At # three, Bruno Mars leave the door open. Mass Wolfert, number two, according to Itunes. And at the number one spot the weekend in Ariana grande would save your tears, the remix version. So there you go. A lot of stuff right away. That's for sure. Um I don't know. So I guess maybe I should do this now. I guess I should do this now because we're talking about music. Uh there was kind of the the, the spoiler or the preview that came out yesterday. I don't know if you were kind of hanging out and taking a look around, but let's talk about the preview of stuff that was coming out yesterday. Um this one was making the sequences and she dropped 15 seconds of it. Take a listen and there you go. That was the 1st 15 seconds off of a new track featuring Billie Eilish and I will tell you uh over a million views Right away when that did happen. So, kind of interesting going on. I think right now, the last time that I looked was at 3.5 million. Oh, let me look. three million. 572169. Yeah, that's from yesterday alone. Oh, look at this. The premises back, I can't believe it. It's been such a long time. Welcome back into the box. Anyways, let's continue talking, Let's get you moving and grooving and what is going on inside of the world of the news, from our friends at feature story News. Here is the news on the safety show from feature story news in London. I'm Ali Barrett. International aid is arriving in India as the country battles a deadly surge of COVID-19 infections. The first consignment from the UK has landed in Delhi containing ventilators and oxygen concentrators. It's equipment that India desperately needs, says Asian Gerg reports from New Delhi. The UK is sending 600 pieces of equipment while the United States France Germany Singapore and the European Union have all pledged help. India's health care system is stretched to its limits. As the country has reported more than 300,000 cases of COVID-19 for six consecutive days now And close to 2700 deaths. Even by the most conservative estimates, experts say, the real numbers could be way worse. It's expected that with the US releasing raw ingredients of vaccines production can be ramped up quickly. A billion people will be eligible to take a shot from next month amid fears that demand will outstrip supply significantly. Shin guard. The U. S. Says it will share its supply of Astrazeneca's Covid 19 vaccine with nations around the world. To gritty dark reports from Washington up to 60 million Astrazeneca jobs will be made available to other countries. According to the White House press secretary, jen Psaki said 10 million doses are ready to be sent as soon as the U. S. Food and Drug Administration conducts quality checks and gives the go ahead, which she indicated could happen in the coming weeks. The White House didn't say which countries would get the jabs and ordered it specify how many would be shipped to India, where the virus is raging with devastating consequences. Astrazeneca's shots are not currently authorized for use in the United States. And the White House stressed that the U. S. Own rollout would not be affected by the plans to export the vaccine. UK Prime Minister Boris johnson chairs a cabinet meeting on Tuesday, which he'll attempt to move focus on from allegations of sleaze surrounding his government. Mr johnson's under pressure over the renovation of his residents and a number of reported comments he made about lockdowns and covid, 19 fatalities. Downing Street says many of the claims are rubbish, but opposition Labour says he owes the country a full explanation. Shadow Health Secretary Jonathan Ashworth says the Prime Minister's conduct is being called into question and this is basically about integrity and honesty in politics and integrity and honesty is still worth fighting for even if Boris johnson doesn't act of integrity, the Prime Minister should act of integrity and that's fundamentally what this is about. And the fact that Boris johnson is not being straight with the british people. It's just not on, we deserve better than this. We need a full and frank explanation from the Prime Minister. The european parliament votes on Tuesday with GPS set to ratify the Brexit trade deal between the UK and the EU FROM bureaus worldwide. This is FsN this show is almost as enjoyable as hearing the sound of the toilet flush rated R safety show on safety FM. I spend a lot of time in the backyard and I'm the center of attention at summer barbecues. In 96 I made some of the tastiest smores and at oh nine it was me, your backyard fire pit that accidentally started a wildfire when a summer breeze carried one of my embers into some dry brush, spark a change. Not a wildfire visit. Smokey Bear dot com brought to you by the U. S. Forest Service, Your state forester in the ad council only you can prevent wildfires, hope you enjoy your meal. And I just want to say he's lucky to have a blood that like you lucky, caring for my brother is far from easy, but he's a part of me, like my arms and legs so I'll be his no time for tired. Nothing can disable this love. He needs me. But I'm the lucky one even though I need help now and then if you're caring for a loved one, visit AARP dot org slash caregiving for care guides and community support for your strength brought to you by AARP and the AD council. What if I told you that a tornado was going to happen tomorrow, right where you live? That it would touch down at exactly 3:17 PM and I told you the exact path it would take. You would of course prepare. You would talk with your loved ones and you make a plan today. It's true. I can't tell you a tornado will strike tomorrow. But shouldn't you have a plan anyway? Go to ready dot gov slash communicate and make your emergency plan today. Don't wait communicate brought to you by fema and the AD council. This is Mario andretti, you know me as a race car driver, but I'm also a meals on wheels. Volunteer I've raised against the sport's biggest personalities but I've never met more vibrant, amazing people than a senior served by meals on wheels. You can make a difference by dropping off a hot meal and saying a quick hello. So America, let's do lunch. Volunteer your lunch break at America. Let's do lunch dot org. This message brought to you by meals on wheels. America and the ad council listen to our host of the rated R safety show self implode on our airwaves. Only on safety. FM. Oh, there you go. There you go. So, a lot of stuff are always going on inside of the world of the news as we are talking, moving around and talking about all that kind of fun stuff. Um, so let's see, let's see. Let's see what we got here. We got some stuff to talk about because we always do some other things and so on. Um, mm, I'm trying to look around for a brief moment. So bear with me as I go through this, you know, that we start talking about all of these safety conferences. So I guess it'll be time to talk about it again, you know, QR code just in case that's the sign. Let's make that a slightly bigger. Um That's the sign. In case you were wondering what the QR code leads to. Um So this is the gig. If you are interested in getting the sign, you can do so at our website or actually scanning the QR code. Yeah, you can pick it up right there free for you if you want to share it on your social media platforms, talking about the things that you know, you might not be doing during these dates. So I wanted to have that readily available for you. So I am not speaking at any safety conference or expo between September the 13th through the 15th. You know, I wanted to have inclusion across the board for sure. So there you go, that's available if you want to download it. Um, if you don't want to do the QR code aspect because you're not watching on the screen, that's perfectly fine to you're gonna safety FM dot com forward slash I am not that safety FM dot com forward slash I am not. So now here's the other information we got going on. Here is an event that we will be attending later. Well, attending next month. Better saying we have actually some of our, some of our show hosts that will be there. You'll have Emily L Rod from unapologetically bold and Sam Goodman will both be there actually doing speeches at this event. This is the A c f s will be having their um, having their event coming up. Also, also josh codel from Married to safety will be there. So take a listen to this real quick and we'll kind of give you a little bit more information. Have you ever sat back and ask yourself that question? Who is in your corner? Well, that's what we're all about. On May the 18th at safety Day 2021 presented by the A. C. F. S come to the event on May the 18th at the Rosen Plaza Hotel in Orlando florida. There will be world renowned speaker speaking about this all important subject of who is in your corner when it comes to dealing with safety. If you want to learn on how to reduce risk houses aboard safety and be a health champion, this is the event for you. Don't miss out on this event available by the A. C. F s. Now the question that always comes up, it's what are these events worth? What is the cost? What is it going to cost me? Well, it's not gonna be as much as some of the other events, you will get this great value for $30. Yes, you heard me correctly. $30 that's lunch, that's parking and that's even C. E. U's. For $30. For more information. Go to a cfs dot org. That's a cfs dot org and enjoy safety day 2021 an in person event. So there you go. That is taking place on May the 18th. If you're inclined to go there, hang out we will be, well I will be there but I will actually be broadcasting uh you know, off and on throughout the day just in case if you're interested in coming by hanging out saying hello blah blah blah blah blah. Uh Oh that's a good word. Uh I love me some sam thank you for that mr premise. And then why aren't you speaking at the conference? I was never asked. So good reason why I'm not speaking there. I was never asked to do so. If you're not asked, I mean you just can't do something like that. Right, okay, so there you go, a lot of stuff going on. So let's talk about what is going on inside of the world of the news and let's get that started going down the hit list. Three people were arrested during protests in Wisconsin on sunday calling the termination of officer who shot Jacob blake roughly. 40 people gathered To protest the officers Rustin. She skis returned to administrative leave last month, Blake's uncle, just Justin Blake is 52 was arrested on charges of disorderly conduct and obstructing or resisting an officer. He was released on monday after posting bond according to the Milwaukee Journal sentinel, wow, that's the name. Uh The other two arrested were formerly were former county board of supervisors, joseph Cardinal E 24 reverend Jonathan baker 37 who were both charged with misdemeanor disorderly conduct and released yesterday. Those gathered, we're also calling for the police chief, Daniel misogynists to apologize for not notifying them of shaped skis return to the force. Now. Schelsky is currently working a desk job and has not returned to patrol duties. Just were information sake to kind of share a little bit more on that. Don't know how you feel about it. But we have to talk about all these things as we do move forward anyways. As of Monday, over 230.7 million COVID vaccine have been administered nationwide. Over 95.8 million Americans have been fully vaccinated while more than 140.9 million have received at least one dose according to the CDC. The total number of cumulative cases are now just over 31.8 million. And with over 569,000 deaths attributed to the virus. As stated earlier. Let's talk about it a little bit more. India has hit a new world record with COVID-19 infections on Monday the country uh recorded over 350,000 cases and nearly 3000 deaths in 24 hours. According to the situation is so dire that many hospitals are turning people away due to the lack of medical oxygen and other supplies. The surge blamed on highly contagious variant comes from the Prime Minister declared victory over the virus in january. So I think so. Do you think that it's uh for sure calling it uh you know, victory too soon. That would be the first thing. Hold on. What do you have here fully vaccinated one week away from full immunity. Are you serious? Did you just really write that in the box? Full immunity? Full immunity? Is that what you really believe in? I'm just asking the question, asking the question because insiders want to know uh just the questions they're gonna be fully immune to the week after taking the second vaccine. Mm That's a question. What did he just say? We have safety. Don't always agree with the viewpoints of our husband guests. Now. Back to real safety talk on safety. FM. I think that can raise some questions. Um that can raise some questions. We were talking about this briefly yesterday. I know that the lovely governor of florida was telling people about a week and a half ago or show uh that if you're fully vaccinated you should act like your immune or you should go out there and act immune blah blah blah. Um And not holding back now, you are aware as we are talking