Today on The Rated R Safety Show, we discuss all things safety and the news.
In our main story, we discuss guess what I am not doing, and if you aren't doing this, you should do this as well.
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In our main story, we discuss guess what I am not doing, and if you aren't doing this, you should do this as well.
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Show Notes
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[00:00:00] : this show is brought to you by safety. Following program is reading L S V. It contains strong language, sexual situations and violence. It is intended only for mature audiences. Finally, show with the ball should call it like it is rated R safety show on safety FM countdown to audio torture decorated. Our safety show starts in 321 lady ear drum pain. But again, forget the corporate bullshit. This is the rated R safety show with your host, Dr. Uh, It doesn't matter who the host is. Well, is that not the truth or what it surely does Not matter who is filling in for this chair today or tomorrow or any other time that we'd do the show. Anyways, today is Thursday, April the eighth of 2021 day 98th of the year and only 267 days to go before the end of the year. So there you go a lot of stuff going on across the multiverse. Hopefully, you're off to a grand start as we are starting off on this lovely Thursday. Anyways, we're broadcasting live from the safety FM studios in Orlando, Florida, and coming across the multiverse of safety FM and hanging out with our friends and family and sister station. You know, at that other place you're being infiltrated. Radio big. Oh, yeah. Infiltration radio big. That's what's going on. So anyways, we are coming across everything that we can at the moment as we do hang out. So just in case you're not familiar, But hopefully by now you are aware because I think we are an episode 332. Uh, we are a radio show that is a podcast that is also a streaming, um, kind of show at the same time too. So we got a lot of stuff going on. So you do have some different options available on how you want to take a listen of you or so on. Of course, the easiest format to do it is hanging out on the radio station or radio station APP, which is available at safety FM dot com. You can download the app directly from there, just in case you're not familiar with it, or you can watch us on any of the streamers, including safety FM plus Oh, yes, I did say safety FM. Plus, we are available on there as well. Or, of course, a podcast. You know, you know what What some people are doing? Uh, I would say I would. I almost said what the cool kids are doing. But apparently that's what the cool kids are doing in clubhouse. You know the voice chat room thing anyway, So let's start talking about some other things that are going on. And, of course, with being Thursday, we started talking about videos that are trending because that's gonna be important. So let's talk about this real quick. A massive Asian water monitor terrified shoppers after going on a rampage through a 7 11 in Bangkok, Thailand. The original video of the incident racked up nearly a million views before it was deleted. Now the fun part is there have been some other people that have actually duplicated the video and posted the video online. But every time that someone posted, it gets deleted. So there you go. That's a good, fun part about the whole thing. So if you're interested inside of that kind of stuff, that's what you have going on. Well, we got Jonathan Dempsey telling us how clubhouses great, of course, he is a clubhouse monitor. That's what we're probably gonna get to at some point. So I'll kind of speed up the process. He is a monitor to his own chat room inside of there. I mean, I'll put it to you this way. I look at clubhouse in the current state with it not being available on Android, and it only being to the exclusivity of the club of iPhone that becomes an issue. The other portion is let's be realistic, a glamorized chat room where people are able to speak. I mean, it's really what it boils down to at the moment, and, you know, it's kind of funny. Shaped robot, um had a video that she posted about clubhouse about a week or so ago, maybe two weeks, and I think she's spot on with it. I mean, clubhouses. Let's just put it to you this way. There is an audience for pretty much a little bit of everything out there, So if your option is to go and hang out with people in clubhouse, cool. What I'm glad that you're doing is that you're building some kind of community when you're hanging out and doing that. But everybody is gonna be kind of assigned to their own gig. And yeah, it's great. But do you remember? I mean, at least here in the U. S. When I was younger, they were used to have something called a party line and not what you're probably thinking. But it was pretty much a phone service when phones were becoming popular. And I'm not even talking about cell phones. We're talking about landlines where somebody could pick up a phone and dial if you were inside of a neighbourhood because you had a shared phone number. They called it a party line because you never knew who the hell was going to be on it inside of your neighborhood. If you really think about it, Clubhouse is pretty similar to that. Of course you have, you know, the people monitoring and speaking in your building community. But that's the gig. It's like, Can you please mute? Can you Can everybody please mute if you're not talking? Oh, by the way, I have a blah, blah, blah. You know this person inside of there, and they're coming in and hanging out with us, so I don't know. I mean, it's just It's just it's a different approach. But then again, people complain about radio. At one point, people complain about podcasting. I mean, if you really want to go into some dives, take a look at when War of the Worlds was released on radio originally. And then let's talk about how the emergency broadcast system came about. Yeah, that's a whole other story anyway. So there you go. Let's continue talking real quick as you are where we like to talk to our professionals and feature story news for them to tell us what exactly is going on inside of the world of the news. And then we'll come back onto the other side and start talking. Here is the news show from Feature Story News in London. I'm Ali Bharat India has hit a new one day record for new confirmed covid 19 cases over 126,000. Several states, meanwhile, claim they're running out of vaccine shots near