Today on The Rated R Safety Show, we discuss all things safety and the news.
In our main story, we discuss how things are not always black or white and sometimes gray.
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In our main story, we discuss how things are not always black or white and sometimes gray.
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Show Notes
[00:00:00] : Yeah. Okay. This show is brought to you by safety. The following program is rated M A L s V. It contains strong language, sexual situations and violence. It is intended only for mature audiences. Finally show with the ball should call it like it is rated R safety show on safety FM countdown to audio Torture directed. Our safety show starts in 321 Levee Ear drum pain. Begin. Forget the corporate bullshit. This is the rated R safety show with your host, Dr. Uh, It doesn't matter who the host is. Well, is that not the truth of what? Today's Thursday, April, the first of 2021 day 91 of the year in only 274 days left to go. So there you go. We are broadcasting live from the safety FM studios in Orlando, Florida. Yes, and we are coming across the multiverse of safety FM. And of course, we're hanging out with those other people that we hang out with, You know? You know what I'm talking about? Real big 24 7. Real big dot FM. Okay, so there you go. We are coming across the radio big dot FM, our sister station as we hang out, talk and do the things that we do over there, over here, in a little bit of everywhere, just in case. So, yeah, it sounded like, you know, there was some issues yesterday where people were trying to reach out and find me. I think you might have come to the conclusion that I wasn't here yesterday. So thanks for all the people that reached out trying to showing their concerns of what was going on with me and all that kind of fun stuff. It's all good. It's all good. Everything's fine and fantastic and moving forward. Um, just as you are aware, yesterday we had a scheduled class, so that was part of the reason of having the scheduled class thing going on, and we'll see how we can make it up to you here in the near future. Um, in regards of, you know, not being here yesterday, I might have something a little special for you here in just a tiny, tiny bit, Um, for us to be able to go over and all that kind of fun stuff anyway, So let's start talking about some other things going on inside of the world real quick. Normally, at the beginning of the show, we talk about a little bit about everything, and I would start telling you about things that are trending, and I guess I can tell you about it. But I'm definitely sure as hell not showing it today. A video went viral this week of a mother bear having a challenging time getting her cubs across a busy road in Winsted, Connecticut. Check out the clip. It is available, but it lasts about two minutes. And I thought that I'd be crucified if I tried to go two minutes with a clip like that on here. So I figured, Hey, it might be a better idea of not doing that. So there you go. That's what we have going on. Oh, I don't know what it just did it on my computer. I'm sure it's gonna be all kinds of fun times, um, as we are doing it here. So anyways, let's continue talking because I think that that's going to probably be the most important factor of what we're doing. Yeah, everything. I clicked on a button and it caused, like, eight screen stove and probably not probably not the best idea to do that at the moment, anyway. So there you go. That's what's going on. So a lot of stuff as we do talk, move, groove and all the other things that we normally say in that really strange world of lingo. Uh, so anyways, let's get us to your friends and my friends and feature stories. Have them moving and grooving. Start talking about the things that are going on inside of this lovely world of ours, from their perspective alone. Here is the news on the safety show from Feature Story News in London. I'm Ali Barrett. Hong Kong media tycoon Jimmy Lai in six other high profile democracy activists have been found guilty of unauthorized assembly in relation to an anti government protest in 2019. The group includes some of Hong Kong's longest standing democracy campaigners. Richard Kimber reports for Memphis in Hong Kong. The ruling follows a four week trial that centered on an unauthorized march that took place amid months of anti government protests in the second half of 2019. Prosecutors accused the seven activists of turning a police approved assembly in one of the city's biggest parks into an unauthorized march through the streets towards government headquarters. Organizers of the protest at the time said almost two million people took part to voice their opposition to a controversial extradition bill that was later scrapped by the government. Those convicted include the founder of Hong Kong's Democratic Party, Martin Lee, and outspoken former opposition lawmaker Leung Hong. All seven activists have denied the charges of organizing and taking part in an unauthorized assembly. US. President Joe Biden's unveiled a $2 trillion infrastructure package. The plan will be paid for by raising corporate tax from 21 to 28%. Billions will go into electric vehicle charging stations and removing lead water pipes, but Republicans say it will cause stagnation and decline. An exodus from French cities is expected over the coming days ahead of a new Covid 19 lockdown for the country. Travel restrictions are being put in place, but the government will allow people the Easter weekend to get to where they want to spend. Lockdown schools are closing for at least three weeks and all non essential shops will close from Saturday. Paris correspondent Peter Allen says President Emmanuel Macron had been trying to resist a new lockdown. You look at the figures here, they are absolutely appalling, especially in major cities like Paris. We're looking at about 50,000 new case of coronavirus a day across the country, staggering figures, intensive care units in cities like Paris overflowing to the extent that patients are being evacuated out of the city to less busy parts of France. At least 23 people have been killed by suspected rebels in the east of the DRC. The killings were reported in the rest of eastern territory of Benny as Chrysostom, Ringo reports, a group of armed men raided bail Maniema Melissa Village in eastern DRC and killed 23 farmers living in the area. The village is located in a remote territory that has very few government troops. The Congolese army says it pursued the armed men and killed two of its fighters. Local officials suspect the attack was carried out by a militia known as the Allied Democratic Forces ADF. According to the UN attacks carried out by ADF rebels claimed nearly 200 lives and forced 40,000 people to flee their homes in