just based on case studies of things that have gone around um after the second shot, it's not done, you kind of have to wait a period of time and I don't know if what full fully immune means, if you if they're already talking that you have to have to have a booster shot. And of course like I always continue to say about this, this is a personal decision that you need to make on your own. I'm not giving anybody shit on whatever they're doing. I mean that's their thing. Uh you want to take it, take it if you don't want to take it, don't take it. But of course take precautions depending on where you're at, that's all I got to say. I don't know, I think it's kind of weird thing. Um I have never posted anything online and when I got a flu shot I've never posted anything online when I've got any other kind of vaccine. So I don't know if I would post anything about vaccine now. Uh So I don't know. I don't know. Um So I don't know. This is something we did talk about yesterday. So you're a day behind buddy. Uh I am still masking up no matter what photos show. Um But here's the thing a lot of people are not going back for the second jab. That's kind of been some of the interesting stuff that we're seeing. So I keep on wondering when it comes about now if they tell people the incentive of you do not have to wear a mask if you're fully vaccinated. If that changes everything. I don't know. Just a question. Of course. Okay so let's continue talking. Dr Anthony Fauci said that he expects the C. D. C. Is released an updated guidance of worrying mass outdoors as the risk of spreading covid is really very low. Yeah you heard me there uh if you are vaccinated person wearing a mask outdoor obviously the risk is minuscule according to Fauci explained now I will tell you I had somebody contact me yesterday after that particular reference and people were telling me that they were on a worksite or the person was telling me that they were on a worksite in. Almost everyone was refusing to wear refusing to wear a mask. Now because of that were they fully vaccinated? I have no clue. Um But I'm just telling you what the person was saying. So here's some more stuff the news comes um Some states have no mass requirement in place, such as you ready. Texas and florida are recording loader, lower rates of infections and others with band aids, such as michigan new york and pennsylvania. So, uh, there you go. Some things to think about. So worth noting the state's doing better. Uh, doing better. Um, have less, I guess mandates in place. Uh, so there you go. That's what's going on. According to what the writer wrote here. It's always fun. Giant when I get some of this information to get to look at it. Um, and share it with a large group of people. Let's continue talking. A man from Madrid has been charged with um, intentionality of causing injury after Alleged infecting 22 people with COVID-19 after coughing on them Spanish. Police said that investigation began after COVID outbreak at the company where the 40 year old man worked days before the outbreak. The man showed up with symptoms that have refused and refused hold on but refused his coworkers suggestions to go home and self isolate. He ended up testing positive for the virus. So did five of his colleagues who were infect, um, who were infected family members, including three infants. According to what the officers had to say. None of those infected required hospitalization. That's kind of a jackass move. But here's where it becomes interesting. Now, bear with me as I say this because this is what's going to happen. As we talk about this, you have to understand some of the requirements on some of these job sites and listen, some people are going to look at this and this is going to sound harsh as I say this. So I apologize ahead of time. They're going to look at what's available. Are they still going to be able to provide for their family? Are they going to be able to do anything to be able to feed themselves even if they're sick, because listen, if you don't have something where people are being able to make money, still, even if they're gone as an employee employer relationship, they're going to risk it, they're going to risk it and risk the people around them if I have not able to feed my family anymore and I have to put other people at rest, Sorry, some people are going to look at it that way. It's just the reality of the situation. I know it sucks when I say that and of course I know what I have to do next to we at safety FM are not responsible for what this idiot behind the microphone is saying is trying to be entertaining rated R safety show. Okay, the attorney general of Minnesota who was responsible for leading the way of Derek chauvin's guilty verdict said that felt a little bad for former cop. During an interview on 60 minutes keith L Ellison said that he felt many emotions after Derek was found guilty for the death of George Floyd, including compassion for the defendant. Uh something that he says stems from his 16 years as a criminal defense attorney. While Ellison believes that Derek deserves to be convicted, he does not want people to remember that everyone involved, that he does, that he does want people to remember that everyone involved. Um is a human being. Yeah, that is for sure. Everyone involved is a human being and I think people made some choices that should probably be looked at. That's for sure. Anyways, before we start talking about what's going on inside of the world of the stocks, let's get john Smalls in here and let him tell you what's going on. Here's your market beat minute for Tuesday, april 27th 2021. The S. And P. 500 edged higher monday to set a new intraday all time high but failed to hold it into the close. Today's action was light and held within a very tight trading range on the eve of the busiest three days of earnings reporting this quarter. In total there will be more than 180 S. And P 500 companies reporting this week with an equally large percentage of dow components to boot. If the bulk of the reports failed to impress, we could see the indices begin corrective action reports on tap include Microsoft, apple amazon and facebook, among other top names. The biggest risk is that consensus estimates have been on the rise and may have already priced in much of the expected earnings gains. Also on tap are some key reads on the economy as well as the Fomc meeting and announcements. There is no change to policy expected but indications of rising inflation or shifting fomc sentiment could be bad for equities. You can get the inside track at market beat minute dot com. Okay, thank you to Jon small from the john and Heidi Shell that you can hear well not exclusively but you can hear definitely on radio big dot FM in the afternoons 2 to 6. Yeah, that's where they hang out. Uh Thanks john Small for that one. So let me give you some more information. Their stocks were mixed on monday. At the start of the new week, the dow lost 61 points. While the NASDAQ search 121 points and the S and P. Added seven points. Both the NASDAQ composite in the S and P 500 closed at a record. Huh? So there you go, investors are anxiously awaiting the Federal Reserve meeting, which runs on both Tuesday and Wednesday. Although, um, all of the policy changes are not expected. It's expected that plans to manage inflation will be discussed. Tesla added more than one before the closing bell on Monday in anticipation of its earnings release. I think people were just anticipating, uh, you know, Ellen being on SNL. Okay, just joking on that. Uh, you did see that come about. The people were kind of like losing it about that. Uh, so let's talk a little bit. Did you hear about this in michigan? Yes, michigan. Ohio michigan love me some michigan for sure. Michigan mass mandate now affects Children as young as the age of To yeah, not a joke. They're effective this week. Children between the ages of two and 4 are now required to wear a face covering in public places, including schools, childcare centers and at camps. Dr Magda Hornick, president of the michigan chapter of the american Academy of Pediatrics, said that the parents should not be concerned about the toddlers wearing face masks as there is no evidence that it will be harmful. What is the basis of it? Lack of evidence on No, just kidding. Um, Also he says that parents need not to fret about the mask um, hindering their Children's immune systems as their immune system will have plenty of time to catch up. So, what I mean again, I mean, I just don't get it. Me, I get to interact with a very small child. Yes. My own child, she's less than two. Um, if I can't envision, I mean, I'm just talking here, having her wear a mask. Uh I just don't think that it would actually happen. I don't think that she would keep it on if I try to do it. But then again, that's my opinion. Uh So let's continue talking fully vaccinated americans will be allowed to travel to the european union this summer. Ursula von der Levin and president of the european Commission told the new york times that she has promises to lift travel bans sued. Non essential travel to europe has been banned since the pandemic erupted. So now that you know this and this is going to be potentially uh something that's possible to do. Are you looking to travel? Is this something that your content that you're contemplating about doing now? I will tell you, I have recently been speaking to some people that have been traveling for work and I'm talking about jumping on planes, going about and all that kind of stuff. And they say that a lot of the airlines really have their shit together. There is no doubt whatsoever that they really know what the hell they're doing. So it's pretty interesting to see. Um, I have still not have the privilege of jumping on a plane yet. So that's that's my deal. Um, I do believe in car driving for long periods of time that I do believe in as of recent. Uh, so let's talk a little bit more about some other things. Before we get you into the main story, we are 27 minutes into the hour. So far, four people were killed and at least 20 were injured in another weekend. Full of shootings in Chicago between six p.m. friday and 11 59 p. M. Sunday, 24 people were struck by bullets in the windy city victims range from the ages of 15 to 62. Also, police announced multiple charges including murder against Marion Lewis 18 who fatally shot a seven year old while she waited with her father in the drive thru at a local Mcdonald's last week, officers reportedly tried to arrest louis during the traffic stop, at which point he ran off an attempted to carjack a vehicle with family inside. He was shot not fatally by a responding officer. Interesting to hear about all this stuff that's going on for sure in that area. It's interesting that we keep on hearing about more and more gun violence when it comes to certain areas, that's for sure. Not picking on anybody in particular, just talking about what is going on for sure. Uh, so it's about that time. So let's get that rolling and let's start talking about it right now. I was a man story. I guess if I hit the right button, we wouldn't have this double error. Yeah, I did say double error. I guess I get that because of the double dug. So let's talk about this because we've been talking about some very random odd things as of late and let's not do anything different. Um, let's continue to talk about the randomness of some of these things. So as we do bring up Chicago, not everything that comes out of Chicago is bad. I mean let's, I don't want that to ever come across that way. But there is sometimes in life that we have to talk about certain things and the good, the bad and the ugly. So unfortunately as some of the things that we do, we talk mostly about the ugly and not about the good. So today will be one of those days that we want to talk about the good side of life. And I want to talk about this because I will tell you, as I started off in this great profession of safety many, many years ago, there was a lot of questions that I had, there was a lot of doubts. Um, there was a lot of stuff that I did not understand. There wasn't anyone that I could turn to per se. I remember becoming a safety, what I was called, a quote unquote safety professional. Um, I was the safety manager in training manager all at the same time and I pretty much had no concept of safety or any concept of training, at least. I don't think I did as I got into the position and I did not know where to turn, I didn't know where to go to look for information to find out things of what was going on. I looked around, I had 10,000 questions and really no one to answer me now keep in mind that this was years and years ago at this point. So I could do searches online. I could go to the National Safety Council to look up information because that's where I used to hang out quite a bit. Um, and I really didn't have a go to person besides the stuff that I had found. Now the interesting part is, I'm talking about this, I want to mention this coming out of Chicago, a Chicago local named rob Kenny, are you familiar with this person? He has a Youtube channel called