Poona. Reports from New Delhi At least three Indian states have complained about vaccine shortages so far, India's worst hit state. Maharashtra says it only has vaccines for three more days and has had two already shut down some vaccination centres. Punjab, Odisha and Andhra Pradesh have all raised similar concerns, asking the government to dispatch more vaccines urgently. But India's health minister has denied that there is any shortage. Instead, he's accused these states, most of them not ruled by Prime Minister Modi's party, of creating panic and mishandling the outbreak. The UK says it's vaccine rollout remains on course despite a change in guidance for young people about the AstraZeneca Covid 19 jab. Regulators say people under 30 will be offered an alternative vaccine if one is available, it's due to evidence linking rare clots to the AstraZeneca job. Ministers say the UK has enough supplies of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines for all adults under 30. Health Secretary Matt Hancock says the rollout will continue at pace. We're totally transparent about these extremely rare side effects and we've said that if you're under 30 then if you want you can have a different one and we've done that because we just want this program to be as safe as it possibly can be. The fact that the regulators who monitor this rollout have spotted a four in one million chance event is impressive and I'm very grateful to them. It's better to be totally transparent. Myanmar's ambassador to London has spent a night locked out of the embassy in the British capital. Cures Women, says staff loyal to the military have taken over the building and are telling him he's no longer the representative in the UK Last month he criticized February's coup. Democracy activists in Hong Kong are applauding a $60 million support package being offered in the UK for Hong Kong is seeking to emigrate there. But the measures being dismissed by pro Beijing campaigners as assigned fewer Hong Kong is than expected are interested in leaving Richard Kimber. Reports from Hong Kong The UK government is pledging to help Hong Kongers settle in. It's launching a new integration program that covers advice on issues from housing to finding employment and school admissions. More than five million of Hong Kong 7.5 million population are eligible to immigrate to the UK under a visa program that followed China's controversial introduction of a national security law in the city. The UK government says it's received 27,000 applications so far and is expecting 10 times that many will apply over the next few years. Democracy activists in Hong Kong say the new funding is a welcome show of practical support. But the scheme is facing criticism from supporters of the Hong Kong and Beijing governments. They claim it's a sign the visa program is less popular than expected from bureaus worldwide. This is Jason. Listen to our host of the rated R safety show, self implode on our airwaves only on safety FM. I spend a lot of time in the backyard, and I'm the center of attention at summer barbecues. In 96 I made some of the tastiest smores, and at oh nine, it was me, your backyard fire pit that accidentally started a wildfire when a summer breeze carried one of my embers into some dry brush. Spark a change, not a wildfire. Visit smokey bear dot com Brought to you by the U. S. Forest Service, your state forester in the Ad council. Only you can prevent wildfires. Hope you enjoy your meal, and I just want to see he's lucky to have a brother like you. Lucky caring for my brother is far from easy, but he's a part of me, like my arms and legs, so I'll be his no time for tired. Nothing can disable this love. He needs me. But I'm the lucky one even though I need help now and then if you're caring for a loved one, visit AARP dot org slash caregiving for care guides and community support for your strength brought to you by AARP and the ad Council. What if I told you that a tornado was going to happen tomorrow, right where you live? That it would touch down at exactly 3. 17 PM and I told you the exact path it would take You would, of course, prepare. You would talk with your loved ones and you make a plan today. It's true. I can't tell you a tornado strike tomorrow, but shouldn't you have a plan anyway? Go to ready dot gov slash communicate and make your emergency plan today. Don't wait. Communicate Brought to you by FEMA and the Ad Council. This is Mario Andretti. You know me as a race car driver, but I'm also a Meals on Wheels volunteer I've raised against the sport's biggest personalities, but I've never met more vibrant, amazing people than a senior served by meals on wheels. You can make a difference by dropping off a hot meal and saying a quick Hello, So America, let's do lunch. Volunteer your lunch break at America. Let's do lunch dot org This message brought to you by Meals on Wheels, America and the Ad Council. We are now video streaming the rated R safety show. I don't know why our host has a face for radio rated R safety show. Hey, so there you go a lot of stuff going on inside of the world of the news. So let's take a look. So Jonathan had something else to say. Apparently, there's two comments. Clubhouse sucks. Most people are want to be in there. I don't know. I have not hung out on clubhouse. I mean, I've been there, Uh, but I didn't go into any rooms and hang out just just saying so Let's see. Jonathan Dempsey. Jonathan, what's going on here? Why is there so many letters behind your name? Dude, like there's like 12 Let's say 1234567 89 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1920 21 22 23 You have 23 letters behind your name, dude. Comment down my friend. 