Today on The Rated R Safety Show, we discuss all things safety and the news!
In our main story we discuss super powers.
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In our main story we discuss super powers.
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[00:00:00] : I don't Yeah, Yeah. This show is brought to you by safety. The following program is rated P L s V. It contains strong language, sexual situations and violence. It is intended only for mature audiences. Finally, show with the ball should call it like it is rated R Safety show on safety FM Countdown to audio Torture decorated. Our safety show starts in 321 Let the pain begin. Forget the corporate bullshit. This is the rated R safety show with your host, Dr. It doesn't matter who the host is. Well, is that not the truth of what we are finally here? Today is Friday, March, the 19th of 2021 day 70 eight of the year and only 287 days left to go. Hopefully, everything is good and grand inside of your neck of the woods as we are hanging out first thing in the morning Eastern Standard Time. As we're coming, we're coming to you live from the safety FM studios in Orlando, Florida broadcasting across the multiverse of safety FM. Of course, because that's the way that we do it here as we move and talk and groove and all that kind of fun stuff. And then, of course, we are also also also also, you know, hanging on that other place. Mm. You're being infiltrated. Radio big. Yeah, we're hanging out at radio big dot f m as well as we do The things that we do coming across the board here. So there you go, some all these interesting stuff. So let's start talking right away about the things that are going across inside of the universe. Hopefully, everything is grand and fantastic with you as we are on this lovely Friday. So here we go, as we normally talk about everything that is trending. So let's talk about it from the beginning. Trending this weekend for V. O. D. S or video on demand services. Let's take it from the very top new to Amazon. Prime is words on the bathroom walls. New to Disney Plus today the Falcon and the Winter Soldier. He has some people have been waiting for that one. What else do we got going around here? Uh, that Let's take another look and see some other stuff that is around and about. And that would also be on HBO. Max Beverly Hill cop 12 and three. I don't think that I need to mention, uh, there's another movie on HBO, Max, because that one did come out yesterday known as the snide ist cat of the Justice League. So that did come out yesterday. We'll talk about that here in a few moments. New to you is Hunter Hunter, and then new to Netflix. It's country comfort and jiu jitsu, not jiu jitsu. Jiu jitsu. Yeah, that's a Nicolas Cage film from what I have the understanding about there. So there you go. That's what's going across inside of the cycle as we are talking. So I have to tell you yesterday, I did sit down and watch. Finally, the new Justice League, the Snyder's cut four hours, two minutes and 13 seconds of the movie, and I told you that I would give you some news about it today. But maybe before I do that, I should give you the all important news of what the newscasters had to say. Here is the news on the safety from Feature story news in London. I'm Ali Barrett Samir Solu Hassan has been sworn in as the first female president of Tanzania. She becomes Tanzania's sixth president after predecessor John Magufuli died on Wednesday. The country's constitution means she's due to serve out the rest of his five year term in office. UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson will receive an Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine dose later. Ministers and government scientists have been reassuring the public. The jab is safe after some European countries paused their roll out. Over 25 million people in the UK have received a first vaccine dose, but the government is warning the pace of the program will slow slightly in April due to supply issues. Government Minister Oliver Dodon says that's not because India is blocking exports and it doesn't affect England's current plans for easing coronavirus lockdown. No, India is not withholding vaccines and I pay tribute to the work of the Serum Institute. They have had some supply issues with five million doses, but we always knew that there would be ups and downs and that's part of our our planning assumptions. That's why we've been relatively cautious. For example, with the road map for getting out of lockdown, the road map is not affected, so at the moment we remain on course for the next easing on the 29th. 16 French regions go back into lockdown in the early hours of Saturday morning local time. The measure will last for at least a month and comes as France faces a deteriorating situation in hospitals due to a third wave of coronavirus infections. Ross Cullen reports from FSN Paris. The move affects 21 million French citizens in Paris, Lille, Nice, Kelly and Damien, and it will be in place seven days a week until at least the middle of April. Unlike the first coronavirus lockdown in spring, 2020 schools will stay open. Food shops and drugstores can also stay open, but non essential shops like clothing stores and florists have to shut the national AstraZeneca vaccination campaign restarts. On Friday, the first U. S China meeting got off to a fiery start in Alaska as the two countries sat down for face to face discussions. Their opening remarks saw the US accused China of attacking global stability, while China labeled America a hypocrite for lecturing other countries about human rights. Nick Harper reports from the meeting in Anchorage. US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken warned the world would be far more violent and unstable if countries like China refused to play by the rules. That prompted a 15 minute response from the Chinese delegation. They accused the US of cyber attacks and meddling in other countries' affairs. The US later accused China of grandstanding. The dramatic encounter, something not normally seen in front of TV cameras showed the intensity of feelings and marked another low point in relations between Washington and Beijing from bureaus worldwide. This is FSN right. This show is almost as enjoyable as hearing the sound of the toilet flush. Rated R safety show on safety FM. I spend a lot of time in the backyard, and I'm the center of attention at summer barbecues. In 96 I made some of the tastiest smores, and at oh nine, it was me, your backyard fire pit that accidentally started a wildfire when a summer breeze carried one of my embers into some dry brush. Spark a change, not a wildfire. Visit smokey bear dot com Brought to you by the U. S. Forest Service, your state forester in the Ad council. Only you can prevent wildfires, hope you enjoy your meal, and I just want to say he's lucky to have a brother like you. Lucky caring for my brother is far from easy but he's a part of me like my arms and legs So I'll be his no time for tired Nothing can disable this love He needs me But I'm the lucky one Even though I need help now and then if you're caring for a loved one Visit AARP dot org slash caregiving for care guides and community support for your strength brought to you by AARP and the ad Council. What if I told you that a tornado was going to happen tomorrow? Right where you live? Yeah, that it would touch down at exactly 3. 