March from bureaus worldwide. This is FSN this show is almost as enjoyable as hearing the sound of the toilet flush. Rated R Safety Show on safety FM I spend a lot of time in the backyard, and I'm the center of attention at summer barbecues. In 96 I made some of the tastiest smores, and at oh nine, it was me, your backyard fire pit that accidentally started a wildfire when a summer breeze carried one of my embers into some dry brush. Spark a change, not a wildfire. Visit smokey bear dot com Brought to you by the U. S. Forest Service, your state forester in the ad council. Only you can prevent wildfires. Hope you enjoy your meal. And I just want to say he's lucky to have a brother like you. Lucky, caring for my brother is far from easy, but he's a part of me, like my arms and legs, so I'll be his no time for tired. Nothing can disable this love. He needs me, but I'm the lucky one, even though I need help now and then. If you're caring for a loved one, visit AARP dot org slash caregiving for care guides and community support for your strength brought to you by AARP and the ad council. What if I told you that a tornado was going to happen tomorrow, right where you live? That it would touch down at exactly 3 17 PM and I told you the exact path it would take. You would, of course, prepare. You would talk with your loved ones and you make a plan today. It's true. I can't tell you a tornado strike tomorrow, but shouldn't you have a plan anyway? Go to ready dot gov slash communicate and make your emergency plan today. Don't wait. Communicate Brought to you by FEMA and the Ad Council This is Mario Andretti. You know me as a race car driver, but I'm also a Meals on Wheels volunteer I've raised against the sport's biggest personalities, but I've never met more vibrant, amazing people than the senior served by meals on wheels. You can make a difference by dropping off a hot meal and saying a quick Hello, So America, let's do lunch. Volunteer your lunch break at America. Let's do lunch. Org This message brought to you by Meals on Wheels America and the Ad Council listen at your own risk. Rated R safety show. There you go. Listening at your own risk The rated R safety show. It is currently nine minutes past the top of the hour as we are hanging out here doing the things that we do or doing the things that we're supposed to do on the days that we are actually here. Maybe that's kind of the the configuration there of the different things that are going down so different. I mean, definitely taking a listen to what is going on in. It's in regards of that stuff with Kobe. Um, so there you go some interesting things. So before I forget, because I think that this is going to be important because we already started talking about it. So let's talk about it some more. Uh, let's take a look like a look. Take a look at this right here. In case you did not know about it. We have a contestant. We have a contest. We have a contest going on right now. So this is your opportunity to enter in this contest right here. Put on by the good old folks here. Todd Conklin, Winnipeg AnAnd, about their accidental or accident investigation theory and practice class that is coming up now, The winner of this will actually get access to both sessions that actually do occur on the 13th of April through the 16th of April. It is between nine. I believe it's nine and one AM nine and 1 a.m. nine a. M to 1 p.m. or 1300 specific Pacific standard time. So just for f y I purposes, it will be one ticket to both sessions that you get to hang out and watch virtually, um, it is a live event. So there you go. I will tell you, um, to this date we have had several contests, but the 1st 12 hours of this thing, man, it was it went hoo rah rah in regards to the amount of entries there. So looking, it looks like a lot of people are looking forward to actually getting involved with that one. Now, if you have the option like I said of actually doing this or you have the option of actually purchasing the ticket, I mean, you have you can enter to win, or you can enter to win, or you can go out and buy the ticket. I mean, the options, of course, is yours for sure. Good morning, Loving the black and white. There's a reason we'll get to the black and white here in just a few. Don't worry about that. We won't get too far before we start talking about it anyway. So let's start talking about what is going on inside of the shit list. So here we go. As of Wednesday, over 100 and 50 million covid vaccines have been administered. Nationwide, 54.6 million Americans have been fully vaccinated, while more than 97.5 million have received at least one dosed. According to the CDC, The total number of competitive cases in the US are slightly over 30.2 million, with over 548,000 deaths a tribute to the virus. So, as you see every day that we talk about it or that we've been talking about it are actually giving numbers, it increases between 1 to 2000 per day on the amount of deaths that are taking place. Now think about that because we do talk about this. 548,000 people dying and the impact that those people have on other people seriously, it's really something to think about. It goes a lot deeper than just what am I thinking? It's just a couple of people. I mean, I will tell you taking a look around at some of these other places and some of the things that they did. It's kind of interesting on how we look at it here in the U. S. Uh, in comparison to some of the other countries, I always default to New Zealand. Don't ask why. It just happens anyway. Let's continue talking. One small territory in southern Europe is returning to normal as almost all of its residents are vaccinated. Giblets are has become one of the first places in the world to have fully vaccinated nearly 90% of its adult population. Bars and restaurants are full. Fans are in the seats at sporting events. Curfews have been lifted in signs and signs asking people to wear masks have been removed. Many residents credit the government vaccine rollout for restoring their ability to give back to living their lives. You know, I think it's funny you hear about this about Hey, we were able to get back to normal based on vaccination based on some of these things based on some of the changes. But you look at other countries of this is being forced by the government. If any time the government is putting something out there, it must be something. It's like I just don't get it. It's like at some point, what is conspiracy, what is real and all this other stuff. And I mean, I think that, you know, when we started looking at so many conspiracy theories, no wonder. No wonder people think the way that they do when it comes to certain things. Like, Is there a conspiracy that I have just moved my hand towards my face in the way that I am grabbing my glasses? Was it all planned