23 letters. Now, here's the thing. Some people will know what some of this stuff means. But what the hell does the other 23 letters mean? I mean, three out of there. I'm just asking the question to ask what the hell is going on, dude. So let's go into what you had to say. The video you shared was funny. I'm using it to let us talk Risk and Safety Club to share experience insights with other professionals, E g on a weekly, uh, women women in safety and future safety. Um, inside of the room. It's another option to engage. Yeah, I agree with you and educate and inform. I also will be available on android suit. You know, you told me that, like, two weeks ago as well That will be available on android suit. Uh, so I'm just asking the question so hopefully you have some kind of stock or you're tied into this company with the way that you're doing it, so I don't know. So anyways, I would love to hear the descriptor of what the hell you have going on with all those letters. Um, because I'm I'm assuming not everybody knows You should probably limit some of it. I'm just throwing it out there. I mean, if I'll put it to you this way, if I ended up putting every single letter that I have, um, from any certificate that I had, I probably need a couple of paragraphs, and I don't think we need to go that far. Anyway, that's just my opinion. Do whatever you want. It's your gig. But probably we probably need to put some encoders out there for people to know what's out there. I mean, I think the last time that me and Sheldon primers were taking a look, there was about 350 designations that were available that you could put behind your name. So just just for the sake of doing so anyways, let's start talking about what is going on inside of the world of the hit list. It is roughly about 14 minutes past the top of the hour right now, taking it from the top 104 year old woman from Colombia has beaten Covid, 19 not once, but twice. Carmen Hernandez was the first diagnosed with the virus back in June of 2020 and was treated at her nursing home. She was recently diagnosed a second time and admitted to the ICU, where she spent 21 days. She was discharged on Monday. It is unknown whether or not she has been vaccinated. So there you go, some interesting stuff going on in there. So she didn't beat it just once but twice. Good for Herb, baby. Anyways, let's continue talking. A two year old boy is fighting for the for his life after being shot in the head and apparent road rage incident in Chicago. The boy was in a car driven by his grandmother when shots were fired from another vehicle. Officers don't believe those involved know each other. So there you go, some information going on right there. And that goes back to what we talk about all the time. And I know people get tired of me mentioning it, but we have to talk about it. We have to talk about the hazard matrix on How do you plan for this? I mean, what is the likelihood, but what kind of damage will it have if it does occur because I'm pretty sure that when you're driving down the road, you don't have the expectancy that the car next to you is gonna shoot at you. And I know that we're talking about Chicago, which seems to be a common theme, that we talk about all the time about gun violence going on in the area. So I don't want to get onto the gun violence bandwagon once again. But it's definitely talking about some other things that are going on because I think all of these are important. So let's look at it in that fashion as we do. Move on Mortal Kombat down. So I don't know if you heard about this, but a surge in Covid 19 deaths in Brazil will soon pass the record that it had in January. Wave setting the U. S. The country's health care system is at a breaking point, which could push the death total to top. The US, despite a population of two thirds the size according to Brazil, became the epicenter of the pandemic contribute to about four deaths per day globally, one in four deaths globally. Let's get that straight, the outlet reported on Wednesday. Despite the surge of the economy. Prime Minister Paolo Gillis expects the country to be back in business, probably in 2 to 3 months from now 2 to 3 months. What do you mean back in business? I'd like to have a better understanding about that. Of course, with everything going on inside of the world, it's kind of difficult to understand what that exactly means, because everybody is handling the situation slightly different now. We did talk about this earlier in the week. We talked about how the cruise lines were doing and improving in all this. So let's talk about some of this right now. Carnival Cruise Line has threatened to leave the U. S ports due to covid restrictions. While we have not made plans to move Carnival Cruise Line ships outside of our US home ports, we may have no choice but to do so in order to resume our operation, which have been paused for over a year, Christie Duffy, Carnival Cruise president, said in a statement. Duffy said that the company would would like to work with the C D. C to find a workable solution to the cruise. Companies are are treated on par and par. Yeah, you know, you know the Gulf ter on par with the rest of the travel industry, like airlines. Earlier this week, Norwegian Cruise Lines announced they plan to require all crew members and passengers will be fully vaccinated prior to departure. The company hopes to resume cruises in the Caribbean and in Europe by July. So here you go. So now we're talking once again about how the passport thing, I mean, because that's realistically what it is. If you're going to actually ask somebody, if they're going to get onto a cruise and then you turn around and say, Hey, you need to be vaccinated you're essentially asking for some version Allergy of the passport. Now I'm going to bring this up because it did happen to a very close person that I know where they went to go get the vaccine. And when they went to go get the vaccine, they were issued the card before they got the vaccine. Yep, I would love to say that I'm joking about that one, but I would definitely be lying. Uh, so it's not a joke. That's exactly what occurred at this one. Pretty popular. Um, we'll say pretty well known store. Um, that's around the world for the most part or around the U. S. Markets, for sure. But it's known worldwide, and some people sometimes think they sell some kind of walls where they don't really sell walls inside of there. Just saying, uh So anyways, thinking about that real quick when you start thinking about cruises, I'll be honest. I have never been on one have opted not to do it. What do you think? Especially, you know, you kind of know the charity in lockdown to some extent inside of the cruise. So now you're now you're you're locked in and you're not going anywhere with a whole bunch of other people. Now, I did hear a presenter reference that cruise lines are like Petri dishes where you're just waiting for disease to Kurt now. That was his opinion. I'm just kind of re quoting what exactly? He said, I don't know. What do you think about it? Have you been on a cruise and are you looking forward to getting back onto a cruise relatively soon? I don't know. Just saying What did he just say? We had safety. FN don't always agree with the viewpoints of our hosts and guests. Now back to real safety. Talk on safety FM. Okay, The average daily Covid 19 