Today on The Rated R Safety Show, we discuss all things safety and the news.
In our main story, we discuss the Plan, Do, Check, Act model
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In our main story, we discuss the Plan, Do, Check, Act model
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Show Notes
[00:00:00] : Okay. Mhm. Yeah. So yeah. Yeah. This show is brought to you by safety. The following program is rated M L S V. It contains strong language, sexual situations and violence. It is intended only for mature audiences. Finally show with the ball should call it like it is rated R safety show on safety FM countdown to audio Torture decorated. Our safety show starts in 321 lady ear drum pain. Begin. Forget the corporate bullshit. This is the rated R safety show with your host, Dr. Uh, It doesn't matter who the host is. Well, is that not the truth or what? Today is Wednesday, Huber the seventh. And you know what that means of 2021 day 97th of the year and only 268 days to go? Yes, that's exactly what's going on. Uh, so hopefully you're off to a grand start, as we are doing the things that we do here on. You know, this show, You know, the rated R safety show as we come hang out, do some things Well, you and I get to interact on this lovely morning. If you're listening to the morning edition of course. So we are broadcasting live from the safety FM studios in a land of Florida, and we are coming across the multiverse of safety FM because, you know, that's what we do. And we're also hanging out with our other friends, you know? You know, the people from over there from across the road, always streaming real. Okay, so we are hanging out on our sister station as well of radio big, so right away. If you do not know how this goes, let's talk about it. We talk about what is going on inside of the world of the news and what is going on inside of the world of safety. We bring some professional broadcasters in. They start talking about some other gigs that are going on all that kind of fun stuff. And then I come back and we started hanging out, doing some more stuff. Now, depending on where you're at, we are a radio station that does podcasting that also does streaming. So you got some multiple platforms that you can hang out on. Of course, where we try to tell you to be the place to go to would be the actual radio station APP, which you can actually download directly from safety FM dot com. There is the all the version al it ease of it available, and even the Alexa skill is available. I like Alexa and I like Alexa a lot. That's all I have to say. Okay, hold on. So there you go, so you can download it from there, or you can actually download us on the live 3 65 app. Download the app from any major platform. And then we are currently available on radio Big dot FM. So there you go. That's kind of how we hang out. We do the things that we do. So what we do every day is we started talking about what is going on in the world of trends. So let's talk about it as today being Wednesday. Let is. Today is the day that we talk about books and what is trending right away. So let's start talking about the top five fiction and nonfiction books currently on The New York Times Bestsellers list and taking it from the very top of the sequence. Let's go to the number five spot in the fiction category. The bounty at number four, Double jeopardy at number three. Consequences of fear, at number to win and at the number one spot in the fiction category. The four winds. So there you go. If we're talking about the nonfiction category, let's go from it from the other side. Number five Becoming number four. Cast number number three The body keeps the score at number two Green lights and at the number one spot according to the nonfiction category, according to The New York Times Bestsellers list, It's code breaker. So there you go. So that's what's going on inside of the sequence of events as we are talking about him. By the way, should I talk about the King Kong Godzilla movie? Yeah, let's not talk about that. Yeah, we'll get into that a little bit later. Uh, so let's talk about let's talk to our friends and feature story news. They can give us what the feature is about what's going on inside of the world of news. Let's do that right now is the news on the safety show from Feature Story News in London. I'm Ali Barrett. Brazil's Daily Covid 19 death toll has topped 4000 for the first time, 4195 covid fatalities were recorded in the last 24 hours. With cases surging in the country, hospitals are overcrowded in a health system that is close to collapse, UK regulators are expected to report shortly after investigating a possible link between rare clots and the AstraZeneca Covid 19 vaccine. The NRA's current advice is the job should be used across all age groups with its benefits outweighing any risks. But it is considering whether to restrict its use in younger people. Because of the rare clotting incidents, there have been 30 reported in the UK and people who had received an AstraZeneca vaccine out of over 18 million doses administered. Cabinet Minister Paul Scully says the Oxford vaccine is helping the UK come out of the crisis. If you get invited to have it, please do have investigations need to happen. We need to look at the data and make sure that we're on top of it all. To the scientists, you are more safe. For the second time this week, India's posted more than 100,000 coronavirus cases in a single day. On Wednesday, the Indian Health Ministry's data showed more than 115,000 people had tested positive in the last 24 hours. Ni Hakuna reports from New Delhi This is the biggest single we jump in cases for India since the start of the pandemic and the country is only the second nation in the world after the US to record as many cases in a single day. The government says the next four weeks are very critical for the country and has urged all citizens to help by abiding by covid 19 norms. However, many are accusing the government of hypocrisy. Prime Minister Modi's party, the BJP and opposition parties have all continued to address crowded campaign rallies in four Paul bound states. Several states have requested the government to allow the country's young to get shots, but the government says this isn't possible yet and the aim is to protect those most vulnerable and vaccinate those who require it and not those who want it to happen to New Delhi. A record 27.3 million people in the Democratic Republic of Congo are facing acute hunger and are in urgent need of food aid, according to the UN The World Food Programme says the scale of the crisis is staggering. Lian Solomon reports from Kampala The latest U. N. Report has found that nearly one third of people in the Democratic Republic of Congo are critically short of