17 PM and I told you the exact path it would take. You would, of course, prepare. You would talk with your loved ones and you make a plan today. It's true. I can't tell you a tornado strike tomorrow, but shouldn't you have a plan anyway? Go to ready dot gov slash communicate and make your emergency plan today. Don't wait. Communicate Brought to you by FEMA and the Ad Council. This is Mario Andretti. You know me as a race car driver, but I'm also a Meals on Wheels volunteer I've raised against the sport's biggest personalities, but I've never met more vibrant, amazing people than a senior served by meals on wheels. You can make a difference by dropping off a hot meal and saying a quick Hello, So America, let's do lunch. Volunteer your lunch break at America. Let's do lunch dot org This message brought to you by Meals on Wheels America and the Ad Council. We are radio. We are sarcasm. We are both combined Radio big Wow. I felt like it was trapped in a way from the multiverse. Were quite a bit there anyway. So there you go nine minutes past the top of the hour as we are hanging out here doing the things that we do, ladies and gents. So let's start talking about what else is going on. So I did talk about it a little bit, so let's just take the dive and get it over with. So I ended up spending the four hours and two minutes and 13 seconds watching the snide ist cat yesterday. Uh, so here's the gig. Um, I believe that you're gonna have to watch Batman V Superman to be able to get ahold of what's going on for portions of it. If you're not familiar with the story line, I would probably say Watch the ultimate edition But that's like three hours and a half. So now I'm already asking you to commit to almost seven hours and then I really think to appreciate the movie. And this is just my opinion. You really have to watch the other one, the other one that was not so good. And let me just be realistic. This is, of course, my opinion. When it's all said and done well, I think that the movie, the Snyder's cut is good because the other one was so bad. I mean, I think that if you went directly and just watched it, you're not going to be so blown away. That is the most fantastic we have ever seen. I mean, was it entertaining? Yes. Did he give you character development? Yes. Was it better than the original one that came out in 17? Yes. Uh, but that's about it. That's about all I have to say. I mean, I don't think that that's the thing. I mean, I just don't think that it was great. It was four hours and two minutes that I won't get back. It does have character development. It was entertaining. Um, it is broken up until, like, seven parts. I would probably say Consider breaking it up into seven parts as you do this. What? Hold on. Oh, wow. The live feed is your cover photo on your LinkedIn profile. That's that is awesome. It is. I didn't realize that. That must be a new feature. Uh, so there you go. I'm gonna have to. Now go take a look. Um, for that going on. So this is wicked. So there you go. I don't know. So a lot of stuff going on, of course, inside of the world of safety and all that kind of fun stuff. So let's do some talking, of course. And let's really start talking about the things that are going on inside of the world of the news. Um, as we have heard over the last few days, Robert Long, 21 the man accused of totally shooting seven women and one in three separate shootings at massage businesses in Atlanta, attended rehab for sex addiction and felt extreme guilt about his sexual urges to former roommates, said. Tyler Bayless, 35 who was in the halfway house, said that he would describe several sexual addiction relapses, as he recalled. He would then take the deep feeling of remorse and shame to say that that he needed to return to prayer and return to God. Bronson Limousine, a second former housemate of long echoed Bayless, account to USA Today, saying that long felt the guilt in a lot of shame over going to massage parlors. Authorities are looking into the crimes could be racially motivated, despite suspects denial because six of the victims were Asian women to other victims that were there. Other victims that were there they were both white. Bayless and Lieberman told the outlet that they never heard long used racist racist language and had no knowledge that they he had visited massage parlors or the massage boards. There's a massage board, even what the hell does that mean? So here's the question then and let's talk about it. And of course I keep in mind that this is the rate at our safety show, so we talk about some other things, too, so we talk about hazard matrix and you already kind of know this stuff. But let's talk about this particular incident right now that's going on. Are we referencing for a hot minute? And I do mean for admitted here that this is where they were doing happy endings. I'm not picking on the massage parlors. I'm asking the question because they're almost kind of giving the inclination inside of there that that's what was going on. I mean, let's kind of read through the messaging here on what's being said. He felt ashamed for going to massage parlors. Well, getting a massage. How is that dealing with sexual addiction unless you're getting finished off, is what they're almost hinting at here. So what's the thought process? And I know some will be offended by saying that, but welcome to the real world on the things that occur out there. So let's talk about it. That's the other portion. I mean, there is a big portion there to talk about, and there is no justification to what was done. But why all of a sudden were these places that he was targeting? Maybe that's something to think about. What