death toll plunged by nearly 20% in the U. S over the past week, despite the average number of cases going up. According to the CDC, the average of 745 people died per day between March the 30th and April, the fifth, a drop of the night by 19.7% from the previous week. The decrease in fatalities comes at the vaccination rates rise across the nation. Around three million people are getting jabbed each day. Why do I always think about boxing when somebody says Jeb? I don't know. Uh, so there you go, What do you think? They're so some stuff to think about, for sure, as we do, move forward anyway. So let's continue talking. As of Wednesday, over 171.4 million Covid vaccines have been administered nationwide, over 64.4 million Americans have been fully vaccinated, while more than 109.9 million have received at least one does, according to the C. D. C. the total number of collective cases in the U. S. Is slightly over 30.6 million, with now the death toll hitting over 555,000 deaths attributed to the virus. So what do you think when you hear that we're talking over a half a million people dead because of the virus? What comes to mind when you hear this? I mean, there has to be a lot of thoughts because we have talked about it several times over about the impact that one version has on somebody's life. So imagine what we're starting to talk of over 100,000 over 200,000 and making it over to over half a million. I mean, it's getting interesting more and more that you talk about it. I mean, think about it. This is like, at least in the town that I live in. I was like a quarter of the town, so it's just something to think about. I mean, it's really, really one of those strange things that comes about when you start thinking about Oh, it's kind of it's made up. I mean, how can you say that it's made up? I'm just asking. I mean, just asking the question, not trying to stir up controversy this early this morning, safety in a way never heard of before. The rated R safety show on safety FM. Okay, here we go. At least 20 people were injured and more than 250 residents displaced after an eight alarm fire destroyed a New York City apartment building on Tuesday. The blaze broke out in Jackson Heights neighborhood on Tuesday afternoon, and by the time fire crews arrived, it was an advanced fire. F D N Y. Commissioner Daniel said, According to news reports. Resident Kayla Cardin's 10 said that she was home alone when the fire began, and she was able to escape after the neighbor alerted her to the place. The cause of the fires is unknown, but Daniel said that he was that it was able to spread so rapidly due to open doors. So there you go some things to think about real quick in regards of what is going on. Um, when it comes to stuff like that and I mean, here's the thing we talk about safety on this show, we talk about safety in our livelihoods, because that's what you know. That's what most of us do here. But a lot of times we tend to forget one key component about the whole thing, and that's about safety at home. Like right now as we talk about it. Do you have fire extinguishers at your house? And if you do do, does everyone who lives in your household you know where they're located? And are they easily accessible? That's the other key portion there. Anyway, let's continue talking. Nearly half of the nation, uh, nations, New Covid 19 cases are located in just five states. Uh, you're gonna like this one. Probably not, but I'll share it anyways. New York, Michigan, Florida, Pennsylvania in New Jersey accounts for more than 44 of all new infections between March the 19th now, March the 29th and April. The fourth. About 197 1005 100 cases out of 452,000, according to John Hopkins University, New York and Michigan account for about 22% of the nation's total cases. So there goes for theories where people are saying well compared to other people in social media. I'm pretty sure that I'm handling it. Okay, in comparison, what did he just say? We don't always agree with the viewpoints of our hosts and guests. Now back to real safety. Talk on safety FM. Okay, so it sounds like it's pretty covid full day. One third of covid survivors suffer from psych er, psychiatric or brain problems within six months of their diagnosis, a new study found. Researchers analyzed the health records of 236,379 covid patients, mostly from the US, and found that 34% that were diagnosed with neurological or psychiatric disorders during six months following their virus diagnosis. Of those, about 12.8% were diagnosed for the first time with such an illness, the most common diagnosis where anxiety and depression or mood disorders at 14%. So there you go, so I don't know, So I don't know. I mean, it's interesting to see how all these things are taking about and coming about now as we start talking about them more and more anyways, let's start talking about the stock market and let's get that into here. 25 minutes past the top of the hour. And let's talk to our friend John Smalls as he brings it to you right now. Here's your market beat minute for Thursday, April 8th 2021. Equity traders got some reassurance from the Fed Wednesday, but not enough to spur a large move. The minutes from the last FOMC meeting indicate the committee is not eager to raise interest rates, stating it would be some time before the first hike would come. The NASDAQ lead the market but only gained 20210.25% by the end of the day. The S and P 500 the Dow Jones industrial average both hovered near break even and closed virtually unchanged for the day. Action on Thursday could be different. Fed chief Jerome Powell is scheduled for a speech on the state of the global economy and could give the market and additional boost with global GDP estimates on the rise in recent labor data. Pointing to a solid reopening, positive commentary from the FOMC chair could usher in another market rally with the earnings season right around the corner. Earnings growth in the Q one period is expected to be strong and the estimates are on the rise. You can get the inside track from Wall Street's brightest minds, delivered directly to your inbox at market beat minute dot com. Okay, so let's continue on with what John has to say. Wednesday's trading station was finished mixed as the Dow added 16 points in the SNP rose about six points and the NASDAQ dipped about nine points. Today's closed market a new all time high for the S and P 500. The technology heavy NASDAQ composite fell despite by tech firms, UH, Amazon, Apple and Alphabet all jumped more than 