food. The World Food Programme says conflict is the key cause of the crisis India received. People forced by fighting to flee their homes have returned to find their crops destroyed. The World Food Programme is appealing for $661 million to implement its life serving program this year from bureaus worldwide. This is Jason. This show is almost as enjoyable as hearing the sound of the toilet flush. Rated R safety show on safety FM Bringing me a baby brother. We can hear this together. All right, let's go. Stewart's know how to keep kids safe to you, but oh, my gosh, You don't know. I know you don't. Oh, man, you're laughing. You're uncomfortable. You know, making sure your child is in the right car seat is one of the steps to safer travel. All right, well, you will rock this to know for sure that your child is in the right car seat for their age and size. Visit safer car gov slash the right seat. Cool. Cool, cool, cool, cool Brought to you by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Ad Council, it's important to plan ahead for merge. Welcome to Calvin's Barbershop. You all got to see this. I don't even want to know what you're looking at on that phone. Well, you should. I was learning about the dangers of high blood pressure and that we need to get our check regularly. High blood pressure can increase the risk of heart attack or stroke for this text program can help keep it at a healthy range. Just text Barbershop 297779 to sign up. I'll get right on it as soon as I'm done with this Baby Panda Video text. Barbershop 297779 A message from the American Heart Association and the Ad Council. It's important to plan ahead for emergencies like the storm. When it kicked in, we had a plan. We were able to get in touch with each other and no time how to find each other. The whole experience was the most frightening. 10 hours of my life. If there's one piece of advice that offer other moms out there, it's to stay home and keep to the planted. Some parents plan ahead some don't make sure you know where to find your family in an emergency. Start your planet ready dot gov. Brought to you by female Welcome to Calvin's Barbershop. You all got to see this. I don't even want to know what you're looking at on that phone. Well, you should. I was learning about the dangers of high blood pressure and that we need to get ours. Check regularly. High blood pressure can increase the risk of heart attack or stroke, but this text program can help keep it at a healthy range. Just text Barbershop 297779 to sign up. I'll get right on it as soon as I'm done with this Baby Panda Video text. Barbershop 297779 A message from the American Heart Association and the Ad Council Safety in a way never heard of before. Rated. R Safety. Show on safety is in. I love how sometimes these things just want to play for themselves anyway, There you go. It is currently nine minutes past the top of the hour. You are hanging out here on the radar safety show. Anyways, we start talking right away about what is important. What is going on inside of the world of the news. Should we talk about what's going on inside of the world? The news? Maybe I should do this verse. Maybe. Let's let's hold on. Wait a minute. Let's put some boom in it. Let me tell you about this because this is actually happening, happening right around the corner. So if I have not told you about this, let me tell you about it because I need to tell you about it because it is coming up. The accident investigation theory and practice class, the class giveaway that we're doing. We are giving it away on Friday at noon, Eastern Standard time. So right now we are giving away a ticket to go to this event. It's a ticket to both sessions, one taught by nipping and NAND and Todd Conklin separately. So you're getting both. If you do enter, we are. If you do enter and win, but are saying we are giving away the ticket for this event All you have to do is go to safety FM dot com Ford slash contest that safety FM dot com forward slash contest to enter to win. So for your opportunity to win. So if you go there, remember, once you do what it says on the screen to do, you have to validate the email address. If you don't validate it, it's like it never happened. Uh, so there you go. We are doing the giveaway for that. That event does take place next week on starting on the 13th through the 16th. I believe it's 9 to 1 Pacific Daylight time or B D T, or whatever the hell you want to call it. So there you go, you have the opportunity to enter into win. Please do so if you haven't done so already. And then the other thing we got this going on right now. So we did the class. A lot of people liked it, so I said, Hey, why don't we go a little bit crazier here? So if you're wanting to watch the safety reconfigured class, the one that was records head because it is the recorded version, uh, you can actually come hang out with us on safety FM plus dot com and come out take a view of that thing. It is the full blown version of the class, so safety reconfigured is now available on Safety FM. Plus, there's a plethora of stuff on Safety FM plus, but this is kind of our main content for the month. It's there, but there's some hope, much other stuff as well. But you come hang out, take a listen, take a view, hang out with the virtual with a virtual version of the man. Yeah, not me. You'll see who the man is. But you know exactly what I'm talking about when you come in, hang out and take a value of the class if you so desire to do so. Anyways, that's available at Safety FM Plus, and that, like I said, is the full safety reconfigured class. Just safety FM bless dot com. Plus, you kind of get you get a kind a little bit more, and I believe that there is currently a three day free trial on the sucker as well. Um, if you're interested in doing so anyways, let's start talking about what is going on, according to the hit list. So let's take it from the top of the C. D. C. Announced this week that there is no significant risk of catching Covid 19 from a surface or an object. Oh, that's what she said anyways. The Health, The health agency clarified its update, explaining that the people generally contacted the virus through direct contact with a six person or from an airborne transmission. Oh, that that raises some questions. The official revision was made nearly a year after the C. D. C said that Covid does not spread easily by touching services or objects. So there you go. That's some interesting stuff going on inside of that neck of the woods. Let's continue talking. As of Tuesday, over 168.5 million Covid vaccines have been administered. Nationwide, over 63 million Americans have received have been fully vaccinated at this point, while more than 100 and 8.3 million have received at least one dose, According to the CDC. The total number of cumulative cases in the US are nearing 30.6 million, with more than 554,000 deaths attributed to the virus. So what do you think about it? As you do hear about this, we're going to go through it every day. It seems like Are we going to talk about it one more time? It will go through it once. Once again. Yes. Are you contemplating about it? No. Are you not contemplating about it? If so, which version do you want? Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Now, I'm gonna tell you just because you get the vaccine, you don't have to go to social Media and post a picture. Just want to throw that out there, that you've been vaccinated or that you got the sticker or whatever. You know, whatever it is that the cool kids are doing, you can get it. And it can be a private thing for you that you don't have to share with the world. But you're still one of those things that you need to determine what the freak you want to do about it. It's up to you. Pros, Cons. I'm sure they can outweigh each other, depending on how you want to take a look at it. But the the decision is yours. And you need to kind of validate your situation or actually take a look at your situation and see what's in the best interest of what the hell is going on. So there you go. That's all I have to say about that. You mean anyway, So you get it anyways, let's continue talking. We talked about it yesterday. We're gonna go back to it again today. Cruz continued pumping water from a leaking waste water reservoir in Manatee County, Florida, on Tuesday, the state Department of Environmental Protection said the dozens of pumps and 10 vacuums trucks have been deployed to remove 35 gallons of wastewater per day into the Tampa Bay injury. The water. The water is being monitored for quality purposes. Fears of a complete breach of an abandoned plant led to authorities to issue evacuation orders to more than 300 homes, closed portions of the major highway and relocate several 100 jail inmates from the lower levels of of the facility. Experts are calling the situation reminder that governments need to pay attention to aging infrastructures that could endanger the environment and put communities at serious risk. I will tell you I'm almost tempted to drive down there, do a report live from the scene. Wouldn't that be something? No. Seriously, I've really been thinking about it. Yeah, that's what we're all about here. Safety FM doing it alive as much as possible, You know, as my friends and colleagues and other counter bars that want to compete inside of the industry and want to do it via podcast, I could do it live. So there you go. Let's continue talking a little bit more about some other things that are going on. The judge presiding over the murder trial for former million uh Minneapolis officer Jerry Chopping said that George Floyd's friends, an alleged drug dealer, could be forced to testify about the state of mind prior to his death. Maurice Lester Hall, 42 was with Floyd when police arrested him for passing a counterfeit $20 bill at a local convenience store on May 25th last week. He also said that he didn't want to testify with his lawyers, arguing that he would be incriminating himself even if he only testified about Floyd. Judge Peter Kyle doesn't agree with the argument stating that Hall should be able to testify about his friend without implicating himself. God Hill stated that he will make the official ruling on the issue later in the trial, but Warren Hall that he could face contempt of court charges if he refuses to testify. So there you go, there you go. A lot of stuff to think about. Um, think about this period. There's just a lot to think about going on with that one anyways. Did you hear about this? There is a ketchup shortage. This is not a joke. The price of the price of a bag of America's favorite condiment has gone up 30% since January of 2020 according to the restaurant industry Technology Platform Plate I. Q. The shortage is the latest to hit the food service industry amid the increase demand for take out and the removal of ketchup bottles for dinner to share due to the coronavirus pandemic, America's most widely used ketchup brand. Heinz told The Wall Street Journal it plans to increase its production by around 25% 12 billion packets per year to keep up with the orders for ketchup packets, also with people cooking at home. This past year, retail sales of ketchup were up 15% in 2020 compared to 2019. So there you go now you're all caught up with what the hell we have going on with that one. Yeah, not a joke that I said that. Yeah, listen at your own risk Rated R safety show. Okay, so let's talk some more about some other things and let's start talking about the stock market. But I think that we will let our friend and Amigo John Smalls talk about that first and then I'll jump in and say what I have to say. Here's your market beat minute for Wednesday, April 7th 2021 The equities market was quiet Tuesday following Monday's big gains. The market is digesting the economic data ahead of the release of the FOMC Minutes on Wednesday. The data shows a market uptick in economic activity that is led by labour market and may lead to inflation. The FOMC minutes will be closely scrutinized for every nuance of detail the Fed gives on the inflation picture. The data on Tuesday included the job openings and labor turnover report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, otherwise known as the Jolts Report. According to the report, the number of open jobs surged to 7.4 million in February and the highest level since well before the pandemic. The report is a strong, albeit lagging, indicator of labor market conditions and points to robust hiring conditions for the spring season. You can get the inside track from Wall Street's brightest minds, delivered directly to your inbox every day at market beat minute dot com. Okay, so there you go. So major stock indexes closed lower on Tuesday as the Dow fell 96 points, the NASDAQ DICK 77 points and the S and P lost three points, both the NASDAQ composite in the S and P 500 games during the prior the prior three sessions. Oil prices bounce higher on Tuesday after the loss on Monday in response to the OPEC leaders pledging to increase production. Airlines and cruise lines continue recent gains. Norwegian Cruise Line jumped about 4.6% during Tuesday's session. So there you go as a lot of things to think about and worth talking about. What are you doing right now? Are you playing the financial game? If you can? Are you investing? There's a lot to think about, of course. Anyways, Let's continue talking about some other things. Ohio's new standard Stand your ground stand, you ground. I'm sure you're supposed to say Stand your ground stand Your ground