did he just say? We have safety fn. Don't always agree with the viewpoints of our hosts and guests. Now back to real safety. Talk on safety FM. Okay, so let's continue talking. As of Thursday, more than 115 million covid back 19 vaccines have been administered nationwide. Close to 41 million Americans are now fully vaccinated, while the close to 75.5 million have received at least one dose, according to the C. D. C. The total number of cumulative cases in the U. S is slightly over about 29.4 million, with more than 535,000 deaths attributed to the virus. So there you go. That's some information going on inside of the cycle. Needle free covid 19 vaccines may be available later this year. Up to eight New immunizations may be ready for regulatory reviews by the end of the year, some which don't require needles and can be stored at room temperatures, according to Bloomberg Nerves. I mean, tell me that the fear here is not needles. Tell me that that's not the gimmick or the case. The promising vaccine are among more than 80 candidates currently being studied. Some which are in early stages and may fail may fail, according to the report. Outlet. Well, no crap. If it's an early stages, I think that that's not a genius thing to say. Only 100 and 22 of the world's 195 countries have started vaccinating. Citizens and drugmakers struggled to fill orders. The but the who not the band reviewing whether the survivors survivors only need a shot of the vaccine freeing up more supplies. What did I just teach you? Something about LinkedIn. You don't think the day? What? Yeah, well, of course. I mean, I have to go take a look. Maybe I'll go take a look right now. So you're saying that right now on LinkedIn that my profile picture is my stream? Is that what you're saying? Because to me, my profile picture is still by same profile picture? I don't know. Oh, in the pro. Oh, I see what you're saying now the picture of the very top like the back picture. Oh, that's weird. I have not seen that. And then you can click on Jordan. Pretty cool feature. Thanks for sharing. I have not seen that at all. totally different, especially when you totally click on it. There you go, dropping some knowledge bombs there this morning. Mr Richard Nichols totally appreciated. Mortal Kombat Downgraded safety show. Okay, so let's there are some news about some other things going on inside of the world. Philadelphia Homicide rates are soaring. So far this year, 103 people have been murdered in the city, an increase of more than 30% from last year. The number of guns recovered from the city streets is also way up, with authorities revealing that they are on track to shatter last year's record roughly by 5000 guns retrieved. As of mid week, only Chicago had a higher homicide rate than Philadelphia, according to the mayor. Kenney said, There you go. You're welcome. The invoices in the mail Cool stuff. Can't wait to get it. I'll make sure to give it to Andhra Anyways, let's continue talking. As theme parks in Southern California are set to reopen, a new rule will keep thrill seekers lips zipped on their favorite rides. Have you heard about this? The California attraction in Park Association is behind the plan that would encourage writers to remain silent while hurling through the air on roller coasters to help prevent the spread of coronavirus or reopening guidelines called the limitation of other activities that may lead to virus spreading, such as singing and shouting. So if you think about this for a moment, we did talk about this a while ago that China and Japan were doing something extremely similar where they showed two executives there was a video that was out, and if you're watching on the streamer, all of a sudden you saw them sitting like this on the ride with their mask on, doing this number and going around and about, and that was the case and we thought it was kind of silly. Now let's go a few months down the road, and this is exactly what's going on in California Now the question, of course, comes up what it's worth asking. Will they be required to wearing face mask to prevent the spread and then also as California gonna recommend to mask instead of one that would be the other thing and then, also, while riding a roller coaster, are in all passengers facing the same direction, and surely there will be plenty of social distancing between, said passengers who will already be limited in a group size. I mean, there's some stuff to think about, isn't it? I mean, just think about it in that fashion anyways, before we get too far into it. Let's talk to my friend John Smalls, who has been hanging out here, uh, in Lakeland, Clearwater and Tampa over the spring break week. But let's talk about what he has going on with the motivation minute. The Motivation minute is courtesy of better credit cards dot com. Mark Twain said Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear. Now I'm gonna admit I love reading Mark Twain quotes. He seemed like such a fun guy, and this quote lets me know that he was also no stranger to fear. When you boldly go where no one's gone before and you blaze your own trail, you're most likely gonna hit some bumps along the way. Don't let the fear of this be a deterrent to you reaching that destination. Master that fear, then get beyond the fear altogether. It's not always easy, but it sure can be worth the trip. Have fun. This has been today's motivation minute, courtesy of better credit cards dot com. I'm John Small. Thanks for listening. Your favorite motivational quotes can be submitted for upcoming programs at motivation minute dot org. Okay, so there's John Smalls dropping some knowledge bombs our general direction, giving us exactly what is going on for moments of motivation. Like I have told you before, if you do come out and hang out with us and do the things that we do, John Smalls does our afternoon show on radio Big dot FM. What, John and Heidi. And by the way, cute when they're fun guy or fun guy. Cute on swerve there. Uh, so there you go some interesting things, So let's continue talking. A Texas man has helped save countless lives with his bi weekly like that donation palette donation over the last 37 years. Marco's Paris, who has been donating since I almost said 18 94 and listen to me 1984. Why don't you pay it Ford, after he received a life saving transfusion as a newborn. Back then, there was no blood banks. My dad had to go around and ask family members, my aunts and uncles, cousins, friends to go donate. Barris has donated 962 times, which is about 100 