1%. Facebook jumped about 2.2% on Wednesday. Investors appeared cautious on the Federal Reserve release of their meeting minutes, unveiling plans to continue asset purchases at their current rates. Many feel that the wave of inflation coming may force the central banks to change their policy soon. So there you go, a lot of information going on inside of there and well, I guess it's getting close to that time, so maybe we should do that thing that we do around this time because it might be slightly important. So let's do that right now. It is a main story on the radio safety show. Okay, so let's talk about it. You know that it's time you know, that people are going around, you know, that people are talking about the different things that are going on inside of the world of ours. They're pretty excited. They're getting excited or some excitement is going on. I mean, you're seeing right now on social media everybody jumping around and talking about something that they're doing. They're talking about something that they want, something that that is being done or something along those lines. It's like all kinds of craziness out there. You know what I'm saying? Or you have no clue, because we have no clue. That's perfectly fine, too, because sometimes I have no clue what even I'm saying. So don't worry about that portion. Don't worry about that factoid, Um, as we do talk about it. But as you did notice, our show today was called Guess what I am not doing, and that's the fun part. So people go around and they're talking about anything, anything that they're doing right now because they've been locked up for such a long period of time. There's people posting about how they're getting their new vaccine. There's people that are posting that are talking about how they're going around and doing X, y and Z, and that's all cool. Don't get me wrong. I don't want to come across the wrong way that I don't care or that it doesn't matter what they're doing, because, of course it does matter. But here's the thing. There's a lot of things going on right now as portion of the economy is opening. And some of these events that had occurred in our industry previously had not been really going full force. A lot of the stuff that had to be come, Um, we'll say virtual, we'll say virtual. Some places are now starting to open up and talk about some of the events that they have going on and some of the events they will be doing here in the very near future and all that kind of fun stuff. So I mean, some people are getting excited, but, you know, as we always talk about the world of safety, we talk about everything we talk about all the time on how we want to have diversity and inclusion with everything that we do, which is perfectly cool. So I'm starting to notice that there is a lot of events that are starting to open up and people are really excited about being part of the event. So they're going onto the social media platforms and they're talking about how they might be speaking in this state or that state or the other state or all that kind of fun stuff, which is cool. I mean, that's cool. I'm glad that you're able to do so and that you're going around and letting people. Now I am speaking at this event, and the one that I keep on seeing quite a bit of is the one that says I am speaking at an event in September between the 13th and the 15th of September, which is cool. I'm glad people are doing that now. The other portion about the whole thing is that I am not seeing a lot of people saying anything about them not speaking. So what we have done here at Safety FM because we wanted to help the people that are not speaking, we have created the following and let me probably do a screen change real quick if you're following along on the streamer. So if you're following along on the visual component of this thing which that's cool, this is what we've created for you. I am not speaking at any safety conference or expo September the 13th through the 15th. So we have made this sign readily available. We will be posting it on our social media platforms for you to be able to access. Now, if you want to. As you're taking a look at this, we want you to be able to share the love of letting people know how you're not speaking at the event because we don't want you to feel left out. And you can tell everyone how you're not speaking at this event between error at any safety conference between September the 13th through the 15th. Now, here you go. I'll give you even this. I'm gonna leave this thing up throughout the rest of the show. As I am on video. This will actually take you directly to where you can download it. This is a QR code that we're gonna put out there for you to be able to download the sign and posted on your social media. So that way you can feel part of what other people are doing. We want to have inclusion for everyone. So the sign available right there. I am not speaking at any safety conference or expo September the 13th through the 15th. So that will be readily available for you if you desire to do so. If you do so we'll post it. Like I said after the show. That way you can get direct access to it and will leave the cure our code right there open for you to be able to scan it. And it will take you directly to our website for you can actually download the sign. I think it should be something that we should share as much as possible, but only if you're not speaking at any safety conference or expo between September the 13th. It is the 15th. But hey, I'm just trying to help out the industry. What do I know? I'm just a guy behind a microphone. Oops. What did he just say? We have safety FM. Don't always agree with the viewpoints of our hosts and guests. Now back to real safety. Talk on safety FM. Don't go anywhere. You're listening to the home of real safety talk. You are listening to safety FM. We'll be right back. Hamilton was adopted from a rescue in 2000 and eight. She really likes to be around people. I get out my mat and I'm doing a downward dog and he's underneath. He's quite the pug about town. He gets invited to a lot of parties, you know, he's a pretty big deal. Look at this little face. Do not love him. Hamilton The Pug Instagram Store and Shelter Pet Amazing Adoption Story Start in shelters. Visit the Shelter Pet Project org. To find a pet near you brought to you by Maddie's Fund, the Humane Society of the United States and the Ad Council, you make sure his toys don't have any sharp edges. You taught her what to do when the smoke alarm goes off. You do so much to keep