out? There must be a conspiracy around that. What did he just say? We have safety. Don't always agree with the viewpoints of our hosts and guests. Now back to real safety. Talk on safety FM. Okay, an off duty firefighter in New Mexico help remove thousands of bees from a car parked outside of a grocery store. Last weekend, the last Cruz's fire department responded to a call on Sunday about a swarm of bees that had hunkered down inside of a car in a supermarket parking lot, according to the department. The owner of the vehicle said that he put his groceries inside and was about to drive, and then when he noticed bees in the back seat after the scene was secured, an off duty firefighter, Jesse Johnson, who was a bookkeeper and in his spare time, was called to safely remove the insects and relocated UH, the estimated 15,000 bees to an area on his property. No major injuries or stings were reported. Hold on, Hold the phone, man. How the hell do you get 15,000 bees into your car? Like seriously? I mean, that's just that's something That's something, something to think about for sure. Okay, let's continue going, Uh, go fund me. Page has been so fun has been set up for to help defray funeral costs in support of the family of Mohammad Anwar, the uber eats driver who was killed last week in a deadly Carjacking accident and has surpassed about a million dollars. The page calls Anwar to hardworking Pakistani in immigrant who came to the United States to create a better life for him and his family. He has. He was a simple He was simply at work providing for his family when his life was tragically taken in an appalling act of violence. As previously reported, two teenage girls allegedly tried to carjack Anwar. They they tased him and tried to drive away with with him hanging off the side of the car or the door of the car. The car crashed and tipped onto its side, throwing and watches the payment where he succumbed to his injuries. I don't even know what to say. Like how the hell do you think about that for a moment and say, Let's taze the dude steal his car as he's doing his uber, his uber work. And that seemed like a good idea or a good plan. I just don't get it At times. I really don't. The guy is trying to better himself in regard to what he's doing, so at least the people out there are supporting Go fund me. You know what I'm saying? Go fund me page over a million dollars. So of course we know he's hit his funeral cost or at least the family has. Anyway. Let's continue talking. Let's bring in our friend John Smiles and him talk a little bit about what was going on with Mark with the Markets, and then I'll jump in and talk about my version of it. So let's let's go through. Here's your market beat minute for Thursday, April 1st 2021. Equity markets extended recent gains and set new all time highs Wednesday following the release of the president's infrastructure spending plans. The plans, worth upwards of $2 trillion include heavy tax increase is expected to fully fund the deal within 15 years. Wall Street cheered the news despite the thought of higher taxes, but the reality may turn into a sell. The news event. In other news, the economic data this week has been strong and points to a robust N F P report on Friday. On Wednesday, the ADP employment report showed number of new jobs increased by over 500,000 in March and was compounded by an equally strong read on Chicago P M I. The Chicago P M I increased by seven points to outpace consensus by six points and rise to its highest level since 2017, you can get the inside track from Wall Street's brightest minds, delivered directly to your inbox every day at market beat minute dot com. Okay, market beat minute dot com sharing exactly what they thought. So let's talk a little bit more about it. Major stock index finished and mixed on Wednesday as the Dow loss of 85 points, but the NASDAQ searched 201 points and the S and P climbed about 14 points. The NASDAQ composite saw gains strong performance on the day by Apple, Microsoft and Facebook. Tesla added more than 5% on Wednesday session. Private payrolls grew during March to the ethics fastest pace since last September. Expansion was reported at 525,000 jobs in March, compared to 176,000 in February. So there you go, some interesting news and some good stuff going on. I have to tell you real quick as we are talking about market minute and we're talking about the stocks and all that stuff. So you are aware that there are some new currencies that are coming out in a brown and about, and all that kind of fun stuff. Cryptocurrencies A different kind of coins. Everybody and their brother is trying to make something different. You know, I have to tell you probably You know, when you start looking into investing into something along those lines, you should probably have a clear understanding of the investment. And let me explain why, if I came to you right now and said, Hey, I have a business proposition for you that you can make money back on my business proposition. But I said, That's all I can tell you. You'll make money. Would you invest in my business proposition? The answer is probably more than likely not So why is it okay that if your friend Joey from down the road decides to tell you Hey, I'm I'm actually investing in crypto, and this is the weird crypto that I'm investing in, and it's working for me, and I think you should do it. You'd be willing to do it. Don't you think you should do some minor research in regards of it? At least have an understanding of what you're investing in because the crazy part about it is that people hear about these places and people and organizations that are saying, Hey, we'll take your money, you can invest it into our new crypto blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah and don't have a true understanding of what the hell is doing. And then all of a sudden there could be a loss. And I want you to make money off your hard earned money. I understand that you work day in day out to get things done. So at no point would I like to see a failure rate of anything. Anyways, let's continue talking about some other stuff. New York Coronavirus Death toll has surpassed the 50,000 mark. As of Wednesday, the total of 50,212 New Yorkers have succumbed to Covid 19, according to data from John Hopkins University. Only the state of California, which has more than doubled New York's population, has recorded more deaths from the virus, and it's supposedly somewhere close to 58,949. So what do you think is gonna happen now with that actually making making the circles? I guess we should probably talk a little bit more about New York before I move forward with this, So let's think about this. Governor Andrew Cuomo signed a bill on Wednesday. Recognize recognizing, legalizing recreational marijuana in New York. The move comes