Dad. How do I Yeah, let me, let me kind of go a little bit further here that teaches or explains everyday things that might otherwise require a father figure, Kenny grew up without a father and he started a Youtube channel to pass on dan advice to kids that were growing up without a dad. Now I'm gonna, I mean, I'm gonna probably try to pull this up because I don't know if I'm gonna be able to do this magic trick, but we will attempt to do so, um, as I talk here for just a hot minute, but of course I have this all jacked up. Um, let me, let me see what I can do. Yeah, I'm probably gonna have to change screens here. Let me, let me do some other stuff. If you're kind of on the primary here, I'm gonna move this over and then we're gonna go into this. I want you to see what this guy has done. This guy. Probably even need to go into a different screen. Let's let's do this entirely different. Um, this guy right here has come up with videos for everything that you can imagine it has. How do I replace a refrigerator filter, dad? How do I plant? How do I plant seeds into the grass? How do I do you use a caulking gun? What do you do about shaving cuts and all of this information that you can readily find on this website? Because this guy, this gentleman has decided that it is important for him to be able to help out the community. It is important for him to be able to do all these things that are there. And I think it's interesting, it's interesting that he would be willing to do this. Now my question becomes this as we start talking here, of course, and my question becomes, why is it that as safety professionals? No 1's done one of these things. I, till this date has have not seen anyone come up with a Youtube channel or a channel that is not a paid service, key word there to help people that are starting off in this profession on how to do this stuff. And I'm talking about very, very basic stuff. I'm not talking about you taking a deep dive into going into some of these things, but think about it and let's this kind of talk about all across the board here. And let's be honest, for a moment with the amount of people that rip other things off, reuse and repeat. Even as far as going with using titles for shows and all that stuff that signed identical to popular shows, Why hasn't anyone come up with something like this? Seriously, why hasn't anyone come up with a model that will help people and show people what needs to be done? Especially as they're starting off in this particular profession. I mean, I don't think from my personal opinion that there would be a lot of competition when it comes to this, I don't think that it would be one of these things that it would take you a lot of time. Keep in mind we're talking the basics of the basics. So this man had no father or grew up without a father and has decided to do this to help other people. And yes, I mean, don't get me wrong at some point, this gentleman here is talking, he talks about a book that he that he has And that's coming out on the 18th, kind of funny of next month, practical dad advice for everyday task dad, how do I? Yes, that's a book, but he also has a Youtube channel, so yes, I understand that, but that's after a year of giving so many things out for free and it kind of makes you wonder from time to time, why are we not willing to do something along those lines? Listen, I'll tell you this, if someone is interested in doing that, I would almost be willing to have a conversation to see what we can come up with together. Now. I will tell you, I think that it could help really change the way that communities are done. It could really change the way that we look at this profession. I mean we all want to do things or at least we claim that we do. So now is the perfect opportunity to do something like this. I mean take it as your own idea even probably reach out to rob rob Kenny, I'm sure he'd be willing to talk to you on how he came up with this stuff at the end of the day. Remember we're all just humans and we're just trying to make everything slightly better. Look at it however you want. But then again, like I say all the time, what do I know? I'm just the guy behind a microphone. Sometimes. Sometimes the guy behind a microphone Hamilton was adopted from a rescue in 2000 and eight. She really likes to be around people. I get out my mat and I'm doing a downward dog and he's underneath. He's quite the pug about town. He gets invited to a lot of parties. He knows he's a pretty big deal. Look at this little face. I do not love him. Hamilton. The pug instagram, store and shelter pet, amazing adoption stories start in shelters visit the shelter pet project org. To find a pet near you brought to you by Maddie's Fund. The Humane Society of the United States and the Ad Council. You make sure his toys don't have sharp edges. You taught her what to do when the smoke alarm goes off. You do so much to keep your child safe. But are you using the right car seat for your child? Car crashes are a leading killer of Children ages 1-13 protect your child's future at every stage of life. For information on the right seat for your child visit safer car dot gov slash the right seat. A message from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Ad Council. So you see son. Good manners are important. Should I go through it again? Yes, yes, please. Yes, please. Exactly. Always say, please thank you. You're welcome. An excuse me, sit up straight, hold doors open. I'll speak with your mouth full. Keep your elbows off the table, share your things, play nice and generally treat others the way you'd like to be treated. Got it, got it and stop picking your nose. Most parenting is hard to do in just two minutes, two minutes twice a day. Making sure they brush their teeth is easier and it could help save them from a lifetime of tooth pain visit two men two x dot org to find out more. A message from the partnership for healthy. Miles healthy lives in the ad council. I'm a retired school psychologist and helping people with my thing after my stroke. When Wilson real started, I was another end of the stick, so to speak. My name is Julius cain's creative writer, poet, photographer. One in six seniors faces the threat of hunger and millions more live in isolation, drop off a hotmail and say a quick hello volunteer for meals on wheels by donating your lunch break at America. Let's do lunch dot org. This message brought to you by meals on wheels, America and the ad council. The motivation minute is courtesy of better credit cards dot com. Truman Capote said failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor. I love that quote. Have you ever worked on something that just came together right away? It's a cool feeling, but an even cooler feeling is the satisfaction of getting something finished that you've struggled with and then it finally comes together. I'm not sure why and who knows, maybe it's just me, but I absolutely love that. I actually had a client that I spoke with about seven years ago. We had numerous encounters since then and they just finally began a partnership with us a few months ago. I'll tell you what, that was a pretty fun day. This has been today's motivation minute, courtesy of better credit cards dot com. I'm john small. Thanks for listening. Your favorite motivational quotes can be submitted for upcoming programs at motivation minute dot org. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Give me true. Yeah. How many are you? Yeah. Okay. There you go. There you go. There you go. Uh so let's see. That's goals by yeah. Featuring roast pig, not a joke roast pig. Mhm The song is readily available on Spotify in Itunes. So there you go. You're listening to the raided our safety show. 40 minutes past the top of the hour, interesting vibe to that one. Uh I have to tell you, I really wish john would have said who exactly was the client that he got? Uh some business from after seven years Because I think you might have chuckled a little bit. But that's a story for a different day anyways. Let's continue talking mood foods. Yes, mood foods. I have to tell you about these because tacos are the best food for brightening up your mood If you're having a bad day, this is not a joke or at least one of the best foods. A pull from 2000 americans found that eating something salty or something sweet can be an instant mood changer. When you're down in the dumps, 66 of respondents said they would eat great. That they would greatly uh That they would greatly depends on their mood. What what what what what respondents said that a great what they eat greatly depends on their mood. But 65 also said that the reverse is true. Their moods can dictate what they eat that day. A quarter of respondents opt out for salty treats on a bad day while 31 prefer something sweet. The top foods people have reached for our On a bad day, 46 go to chocolate, 36 go to fast food or candy and 35 go to their preferred chips by the way. 41 said chocolate is the way to reach for a good day to of course, who wouldn't say that? Let's just cover all the bases here, grab some salty caramel ice cream. Does this mean that you shouldn't be celebrating taco monday or just a question there also, should I be concerned that I can't think of anything to eat that is in salty or sweet. What about those Chako tacos thing? Would that actually a cover some of the things that go on there for? For sure. Anyways, what do you got here? Question I do an online conference that is hosted in Thailand. Can I say that I spoke in Thailand I guess to an extent you could couldn't you? You could technically say that you spoke around the world I guess. Why? Why? It's an interesting question. You spoke online in Thailand. I have a speech tomorrow night I think about it. Thanks for reminding me. Uh, yeah, okay, let's continue talking. Scientists say that there have been fewer influenza cases in the US through the flu season than uh, than any any recorded time. Only 2000 cases have been recording since last september according to the data From the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention in recent years. The average number of cases on the same period or about 206,000 As a measure to stop the spread of the coronavirus were in prevented in March of 2020 influence that quickly disappeared and still hasn't returned to the latest flu season, which um, normally would have run until let's say next month essentially never happened. The problem was the lack of exposure of the flu could make the population uh, more susceptible to the virus when it returns and experts say that the return is certain, but I just read that on facebook this morning that covid, um, is the flu. I'm just being sarcastic just in case. Uh, so let's continue. I agree with you, Chako tacos rock. Uh, I do tend to have a bad time at Taco Bell um, from time to time and when I used to go to talk about many, many years ago, that was a go to for sure. Anyway, let's continue talking with an amount of hand washing people are doing these days. A study found that the residue is actually clogging up the sink with nasty disease causing bacterial colonies. Not a joke here. Researchers from the University of of Reading say the bacteria can stay alive and grow in the pipes beneath the sink. The problem Mayb maybe the worst than ever these days. As the survey find that people are washing their hands about 15 times a day during the pandemic pipes provide an ideal environment for bacteria to grow. And researchers say that coming up with a new design to prevent this from happening is becoming increasingly important. Easy wash your hands and uh someone else's house. I guess that would be the easiest way to do it for sure. Uh mortal kombat be downgraded. Uh safety show. Uh Should we talk about the age is the age at which you peak? Uh Maybe we should talk about that. Should we talk about that? Yeah, let's do that. Uh The age that you peek at crying is at six weeks between zero and six weeks. You peek at that Learning a second language. You got seven years so that by the time you're seven years old, you have to have that that language down. You don't know what I'm saying. You peek at that point. Brain processing power takes about 18 years. Remembering names about 22. What? That's the age not the not the year. So remembering names. 22 athletic accomplishes is 26 playing chess. 31 concentration, 43 life satisfaction, 60 and vocabulary is 71. Ah That explains a lot. Why have all kinds of problems. You are listening to something. You're listening to the rate of our safety show. Okay, let's continue talking real quick about some other stuff. 