your child safe, but are you using the right car seat for your child? Car crashes are a leading killer of Children ages 1 to 13. Protect your child's future at every stage of life. For information on the right seat for your child visit safer car dot gov slash the right seat. A message from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Ad Council. So you see, son, good manners are important. Should I go through it again? Yes. Yes, please. Yes, please. Exactly. Always say please. Thank you. You're welcome. An excuse me. Sit up straight. Hold doors open. I'll speak with your mouth full. Keep your elbows off the table, share your things, play nice and generally treat others the way you'd like to be treated. Got it? Got it. And stop picking your nose. Most parenting is hard to do in just two minutes, two minutes, twice a day. Making sure they brush their teeth is easier and it could help save them from a lifetime of tooth pain. Visit two men two x dot org To find out more a message from the Partnership for Healthy Miles Healthy Lives in the Ad Council. I'm a retired school psychologist and helping people with my thing. After my stroke, when meals on wheels started, I was on the other end of mistakes that to speak. My name is Julius Cain's creative writer, poet, photographer, one and six seniors faces the threat of hunger and millions more Live in isolation. Drop off a hot meal and say a quick hello Volunteer for meals on wheels By donating your lunch break at America. Let's do lunch dot org This message brought to you by Meals on Wheels America and the Ad Council. Sorry. Right? Yeah. Okay. Okay. No feels is the connection. Okay, this is World on Fire, sightless and shadow his artist. This is available on Spotify and iTunes. All right, you. Yeah. Okay, So there you go. There you go. Some musica here on the radar safety show. So, anyways, let's talk about that real because I don't want there to be any confusion here. I figured that we should share the signs with people that are interested in sharing signs. It's perfectly fine. Um, if you want to do that, uh, the other portion is I will I will say about any safety event that's going on between the 13th and 15th of September. I did not apply to speak it there, so that's kind of probably one of the main reasons is not that I would ever been accepted to any safety event that's going on this year between the 13th and 15th, but I'm just letting you know as well. So there you go. If you want to download the sign, it is available right there in that QR code on that side of the of the screen real quick before I forget. Let's talk about some other couple of things going on real quick. Let's talk about this because this is gonna be important. I'm gonna cover that for just a half a second. Uh, so this right here is the event that we're giving away tomorrow at noon, time for the following week. If you have not entered to win, still take the opportunity of doing so. Accidents, investigation, theory and practice. It's the class that's being conducted by nipping AnAnd and Todd Conklin. So all you have to do is go to safety FM dot com Fortune last contest that safety FM dot com Fortune Last contest. Follow the entries of the rules to get into it. Go ahead and enter into the whole thing, but make sure that you do confirm your email when they do email you back. Sometimes you have to check your spam just in case that it's actually there or not. So There you go. Some interesting stuff, some interesting insights when it comes into it. Um, So the ticket will be for both sessions, the one that actually is being hosted by nipping and the other one that's being hosted by tied. So the ticket will get you interest to both. It is a four day event occurring between nine and one Pacific Daylight time or something. Whatever, whatever that's considered. So all you have to do is just go to safety FM dot com forward slash contest to win, by the way. Good morning, Jim. Welcome into the box. Thanks. Thanks for coming out and hanging out. And then just another thing before I forget we got this going on. Right. So I got the wrong one up there. We got this going on right now. So the safety reconfigured class that we just recently did is now available on Safety FM. Plus, all you have to do is sign up for safety FM plus and the class is readily available. It right there for you. Um, it is exactly the first class that we did out of the whole thing. Um, you just go into safety FM plus right Now we have a I think it's a three day trial available. You can sign up, take the class if you want to and take a look at what the hell else we got going around inside of Safety FM plus right there. So three day trial free on us for you to give it a whirl. See? See what? You can get. Knowledge wise out of there. So there you go. That's what's going on on this side of the planet on what we have going on. Uh, so there you go. A lot of interesting things, um, going on there for sure. Anyways, let's continue talking about some other things going on inside of the world. Uh, medical advance variant. Maybe it's time to put away the Clorox in the bottles of hand sanitizer that seem to line the interest is to every school of restaurants supermarket wanting to show off their covid 19 safety protocols. While the so called hygiene theater may be reassuring to the public, these precautions are not necessary. According to the revised guide guidance issued by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in the US, the C D. C. Says it is possible for people to be infected through contact with contaminated services or object. But the risk is generally considered to be not just low, but very low, the CDC estimates, is the chance of contaminate our contracting the coronavirus that to the surface transmission to be lower than one in 10,000, as the scientists have known for a while, the viruses to spread almost exclusively by air, porn or air Harris are Excuse me. Aerosolized particles just bide many establishments that have continued to insist that their strict sanitation protocols with some schools, districts, even closing classrooms for full day deep cleaning. Oh, we've got a lot of commercials to redo because they are thinking about it with all the new slew of commercials that are out there. That's fine. But I'm still going to clean my oranges before I lick them. Okay, but maybe we still have hand sanitizers in the bathroom. Who the hell knows? So there you go. A lot of interesting stuff going on inside of there, as we do talk about it anyways, the yawned phenomenon. I'm