after the state level legislation approved Marijuana, Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act late on Tuesdays. Parts of the of the new law went into effect immediately, including expungement or re sentencing of anyone who had a previous marijuana conviction that would now be legal. Under the new law, New Yorkers are now legally allowed to possess up to three ounces of cannabis outside of the home and up to £5 at home and can smoke in public. Um, wherever public smoking is permitted. There you go. That's something different. Uh, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio cheered the passing of the bill during his City Hall press briefing shortly before it was signed into law. So what do you think here? What do you think? Between the Covid conversation and then now, the legalization of recreational marijuana that can be smoked in public wherever public smoking is allowed? Interesting, huh? Interesting twist of things. What do you think about it? Do you like the idea? Because here's the thing I know that when I speak with safety professionals, we know that when this could potentially be some issues based on how testing is currently done. So what do you think about it? How is it going to affect you? Your organization? I mean, when I say affect you being affect, you not like personal use. I'm talking from an effectiveness standpoint. I mean, I think we're gonna have to start talking about this more and more because we're probably going to get to a point where we're going to see this legalized across the board here. So what do you think about it? Interesting. I feel like I'm talking to myself. But then again, a lot of the times I feel like I'm talking to myself. What did he just say? We don't always agree with the viewpoints of our husband. Guests back to real safety. Talk on safety FM. Okay, here we go. Pfizer covid 19 is 100% effective in kids ages. You ready for this? 12 to 15. The company announced on Wednesday that the shot generated a robust immune response to the deadly virus among the age group, outpacing the effectiveness for 16 to 25 year olds, according to drug Maker. The findings came at a clinical trial of the vaccine, in which nine of the 1131 kids who received it contracted the virus. Side effects were similar to those experienced in older teens and young adults. The company, which noted that the debt is not yet hold on, is not year. Peer reviewed hopes that the FDA will amend the emergency approval to the vaccine and can be distributed to adult to adolescence as soon as possible. So there you go as we struggle and have the conversation about the vaccine because a lot of people don't want to have the convo. So we start having the conversation. How inclined would you be on allowing a child? Let's say, in this case, your child to actually have the vaccine. I mean, think about it. Would you be willing to do it? And I'm not going to say one way or the other. That's one thing to think about. So how do you think that will end up working? I mean, it's a thought process for sure. That will change a lot of things because now we'll start talking about how quickly can schools reopen? Can they even reopen in regards if the shot is available and how we're looking at this now? Because when we started talking about a 12 year old was shocking. We're talking closer to junior high levels and age, so just some stuff to think about as we do move forward. Anyways, the owner of Wisconsin Restaurant wants his rooster back. Last week, someone stole the giant rooster statue from the outside of Oh CEOs family restaurant in Ocio. After several days with no leads, owner Anistan Tiana B is now offering a reward of return for $1000 in a free meal. The rooster, which has also been around for about 30 years, is popular spot for photos. So Tiana B said it, it doesn't turn up. He will just get a new one. So there you go. You have the opportunity of actually returning a cock in getting $1000 in a free meal. You are listening to a radio guard. What? This has to be an error. That host is not a radio god. Anyway, this is the rated R safety show on safety FM. Okay, The Wisconsin Supreme court struck down Governor Tony ever statewide mass May. Indeed, yesterday, the conservative leaving court ruled for 23 that ever violated state law by Unitary. Really? Um, issuing multiple emergency orders to extend the mandate for months. The question in this case is not whether the governor acted wisely is whether the acted lawfully we concluded that he did not. Justice Brian Head again brought for the majority last May. The court struck down ever stay at home order. And in October, the state appeal court blocked every attempt to limit capacity and bars, restaurant and indoor places. So the issue was not the mask. It was that the governor violated the law with the order. So that's the main thing here. So think about that as we are talking about this. Uh, so let's take a look of what we have going on here. Richard Nichols is popping inside of the box. Did you see the forklift operators will now be required to train on a half pipe. So there you go. You know, I'm taking everything with a grain of salt today before I move forward with anything, especially because you sent me a link in it being April Fool's Day. So not sure if I want to click on this and opened Pandora's box. So no joke in there. So there you go. So no, I did not hear about it. Thanks for sharing. Hopefully, it is true. And I feel like Rick roll might be the next thing going on inside of the world to uh So there you go some interesting stuff. I'll take a look at it after this because I'm not clicking on this, Um, as we are live inside of this thing 28 minutes past the top of the hour. You kind of know where we go from here, and we do the things that we do all day right now. So there you go. Here is a main story on the radio safety shows. Okay, so let's continue talking. Let's go through the path and talk about some other things. If you are watching live on the streamer, let me tell you exactly what is going on inside of the world right now in regards of black, white and gray. So let me explain what we have going on Most of the times as we think about these things and safety professionals. We normally come into the industry thinking that a lot of things are black and white before we kind of come to the conclusion that things are gray when it comes to certain aspects. So I really wanted to put the focal point today if you are watching on the streamers of the black and white color. So we are doing the show in black and white and a little bit of shade of gray, and there are some red and yellow is depending on where you're hanging out. But here's the gig. The world is not as black and white as we would love for it to be. Unfortunately, that's part of the case. Unfortunately, things are not