15 people in France have emerged after living a 40 days and 40 nights in a dark cave, which smiles on their, on their pale faces. The 15 left their isolated, uh, their isolation in love drives cave while wearing special glasses to protect their eyes. The volunteers who were taking part of the scientific experiment called the Deep Time Project were deprived of clocks and lights while the scientists monitor their sleep patterns, social interactions and behavioral reaction to be a sensory. The temperature was 10 degrees Celsius or 50 F and a relative humidity stood about at 100%. Oh, that's fine. The cave dwellers had no contact with the outside world, no updates on the pandemic nor any communication with friends or family. They followed their biological clocks to know when to wake up, when to go to sleep and eat. Uh, counting the days, not hours, but the sleep of the sleep cycles oddly. Most believed that only about 30 days had passed since the start of the experiment, with one estimating the elapsing time closer to 23 days, 22/3 expressed the desire to remain underground a bit longer in order to finish up. The project started, uh, started during the, the expedition. So there you go. I'm wondering if they were trying to test for, like, what is that movie that vin Diesel was in pitch black is what I think it was called, where he could see in the dark. I don't know if they were testing that those would be the people who live, um, and their mother in law's house. You know, they would probably try to do that as well. Um, I do that experiment just to meet other people who have the same complexion is me, that would probably be part of it as well. And um, the things some people will do to get out of spring cleaning, that's for sure. I bet some of them hooked up in the dark. L. O L wow. You said that? I didn't, I was just reading your comment grated our safety show, sarcastic. Never. Okay, so there you go. Some interesting stuff of course. Like ali's going on inside of the world. Um, so let's talk about it. Uh, let's get into the swamp. But just for a little bit real quick. Official census data shows that some interesting shakeups in congress ahead in the 2022 midterms, California, Illinois, michigan new york, Ohio pennsylvania and west Virginia will each lose a seat. Colorado, florida, Montana Oregon and north Carolina. Will each pick up a seat texas will pick up two seats. There are plenty of analysis both sides of the aisle for what this means politically. On one hand, the politician ships suggests people from the blue states moving to red ones uh, and bringing their votes with them. On the other hand, the states still have the opportunity to redraw maps that could strengthen their controlling party political view. So there you go. I don't know if you like that stuff, then you can go for around the rest of it because I hate talking about it. Um, so let's continue talking. The effort to recall California. Governor Gavin Newsom continues to move forward following the certification of 1.62 million signatures in support of the petition to hold a special election this fall. An additional review process allowed to petition signers to withdraw their support, but it's highly unlikely that there could be enough to change the inedible recall vote. So there you go. That's gonna be some fun times coming up over there in California, that's for sure. No winner for friday night's mega million drawing. Tonight's drawing. Oh yes, $297 million jackpot or a $204.1 million cash payout. No winner for saturday night's powerball drawing. Either Wednesday's drawing will be for 100 and $16 million jackpot at $80.6 million cash payout. So I guess it's up to you on what you want to do. So there you go. If you're willing to play, then take the chance to do what you want to do and you be you, I'll be me and I won't play. Uh, so there you go. Let's continue talking about some other things. The NFL is modifying its covid protocols for all personnel who has been fully vaccinated. Commissioner Roger Goodell Uh, said uh, sent out a memo to all 32 clubs stating that effective immediately. Fully vaccinated individuals in the NFL. Player, coaches, staff and executives are no longer required to be tested daily for the virus. They will now be tested weekly. Also, vaccinated individuals are no longer required to submit entry testing After travel and are not required to quarantine if they come into contact with an infected individual, the league is not requiring anyone to get vaccinated. So there you go. Some things to think about as we are talking here this morning about some other stuff. Anyway, let's talk about some wack faxes. We are 15 minutes past the top of the hour, According to studies. Men chart changed their minds 2-3 times more than often than women, jerry Seinfeld and Larry. David came up with the idea of Seinfeld while talking about different products at the grocery store When pitch, the average major league baseball road um rotates 15 times before being hit. That's interesting. Uh, there is more money loaded on a Starbucks card than a Starbucks mobile app than some banks have in deposits. Mhm. From a complete stop, a human is capable of outrunning a Formula one race car For about 30 ft. Uh, Is this wack factor, useless knowledge? I don't know. One person is recorded history has been hit by a meteorite, wow. Really? That's, that's something special. Safety in a way. Never heard of before. The greatest safety show on safety is in. So I got a question for you. Do you hang out with a lot of safety professionals or do you normally hang out with them? Just yourself and you're kind of the only person inside of their uh, just out of curiosity because I was talking to one a few days ago, we were having some conversations related to this, some signs that you might be suffering from road rage. Uh, State farm reviews refuses to enter your vehicle because uh, you have a gun turret attached to it. That throbbing vein in your forehead isn't big enough to honk the is big enough to honk your horn. You keep a seven iron in your back seat just in case you developed carpal tunnel syndrome in your middle finger. If you mounted your windshield wipers onto the inside to clear the spit, you swear more before before you get to work than most rappers do all day. Yikes think about that. You are listening to a radio God, what? This has to be an error. That host is not a radio god. Anyway, this is the rated R safety show on safety F. Firm. I'm a trial lawyer. I'm not part of your family and I don't do skits with my mom. I'm a real lawyer. A damn good lawyer. The best lawyer the state has to offer and I built a reputation for standing up for the people of this country righting the wrongs. You may not agree with all of my views, but when it comes to try and cases, there's only one view. Justice and justice is what I get fighter law. That's why we're unstoppable. Mm. What did he just say? We had safety Fn don't always agree with the viewpoints of our hosts and guests. Back to real safety talk on safety FM. Okay, so let's talk about some things that happened back on this date. So back in 2014. Last week. Tonight with john Oliver premieres on HBO. The late night show takes a statistic foster, a sarcastic look at news, political, politics and current events on a weekly basis. Also on this day, back in 2020 the global, global confirmed cases of Covid 19 passes nine, excuse me, passes three million with a death toll of 205,000. The US counts for one third of all cases. Let's talk about some birthdays that are going on today, cassie Randolph turns 26 Lizzo turns 33 Patrick stump 37 James Burton 50 George, Gervin 69 Ace, freely. Oh yes. Um, turned 70 and see Robertson. Yeah. Duck dynasty turned 73 today. So there you go. Some stuff going on right there anyways. Let me tell you about the most important thing that I'm gonna tell you all day. If you hear, if you're taking a listen to what we have going on, this is what's happening right now. Um let me let you know on how you are not alone because this is important. Whether you have struggled with suicide yourself or have lost a loved one, know that you're not alone here about the personal experiences from people in your local community whose lives have been impacted by suicide and depression. If you want to know more information, you can go to a f sp dot org, that's a F sp dot org or call 1 802 73 talk. That's 1 802 73 talk or text. The word talk to 741741 I'm going to tell you, I know that sometimes people do not like having this discussion, but the people at the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention can help you can assist, you can have private conversations with you about what's going on. Don't do anything until you've made that phone call or actually been in contact with them because you are too important. You are too important. We can't do what we do without. You know that as a fact Anyways, let's talk about some other things real quick. If you need a phone starter for today, try this one. What pranks do you pull on the job that general public would never be aware of. If you need a random joke, try this one. If anyone knows how to fix some broken hinges. My door is always open. If you need something for the water cooler. Try this one. Almost 20 of women say that they have kept this a secret from their partner. What is it fender bender? So there you go. Some things to think about as we do talk about this Anyways. If you need a reason to celebrate today, let's talk about some of those things that you can celebrate today. National Babe ruth day now. Is that the candy bar or is it the actual babe ruth? That's the other portion uh, National Devil Dog day Or maybe it's both, Who knows? Uh, National Prime rib day. A national tell a story day. Yeah, I think those things could be important. Uh, do you know about morse code day? Because I think that that could be interesting too. That's another day that you can celebrate today. So I have to tell you as we do a lot of the stuff that we do here on the show. We like to talk a lot about the things that are going on. Um, so with a lot of events going back into full force. Are you giving any consideration to doing any or are you only sticking to virtual for the time being? When is a good time to start going back to these events if you are thinking about doing So, that's a question that I'm always curious about, because I think it's an interesting time on how we can do some different things if we opt to do so. And do you look at these things that some of these will be required, that you will actually have to be vaccinated before you can go to them and if you do have to be vaccinated, what is your thoughts of course. Always things to think about when we start talking about a lot of this stuff. Real big streaming 24 7 and real big dot FM. So there you go. A lot of stuff. Anyways, as you know, we're getting close to the end of the show. So let's go ahead and start wrapping this up right now. You come hang out with me on radio big dot FM. If you so desire to do so right after this, we'll start off right away. We continue talking about the things that are going on inside of the world of the news and things that are going on inside of the world of music because I always think that those things are important. Um, so there you go. If I can leave you, well, if I can leave you with a thought for today, do I want to do that yet? Yes, let's do that. If you don't like the road you're walking. Start paving another one. Think about that for a moment. I think that's the thing that should drive most of us. If we don't like what were the road we're walking on? Start paving the one you want to be on. That's for sure. Anyways, you've been listening to the radar safety show exclusively on safety FM dot com and radio big dot FM. Safety FM is the home of real safety talk. We couldn't do what we do without you. The most important part the listener I know who you are. You know who I am, I love you and goodbye. The views and opinions expressed on this podcast are those of the host and its guests and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the company. Examples of analysis discussed within this podcast are only examples. It should not be utilized in the real world as the only solution available as they are based only on very limited and dated. Open source information, assumptions made within this analysis are not reflective of the position of the company. No part of this podcast may be reproduced stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means mechanical, electronic recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the creator of the podcast, jay Allen.