law went into effect yesterday. The new gun law, which expands certain circumstances where individuals are able to legally use deadly force in self defense, was signed in January by Governor Mike DeWine. The new legislation expands on locations at which a person has no duty to retreat before using force under both civil and criminal law. It allows individuals to use deadly force in public areas so long as a person is not the aggressor and reasonably and honestly believes it necessary to prevent serious bodily harm or death. Democratic Senate Minority leader Kenny Yuko said this is not what people meant when they were asked to do something last year after a deadly mass shooting in Dayton. The thing is that there will not be a bad guy with the gun gun is the good guy with there will be a good guy with the gun, regardless of how you take a look at it. Listen to be kind of realistic, um, on how you look at it so needless to say, That's interesting to hear about Ohio. And now how does this actually work inside of your workplaces? Because that's gonna be the other conversation. Because, of course, there'll probably be some kind of rule instituted of saying, Hey, you can't carry a gun on the premise. But all of a sudden you got some guy, some gal, some person, some binary that actually brings a sucker in there. So then what happens? Because then it becomes a totally different conversation. This is my stay issued right on regards of having it. And I felt uncomfortable and something that I had to do it. I'm just saying, You know, the conversation is going to come up in some way, shape or form anyways, 22 minutes past the top of the hour. What did he just say? We had Safety FM don't always agree with the viewpoints of our hosts and guests. Now back to real safety. Talk on safety F. Okay, let's talk about it. A Navy medic is dead after opening fire on two men near Fort Detrick Army base in Maryland. The incident occurred on Tuesday when a 38 year old man walked into the Riverside Tech part about 10 minutes from the military base and started shooting, critically wounding two male victims. The gunman fled of the fort, where, where he was killed by law enforcement. A motive has not been yet been determined. Now keep in mind talking about Maryland not talking about Ohio, talking about guns once again, a lot of conversations still coming about around the same subject matter. And I know some people don't like talking about it, but we need to talk about it. Yes, I am aware that if somebody wants to get in a hold of a gun illegally, they can still manage to do so. But we still need to start talking about a lot of this weird stuff. And what the hell is going on with guides? Hey, don't shoot the messenger. I'm just I'm just giving you what? What's coming to the mind as we're talking about it Anyways, let's continue talking. Over 240 residents in Michigan, My Michigan, love you, Um, we're full. We're fully vaccinated against Covid. 19 later tested positive for the virus, including three who died. The group tested positive for the virus at least two weeks after receiving the second dose, a health official told the Detroit News. The cases are undergoing further review. Michigan leads the nation in cases by population, with over 700,000 cases going on inside of there. That's just kind of a side note to talk about. You know, I do love me. Some Michigan, you know that we talked about it before. There's a There's a pretty big reason on why I love me some Michigan, but hopefully things will kind of start getting clear. That really would love to hear a little bit more about what's going on inside of there, of course, because we are seeing a lot of the vaccine kind of going around and about and all that kind of fun stuff. So definitely would like to have a better understanding on how how we had three people who died in 240 that tested positive after receiving it would love to know the vaccination and getting a little bit more of the data set before we continue. Anyways, the U. S government will require Americans to use vaccine passports, Dr Anthony Fauci said this week. The top doc said that the business the businesses and education institutions will likely create their own policies when it comes to vaccination requirements. But it is not something that will be mandated from the federal government. So there you go, there you go. So worth noting, the Biden administration has already been discussing guidelines for vaccine passports, and we spoke about this briefly yesterday. So let's talk about it again now. Conversation with the person inside of an organization where they were talking about that their organization was requiring people to have proof that they have been vaccinated before they actually came back where they could not come back to the work environment or they would have to continue to work from home. I will tell you the working from home, that does not sound like a bad gig, depending depending on how you want to take a look at it. Of course, So a lot to think about. What do you think about when you hear stuff like that? So I don't know. I mean, I just kind of look at it and go. There's going to be a lot of questions that come to mind. There is no doubt about that, but some other things will need to be thought about in regards of what happens next, because if that's going to be a requirement, then what's going to be a requirement afterwards? Because it's gonna get interesting. I don't know. I always make sure that I have a good person, that I could call what I have questions related to anything strange that comes about. I'm a trial lawyer. I'm not part of your family, and I don't do skits with my mom. I'm a real lawyer, a damn good lawyer, the best lawyer the state has to offer. And I built a reputation for standing up for the people of this country, righting the wrongs. You may not agree with all of my views, but when it comes to try and cases, there's only one view. Justice and justice is what I get. Fighter law. That's why we're unstoppable. We at Safety FM are not responsible for what this idiot behind the microphone is saying is trying to be entertaining. Rated R safety show. Here is our main story on the right safety shows. Oh, so let's start talking about some other things going on inside of the world of ours as we do talk about and talk and all that kind of fun stuff. So if you did see the titling for today, let's continue down the path and let's talk about plan Do Check Act. Yes, I did say plan, do check act in regards of what is going on inside of the multiverse. So what do I mean about this? There's so many things inside of our lives that we can talk about that is related to plan. Do check Act. I mean, think about it. And I'm sure that you've heard about this framework known as P D. C. A. I will