and 20 gallons of pallets. Uh, the South Texas Blood and Tissue Center has reported. So there you go, a guy living up to his world. I mean, think about it real quick. Um, this is something that Jon from Jon and Heidi talks about all the time. Only about 3% of people donate blood, something that could save somebody else's life. 3%. Think about how crazy that is. When it's all said and done, you could actually change somebody's life by saving it by probably donating about an hour of your time once every two months by donating blood. Now make sure, of course, that you're healthy enough to do so before deciding to go down that path. So let's continue talking. A coronavirus pandemic should all but disappear in the US by April or May. Didn't they say that last year, according to Dark? Dr. Marty Makary, a professor of John Hopkins University School of Medicine, told America's newsroom on Thursday. Oh, this sounds like a dumb idea to say that last month, McCarty told the Wall Street Journal that America will have the herd of immunity by April. We are seeing some really good news according to what Marty had to say. Who added the 10 states have have had day have had days in which they reported no Corona deaths. His comments come after the C. D. C. Predicted coronavirus death would decline drastically over the coming four weeks. So there you go. I don't know some things to think about, for sure, but to say that it will be totally gone. So I mean, that's kind of a brave thing to say. I mean, just some things to think about. Anyways, let's talk about it real quick. Markets were down sharply on Thursday night, and and and and and no, no, no, no, no, no. Hold on. You want to get John in here? Let's do John. Let's get John in here real quick because he does. Market minute. Let's do Mark admitted with John for a second. Let's see what you think. Here's your market beat minute for Friday, March 19th 2021. Equities fell on Thursday in response to rocketing interest rate expectations. The NASDAQ led the decline with the loss of nearly 3% while the S and P 500 Dow Jones shed less than half that amount. The yield on the 10 year Treasury jumped above 1.7% for the first time since January 2020 and it looks like it will go higher. This is bad news for high growth names because it makes borrowing money to fund growth more expensive and could send the NASDAQ composite tumbling. The next big hurdle for the market will be next week with the release of key data points. Among them are the February reads of personal income spending and core inflation. If core inflation continues its upward trajectory, it could reinforce the idea of FOMC tightening and helped drive the markets lower over the coming months. You can get the inside track from Wall Street's brightest minds, delivered directly to your inbox every day at market beat minute dot com. Okay, so there you go. Market beat minute. There you go. Some information from John Small, so just in case will add to it. Markets were down on Thursday as the NASDAQ plummeted about 409 points. The Dow dropped about 100 and 53 points, and the S and P saw a sinking of about 58. The NASDAQ composite had its most difficult days in weeks as Apple, Amazon, Netflix all fell more than 3%. Tesla dipped more than 7%. The financial sector saw games during Thursday sessions as increasing interest rates bad well before the fortune profits. Wells Fargo, JP Morgan and US Bancorp and Bank of America also saw their shares. Prices rise. So there you go, some stuff to think about as we do talk about it. Of course, Um, let's continue talking because there's some other things going on. The number of Americans seeking unemployment benefits increased last week as the nation hit the one year mark of the coronavirus crisis. The latest passage of 770,000 jobless claims brought the total for the pandemic to nearly 81.9 million calendar miss. We're expecting the number to have dropped to about 700,000, meaning a 10% increase from last week, according to Bloomberg Weekly. Jobless filing have remained above pre pandemic records of 695,000 for 52 weeks straight. So there you go. We're going to continue to talk about this. And I know some people are excited about stimulus checks and all that kind of fun stuff, but we're gonna have to talk about this economy thing because it's gonna be interesting over the next little bit because let's start talking about it. And I was having a very good conversation yesterday evening with my friend Josh Calle Del from married to safety. And we're gonna have to start talking about how things are going to look here in the very near future. And that's what what's gonna end up taking place, how the economy is going to change, how coronavirus will start having the effect because of vaccines. And then what is Safety program is going to start looking like when people start going back to the job market and the job places. This is what we're gonna have to start talking about, not today. But we're gonna need to start talking about this soon in regards to what we need to do next. Anyways, let's continue talking. The U. S. Is sending four million doses of AstraZeneca Corona vaccine to Canada and Mexico. The vaccine is still pending. FDA approval in the U. S has been approved in other countries, so the doses will be shipped to avoid going on use. White House Press Secretary Gen. Made the announcement on Thursday, noting that the importance of helping stop the spread of the of the virus in other countries. The news comes as many European countries countries have suspended the vaccine after a handful of people who have received to develop blood clots. So if it is safe for others, why can't the doses head to the borders and and vaccine and vaccinate all of the people that are pouring into the U. S. I mean, I'm just asking the question, just asking the question, Think about it for a second, Shouldn't I would almost say that you should have some consideration about some of the people that are vaccinated that are coming in to the country just the time. Don't shoot the messenger. You know how this goes. We're just having the convo from time to time as we do talk about the things, listen to our host of the rated R safety show self implode on our airwaves. Only on Safety FM. Here is our main story on the right safety. Okay, so let's talk about it. Let's talk about some of the things that we never talk about and some of the things that I do tend to right inside of the box when I give the title here. So let's talk about this. And this might be a difficult one for us to be