[00:00:00] : Yeah, yeah. Six. This show is brought to you by safety. The following program is reading L. S. V. It contains strong language, sexual situations and violence. It is intended only for mature audiences. Finally show with the ball should call it like it is rated R. Safety show on safety FM. Countdown to audio torture decorated. Our safety show starts in 321 lady ear drum pain. But again, forget the corporate bullshit. This is the rated R. Safety show with your host. Dr uh it doesn't matter who the host is. Well, good morning to wherever the heck you're located. Anyway, today's Tuesday april 27th of 2021 Day 117th of the year. Yeah, that's that's right. 117th of the year and only 248 days left to go. We are broadcasting live from the safety FM studios in Orlando Florida and coming across the Multiverse of safety. FM. Of course we're hanging out with our friends at that other place that we uh, we do stuff with. So we are hanging with the peeps at radio big. So there you go. Hopefully you're off to a grand start and everything is going quite fantastic so far this morning. So let's start talking. Getting into what is going on. So today is Tuesday. So let's start talking right away of what is happening according to the music trends. Let's go right down the path talking about what is going on with Spotify according to the top five. So here you go, Julia cat is at number five with Kiss me more christian. No doubt both. Both. Yeah, at number four. Number three, Mass. Wolf astronaut in the ocean. At number two. According to Spotify, Justin Bieber with peaches. And at number one, according to the Spotify countdown. Little Nas X. Monteiro, Call me by your name now, let's go to the other side of the equation right away and start talking about that uh number five, Dua lipa levitating. Featuring the baby. Uh number four Christina Aguilera. Little kim. Listen, let's listen to this. Little kim Maya and pink lady marmalade dot Yeah, that one's kind of been out for a while and it started going back onto the chart At # three, Bruno Mars leave the door open. Mass Wolfert, number two, according to Itunes. And at the number one spot the weekend in Ariana grande would save your tears, the remix version. So there you go. A lot of stuff right away. That's for sure. Um I don't know. So I guess maybe I should do this now. I guess I should do this now because we're talking about music. Uh there was kind of the the, the spoiler or the preview that came out yesterday. I don't know if you were kind of hanging out and taking a look around, but let's talk about the preview of stuff that was coming out yesterday. Um this one was making the sequences and she dropped 15 seconds of it. Take a listen and there you go. That was the 1st 15 seconds off of a new track featuring Billie Eilish and I will tell you uh over a million views Right away when that did happen. So, kind of interesting going on. I think right now, the last time that I looked was at 3.5 million. Oh, let me look. three million. 572169. Yeah, that's from yesterday alone. Oh, look at this. The premises back, I can't believe it. It's been such a long time. Welcome back into the box. Anyways, let's continue talking, Let's get you moving and grooving and what is going on inside of the world of the news, from our friends at feature story News. Here is the news on the safety show from feature story news in London. I'm Ali Barrett. International aid is arriving in India as the country battles a deadly surge of COVID-19 infections. The first consignment from the UK has landed in Delhi containing ventilators and oxygen concentrators. It's equipment that India desperately needs, says Asian Gerg reports from New Delhi. The UK is sending 600 pieces of equipment while the United States France Germany Singapore and the European Union have all pledged help. India's health care system is stretched to its limits. As the country has reported more than 300,000 cases of COVID-19 for six consecutive days now And close to 2700 deaths. Even by the most conservative estimates, experts say, the real numbers could be way worse. It's expected that with the US releasing raw ingredients of vaccines production can be ramped up quickly. A billion people will be eligible to take a shot from next month amid fears that demand will outstrip supply significantly. Shin guard. The U. S. Says it will share its supply of Astrazeneca's Covid 19 vaccine with nations around the world. To gritty dark reports from Washington up to 60 million Astrazeneca jobs will be made available to other countries. According to the White House press secretary, jen Psaki said 10 million doses are ready to be sent as soon as the U. S. Food and Drug Administration conducts quality checks and gives the go ahead, which she indicated could happen in the coming weeks. The White House didn't say which countries would get the jabs and ordered it specify how many would be shipped to India, where the virus is raging with devastating consequences. Astrazeneca's shots are not currently authorized for use in the United States. And the White House stressed that the U. S. Own rollout would not be affected by the plans to export the vaccine. UK Prime Minister Boris johnson chairs a cabinet meeting on Tuesday, which he'll attempt to move focus on from allegations of sleaze surrounding his government. Mr johnson's under pressure over the renovation of his residents and a number of reported comments he made about lockdowns and covid, 19 fatalities. Downing Street says many of the claims are rubbish, but opposition Labour says he owes the country a full explanation. Shadow Health Secretary Jonathan Ashworth says the Prime Minister's conduct is being called into question and this is basically about integrity and honesty in politics and integrity and honesty is still worth fighting for even if Boris johnson doesn't act of integrity, the Prime Minister should act of integrity and that's fundamentally what this is about. And the fact that Boris johnson is not being straight with the british people. It's just not on, we deserve better than this. We need a full and frank explanation from the Prime Minister. The european parliament votes on Tuesday with GPS set to ratify the Brexit trade deal between the UK and the EU FROM bureaus worldwide. This is FsN this show is almost as enjoyable as hearing the sound of the toilet flush rated R safety show on safety FM. I spend a lot of time in the backyard and I'm the center of attention at summer barbecues. In 96 I made some of the tastiest smores and at oh nine it was me, your backyard fire pit that accidentally started a wildfire when a summer breeze carried one of my embers into some dry brush, spark a change. Not a wildfire visit. Smokey Bear dot com brought to you by the U. S. Forest Service, Your state forester in the ad council only you can prevent wildfires, hope you enjoy your meal. And I just want to say he's lucky to have a blood that like you lucky, caring for my brother is far from easy, but he's a part of me, like my arms and legs so I'll be his no time for tired. Nothing can disable this love. He needs me. But I'm the lucky one even though I need help now and then if you're caring for a loved one, visit AARP dot org slash caregiving for care guides and community support for your strength brought to you by AARP and the AD council. What if I told you that a tornado was going to happen tomorrow, right where you live? That it would touch down at exactly 3:17 PM and I told you the exact path it would take. You would of course prepare. You would talk with your loved ones and you make a plan today. It's true. I can't tell you a tornado will strike tomorrow. But shouldn't you have a plan anyway? Go to ready dot gov slash communicate and make your emergency plan today. Don't wait communicate brought to you by fema and the AD council. This is Mario andretti, you know me as a race car driver, but I'm also a meals on wheels. Volunteer I've raised against the sport's biggest personalities but I've never met more vibrant, amazing people than a senior served by meals on wheels. You can make a difference by dropping off a hot meal and saying a quick hello. So America, let's do lunch. Volunteer your lunch break at America. Let's do lunch dot org. This message brought to you by meals on wheels. America and the ad council listen to our host of the rated R safety show self implode on our airwaves. Only on safety. FM. Oh, there you go. There you go. So, a lot of stuff are always going on inside of the world of the news as we are talking, moving around and talking about all that kind of fun stuff. Um, so let's see, let's see. Let's see what we got here. We got some stuff to talk about because we always do some other things and so on. Um, mm, I'm trying to look around for a brief moment. So bear with me as I go through this, you know, that we start talking about all of these safety conferences. So I guess it'll be time to talk about it again, you know, QR code just in case that's the sign. Let's make that a slightly bigger. Um That's the sign. In case you were wondering what the QR code leads to. Um So this is the gig. If you are interested in getting the sign, you can do so at our website or actually scanning the QR code. Yeah, you can pick it up right there free for you if you want to share it on your social media platforms, talking about the things that you know, you might not be doing during these dates. So I wanted to have that readily available for you. So I am not speaking at any safety conference or expo between September the 13th through the 15th. You know, I wanted to have inclusion across the board for sure. So there you go, that's available if you want to download it. Um, if you don't want to do the QR code aspect because you're not watching on the screen, that's perfectly fine to you're gonna safety FM dot com forward slash I am not that safety FM dot com forward slash I am not. So now here's the other information we got going on. Here is an event that we will be attending later. Well, attending next month. Better saying we have actually some of our, some of our show hosts that will be there. You'll have Emily L Rod from unapologetically bold and Sam Goodman will both be there actually doing speeches at this event. This is the A c f s will be having their um, having their event coming up. Also, also josh codel from Married to safety will be there. So take a listen to this real quick and we'll kind of give you a little bit more information. Have you ever sat back and ask yourself that question? Who is in your corner? Well, that's what we're all about. On May the 18th at safety Day 2021 presented by the A. C. F. S come to the event on May the 18th at the Rosen Plaza Hotel in Orlando florida. There will be world renowned speaker speaking about this all important subject of who is in your corner when it comes to dealing with safety. If you want to learn on how to reduce risk houses aboard safety and be a health champion, this is the event for you. Don't miss out on this event available by the A. C. F s. Now the question that always comes up, it's what are these events worth? What is the cost? What is it going to cost me? Well, it's not gonna be as much as some of the other events, you will get this great value for $30. Yes, you heard me correctly. $30 that's lunch, that's parking and that's even C. E. U's. For $30. For more information. Go to a cfs dot org. That's a cfs dot org and enjoy safety day 2021 an in person event. So there you go. That is taking place on May the 18th. If you're inclined to go there, hang out we will be, well I will be there but I will actually be broadcasting uh you know, off and on throughout the day just in case if you're interested in coming by hanging out saying hello blah blah blah blah blah. Uh Oh that's a good word. Uh I love me some sam thank you for that mr premise. And then why aren't you speaking at the conference? I was never asked. So good reason why I'm not speaking there. I was never asked to do so. If you're not asked, I mean you just can't do something like that. Right, okay, so there you go, a lot of stuff going on. So let's talk about what is going on inside of the world of the news and let's get that started going down the hit list. Three people were arrested during protests in Wisconsin on sunday calling the termination of officer who shot Jacob blake roughly. 