tell you over the last little bit. I have been rereading the practice of Learning Teams book just to kind of get myself a little bit more familiar with it and going over it. And it's kind of interesting, taking a listen to what Todd Conklin, Brett Sutton, Brent Robinson and Glennis McCarthy all had to say in regards of the learning teams, but also really going into this whole section of P. D. C. A. Or Plan to check Act, which of course, is a Demings concept. But think about it. Think about this for a moment on how this can apply in this strategy can be looked at in so many different aspects of your career in so many different aspects of the things that you have going on in so many different aspects of what you want to do. Think about the simplicity of this of the P. D. C. A bottle of planned do act check plan to check act. I said that backwards. So there you go. As you talk about this and you start making these determinations on what you want to do, what is the purpose? You know, when you start going through the planning stages, that's what you need to start driving. You need to start really looking forward to a lot of this information because here's the thing. We continue to talk and we continue to move forward in regards of. We need to do this. We need to do that. How can I get two X? How can I get to the next and so on? So if you have a plan, there are two key points for the plan. There needs to be a purpose, and you need to prepare. Think about it for a moment I can give you, of course, with us being a very, very short show. We can only talk about generalized concepts, and of course, you are able to take some bigger, deep dives if you so desire to do so now. Like I did say this, A lot of this information is coming from the practice of Learning Team book. Of course, you can also go to the learning teams book dot com to gather more information about it. So I want to make sure that I do bring reference to where I got the info from, but think about it for a moment, something like this. So that's the plan stage purpose and prepare. And that's the other portion is that sometimes people want to do a plan, but they don't want to prepare for it with the preparing has to be a big portion of it. Then, of course, there's the other sides of the equation, such as the do and what does the do have to do? You got it. It's the simplicity of these other things. You need to communicate your intent in power, conduct, learn, clarify, challenge and solve. It's a multi step process but think about it when you're going down these giant paths on where you want these changes to occur, you have to do these things. Okay, maybe you don't have to do these things, but they are strongly encouraged to get you down to where you want to go. So think about it. After you do the plan and you're going through the do, it's about that communication piece. It's communication and driving and driving and driving and driving and driving and driving. And then you're empowering and conducting and learning and clarifying and challenging and solving. There's so many different interests exceeds inside of these steps that you need to start taking a look at. It can't just be conceptual. It can't just be. I have a plan. I have a vision board. This is what I'm going to do. I did read a book, and now we're set to go. Sorry, not the way that it's gonna work, regardless of what you're doing with this P. D. C. A model planned Do check act. So after you're going through portions of the strategy, maybe we should break this down into some minis. Maybe that's what we need to do. Maybe that's where we need to go. But after you do that, that portion of the do maybe it's talking about the check. Maybe it's really diving into the reflection and the studying, you know? So you've done certain steps, so now you're going to have to do these things. So what if that reflect portion you were doing something like journaling? Oh, yes, I did say the word journaling. But you have to journal what you're what you've gone through. I will tell you some of the best things that I have seen is when you can go back to moments in time because of journaling. Now let's be realistic to an extent, our show here, our conversation is a form of a journal because I can go back to a date and time and see what exactly was going on. Now keep in mind that we do show notes on the majority of our stuff, but we talk about it and try to have a better understanding of what is going on as we're able to move forward. So as you do that, if you're journaling and part of the reflection portion, it will help you because you can reflect and study, See exactly what the thought process was at the time as you're going through the journey because you can have all the knowledge of the world. But if you don't continue to go back and really kind of redefine what you've learned, uh, it kind of makes it slightly difficult. So now when we start getting into the act vote, because sometimes we want to jump from plan to act and maybe that's not a good idea. Maybe you shouldn't do it in that fashion. How are you going to implement, review and share? Because these are the three portions. When you implement the learning, you have to have to. You have to have a way of reviewing on how you're implementing this. Think about it because when you're doing all these other phases and all these other steps did they did the work that you intended occur the way that you wanted to? And if you're not doing the journal and you're not doing the checking and you're not doing the reflecting, you're not going to know if this is getting you down the path of where you want to go, because here's the thing. What people want to do is Hey, listen, I don't want to go invest thousands of dollars in a class that I went to. I don't want to invest thousands of dollars in a program then to essentially remove. Yeah, I said it. There are sometimes that you might go down a path that does not work with what trajectory? You want to go down and guess what? Then you just have to remove it. Or maybe it improves the occasion. But that's the That's the thing. Unfortunately, as we get into some of these conversations, people only want to talk about the positive things. Oh, yes, this is such a great outcome. Not everything works that way. There has been things that I have went to that I have invested thousands of dollars to go to. They didn't work for what I needed in the journey. I won't go as far as they as they sucked. But they sucked. Yeah, and that was part of the case. So I knew that that was something that I was learning from, but it didn't make sense for what I was trying to accomplish. Yeah, and everyone has to do act and all that kind of find itself differently. That makes sense to what you're wanting to do. But as you're in this act