not sure if you heard about this, but let's talk about it real quick. Although we all know that yawning is contagious. It will never really knew why. Until now, researchers have spent five months following two prides, too prides of lions, a game reserve in South Africa. Their findings is to give them some idea of the phenomenon. How it occurs. Scientists found that the spontaneous yawning mainly happened when lions were relaxed, suggesting that like humans yawning, um, maybe used to cool the brain and increase the flow of blood. Uh, so it may. It was also observed that the two lions were lying down one yacht and the other ¥1 and then the first. Your Honor stood up and did, and so did the other lion. That seems to support the theory that contagious yawning involved in the boost of vigilance of group of social animals. This could also mean the advantages of threat detection. The study, which is was published in the Journal of Animal Behavior, found that the likelihood of of a lion yawning was increased by 139 times higher if they had just seen another member of their pride. Yawning, contagious yawning has also been observed in elephants after human handlers did so First, let's face it. It's our our bodily functions that have have been contagious, and it could be a lot worse than just yawning if you really start thinking about it. But yes, when lions yawn does, does it let them have, um, it gets them up to having watched another romcom with their wife's. I mean, I guess that's one way to look at it. So maybe that's kind of a way to get out of it. And maybe Lions du Yang together. But they could, uh, possibly look at horrendous as my wife and I when I then do it the same way. So who the hell knows a lot of stuff going on inside of there as we do talk about it and move and groove anyways, it is 42 minutes past the top of the hour, and I feel like we might need some time to be motivated. So let's get John Smalls back in here and let him talk about the motivation minute. The Motivation minute is courtesy of better credit cards dot com. Henry Kravis said a real entrepreneur is somebody who has no safety net underneath them. I remember my first business. It was fun but it was what they nowadays call a side gig. I still work for somebody else 40 or more hours a week, and then I did this on the weekends. It was fun, but I also remember making the decision to work for myself 100% of the time. The day I gave my notice, I was so nervous I had these negative voices whispering into my ear. What if it doesn't work out? Why not go part time to start? But I dove in and I got rid of that safety net. Now. I had 100% of my efforts working for my family. It was scary, but it was also the right thing for me at that time. Don't be afraid to make the leap, but make sure you do it when the time is right for you. This has been today's motivation minute, courtesy of better credit cards dot com. I'm John Small. Thanks for listening. Your favorite motivational quotes can be submitted for upcoming programs at motivation minute dot org. We Safety FM are not responsible for what this idiot behind the microphone is saying is trying to be entertaining. Rated R safety show okay, According to a study, turning to Dr Google does not make a person's assessment of their own system less accurate or worsen their anxiety regarding their health. The study, published by the JAMA Network Open, found that the patients Google their symptoms is actually leads to a slight improvement in diagnosis. Once they, uh, they are medically in their medical setting, returning to the common concern that the Internet can lead to them down the wrong path, study author Dr David Levine said, That is that it's lightly okay to tell our patients to Google it. Therefore, there's not a lot and therefore a lot of harm in that, and in fact, there may be some good if you really start thinking about it. So there you go. You have one doctor out of thousands say that it's a good idea to Google your own symptoms to see what the hell is going on. I don't know. What do you think? Do you think that's a good idea? Bad idea, somewhat of an idea or an idea that could lead to some other severe issues? Potentially. If you really start thinking about it, I don't know, just something to talk about as we are talking right now. Um, here at the very top of the hour, of course. Going on a lot of stuff. A lot of different things that were going inside of the world. Anyways, let's talk about some wack facts because, you know, that's what we have to do. So here you go. Men get hiccups more often than women. No one knows why apples are actually part of the Rose family. Did you know that? Did you really know that? Come on. Did you know Did you know or did you not know? The average bra is designed for just 180 days of use? Yeah. Go to radio Big. I'll have some more explanations on that one. Okay. Bound for pound hamburgers cost more than the new cars. Over 50% of lottery players go back to work after winning the jackpot. Kentucky Fried Chicken's Colonel Sanders was born in Indiana. So there you go. Some wack facts for you. In case you did not know some of these things as we are sharing them today. Anyway, let's talk about some scoops of Bs. Today. The 2021 baseball season is in full swing. Sorry about baseball is way too boring for me. I prefer the constant stimulation of another 00 tie in soccer. The 2021 baseball season is in full swing. Sorry, I'm going to spend hours watching guys playing on grass. I'll just go to a Phish concert. Yeah, you'll get that later. Uh, the 2021 Master Master Golf Champion chips are underway. It's one of the four PGA majors that also includes the U. S. Open, the British Open and, oh, God, I'm already bored. Shoot me. April is STD Awareness Month, although health experts say that you can also increase awareness of STD by watching old episodes of Jersey Shore Fact of the day cuddling literally kills depression, relieves anxiety and strengthen the immune system until her husband walks in. What did he just say? We don't always agree with the viewpoints of our hosts and guests back to real safety. Talk on safety. F M O. You got to love the people around here with all their fun stuff anyway, So there you go. That's what's going on inside of the wack facts, Um, in some scoops of BS for today anyways, Uh, no winner for Tuesday night make a million drawing. Friday's drawing will be for $201 million jackpot or 100 and $35.9 million cash payout. So if you're interested in either one, I guess it might be some time to