40 people gathered To protest the officers Rustin. She skis returned to administrative leave last month, Blake's uncle, just Justin Blake is 52 was arrested on charges of disorderly conduct and obstructing or resisting an officer. He was released on monday after posting bond according to the Milwaukee Journal sentinel, wow, that's the name. Uh The other two arrested were formerly were former county board of supervisors, joseph Cardinal E 24 reverend Jonathan baker 37 who were both charged with misdemeanor disorderly conduct and released yesterday. Those gathered, we're also calling for the police chief, Daniel misogynists to apologize for not notifying them of shaped skis return to the force. Now. Schelsky is currently working a desk job and has not returned to patrol duties. Just were information sake to kind of share a little bit more on that. Don't know how you feel about it. But we have to talk about all these things as we do move forward anyways. As of Monday, over 230.7 million COVID vaccine have been administered nationwide. Over 95.8 million Americans have been fully vaccinated while more than 140.9 million have received at least one dose according to the CDC. The total number of cumulative cases are now just over 31.8 million. And with over 569,000 deaths attributed to the virus. As stated earlier. Let's talk about it a little bit more. India has hit a new world record with COVID-19 infections on Monday the country uh recorded over 350,000 cases and nearly 3000 deaths in 24 hours. According to the situation is so dire that many hospitals are turning people away due to the lack of medical oxygen and other supplies. The surge blamed on highly contagious variant comes from the Prime Minister declared victory over the virus in january. So I think so. Do you think that it's uh for sure calling it uh you know, victory too soon. That would be the first thing. Hold on. What do you have here fully vaccinated one week away from full immunity. Are you serious? Did you just really write that in the box? Full immunity? Full immunity? Is that what you really believe in? I'm just asking the question, asking the question because insiders want to know uh just the questions they're gonna be fully immune to the week after taking the second vaccine. Mm That's a question. What did he just say? We have safety. Don't always agree with the viewpoints of our husband guests. Now. Back to real safety talk on safety. FM. I think that can raise some questions. Um that can raise some questions. We were talking about this briefly yesterday. I know that the lovely governor of florida was telling people about a week and a half ago or show uh that if you're fully vaccinated you should act like your immune or you should go out there and act immune blah blah blah. Um And not holding back now, you are aware as we are talking just based on case studies of things that have gone around um after the second shot, it's not done, you kind of have to wait a period of time and I don't know if what full fully immune means, if you if they're already talking that you have to have to have a booster shot. And of course like I always continue to say about this, this is a personal decision that you need to make on your own. I'm not giving anybody shit on whatever they're doing. I mean that's their thing. Uh you want to take it, take it if you don't want to take it, don't take it. But of course take precautions depending on where you're at, that's all I got to say. I don't know, I think it's kind of weird thing. Um I have never posted anything online and when I got a flu shot I've never posted anything online when I've got any other kind of vaccine. So I don't know if I would post anything about vaccine now. Uh So I don't know. I don't know. Um So I don't know. This is something we did talk about yesterday. So you're a day behind buddy. Uh I am still masking up no matter what photos show. Um But here's the thing a lot of people are not going back for the second jab. That's kind of been some of the interesting stuff that we're seeing. So I keep on wondering when it comes about now if they tell people the incentive of you do not have to wear a mask if you're fully vaccinated. If that changes everything. I don't know. Just a question. Of course. Okay so let's continue talking. Dr Anthony Fauci said that he expects the C. D. C. Is released an updated guidance of worrying mass outdoors as the risk of spreading covid is really very low. Yeah you heard me there uh if you are vaccinated person wearing a mask outdoor obviously the risk is minuscule according to Fauci explained now I will tell you I had somebody contact me yesterday after that particular reference and people were telling me that they were on a worksite or the person was telling me that they were on a worksite in. Almost everyone was refusing to wear refusing to wear a mask. Now because of that were they fully vaccinated? I have no clue. Um But I'm just telling you what the person was saying. So here's some more stuff the news comes um Some states have no mass requirement in place, such as you ready. Texas and florida are recording loader, lower rates of infections and others with band aids, such as michigan new york and pennsylvania. So, uh, there you go. Some things to think about. So worth noting the state's doing better. Uh, doing better. Um, have less, I guess mandates in place. Uh, so there you go. That's what's going on. According to what the writer wrote here. It's always fun. Giant when I get some of this information to get to look at it. Um, and share it with a large group of people. Let's continue talking. A man from Madrid has been charged with um, intentionality of causing injury after Alleged infecting 22 people with COVID-19 after coughing on them Spanish. Police said that investigation began after COVID outbreak at the company where the 40 year old man worked days before the outbreak. The man showed up with symptoms that have refused and refused hold on but refused his coworkers suggestions to go home and self isolate. He ended up testing positive for the virus. So did five of his colleagues who were infect, um, who were infected family members, including three infants. According to what the officers had to say. None of those infected required hospitalization. That's kind of a jackass move. But here's where it becomes interesting. Now, bear with me as I say this because this is what's going to happen. As we talk about this, you have to understand some of the requirements on some of these job sites and listen, some people are going to look at this and this is going to sound harsh as I say this. So I apologize ahead of time. They're going to look at what's available. Are they still going to be able to provide for their family? Are they going to be able to do anything to be able to feed themselves even if they're sick, because listen, if you don't have something where people are being able to make money, still, even if they're gone as an employee employer relationship, they're going to risk it, they're going to risk it and risk the people around them if I have not able to feed my family anymore and I have to put other people at rest, Sorry, some people are going to look at it that way. It's just the reality of the situation. I know it sucks when I say that and of course I know what I have to do next to we at safety FM are not responsible for what this idiot behind the microphone is saying is trying to be entertaining rated R safety show. Okay, the attorney general of Minnesota who was responsible for leading the way of Derek chauvin's guilty verdict said that felt a little bad for former cop. During an interview on 60 minutes keith L Ellison said that he felt many emotions after Derek was found guilty for the death of George Floyd, including compassion for the defendant. Uh something that he says stems from his 16 years as a criminal defense attorney. While Ellison believes that Derek deserves to be convicted, he does not want people to remember that everyone involved, that he does, that he does want people to remember that everyone involved. Um is a human being. Yeah, that is for sure. Everyone involved is a human being and I think people made some choices that should probably be looked at. That's for sure. Anyways, before we start talking about what's going on inside of the world of the stocks, let's get john Smalls in here and let him tell you what's going on. Here's your market beat minute for Tuesday, april 27th 2021. The S. And P. 500 edged higher monday to set a new intraday all time high but failed to hold it into the close. Today's action was light and held within a very tight trading range on the eve of the busiest three days of earnings reporting this quarter. In total there will be more than 180 S. And P 500 companies reporting this week with an equally large percentage of dow components to boot. If the bulk of the reports failed to impress, we could see the indices begin corrective action reports on tap include Microsoft, apple amazon and facebook, among other top names. The biggest risk is that consensus estimates have been on the rise and may have already priced in much of the expected earnings gains. Also on tap are some key reads on the economy as well as the Fomc meeting and announcements. There is no change to policy expected but indications of rising inflation or shifting fomc sentiment could be bad for equities. You can get the inside track at market beat minute dot com. Okay, thank you to Jon small from the john and Heidi Shell that you can hear well not exclusively but you can hear definitely on radio big dot FM in the afternoons 2 to 6. Yeah, that's where they hang out. Uh Thanks john Small for that one. So let me give you some more information. Their stocks were mixed on monday. At the start of the new week, the dow lost 61 points. While the NASDAQ search 121 points and the S and P. Added seven points. Both the NASDAQ composite in the S and P 500 closed at a record. Huh? So there you go, investors are anxiously awaiting the Federal Reserve meeting, which runs on both Tuesday and Wednesday. Although, um, all of the policy changes are not expected. It's expected that plans to manage inflation will be discussed. Tesla added more than one before the closing bell on Monday in anticipation of its earnings release. I think people were just anticipating, uh, you know, Ellen being on SNL. Okay, just joking on that. Uh, you did see that come about. The people were kind of like losing it about that. Uh, so let's talk a little bit. Did you hear about this in michigan? Yes, michigan. Ohio michigan love me some michigan for sure. Michigan mass mandate now affects Children as young as the age of To yeah, not a joke. They're effective this week. Children between the ages of two and 4 are now required to wear a face covering in public places, including schools, childcare centers and at camps. Dr Magda Hornick, president of the michigan chapter of the american Academy of Pediatrics, said that the parents should not be concerned about the toddlers wearing face masks as there is no evidence that it will be harmful. What is the basis of it? Lack of evidence on No, just kidding. Um, Also he says that parents need not to fret about the mask um, hindering their Children's immune systems as their immune system will have plenty of time to catch up. So, what I mean again, I mean, I just don't get it. Me, I get to interact with a very small child. Yes. My own child, she's less than two. Um, if I can't envision, I mean, I'm just talking here, having her wear a mask. Uh I just don't think that it would actually happen. I don't think that she would keep it on if I try to do it. But then again, that's my opinion. Uh So let's continue talking fully vaccinated americans will be allowed to travel to the european union this summer. Ursula von der Levin and president of the european Commission told the new york times that she has promises to lift travel bans sued. Non essential travel to europe has been banned since the pandemic erupted. So now that you know this and this is going to be potentially uh something that's possible to do. Are you looking to travel? Is this something that your content that you're contemplating about doing now? I will tell you, I have recently been speaking to some people that have been traveling for work and I'm talking about jumping on planes, going about and all that kind of stuff. And they say that a lot of the airlines really have their shit together. There is no doubt whatsoever that they really know what the hell they're doing. So it's pretty interesting to see. Um, I have still not have the privilege of jumping on a plane yet. So that's that's my deal. Um, I do believe in car driving for long periods of time that I do believe in as of recent. Uh, so let's talk a little bit more about some other things. Before we get you into the main story, we are 27 minutes into the hour. So far, four people were killed and at least 20 were injured in another weekend. Full of shootings in Chicago between six p.m. friday and 11 59 p. M. Sunday, 24 people were struck by bullets in the windy city victims range from the ages of 15 to 62. Also, police announced multiple charges including murder against Marion Lewis 18 who fatally shot a seven year old while she waited with her father in the drive thru at a local Mcdonald's last week, officers reportedly tried to arrest louis during the traffic stop, at which point he ran off an attempted to carjack a vehicle with family inside. He was shot not fatally by a responding officer. Interesting to hear about all this stuff that's going on for sure in that area. It's interesting that we keep on hearing about more and more gun violence when it comes to certain areas, that's for sure. Not picking on anybody in particular, just talking about what is going on for sure. Uh, so it's about that time. So let's get that rolling and let's start talking about it right now. I was a man story. I guess if I hit the right button, we wouldn't have this double error. Yeah, I did say double error. I guess I get that because of the double dug. So let's talk about this because we've been talking about some very random odd things as of late and let's not do anything different. Um, let's continue to talk about the randomness of some of these things. So as we do bring up Chicago, not everything that comes out of Chicago is bad. I mean let's, I don't want that to ever come across that way. But there is sometimes in life that we have to talk about certain things and the good, the bad and the ugly. So unfortunately as some of the things that we do, we talk mostly about the ugly and not about the good. So today will be one of those days that we want to talk about the good side of life. And I want to talk about this because I will tell you, as I started off in this great profession of safety many, many years ago, there was a lot of questions that I had, there was a lot of doubts. Um, there was a lot of stuff that I did not understand. There wasn't anyone that I