portion, maybe that's when you start taking some of that time of sharing your learnings and your outcomes of what occurred now think about it. We're talking about general categories here. I'm not going specific. But if I start going specific, think about how this would work. Plan, Do check. Act on how many different things this could apply to the fun part. The more I get into a lot of the stuff that I'm into is how I realize how it can apply to so many different sections of life. I will tell you I was having a conversation a few weeks ago with someone that said that they went to a they went to church. It's good for them, and what they talked about from the podium was essentially not the five principles of Hop, but they incorporated into having seven principles of hop, which really kind of makes it a very interesting turn of events. Anyways, if you want to find out more information about the plan, do Check Act, I would strongly recommend going to the What is it? Learning teams book dot com There is definitely some reference guides. They're learning teams P. D. C. A facilitator framework that would be available for you to take a look at and also the practice of learning teams. Group here has a podcast that has really been diving into a lot of these things related to the P. D. C. A model. But then again, that's just a concept that I'm taking a look at. What the hell do I know? I'm just a guy behind a microphone. Don't go anywhere. You're listening to the home of Real safety dog. You are listening to safety FM. We'll be right back. I spend a lot of time in the backyard denying the center of attention. At summer barbecues 96 I made some of the tastiest smores, and at oh nine, it was me. Your backyard fire pit that accidentally started a wildfire when a summer breeze carried one of my embers into some dry brush. Spark a change, not a wildfire. Visit smokey bear dot com Brought to you by the U. S. Forest Service, your state forester and the Ad Council, only you can prevent wildfires. Hope you enjoy your meal. And I just want to say he's lucky to have a brother like you. Lucky caring for my brother is far from easy, but he's a part of me like my arms and legs. So I'll be his no time for tired. Nothing can disable this love. He needs me, But I'm the lucky one even though I need help now and then if you're caring for a loved one, visit AARP dot org slash caregiving for care guides and community support for your strength brought to you by AARP and the Ad Council. What if I told you that a tornado was going to happen tomorrow, right where you live? That it would touch down at exactly 3. 17 PM and I told you the exact path it would take. You would, of course, prepare. You would talk with your loved ones and you'd make a plan. Today. It's true. I can't tell you a tornado will strike tomorrow, But shouldn't you have a plan anyway? Go to ready dot gov slash communicate and make your emergency plan today. Don't wait. Communicate brought to you by FEMA and the Ad Council This is Mario Andretti. You know me as a race car driver, but I'm also a meals on Wheels volunteer. I've raced against the sport's biggest personalities, but I've never met more vibrant, amazing people than the seniors served by meals on wheels. You can make a difference by dropping off a hot meal and saying a quick Hello. So, America, let's do lunch. Volunteer your lunch break at America. Let's do lunch dot org This message brought to you by Meals on Wheels America and the Ad Council. Mhm, Yeah. Mhm. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Mhm. Mhm, Yeah, yeah, so Oh, nothing better than busted Anxiety of the instrumental portion. This is Get your gloves off by def left. Mhm. Yeah. Oh, yeah. There you go. That song is available on Spotify and iTunes for you to download. Anyways, thanks for them. Allowing us to play this lovely. So I got the rated R safety show. So there you go. We are currently 41 minutes past the top of the hour as you and I hang out and do some cool things together. Hopefully you're off to a fantastic start of the day because I always think it's so important as we get to do some things together, um and really get to hang, because here's the thing. As we go down this together, it's always just about conversations. It's always about doing what you want to do. Um, this show has always been your show. We have changed, added, done some things because this is what you were looking for us to do here. And that's how we want to continue to do it. Uh, so let's get through the whole thing. So I have to ask the question I was contemplating and been talking to some people about, you know, this whole new thing that we're starting to see when people get to speak at events about Oh, I am speaking at this event during this particular time frame of the event. How do you feel about that? How do you feel about having the opportunity of getting that or sharing that information? Is it kind of cool? Is it cool when you see it and you go on to social media and people are posting it? Or do you think it's kind of like I want you to know that I'm part of the exclusive club I'm just asking, just asking the question. It was definitely a conversation. Uh, that was going on around here at this joint, so I figured I would ask your general opinion about it. I don't know if it's brag. E. I don't know. I mean, I think it's kind of strange. I mean, I understand that the speakers, the ones that are not the keynote or the closers are getting into the session for free for the most of these events because they're speaking. And that's kind of I guess they're helping promote to some extent. So definitely the foundations are getting their money worth for doing it in that fashion. But it's just kind of strange. It's definitely strange when it comes to that. So anyways, let's continue talking a little bit more about some other things going on inside of the world. Oh, okay. Hold on. Before I continue, I'm being informed. What did he just say? We have safety. Don't always agree with the viewpoints of our hosts and guests. Now, back to real safety. Talk on safety FM. Okay, so there you go. So let's continue talking about some other things going on inside of the world. Have you heard about this beer diet follow up thing? Um, if not, let's talk about it. A Cincinnati man has lost about £40 by giving up food and for Lent and drinking beer. Instead, Del Hall started a mission back on pancake Tuesday, February the 16th, and since then has, um, existed just on beer, tea, coffee and water. At this point is important to point out that this is not healthy way to lose weight. But Del has done it a few times before and always looking for a good cause. This year, he has decided to raise money for bar restaurant workers who have been hit during the pandemic, and so far he