able to communicate or even have the ability to talk about. But my question for you today, especially after watching the Zack Snyder kite. What's your superpower like? Seriously, what is your superpower? What do you bring to the table that is so different than others? What do you bring to the table? But you can do that. Others can't do kind of an interesting question, right? Think about it for a moment. There are some people that say or believe that they are able to do X, y and Z, and they seem they seem to look at it as a superpower that allows them to do things with other people. They're able to, you know, communicate better and do all these things and all this. So what comes to mind when you hear this? Do you have one thing that sticks out above all others. Do you have one thing that comes to mind or do you go now? There's nothing because there has to be something that comes to mind. When I asked the question, There has to be something that you know that you do extremely well. You can be humble for a moment and not say anything, but there is something that you're thinking about now. I'm sure people have told you time and time again. You are great at X and you've heard it so many times that you believe that. Hey, I must be good at X because this is what people tell me now I might not say it out loud to others, but yeah, there probably are spot on. So as we talk about this, how does that work? Why do you shy away from it when you know that it's something that you're good at. But what I really wanted to talk about is not so much on how good you are. It's something and talking about superpowers. But what if we started talking about a superpower that you should practice and that you should acquire what? Yeah, a superpower that you should acquire and let me explain to you which one I'm talking about, which one I think is the most important. And it is a superpower because most people shy away from doing it. Most people don't want to do it because they believe that there is a level of shame that comes with it. And you want me to tell you what it is? I would hope so. That's why you're here, right? It's asking for help. How come we tend to shy away from one of the easiest things that you can do on the planet? But we have these areas of pride that we're afraid of. I cannot be humanized by asking for help. Do you remember years ago when it was not okay to talk about suicidal thoughts and depression? But we continue to tell people to ask for help, but it wasn't okay to talk about it. I mean, it was kind of like, but now we continue to talk about this to bring it to the forefront. Now, if we get to the point in life that we can ask for help on simple things because of areas of pride, when we come to the harder things in life. Depression, suicidal thoughts, drug addiction, sexual addiction. How much more difficult will it become for somebody to be able to ask for help? Think about it for a moment if you have the ability to help somebody else out, but they never ask. Well, then you'll never be able to help them. So we shy away from this potential power that we can that we can actually give additional information to somebody else just by being able by being able to ask a question for help. So imagine that you went around and about and gave people the opportunity to you to ask them. Yes, you gave them the opportunity for them to assist you, for you to ask them for help. People want to help other people, but sometimes they want you to ask. Like I know it drives people crazy if they tell me a lot of stuff. But they never asked the question because I won't just be like, Oh, let me help you with that. And I know it's kind of wrong on my part, and I do it all the time, but I think that that's the first step you have to ask. It's a superpower that is easy, is easy to access in something you can enable quickly. Think about it for a moment. Think about it for a moment. How you're able to share information, how you're able to do other things with other people by just asking the simple question. So if you're able to ask in the small things, then it should become easier to ask for help in the larger things. I'm not asking you to become an asshole. That's a S K h o l e were you just ask and ask and ask and ask and never do anything. I'm asking you to do it. Ask for help when you needed it. Be the smallest of small to the biggest of big in regards of what is going on. It will become such an easier lifestyle for you if you do so and now, don't get me wrong. Present company included. Right here, baby. It's a difficult thing to do because here's the thing. And I was having this conversation as well yesterday with someone else about the life that we portray. Depending on who we are around, we must be a certain person a certain character based around certain things because we're looking for ex approval for some people. I can be this one way with you, but I have to be a totally different way with other people because I need to be socially accepted. But why? I'm just trying to make myself better every every day. I'm trying to be a better version of me. My biggest competition is the person that looks back at me in the mirror. I'm just trying to be better than what I was yesterday, believe me. And I'll say this and I'll tell you this and I should. I hope that my actions do show this. I want everybody to be successful. I want everybody to make it. They're just some people I don't want sitting at the table with me. That's a whole other story, but I want them to succeed. But the only person that I'm competing with on a day in day out basis is myself. So I go around and ask the questions of help. I ask for help. You want to know something? The majority of times when I'm going around interviewing people for my other shows is because I'm essentially asking for a version. Al itty of help. I am asking that person that I am interviewing for their knowledge base to understand how they got to where they are at today. Think about it. I have over 319 episodes sitting right here on this show as a call for help I have over What is it? I think it's almost like 300 episodes on the other show of me asking questions for a call for help because I want to have a better understanding of people. I want to have a better understanding on how I J. Allen can become a better J. Allen tomorrow. Think about it for a moment. Think about the impact of you asking for help. It will change everything for you. This is why I'm always a big fan of peer groups. I'm a big fan of having discussions with people of common thoughts. I