as perfect as we would dream for them to be. And sometimes we noticed that we have to get into some of the gray to be able to move forward with things. It's getting so sad with some of our industry in regards of the things that are going on that almost nowadays you have to vet everything before you move forward and let me explain what I mean here. So as of recent, we had a show that we were talking about some things going on in the U K about some events that were being put on and people giving false information of presenters that are being there. And that's the interesting part. So with presenters not showing up to this, but they're being advertised, people are paying their hard earned dollar to show up to these events to find out that their keynote speaker is not key, noting it, unfortunately again, yesterday was another release with the same information a very well known international speaker had been announces key noting event that was happening in the UK, I decided to contact the person and say, Hey, you're doing this and their response to me was no one's ever asked me. I had no idea. And the problem that we run into is that there's Italian of reality fakeness and the gray, the black, white and gray. So what this genius has done has actually taken parts of actually bringing in some people that are actually there. So you see them and you go, Hey, this makes sense. But that advertises people that will never show up to the event, and people think that it's there And then there is a cancellation at the last moment, pulling the wool over someone's eyes, which is a terrible idea. And I look at this and I go. It's kind of, well, shady, as you can see at the moment or shitty, depending on how you want to look at it. And I look at this and we go into a lot of things inside of the world of that we manage, work in and do stuff and realize that a lot of similarities occur inside of our work environments. Not that we're trying to pull the wool over people's eyes, but the way that people answer questions make you question the answer they're giving you. We've spoken about this several times. We are the number one at, or we are the number one rated at never know where. The how they got the number one rating never understood how the peer rating actually ended up coming about never understood how they purchased the award for it. Like I will tell you, we are the best top rated radio show on the planet in the world of safety. I think some family member of mine gave me that award But, hey, I should probably talk about it, really. And this is where it drives me crazy because I'm sure at some point in your life, regardless of where you stand right now, in the world of safety, you've probably done a root cause analysis. And you know that when you're doing that investigation, because if we go old school format for a moment, depending on how those answers to those questions come about, it's not black. It's not white. It's definitely gray. So think about this war moment. Think about how this method is done. Think about the other aspects of your life that the answers are almost exactly the same. Hey, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying the world is perfect, and I'm not expecting everything to be black or white. I understand there is some shades of gray, but what can we do to make it better, especially when it comes to our work environment? Because here's the thing. When we start talking about safety and doing safety, we're playing with people's lives. You know what kind of an impact an injury, a dismemberment or a death can have? Just take the death out of it for a moment, but just those two things on a person. Now, add the death factor into it and imagine the impact that it will have on the family. It's not like the other two did not. But think about this. We have these discussions every day of how we would like the world to look, but its understanding that there is gray that needs to transfer over in us to have a better understanding of what we are doing, moving forward. How do we do that? Everything is not black and white. How do you feel? Yes, and it is a feelings question knowing that you have to interact within the gray. How do you standardize stuff knowing that you're interacting in the gray? Is it possible? Is it possible to do? How do you adapt and frame that? How do you? I mean, I'm really wanting to understand that because it becomes a question to think about, especially depending on how much you interact with inside of your organization. Just a thought, just the thought for a simple moment in time. If it's not black and white, it's more than likely Gray, and are you okay with interacting with it And how do you improve the way that you do the things that you do Knowing that you have to interact in the world of gray? Hey, welcome to the black and gray and white show When it comes all to it today, just have to think about anyways. Don't go too far. I got something I want to share. You're probably gonna like this. I'll be back right after this. Don't go anywhere. You're listening to the home of real safety talking. You are listening to safety FM. We'll be right back. More sarcasm. Mortal Kombat. Beatdown Grated up Safety show. Hamilton was adopted from a rescue in 2000 and eight. She really likes to be around people. I get out my mat and I'm doing a downward dog and he's underneath. He's quite the pug about town. He gets invited to a lot of parties. He knows he's a pretty big deal. Look at this little face. I do not love him. Hamilton the Pug Instagram Store and shelter pet. Amazing adoption stories start in shelters. Visit the Shelter Pet project dot org to find a pet near you brought to you by Maddie's Fund the Humane Society of the United States and the Ad Council. You make sure his toys don't have any sharp edges. You taught her what to do when the smoke alarm goes off. You do so much to keep your child safe. But are you using the right car seat for your child? Car crashes are a leading killer of Children ages 1 to 13. Protect your child's future at every stage of life. For information on the right seat for your child visit safer car dot gov slash the right seat. A message from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Ad Council. So you see, son, good manners are important. Should I go through it again? Yes. Yes, please. Yes, please. Exactly. Always say please. Thank you. You're welcome. And excuse me. Sit up straight. Hold doors open to speak with a mouthful. Keep your elbows off the table. Share your things, play nice and generally treat others the way you'd like to be treated. Got it? Got it. And stop picking your nose. Most parenting is hard to do in just two minutes. Two minutes, twice a day. Making sure they brush their teeth is easier and it could help save them from a lifetime of tooth pain. Visit two