could turn to per se. I remember becoming a safety, what I was called, a quote unquote safety professional. Um, I was the safety manager in training manager all at the same time and I pretty much had no concept of safety or any concept of training, at least. I don't think I did as I got into the position and I did not know where to turn, I didn't know where to go to look for information to find out things of what was going on. I looked around, I had 10,000 questions and really no one to answer me now keep in mind that this was years and years ago at this point. So I could do searches online. I could go to the National Safety Council to look up information because that's where I used to hang out quite a bit. Um, and I really didn't have a go to person besides the stuff that I had found. Now the interesting part is, I'm talking about this, I want to mention this coming out of Chicago, a Chicago local named rob Kenny, are you familiar with this person? He has a Youtube channel called Dad. How do I Yeah, let me, let me kind of go a little bit further here that teaches or explains everyday things that might otherwise require a father figure, Kenny grew up without a father and he started a Youtube channel to pass on dan advice to kids that were growing up without a dad. Now I'm gonna, I mean, I'm gonna probably try to pull this up because I don't know if I'm gonna be able to do this magic trick, but we will attempt to do so, um, as I talk here for just a hot minute, but of course I have this all jacked up. Um, let me, let me see what I can do. Yeah, I'm probably gonna have to change screens here. Let me, let me do some other stuff. If you're kind of on the primary here, I'm gonna move this over and then we're gonna go into this. I want you to see what this guy has done. This guy. Probably even need to go into a different screen. Let's let's do this entirely different. Um, this guy right here has come up with videos for everything that you can imagine it has. How do I replace a refrigerator filter, dad? How do I plant? How do I plant seeds into the grass? How do I do you use a caulking gun? What do you do about shaving cuts and all of this information that you can readily find on this website? Because this guy, this gentleman has decided that it is important for him to be able to help out the community. It is important for him to be able to do all these things that are there. And I think it's interesting, it's interesting that he would be willing to do this. Now my question becomes this as we start talking here, of course, and my question becomes, why is it that as safety professionals? No 1's done one of these things. I, till this date has have not seen anyone come up with a Youtube channel or a channel that is not a paid service, key word there to help people that are starting off in this profession on how to do this stuff. And I'm talking about very, very basic stuff. I'm not talking about you taking a deep dive into going into some of these things, but think about it and let's this kind of talk about all across the board here. And let's be honest, for a moment with the amount of people that rip other things off, reuse and repeat. Even as far as going with using titles for shows and all that stuff that signed identical to popular shows, Why hasn't anyone come up with something like this? Seriously, why hasn't anyone come up with a model that will help people and show people what needs to be done? Especially as they're starting off in this particular profession. I mean, I don't think from my personal opinion that there would be a lot of competition when it comes to this, I don't think that it would be one of these things that it would take you a lot of time. Keep in mind we're talking the basics of the basics. So this man had no father or grew up without a father and has decided to do this to help other people. And yes, I mean, don't get me wrong at some point, this gentleman here is talking, he talks about a book that he that he has And that's coming out on the 18th, kind of funny of next month, practical dad advice for everyday task dad, how do I? Yes, that's a book, but he also has a Youtube channel, so yes, I understand that, but that's after a year of giving so many things out for free and it kind of makes you wonder from time to time, why are we not willing to do something along those lines? Listen, I'll tell you this, if someone is interested in doing that, I would almost be willing to have a conversation to see what we can come up with together. Now. I will tell you, I think that it could help really change the way that communities are done. It could really change the way that we look at this profession. I mean we all want to do things or at least we claim that we do. So now is the perfect opportunity to do something like this. I mean take it as your own idea even probably reach out to rob rob Kenny, I'm sure he'd be willing to talk to you on how he came up with this stuff at the end of the day. Remember we're all just humans and we're just trying to make everything slightly better. Look at it however you want. But then again, like I say all the time, what do I know? I'm just the guy behind a microphone. Sometimes. Sometimes the guy behind a microphone Hamilton was adopted from a rescue in 2000 and eight. She really likes to be around people. I get out my mat and I'm doing a downward dog and he's underneath. He's quite the pug about town. He gets invited to a lot of parties. He knows he's a pretty big deal. Look at this little face. I do not love him. Hamilton. The pug instagram, store and shelter pet, amazing adoption stories start in shelters visit the shelter pet project org. To find a pet near you brought to you by Maddie's Fund. The Humane Society of the United States and the Ad Council. You make sure his toys don't have sharp edges. You taught her what to do when the smoke alarm goes off. You do so much to keep your child safe. But are you using the right car seat for your child? Car crashes are a leading killer of Children ages 1-13 protect your child's future at every stage of life. For information on the right seat for your child visit safer car dot gov slash the right seat. A message from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Ad Council. So you see son. Good manners are important. Should I go through it again? Yes, yes, please. Yes, please. Exactly. Always say, please thank you. You're welcome. An excuse me, sit up straight, hold doors open. I'll speak with your mouth full. Keep your elbows off the table, share your things, play nice and generally treat others the way you'd like to be treated. Got it, got it and stop picking your nose. Most parenting is hard to do in just two minutes, two minutes twice a day. Making sure they brush their teeth is easier and it could help save them from a lifetime of tooth pain visit two men two x dot org to find out more. A message from the partnership for healthy. Miles healthy lives in the ad council. I'm a retired school psychologist and helping people with my thing after my stroke. When Wilson real started, I was another end of the stick, so to speak. My name is Julius cain's creative writer, poet, photographer. One in six seniors faces the threat of hunger and millions more live in isolation, drop off a hotmail and say a quick hello volunteer for meals on wheels by donating your lunch break at America. Let's do lunch dot org. This message brought to you by meals on wheels, America and the ad council. The motivation minute is courtesy of better credit cards dot com. Truman Capote said failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor. I love that quote. Have you ever worked on something that just came together right away? It's a cool feeling, but an even cooler feeling is the satisfaction of getting something finished that you've struggled with and then it finally comes together. I'm not sure why and who knows, maybe it's just me, but I absolutely love that. I actually had a client that I spoke with about seven years ago. We had numerous encounters since then and they just finally began a partnership with us a few months ago. I'll tell you what, that was a pretty fun day. This has been today's motivation minute, courtesy of better credit cards dot com. I'm john small. Thanks for listening. Your favorite motivational quotes can be submitted for upcoming programs at motivation minute dot org. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Give me true. Yeah. How many are you? Yeah. Okay. There you go. There you go. There you go. Uh so let's see. That's goals by yeah. Featuring roast pig, not a joke roast pig. Mhm The song is readily available on Spotify in Itunes. So there you go. You're listening to the raided our safety show. 40 minutes past the top of the hour, interesting vibe to that one. Uh I have to tell you, I really wish john would have said who exactly was the client that he got? Uh some business from after seven years Because I think you might have chuckled a little bit. But that's a story for a different day anyways. Let's continue talking mood foods. Yes, mood foods. I have to tell you about these because tacos are the best food for brightening up your mood If you're having a bad day, this is not a joke or at least one of the best foods. A pull from 2000 americans found that eating something salty or something sweet can be an instant mood changer. When you're down in the dumps, 66 of respondents said they would eat great. That they would greatly uh That they would greatly depends on their mood. What what what what what respondents said that a great what they eat greatly depends on their mood. But 65 also said that the reverse is true. Their moods can dictate what they eat that day. A quarter of respondents opt out for salty treats on a bad day while 31 prefer something sweet. The top foods people have reached for our On a bad day, 46 go to chocolate, 36 go to fast food or candy and 35 go to their preferred chips by the way. 41 said chocolate is the way to reach for a good day to of course, who wouldn't say that? Let's just cover all the bases here, grab some salty caramel ice cream. Does this mean that you shouldn't be celebrating taco monday or just a question there also, should I be concerned that I can't think of anything to eat that is in salty or sweet. What about those Chako tacos thing? Would that actually a cover some of the things that go on there for? For sure. Anyways, what do you got here? Question I do an online conference that is hosted in Thailand. Can I say that I spoke in Thailand I guess to an extent you could couldn't you? You could technically say that you spoke around the world I guess. Why? Why? It's an interesting question. You spoke online in Thailand. I have a speech tomorrow night I think about it. Thanks for reminding me. Uh, yeah, okay, let's continue talking. Scientists say that there have been fewer influenza cases in the US through the flu season than uh, than any any recorded time. Only 2000 cases have been recording since last september according to the data From the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention in recent years. The average number of cases on the same period or about 206,000 As a measure to stop the spread of the coronavirus were in prevented in March of 2020 influence that quickly disappeared and still hasn't returned to the latest flu season, which um, normally would have run until let's say next month essentially never happened. The problem was the lack of exposure of the flu could make the population uh, more susceptible to the virus when it returns and experts say that the return is certain, but I just read that on facebook this morning that covid, um, is the flu. I'm just being sarcastic just in case. Uh, so let's continue. I agree with you, Chako tacos rock. Uh, I do tend to have a bad time at Taco Bell um, from time to time and when I used to go to talk about many, many years ago, that was a go to for sure. Anyway, let's continue talking with an amount of hand washing people are doing these days. A study found that the residue is actually clogging up the sink with nasty disease causing bacterial colonies. Not a joke here. Researchers from the University of of Reading say the bacteria can stay alive and grow in the pipes beneath the sink. The problem Mayb maybe the worst than ever these days. As the survey find that people are washing their hands about 15 times a day during the pandemic pipes provide an ideal environment for bacteria to grow. And researchers say that coming up with a new design to prevent this from happening is becoming increasingly important. Easy wash your hands and uh someone else's house. I guess that would be the easiest way to do it for sure. Uh mortal kombat be downgraded. Uh safety show. Uh Should we talk about the age is the age at which you peak? Uh Maybe we should talk about that. Should we talk about that? Yeah, let's do that. Uh The age that you peek at crying is at six weeks between zero and six weeks. You peek at that Learning a second language. You got seven years so that by the time you're seven years old, you have to have that that language down. You don't know what I'm saying. You peek at that point. Brain processing power takes about 18 years. Remembering names about 22. What? That's the age not the not the year. So remembering names. 