have discussions with people that I don't agree with what they have to say just for the purpose of having a better understanding of it. Now, if you think about it for a hot minute, people always talk about your your five closest friends and the resemblance that you have with them. Do you have five? Are they five that you would be willing to ask for help from? Or is it an area of pride that you just have no way, shape or form that you would be willing to share any information with? Now, that's just a question that I have for you. Don't go anywhere. You're listening to the home of real safety Dog. You are listening to safety. FM will be right back. Hamilton was adopted from a rescue in 2000 and eight. She really likes to be around people. I get out my mat and I'm doing a downward dog and he's underneath. He's quite the pug about town, and he gets invited to a lot of parties. You know, he's a pretty big deal. Look at this little face. You know I love them. Hamilton, the pug Instagram star and shelter pet. Amazing adoption stories start in shelters. Visit the Shelter Pet Project org. To find a pet near you brought to you by Maddie's Fund, the Humane Society of the United States and the Ad Council, you make sure his toys don't have any sharp edges. You taught her what to do when the smoke alarm goes off. You do so much to keep your child safe. But are you using the right car seat for your child? Car crashes are a leading killer of Children ages 1 to 13. Protect your child's future at every stage of life. For information on the right seat for your child visit safer car dot gov slash the right seat. A message from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Ad Council. So you see, son, good manners are important. Should I go through it again? Yes. Yes, please. Yes, please. Exactly. Always say please. Thank you. You're welcome. An excuse me. Sit up straight. Hold doors open. I speak with a mouthful. Keep your elbows off the table. Share your things, play nice and generally treat others the way you'd like to be treated. Got it? Got it. And stop picking your nose. Most parenting is hard to do in just two minutes. Two minutes, twice a day. Making sure they brush their teeth is easier and it could help save them from a lifetime of tooth pain. Visit two men two x dot org to find out more. A message from the Partnership for Healthy Miles Healthy Lives in the Ad Council. I'm a retired school psychologist and helping people was my thing. After my stroke, when meals on Wheels started, I was another intern mistake, so to speak. My name is Julius Cain's creative writer, poet, photographer, one and six seniors faces the threat of hunger and millions more. Live in isolation. Drop off a hot meal and say, a quick Hello, volunteer for meals on wheels By donating your lunch break at America, let's do lunch dot org This message brought to you by Meals on Wheels America and the Ad Council. It's time to start doing the right thing. Don't trust you. Stop with. Yeah, Still wouldn't do the battle here. Look at the screen. Damn, Brandon, I'll start cleaning. This time will be Or or loud. We're word. Fuck! Mhm. Mhm. Mhm. Oh, there you go. That is deaf. Lev with I don't give a dot, dot dot I think you can figure that one out. Anyway, that song is available on iTunes and Spotify. If you're so inclined to give it a download. There you go. You're listening to rated R safety show, currently 42 minutes past the top of the hour as we are hanging out here doing the things that we do, baby. So let's continue talking down the path of some things that are going on inside of this lovely, lovely world of ours as we are speaking and going around and shooting the, you know, shooting the peripheral open as we are talking, let's talk about some news of the weird. Let's talk about this right away, a website that maps Japan's noisiest and most annoying neighbors to help people avoid them when looking for a home. That sparked controversy, with many accusing the criticizing normal behavior. Duke D. Q. N today is the brainchild of Web developer, who in 2016 after finding himself unable to work from home due to the ruckus made by noisy Children, created a crowdsourcing site. The People kid map and share experiences with door Oecussi, a Japanese word meaning loud people are public nuance. It became especially popular during the pandemic, which so many people confined to their homes and noise, made their neighbors, um, of their Children becoming more more of an issue. The website big thing describes D Q and today as a symptom of aging society irritable, telling young people to turn the volume down. Uh huh. And get off my line. You know, of course, those are Those are the those who, um, who take a listen to take a look at this particular website might have some questions by the self quiet neighbors in hopes of keeping the rowdy wins out. Because if you want to do that, I guess just go to a retirement community that that might help you out. Um, if you don't want the ruckus. But then again, I don't know. Retirement Community, the largest retirement community here in uh in Florida at one point had the highest STD rate as well. I'm just saying, just throwing that out there anyway, just continue talking. Making new friends can be difficult, but it's definitely harder during the pandemic unless you give away free beer. Amanda and Thomas Evan moved to Fort Myers, Florida from Fort Myers, Florida, to Cape Coral, Florida, just before the pandemic it and found that meeting new neighbors was almost impossible. Unable to invite neighbors over for dinner or other smaller events, the couple came up with a unique idea. They posted fliers around the neighborhood and said, Hi, we're new to the neighborhood and would like to to meet our lovely neighbors. We will be being our driveway with drinks, ready to meet any neighbors who would like to stop by. We can't. We can't wait to meet you as a man is not free. Beer is a pretty easy way to get people to show up. The couple has plenty of new friends now. Uh, like I've always said, a free beer is a whole lot better than alcohol free one. That's when for sure to take a look at, I don't have to tell you. I mean, I don't know if I should admit this out out loud. I have lived in the same area that I have. Well, I have lived in probably the same neighbor, the same area of of Florida for the last. Uh, let's take a look here. I'm gonna say for probably about the last eight years, and I probably know none of my neighbors. I think I know the guy that lives directly across the street from