men, two x dot org To find out more a message from the Partnership for Healthy Miles Healthy Lives in the Ad Council. I'm a retired school psychologist and helping people was my thing. After my stroke, when wheels on Real started, I was another intern mistake, so to speak. My name is Julius Cain's creative writer, poet, photographer, one and six seniors faces the threat of hunger and millions more. Live in isolation. Drop off a hot meal and say a quick hello, Volunteer for meals on wheels By donating your lunch break at America. Let's do lunch dot org This message brought to you by Meals on Wheels America and the Ad Council? Yes, is that Mm? It goes all the way. What? Mm. Wait. Are you awake or are you dreaming? Anyways, this is the winner. Tape machines featuring Frida. Yeah, that's not a joke there, man. What is up with all of the links today? I do not open links on the show. Thank you. I appreciate everybody who's sending them in, but sorry. It's gonna be a no go on link opening for me. The quickest way to get off thrown off of the streamer on my side, Not your side. Um, is by me opening a link that opens up to something that is not okay with the group anyway, So let's talk about this anyway. Thanks for the tape machine featuring Frida with the winner. Anyways, this is available on Spotify and iTunes, so I don't know if you heard about it, but we've been talking about it over the last little bit, and I'll talk about it now because, you know, it is that time we are all safety proud that in here, and this is something that impacts the industry. Uh, so back a little while ago, uh, the ghetto A s S p you know my buddies over there, I'll smile for half a second. Um, said that they would be They were planning on moving there conference that was taking place in June that was taking place in Denver and that they would be announcing in march where the new location would be. So it has been officially announced that they did wait till the last day. So I guess you could still say that it was March. Better not to do it on April the first. I mean, that's probably a good idea. But they did announce yesterday that their Conference and Expo will be moving to the month of September 13th through the 15th to Austin, Texas. This event will be a hybrid conference just for the sake of referencing it. So you got the chance to go to Austin, Texas, or you can do it as a virtual. So I don't know. It's gonna be interesting to see, because here's the thing. If you do remember last year and when we were talking about this event, the event was live and pre recorded. Um, so you had a pre recorded video that was actually playing. So you're watching a an older video, Um, that was filmed for that while the people that were there or the people that were actually interacting that were the presenters were inside of the box answering questions that came in. So now that this is going to become a hybrid event, do you think that there is a possibility of you actually doing this in person? Will you take the risk? I mean, keep in mind we're still talking several months out, and we are already seeing how quick the vaccine is coming about. But is this something that you would put into consideration in taking going to the organization in place in Austin and hanging out with some safety pros? I mean, because that's what you're doing. Let's just be realistic. So would you take the risk of going in person? Just just a question and let's be realistic. Hopefully, we're gonna start seeing some more things come about because I'm sure a lot of people are tired of being locked up and locked down. Is that the one you're going to take the risk on? Anyways, I did not look up price point, so I don't want to tell you anything that I'm not fully aware of. So there you go. But that's what's going on. So they did announce it yesterday. Believe me, this is not a paid advertisement by the A s s pay. We probably will never have one of those things on here. As you are fully aware, we have opened the path several times for them to come on. But I just don't think that this is the show that they will ever. Come on. Go figure anyway. So there you go there, wanting to share that information with you. That way you knew exactly what was going on. So there you go. You have some options available of conferences that could be virtual in person and so on. Uh, I will tell you this because I did say something previously that I probably should be a little bit clearer on in this particular regard when these events are booked, their booked months ahead of time, sometimes even a year ahead of time. And I'm sure that a lot of the insurance clauses did not have covid clauses or world pandemic clauses at the time. But I have learned over the last little bit when it comes to video and audio and all that stuff when you put on a pretty big to do it can get slightly expensive. When it's all said and done, it's probably not still the same cost that it would be to do an in person event for buildings and so on. But there are some pretty big costs associated to be able to if your server can actually handle the amount of people based on how many thousands you believe that you're going to have. I think it's still interesting times when it comes to this, because I think the price points are going to play a huge factor on if people are going to be willing to go to some of these things. I'm just saying And of course, this is my opinion. And guess what? This is the rated R safety show where we share a lot of our opinions. So there you go. So there are some information going on inside of there. Anyways, let's talk about some other things going on. I'm gonna jump off to the psycho side of the world for a moment and let's come back. William Shatner of Wrestling Hall of Famer Yes, the W W E has confirmed that Shatner will be inducted into the celebrity wing of the W. W E Hall of Fame as part of the 2021 class. He made his first W W E appearance back in 1995 appearing in the the Jerry the King Lawler Kings Court. He also quarter Canadian legend Bret Hart and a showdown with Jeff Jarrett. Shatner, inducted by Law by Lawler into the W W Hall of Fame back in 2000 and seven and then host the W. W. E. Ross in 2010. Previously inducted. Several celebrities include Donald Trump, Snoop Dogg, Drew Carey, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Pete Rose, Mike Tyson and Mr Key. Just wanted to share that information. So here you go. I want to share this as it is 45 minutes past the top of the hour. So after yesterday and speaking to some people, I wanted you something that's going to be probably out of the ordinary and probably something that most would not do. But I want to do it anyways. So let's talk about what I am wanting to do here. And I want to make sure that I number one understand that April the first is today so understanding