22 athletic accomplishes is 26 playing chess. 31 concentration, 43 life satisfaction, 60 and vocabulary is 71. Ah That explains a lot. Why have all kinds of problems. You are listening to something. You're listening to the rate of our safety show. Okay, let's continue talking real quick about some other stuff. 15 people in France have emerged after living a 40 days and 40 nights in a dark cave, which smiles on their, on their pale faces. The 15 left their isolated, uh, their isolation in love drives cave while wearing special glasses to protect their eyes. The volunteers who were taking part of the scientific experiment called the Deep Time Project were deprived of clocks and lights while the scientists monitor their sleep patterns, social interactions and behavioral reaction to be a sensory. The temperature was 10 degrees Celsius or 50 F and a relative humidity stood about at 100%. Oh, that's fine. The cave dwellers had no contact with the outside world, no updates on the pandemic nor any communication with friends or family. They followed their biological clocks to know when to wake up, when to go to sleep and eat. Uh, counting the days, not hours, but the sleep of the sleep cycles oddly. Most believed that only about 30 days had passed since the start of the experiment, with one estimating the elapsing time closer to 23 days, 22/3 expressed the desire to remain underground a bit longer in order to finish up. The project started, uh, started during the, the expedition. So there you go. I'm wondering if they were trying to test for, like, what is that movie that vin Diesel was in pitch black is what I think it was called, where he could see in the dark. I don't know if they were testing that those would be the people who live, um, and their mother in law's house. You know, they would probably try to do that as well. Um, I do that experiment just to meet other people who have the same complexion is me, that would probably be part of it as well. And um, the things some people will do to get out of spring cleaning, that's for sure. I bet some of them hooked up in the dark. L. O L wow. You said that? I didn't, I was just reading your comment grated our safety show, sarcastic. Never. Okay, so there you go. Some interesting stuff of course. Like ali's going on inside of the world. Um, so let's talk about it. Uh, let's get into the swamp. But just for a little bit real quick. Official census data shows that some interesting shakeups in congress ahead in the 2022 midterms, California, Illinois, michigan new york, Ohio pennsylvania and west Virginia will each lose a seat. Colorado, florida, Montana Oregon and north Carolina. Will each pick up a seat texas will pick up two seats. There are plenty of analysis both sides of the aisle for what this means politically. On one hand, the politician ships suggests people from the blue states moving to red ones uh, and bringing their votes with them. On the other hand, the states still have the opportunity to redraw maps that could strengthen their controlling party political view. So there you go. I don't know if you like that stuff, then you can go for around the rest of it because I hate talking about it. Um, so let's continue talking. The effort to recall California. Governor Gavin Newsom continues to move forward following the certification of 1.62 million signatures in support of the petition to hold a special election this fall. An additional review process allowed to petition signers to withdraw their support, but it's highly unlikely that there could be enough to change the inedible recall vote. So there you go. That's gonna be some fun times coming up over there in California, that's for sure. No winner for friday night's mega million drawing. Tonight's drawing. Oh yes, $297 million jackpot or a $204.1 million cash payout. No winner for saturday night's powerball drawing. Either Wednesday's drawing will be for 100 and $16 million jackpot at $80.6 million cash payout. So I guess it's up to you on what you want to do. So there you go. If you're willing to play, then take the chance to do what you want to do and you be you, I'll be me and I won't play. Uh, so there you go. Let's continue talking about some other things. The NFL is modifying its covid protocols for all personnel who has been fully vaccinated. Commissioner Roger Goodell Uh, said uh, sent out a memo to all 32 clubs stating that effective immediately. Fully vaccinated individuals in the NFL. Player, coaches, staff and executives are no longer required to be tested daily for the virus. They will now be tested weekly. Also, vaccinated individuals are no longer required to submit entry testing After travel and are not required to quarantine if they come into contact with an infected individual, the league is not requiring anyone to get vaccinated. So there you go. Some things to think about as we are talking here this morning about some other stuff. Anyway, let's talk about some wack faxes. We are 15 minutes past the top of the hour, According to studies. Men chart changed their minds 2-3 times more than often than women, jerry Seinfeld and Larry. David came up with the idea of Seinfeld while talking about different products at the grocery store When pitch, the average major league baseball road um rotates 15 times before being hit. That's interesting. Uh, there is more money loaded on a Starbucks card than a Starbucks mobile app than some banks have in deposits. Mhm. From a complete stop, a human is capable of outrunning a Formula one race car For about 30 ft. Uh, Is this wack factor, useless knowledge? I don't know. One person is recorded history has been hit by a meteorite, wow. Really? That's, that's something special. Safety in a way. Never heard of before. The greatest safety show on safety is in. So I got a question for you. Do you hang out with a lot of safety professionals or do you normally hang out with them? Just yourself and you're kind of the only person inside of their uh, just out of curiosity because I was talking to one a few days ago, we were having some conversations related to this, some signs that you might be suffering from road rage. Uh, State farm reviews refuses to enter your vehicle because uh, you have a gun turret attached to it. That throbbing vein in your forehead isn't big enough to honk the is big enough to honk your horn. You keep a seven iron in your back seat just in case you developed carpal tunnel syndrome in your middle finger. If you mounted your windshield wipers onto the inside to clear the spit, you swear more before before you get to work than most rappers do all day. Yikes think about that. You are listening to a radio God, what? This has to be an error. That host is not a radio god. Anyway, this is the rated R safety show on safety F. Firm. I'm a trial lawyer. I'm not part of your family and I don't do skits with my mom. I'm a real lawyer. A damn good lawyer. The best lawyer the state has to offer and I built a reputation for standing up for the people of this country righting the wrongs. You may not agree with all of my views, but when it comes to try and cases, there's only one view. Justice and justice is what I get fighter law. That's why we're unstoppable. Mm. What did he just say? We had safety Fn don't always agree with the viewpoints of our hosts and guests. Back to real safety talk on safety FM. Okay, so let's talk about some things that happened back on this date. So back in 2014. Last week. Tonight with john Oliver premieres on HBO. The late night show takes a statistic foster, a sarcastic look at news, political, politics and current events on a weekly basis. Also on this day, back in 2020 the global, global confirmed cases of Covid 19 passes nine, excuse me, passes three million with a death toll of 205,000. The US counts for one third of all cases. Let's talk about some birthdays that are going on today, cassie Randolph turns 26 Lizzo turns 33 Patrick stump 37 James Burton 50 George, Gervin 69 Ace, freely. Oh yes. Um, turned 70 and see Robertson. Yeah. Duck dynasty turned 73 today. So there you go. Some stuff going on right there anyways. Let me tell you about the most important thing that I'm gonna tell you all day. If you hear, if you're taking a listen to what we have going on, this is what's happening right now. Um let me let you know on how you are not alone because this is important. Whether you have struggled with suicide yourself or have lost a loved one, know that you're not alone here about the personal experiences from people in your local community whose lives have been impacted by suicide and depression. If you want to know more information, you can go to a f sp dot org, that's a F sp dot org or call 1 802 73 talk. That's 1 802 73 talk or text. The word talk to 741741 I'm going to tell you, I know that sometimes people do not like having this discussion, but the people at the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention can help you can assist, you can have private conversations with you about what's going on. Don't do anything until you've made that phone call or actually been in contact with them because you are too important. You are too important. We can't do what we do without. You know that as a fact Anyways, let's talk about some other things real quick. If you need a phone starter for today, try this one. What pranks do you pull on the job that general public would never be aware of. If you need a random joke, try this one. If anyone knows how to fix some broken hinges. My door is always open. If you need something for the water cooler. Try this one. Almost 20 of women say that they have kept this a secret from their partner. What is it fender bender? So there you go. Some things to think about as we do talk about this Anyways. If you need a reason to celebrate today, let's talk about some of those things that you can celebrate today. National Babe ruth day now. Is that the candy bar or is it the actual babe ruth? That's the other portion uh, National Devil Dog day Or maybe it's both, Who knows? Uh, National Prime rib day. A national tell a story day. Yeah, I think those things could be important. Uh, do you know about morse code day? Because I think that that could be interesting too. That's another day that you can celebrate today. So I have to tell you as we do a lot of the stuff that we do here on the show. We like to talk a lot about the things that are going on. Um, so with a lot of events going back into full force. Are you giving any consideration to doing any or are you only sticking to virtual for the time being? When is a good time to start going back to these events if you are thinking about doing So, that's a question that I'm always curious about, because I think it's an interesting time on how we can do some different things if we opt to do so. And do you look at these things that some of these will be required, that you will actually have to be vaccinated before you can go to them and if you do have to be vaccinated, what is your thoughts of course. Always things to think about when we start talking about a lot of this stuff. Real big streaming 24 7 and real big dot FM. So there you go. A lot of stuff. Anyways, as you know, we're getting close to the end of the show. So let's go ahead and start wrapping this up right now. You come hang out with me on radio big dot FM. If you so desire to do so right after this, we'll start off right away. We continue talking about the things that are going on inside of the world of the news and things that are going on inside of the world of music because I always think that those things are important. Um, so there you go. If I can leave you, well, if I can leave you with a thought for today, do I want to do that yet? Yes, let's do that. If you don't like the road you're walking. Start paving another one. Think about that for a moment. I think that's the thing that should drive most of us. If we don't like what were the road we're walking on? Start paving the one you want to be on. That's for sure. Anyways, you've been listening to the radar safety show exclusively on safety FM dot com and radio big dot FM. Safety FM is the home of real safety talk. We couldn't do what we do without you. The most important part the listener I know who you are. You know who I am, I love you and goodbye. The views and opinions expressed on this podcast are those of the host and its guests and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the company. Examples of analysis discussed within this podcast are only examples. It should not be utilized in the real world as the only solution available as they are based only on very limited and dated. Open source information, assumptions made within this analysis are not reflective of the position of the company. No part of this podcast may be reproduced stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means mechanical, electronic recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the creator of the podcast, jay Allen.
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