me. We've spoken on a couple occasions and outside of that nobody talks to me. I don't know why. It's maybe because I'm so shy when it's all said and done, Who the hell knows? You are listening to a radio? God. What? This has to be an error. That host is not a radio god. Anyway, this is the rated R safety show on safety F firm. Okay, so let's talk about Did you know it is 46 minutes past the top of the hour? Apparently, you can B s, A. B s or Yes. People who frequently exaggerate and distort the truth or lie often think that they won't fall for the same from someone else. But according to a new study, it turns out that these BSS aren't so savvy after all. Researchers at the University of Waterloo in Ontario found that those who regularly try to impress or influence other using misleading, impressive sounding misinformation displays an inability to distinguish between scientifically accurate facts and impressive but meaningless fiction, study authors and typical Bs. Ours is also likely to fall victim for fake news headlines. So there you go. If you've been a big fan of fake news, there's well, I think you know why now. So anyways, let's continue talking some other things going on inside of the world of the multiverse because we're always talking about different things that are going on, because I always think that it is important for us to do so. I don't know. I'm not feeling swampy today, so let's just skip over there. Let's talk about some other stuff. Let's talk about some wack facts. Most tropical Marine fish could survive in a tank filled with human blood. Think about that. That's pretty gross. Cats can be allergic to humans, and that's no joke. You're more likely to be killed by a cow than a shark. Do you want me to say that one again? You are more likely to kill be killed by a cow than a shark. Think about that. Uh, you're more, uh, dirty. Snow melts faster than clean snow. If the population of China walked past you in a single file, the line would never end because of the rate of reproduction. That except taking place there. And the British royal family isn't allowed to play monopoly. That's kind of a weird one to think about. If you think about it for just one moment. Anyways, let's talk about March Madness is in full swing, which is great news, because I definitely need another reason to sit on the couch and not exercise. Santana and the Earth, Wind and Fire are planning a summer tour and other major news from 1983. A super cool dude in a member only jacket checked his swatch hope for a VW rabbit fired up his culture Club cassette. It raced off to a screening of Flashdance. So there you go. Okay. Springs arrives tomorrow. Technically, it's called Vernal Equinox, but nobody says it because they don't want, um to get their ass kicked. So there you go. There were over 500,000 electric cars sold in Europe in 2020. I'm torn on electric cards. One hand. They keep the air clean and and reduce the dependence on Middle Eastern nations who spent centuries pro, uh, propagating human rights abuses, oppression, terrorism, and on the other hand, electric cars look ridiculous. So you see my quandary there. Think about that for a moment. The FAA says says that urinating in your airline seat could cost you a quarter of a million dollars in fine plus jail time. Game on bark. R. Kelly, Uh, right is directly. He's coming out of prison. Listen, at your own risk Rated R safety show. Okay, so it is that part of the show that it because it is Friday. So let's start talking a little bit. So every Friday, what we like to do is take 30 seconds, put it onto the clock and get your rolling and bowling before you get into the weekend, we want you to scream and shout and get everything out of your system before we get your rolling into the weekend. So I'm gonna give you a countdown. I want you to scream, Get all your frustration out that you've had built up over the week before You get into the weekend aspect. So if you let me give you the countdown right now, we'll do the 32nd time on the clock and we'll get that rolling in 32 and one. Okay. And that is time, my friends, we will get those 30 seconds away from you, and let's continue to move forward. Let me tell you about a couple of things that we have coming up real quick. Number one. We have a contest going on where we could do a line online session. You and I, we have a contest. We'll do 21 hour sessions. I'm gonna choose three winners for this so we can do with one on one talk about anything that you want to talk about. All you have to do is go to safety FM dot com forward slash contest that safety FM dot com forward slash contest to win to enter We're going to be giving away that raffle as you can tell the entries and next week. So next week on this show, we'll be letting you know who wasn't. So there you go. There is one for their and then by popular request, we are doing our lovely little class one more time. The safety reconfigured class on March 31st at 11 a.m. Eastern Standard time. If you go to safety FM dot io, you can find out some more information on exactly what is going on there. So there you go post things readily available for you. If you're so inclined to come out, hang out with us and do some other things. But anyways, before I forget. Let me tell you about what my friend has to say, because this is always important. I'm a trial lawyer. I'm not part of your family. And I don't do skits with my mom. I'm a real lawyer, a damn good lawyer, the best lawyer the state has to offer. And I've built a reputation for standing up for the people of this country, righting the wrongs. You may not agree with all of my views, but when it comes to trying cases, there's only one view. Justice and justice is what I get. Fighter law. That's why we're unstoppable. We at Safety FM are not responsible for what this idiot behind the microphone is saying is trying to be entertaining. Rated R safety show. Okay, so let's continue talking. No winner for Tuesday night's mega million drawing. Tonight's drawing will be for 100 and $5 million or $71 million jackpot. No winner for Wednesday night's Powerball drawing, Either Saturday's drawing will be for $200 million jackpot or 100 and $36.5 million cash payout. So there you go a couple of items of readily available for you anyway. Let me give you some showbiz news real quick. The Venom sequel starting Tom Hardy, has been pushed back again. According to variety reports, Venom Let the carnage begin. Um, has been delayed now until September the 17th. It was originally set to hit theaters this June. The