that this is not an April Fool's Day joke. But this is something we have decided to do. We were talking about doing it for 24 hours, and I think we might do it that way. I don't know, maybe we'll talk a little bit more tomorrow about it, probably. But here's what I want to do. We are right now releasing this thing, we are going to do it. We are have taken the first session of our safety reconfigured class, and we are putting it on to safety FM plus. So the first session that we did, we are releasing it. It is officially on Safety FM plus right now as we speak. If you go to safety FM plus dot com, you can actually watch this class that we normally, you know, have people sign up for and you can watch it from the comfy nous of your home at the at the you can. Even well, you can even subscribe to Safety FM Plus. And right now we have something going on where you actually essentially really can sign up for a free trial. But we are giving our latest course on there so you can go out there. Safety FM plus dot com. Find out more information. If you're already a subscriber, it's there. It is officially already there. You can watch it and it's it's full entirety. It's not cut out. It's not a bridge that's not edited. It even has a full blown breaks in it that we originally did when we did the event So there you go. That is my gift to you on April Fool's Day. It is not an April Fool's Day joke. It is readily available. Go there if you want to watch safety reconfigured and like, I tell people it is a class between money and what I will call virtual tied. Once you get there and watch it, you'll understand exactly what I mean by and I say that anyway. So there you go. That's my gift to you. If you're so inclined to do so, hang out. Take a look at what exactly is going on and moving forward anyway? Scientists say, Let's talk about this. Although, uh, singing big name free signing big name free agents can certainly help a pro team win. A new study finds that fans would rather root for the local kid. University of Kansas researchers found that the sports fans perform homegrown champions, two titles champions to the titles which fill bought Wow e you know the New York Yankees. Many organizations off the homegrown approaches of drafting, developing their own players, while others are much more aggressive with their money, forking over tens of millions of dollars for the big stars. In a survey of 1500 sports fans, participants told researchers that they would believe that a homegrown team almost has been better chemistry, UH, stronger. Come on and that the team would have better coercion. So there you go. And most responders say that they appreciate the hard work of building a championship chip team from scratch. The study author says the result shows that everyone loves a winner, winner, winner, Chicken Dinner. But even more so than the back story is based on, uh, push up perspiration and hard work and determination. Sorry, pirate fans. I still I still know that it's not your It's not your year. So there you go, some things to think about. A new city also says that people who prefer the fruity drinks are more fun to explore stereotypes surrounding the alcoholic beverages people enjoy. A survey asked about 2000 adults to weigh in on the go to drink fruity drink fans, um, found most likely to describe their personality as fun at 54% rather than serious at 33% and carefree rather than driven. Those that prefer light colored alcohol are most likely to describe themselves as introverts 61% and relax at 60%. Dark alcohol drinkers are more likely identifies as logical at 46% and driven at 40%. On the other hand, those who prefer spicy drinks frequently consider themselves the black sheep of their group. Did you find anything out about people that drink beer with a straw? I'm just asking for a friend because that's something else to definitely consider. What did he just say? We have safety FM don't always agree with the viewpoints of our hosts and guests back to real safety. Talk on Safety FM. So there you go a lot of stuff to think about. Yeah, a lot of stuff going on inside of the world inside of all that stuff. So anyway, some things to always think about as we talk about the world is strange and weird. So I don't want to forget this because this is always the most important part. So let's talk about it right now. American Foundation of Suicide Prevention. It's something that we need to talk about every day. The a f s p dot org The a f sp dot org is a website that you can go to and really realize that you are not alone. Whether you have struggled with suicide yourself or have lost a loved one, you need to know that you're not alone here. Local and personal experience from people from your local community whose lives have been impacted by suicide and depression. You don't want to go to the website. You can always give them a call at 1 802 738255 That's 1 802 738255 or 1 802 73 Talk. The other thing that you can do is you can actually text the word talk to 741741 That's 741741 And that is the word talk. If you're contemplating about committing suicide or going through thoughts of depression, do not do anything until you contact them. Contact them. Have a conversation. See what resources are readily available in your area. Really, you are the most important person that I know. Anyway, let's continue talking some other things. Matter of fact, let me not talk for a moment and let me have my good old friend. You know it is going to come in and say something real quick. I'm a trial lawyer. I'm not part of your family. And I don't do skits with my mom. I'm a real lawyer, a damn good lawyer, the best lawyer the state has to offer. And I've built a reputation for standing up for the people of this country, righting the wrongs. You may not agree with all of my views, but when it comes to try in cases, there's only one view. Justice and justice is what I get. Fighter law. That's why we're unstoppable. We at Safety FM are not responsible for what this idiot behind the microphone is saying is trying to be entertaining. Rated R safety show. Okay, so it might be that time 53 minutes into the hour that we need some inspiration or should I say motivation? The Motivation minute is courtesy of better credit cards dot com. Colin R. Davis said the road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same. Boy, is that ever true. I've watched people cruise towards success with very few obstacles in their way, and then somehow they hit a roadblock and end up failing over some weird little thing that they couldn't have ever planned for. If you ever feel that you're getting lost on your path to success, don't be afraid to ask for directions. Make sure it's somebody who knows the way and make sure that they're on your side. But don't be afraid to ask for help. There are many people