has raised more than $12,000. Um, how participated in the beer diet for 46 days, ending the beginning on Good Friday during his ordeal, he enjoyed 3 to 5 beers per day. In addition to his other beverage of choice is while, um, it's not normal way to lose weight, he says that he has been, um, he's been down about three pants size. He went from an extra extra extra large to an extra large, and as a lint came came close. Um, and now Hall breaks his fast. He says that he plans to make his special homemade killer guacamole and have a margarita, Ohio, man. Um, four ghost food for 46 days. Diet Florida Man. Man. Uh, well, you have a competition now, So there you go. Um, some people never really outgrow their college years, and I guess that's just one way to think about it. Uh, so let's continue talking. Talking about the world is a strange and talking a little bit about everything going on. Let's talk about what are the odds. Here's a rundown on the odds these days of things that are going to happen to you being audited in the U. S. You have a one and 201 in 200 chance of getting it having twins. You're about one and 250 each pregnancy catching a foul ball. One in 835 living a living past 100. You have a one in 1000 chance of us female. Born in 1990 being born on a leap day. The you have, which is normally February 29th, just in case. If you did not know, you have a one and 1461 chance getting struck by lightning. You have one in a 3000 chance in a lifetime finding a four leaf clover. You have a one in 10,000 chance being killed by a shark. You have one and 3.7 million chance being killed in a plane crash. You have one in a one million chance and then winning a lottery. You haven't won in 88 quadrillion chance according to a 2018 US mega million, $1 million jackpot. And there you go. And the only reason that I'm giving it to you this way. Because you know us into the safety professional of the safety profession. We always want to give things by the numbers. So there you go. I gave it to you by the numbers. Just the way that you would think you would want it. Listen to our host of the rated R safety show self implode on our airwaves. Only on safety FM. Okay. 47 past the top of the hour. So before I lose it, or if you don't use it, you're gonna lose it. So before I lose it, let's talk to our buddy friend Pau, hosts of the John and Heidi Show or our half of the host of the John and Heidi show. Let's get John Smalls in here with the motivation minute. The Motivation minute is courtesy of better credit cards dot com, Bill Gates said. As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others. Now I understand there's some people who are not big fans of Mr Gates, but he's done pretty well for himself. I like this quote. It shows that he sees value and leaders who empower others I do as well. I've watched people hire somebody who had the talents and abilities that would bring value to their company. They have a different perspective. They bring a wealth of knowledge to the table. But then when they joined the team, they get pushed into the same little box as everyone else, and they don't actually let them bring that value. If you're a good leader, don't do that. Empower others. They'll actually help make you look good. This has been today's motivation minute, courtesy of better credit cards dot com. I'm John Small. Thanks for listening. Your favorite motivational quotes can be submitted for upcoming programs at motivation minute dot org. You're listening to something You're listening to the rated R safety show. So there you go. Are you the kind of leader or motivator that wants to empower the people around you? Hey, I'm just letting you know this is what you know, John Hyde had to say, and I mean, hey, it's a good quote from Bill Gates. No matter how you feel about him Anyways, let's talk about Did you know a tire startup has teamed up with NASA to develop the world's first space age at Lloyd Bicycle Tire that never goes flat and could last a lifetime. A smart tire company has announced their innovative, airless bicycle bicycle tire, originally developed by NASA for Mars Rover missions, the revolutionary tired named metal not spelled in the way that you think is made of smart memory metal and arranged by its molecules structure when bent and but instantly goes back to the original shape. It was the flexibility of rubber, but it is as strong as titanium, which means that you probably won't have to change another bicycle tire in your lifetime. Good, because I still haven't figured out how to do that, so that's gonna be important. But here's the thing. You're not going to have a lot of repeat customers, But I'm just saying, if you build something that never breaks, well, it's a good thing. Don't get me wrong. But if it never breaks, you're never gonna have a repeat customer. And are we going to be talking about this, uh, for the potential? And I'm saying potential here of actually getting it for people who are driving cars because that would be interesting. I mean, for a period of time, I kept on seeing tires that were being tested that were airless tires, so that would be interesting. But it was mostly made out of plastic, So I I don't know how the hell that would work, especially if you're in a hot or extremely cold area. Anyway, let's continue talking. Let's talk about some other things. Let's talk about some wack fax. All of the Earth continents are wider than the North and the South if and no one knows why, so it just doesn't make any sense since 1970 The width of the standard casket has grown from 22 inches, or 56 centimeters to 28 inches or 71 centimeters, depending on how you want to take a look at it. Talk about exponential growth. Only one out of four lightning strikes reached the ground. Most are between the clouds. There you go. During the gold rush in 18 49 some people paid as much as $100 for a glass of water. Um, in a in a blind smell. It says mothers raided their own babies diapers as they really smelly. Given the opportunity, dear Will will chew gum and marijuana. What will chew gum in marijuana? Are they chewing gum for chewing marijuana or both? Who the hell knows? What did he just say? We have safety. Don't always agree with the viewpoints of our hosts and guests back to real safety. Talk on safety FM. You are listening to a radio God, What? This has to be an error. That host is not a radio god. Anyways, this is the rated R safety show on safety F firm. Okay, so let's talk about some other stuff. Researchers say they have successfully hacked the human brain together. Data What? What? A total invasion of privacy. And I'm going to talk about it soon as I posted these pics as a food that I'm eating on Facebook after vlogging YouTube skit and failing at a marriage. So there you go. Um, as you know, the 2021 major league baseball season is underway. Great news for baseball fans and even better news for insomniacs. Um, a study has found that a woman stay married longer too short. Men. Yeah, not not joking. A study has found that a woman stayed along Stays longer, too short men than taller men. In other words, short married dudes are likely to be miserable longer than the Mary Dude. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Don't say that. That was totally a joke. As I was saying as I was saying that Anyways, let's continue talking real quick. A bunch of other stuff. The fact of the day Bluto has the heart shaped sea of its surface that's filled with a poisonous ice. See, even bluenose fun fact, honey, Boo boo ak. Elena Thompson cannot touch her TV money until she turns 21 or in redneck terms until her baby turns five. Oh my Oh my. What did she just say? We had safety. Don't always agree with the viewpoints of our hosts and guests back to real safety. Talk on safety. F o talk about not being prepared to catch that one. So there you go. Let's continue talking about some other things. No winner for Saturday night's Powerball drawing. Tonight's drawing will be for $43 million jackpot or $29.3 million cash payout. So there you go. If you're into playing well, you already got to know what the odds are because we just discuss them a few moments ago. Uh, so there you go. Let's continue talking and going down the path. Uh, anyways, the 21 to 2021 major league, uh, All Star game will be played now in the at Coors Field in Denver. The move comes after the game was pulled from the Atlanta Atlanta over. Georgia's restrictive voting law, LME commissioner Rob Manfred, uh, made the announcement last week on the strip of the Braves of the event in the response of the mounting pressure to change the location due to the new voting law. The game is scheduled for July the 13th. So there you go to like the 13th. Sounds like a great day. I like it Anyways. Let's talk about some things that occurred back on this date. Uh, let's go back to 2013. For a moment, NASA announced its plans to capture an asteroid and install it into orbit near the moon. Yeah, not a joke here for later observation and the study in 2019 with some close up human examination. Two years later, the ultimate goal is to gain better understanding of asteroids in case you ever headed towards Earth with a collision course. So there you go. That's what happened back in 2013 in 2020 China ends its lockdown of Wuhan, the city, uh, the center of Covid 19 pandemic. After 76 days, the decision was made after there was no new deaths reported for the first time since the virus started spreading. So there you go. Let's talk about some birthdays for today at Spill Air turns 33. John Cooper turns 46. Russell Crowe turns 57. James Buster Douglas Yeah, the first person to beat Mike Tyson turned 61 Gregg Jarrett turned 66 Jackie Chan's turned 67 Janis Ian turned 70. And Francis Ford Coppola. Yeah, him. He turns 82 today. So there you go. That's some birthdays that are going on today. If you need a reason to celebrate today I got some for you. National Beer Day. So I think you That's why we talked about the the beer diet once again a National Coffee cake day National girl Give me two day Yeah to, uh oh, uh National No Housework Day National Book Mobile Day, National Walk Day and Childhelp Hold on, Childhelp National Day of Hope Day So there you go. Those are some days that you can celebrate today. Anyways, let's talk about But if one of the most important things that we'll talk about the whole day and this is about my friends at the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, you can go to their website at a f sp dot org or give them a call at 1 802 73 talk. That's 1 800 273 talk or text. The word seven. Um, talk to 741741 you. I want you to know that you are not alone. Whether you have struggled with suicide yourself or lost a loved one know that you're not alone here about personal experiences from people in your local community whose lives have been impacted by suicide and depression. Before you do anything, if you're going through a struggle with this, make sure that you get in contact with them. It's the most important thing that I can tell you for today. Anyways, let's go towards the end of the show. If you want to hang out and do some more things together, I will be at radio big dot FM for the next couple of hours. Radio station only. So there you go. You come hang out with me. Um, so let me kinda give you some more things that will happen at the top of the hour here. If you're not, you can hang out here at safety FM a little bit longer. Here's some more stuff going on inside of the world of safety. We do go 24 7 there. Don't worry. Another host or another presenter. Well, come in. If you need a random joke for today. Here you go. Being a hike, Prakan Jack is going to save my life one of these days if you need a phone started for today. Here you go. This is what here's what's going on. What product meant for the opposite gender to, um Do you have a quorum about using shampoo, Deodorant, jeans? KSL. Just saying, uh, if you need a question for the water cooler, try this one. 70% of women agree that this is one of the worst words you can use to describe her. What is it, Hormone? Oh, Oh, I wasn't sure where that was going. Real quick. So anyways, there you go. If I can leave you with a thought for today, I would love to leave you with this one. To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow. Think about that. Invest in yourself. You've been listening to the raid at our safety show exclusively on safety FM and radio big dot FM safety FM is the home of real safety talk. We couldn't do what we do without you. The most important part of safety FM and radio big. That's the listener. Anyway, thank you for always coming out taking a listen to what the hell we have going on on our multitude of shows on side of the safety FM network and radio Big dot FM. I know who you are. You know who I am, Love you mean it and goodbye. The views and opinions expressed on this podcast are those of the host and its guests and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the company. Examples of analysis discussed within this podcast are only examples. It should not be utilized in the real world as the only solution available as they are based only on very limited and dated open source information. Assumptions made within this analysis are not reflective of the position of the company. No part of this podcast may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means mechanical, electronic recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the creator of the podcast, J. A
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