film. In the film, Hardy, 43 will reprise his role of Eddie Brock, a journalist who merges with the alien venom. Woody Harrelson joins the cast as carnage Venoms nemesis Michelle Williams will also return to the focus. Rocks Love, interest. So there you go some things to think about real quick if your show so inclined to do so. Uh, there you go. There you go. There you go. Let's continue talking real quick about some other things. Let me tell you about one of the most important things that will be able to share with you all day. And that's what my friends at the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. If you're having any thoughts of depression or suicide, there you go. You can give them a contact or call or reach out to them anyway. For shape or form. You can go to a f s p dot org. That's a f sp dot org to find out more information, or you can give them a call at 1 802 73 Talk That's 1 802 73 talk or 1 802 738255 or you can actually text the word talk to 741741 That's the word. Talk to 741741 You're not alone. Whether you have struggled with suicidal depression yourself or you have lost a loved one to it, you know that you are not alone. This is so important here about personal experiences from people in your local communities whose lives have been impacted by suicide and depression. To hear all about it, you can go to their website. There's all kinds of stories readily available. Do not do anything until you have reached out to them. Do not do anything until you have reached out to them. If you have any contemplation of suicide or struggling with depression at the moment anyway, let's continue talking about some other things. Let's talk about some things that happened back on this date back in 1966 textures. Western wins the N C. Double A men's college basketball championship. It is the first team that an All Black starring five to do so. The Texas Western was led by coach Don Haskins, who encouraged racial integration to his team. The game did not come down to a final buzzer shot or climatic ending. Texas Western took the lead early in the game and never looked back. The victory was depicted in the movie called Glory Road Back in 2000 and six. You want to talk about some birthdays that are going on today? Casey Anthony. Yeah, the centrally, highly publicized murder trial. She turned 35 today. Dan Levy turned 40 and he returned 63. Bruce Willis turned 66. Harvey Weinstein. You have disgraced Hollywood producer turned 69. Glenn Close turned 74 today, and Ursula Andres turns 85. You know, from Doctor? No, just in case you did not know what I was talking about. If you're looking for some days to celebrate today, let's talk about some of those national backyard day. Well, I hope you enjoy that one. Uh, national certified Nurse's Day. National Chocolate Caramel Day National. Let last day and the National Poultry Day. So there you go some days that you can celebrate. Also, just in case you did not know over the weekend. Some days that you can also celebrate will be coming up. Spring arrives, Proposal day. You know, those are some things. And then on Sunday Fragrance day and what else? We're looking at Teenagers Day. But you know, not teenagers from Mars, that's for sure. Anyway, let's talk about some other things relatively quick as we're about to get you out of here and you enjoy your weekend. What we'd love to see you do is come out to radio big dot f m come out and hang out with us as we do the things that we do. So let me give you a couple of things. If you need a random joke for today, singing in the shower is all fun and games until you get shampoo in your mouth. Then it becomes a soap opera. Yep, I said that. Okay, if you're looking for a phone started for today, what cheesy song from your childhood do you still love? You know there's a lot of them. There's a lot of them out there that still come to mind that people think about all the time. So let's continue with that. Anyways, if you need something for the water cooler for today, try this. 40% of us say that we would never share this food related item, no matter who was asking for it. What is it? A bite of your sandwich? Yeah. That's normally what takes place. Happy Friday to you as well. Jim, is your newest episode of safety wars out? I did not see a lot of promotion for it. We need to make sure we're gonna need to air a safety wars. Maybe you should do a clip for safety wars for us to be able to play on radar. Maybe you should get that to me. We should do it on Monday. No pressure there, you know? Not like you don't have anything else going on in your life. Just some stuff to think about. Okay. So, anyway, is that it is 57 minutes past the top of the hour. Let me leave you with this one. If I can leave you with anything today, you get what you focus on, so focus on what you want because I think that is so important. Anyways, you have been listening to the rate at our safety show exclusively on safety FM dot com and on radio big dot FM. Thank you for always being the most part, most important part of safety FM, and that is the listener. Safety FM is the home of real safety talk. Anyways, thank you for coming out, hanging out and doing the things that you do with us. I always think it's so important that we get to spend this quality time together as we do every Monday through Friday. With the exception of the days when I don't show up and areas if you want to come out, hang out and do some more things. I will be moving over to radio big dot FM over the next few minutes. So please come and hang out just the two more hours. Just two more hours. Don't worry. I give you the same level of nonsense and maybe a little bit more. If you do come out and hang out over there anyways. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I know who you are. You know who I am love you mean it Goodbye. The views and opinions expressed on this podcast are those of the host and its guests and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the company. Examples of analysis discussed within this podcast are only examples. It should not be utilized in the real world as the only solution available as they are based only on very limited and dated open source information. Assumptions made within this analysis are not reflective of the position of the company. No part of this podcast may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means mechanical, electronic recording or otherwise without prior written permission of the creator of the podcast.
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