who will gladly help you succeed. This has been today's motivation minute, courtesy of better credit cards dot com. I'm John Small. Thanks for listening. Your favorite motivational quotes can be submitted for upcoming programs on our website. Motivation minute dot org. Bringing you information You Never knew you cared about Rated on safety show Okay, in some sad news, I have to share this information when it comes to the world of radio broadcasting. G. Gordon Liddy has died. The former FBI agent and mastermind behind the Watergate break and uh passed away Tuesday morning after a lengthy battle with Parkinson's disease and other ailments. After serving time in prison for part of a part of it scanned scandal, Gordon hosted a nationally syndicated radio talk show and made minor appearances in TV shows such as Miami Vice and 18 Wheels of Justice. He was 90 at the time of his passing. I'll tell you I can I can share this with you one of the first syndicated shows that I got to interact with, which is what still kind of a short you know, it's a short show, But one of the first indicated shows that I got to to interact with as a board operator many, many years ago was the G. Gordon Liddy show. So when I started taking a look at this and taking a look at the contribution and impact that some of these key players had in my life many, many, many moons ago, I just hate to hear, you know, the things that are going on and the passings in time. It's just it's sad to see some of the heroes go away, but our thoughts and prayers are definitely with the family in regards of during these hard times. And it was just continue talking about some other things going on inside of the world real quick. Uh, I will tell you, if you do come out with on radio big dot FM here at the top of the hour. I got a lot of stuff to share. News wise with you. Just a lot of other things that probably we should probably go into go into, um, right there. So there you go, a lot of stuff. You knew him, Jim Postal. Welcome into the box. Hopefully, you're having a better day today than what you were yesterday. Let's talk about some things that were going on inside of the world during this time, So let's talk about it back in 1984 Marvin Gaye is killed by his own father with a gun given to him by Marvin. The dad put three shots in Marvin's chest following an obviously heated argument over the loss of some financial documents. 10,000 should sum up, UH, 10,000 would show up for the funeral before gaze ashes were spread into the Pacific Ocean. So there you go. Some things to think about anyway. Some birthdays going on today. Logan Paul turns 26. Kid ink turns 35. Matt Lancaster, not to be confused with anybody else, turns 38. Randy Orton turns 41. Kept more turns. 41. Philip Scofield turns 59. So there you go some things to think about right there some days of the year that you can celebrate today. National One Cent Day National Superdome, bro. Superdome's Sour dough Bread Day National Burrito Day might have to, you know, take some liking to that one National Atheist Day. Is that even a thing? No wonder those Satan shoes by Nike Well, really not by Nike. Um, came out this week, um, international Fund at Work Day, an international attaching day. I got two more days, one that people will recognize off the top of their head. Of course, the top one would be April Fool's Day. But the other day that I celebrate today because I wanted to actually really freak some people out when I did it. Today is my wedding anniversary, and I did it on purpose on April the first, because I really wanted people to be confused on the day that I got married, not knowing if it was true or if I was just pulling their their their legs over their heads. So there you go. Some things to think about. And to be honest with you, to this day I've really never acknowledged. If I am or if I'm not, that's kind of the fun part of the whole equation. I guess at some point somebody will figure it out anyway. So there you go. That's what we got going on. Let me give you some other things. If you need a phone starter for today, what is the best prank that you've done you've been a victim of? If you need something for the water cooler, try this one. When it comes to Easter candy, three out of four people do this. What is it? Bite our chocolate bunny's ears off first. Here's another one. Nearly half of people who live together disagree on this on how to do this? What is it? Load the dishwasher. I agree. I agree entirely. Anyways, you've been listening to the rate at our safety show exclusively on safety FM. If you want to come and hang out, I'm going to radio big DOT FM here. In the next few minutes, you can come hang out, take a listen to some music. We're gonna talk about some moderate watermelon for sure during the show today, I'll explain a little bit heavier. Um, once we get over there and then the other portion that I want you to remember we do. Broadcast in simulcast across safety FM dot com and radio big dot FM You are the best part of safety FM, and that is the listener. I want you to be fully aware of that. We could not do what we do without you. So this is why I do some of this crazy stuff. That newest class that we just developed that safety reconfigured class is no joke. Sign up for a free trial. You'll get access to it. As you can see, we were selling that class for people to actually go buy a ticket and go to the event that is the newest class that we have release to the public. See what I said there. So there you go. Take a take a view of it. If you're interested, we can have further dialogue about that going forward Anyways, I know who he Oh, no, I can't do that. I have to leave you with a thought for the day. The Most Valuable Player is the one person who makes the most valuable who makes the most players valuable think about it. Easter is the only time when it's perfectly safe to pull all your eggs into one basket. Outside of that, never do it Anyways. I know who you are. We're running late. I know you know who I am. I definitely love you. Hope you enjoyed the black and white love You mean it and goodbye. The views and opinions expressed on this podcast are those of the host and its guests and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the company. Examples of analysis discussed within this podcast are only examples. It should not be utilized in the real world as the only solution available as they are based only on very limited and dated open source information. Assumptions made within this analysis are not reflective of the position of the company. No part of this podcast may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means mechanical, electronic recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the creator of the podcast, J. Uh
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