play. So there you go. Some interesting things there. Did you hear about this? About the world of showbiz When it comes to Bar Rescue is returning for its eighth season next month and the new season. Jot says that his, um, stays in his hometown of Las Vegas instead of crossing the country, Um, in searches of bars and pubs that need help. The series will air on Paramount Network starting Sunday, May the second, while the upcoming season will take John and the team through 200 to 200 episode milestone. So I just got a question. Are these gonna be like new and live filming? Because I would imagine, uh, kind of when everything was locked down, it might be a little bit more difficult to film it. Is he going to be going into, um to some casinos if you know what I'm saying? There because that's gonna probably be, uh, some things to talk about for sure. Anyway, did you hear about this? Dak Prescott is getting back to doing football things after a devastating ankle injury last October, the Cowboys quarterback is finally getting some time in the old pigskin or what? The old pigskin? Not in the old pigskin, That's not it weird. In a video posted on Wednesday, Prescott, who think to massive extension with the Cowboys in March, was seen making some throws off his injured angle or ankle as well. His trainer, Damien Devon, Uh, said Dak, is being back on the field, uh, is a great sign. So there you go, some great signs on seeing him back on the field, Um, as he is doing the things that he do, uh, places. So let's talk about it because we talk about some weird things all the time. How about we start talking about some sports to play to stay young? Yeah, seriously, Some sports to play to stay young. According to research in the Journal of a Mayo Clinic, proceedings involved data that the Copenhagen city hard study certain sports can help you live long and stay stronger worth, noting the research admits that the jury is still out about whether the relationship is simply correlated or just casual. Over 25 years of tracking more than 8500 people, they found that these sports and activities done regularly increase the life expectancy. Um, they mostly compared to, um, sedentary peers. So there you go number. I'll give it to you backwards Calisthenics. 3.1 years at number six, jogging at 3.2. And number five, swimming by 3.4. Site number four cycling at 3.7 at number three, Soccer at 4.7. Bad mission did 6.2 and at the number one spot increase. Here you go tennis lifespan by 9.7. So there you go. If that's what you're looking to do. Look at this. Terry Gray in the box this morning. The let's see the safety man movement Guy is here. I have to tell you, I've been enjoying the videos as of late as you've been posting them online. So thanks for coming out hanging out this morning. Please make sure that you do continue to do the videos. You know, it's kind of a weird angle from the car. But, hey, it's cool because at least you're consistent with it. I like how it started off at the 62nd thing or the safety man minute, and then it kind of became and then plus because, you know, we all tend to go a little long, but they're good concepts, and they're good creations that you're doing out there. So please continue doing what you're doing. I think it's super important. Anyway, Let's continue talking about some other things. If I'm gonna tell you about the most important part of the show, let's talk about it right now at 50 minutes past the top of the hour. And it's this part right here. Let me tell you about my friends at the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. That is the a f sp dot org that's a f sp dot org. Know that you are not alone. Whether you have struggled with suicide yourself or have lost a loved one or no, I know that you are not alone here about personal experiences from people in your local community whose lives have been impacted by suicide in depression. If you need someone to talk to you can go to the website. A f a f sp dot org That's a f sp dot org, or you can give them a call at 1 802 73 talk That's 1 802 73 Talk or text The word Talk to 741741 That's 741741 Please know that we can't do what we do without you. So before you do anything, make sure that you give them a call or get some kind of form of contact with them. There's multiple different languages available on their website, and it's so crucial you don't know at at any point what kind of impact this is going to have in someone's life. So I normally ask people if they could educate themselves about suicide and depression because it is so crucial to everything that we do. Seriously, it really is. I mean, I know we joke. We kid, we play around, we mess around. We do all kinds of fun stuff on here. But let's be real. People are the most important part about the whole thing, and we can't do anything without them. No one else can play your part, so please make sure that you contact them before you decide to do anything else. I'm a trial lawyer. I'm not part of your family. And I don't do skits with my mom. I'm a real lawyer, a damn good lawyer, the best lawyer this state has to offer. And I've built a reputation for standing up for the people of this country, righting the wrongs. You may not agree with all of my views, but when it comes to try in cases, there's only one view. Justice and justice is what I get. Fighter law. That's why we're unstoppable safety in a way never heard of before. Greater safety show on safety is here. Okay, so let's talk about some birthdays going on today. Isaac, right from game of Thrones turns 22. Black youngster turns 31. Uh, Matthew Healy turns 32 today. Uh, Patricia Arquette turns 53. Robin Wright turns 55. Biz Markie 57. John Snyder from The Dukes of Hazzard, Famed and Smallville turned 61 Ken Holder from Friday the 13th. He played Jason, just in case he turned 66 today anyways, if you want to talk about some reasons to celebrate today, I probably got a few of those that we can talk about today. Today is national. All is our day. Yeah, national. All is our day National Empanada Day, National Zoo Lovers Day. And also it is National alcohol Screening day. Oh my Oh, I'm glad it's being done on a Thursday. So some things to think about today for sure that you can celebrate if you're so inclined to do so. Um, the I mean, I think there's some other birthdays we could probably talk about. Easy Straddling or Geoffroy Isabel. You might know him. He's from Lafayette, Indiana, former rock guitarist, co founder of Guns and Roses, probably best known for Sweet Child of Mine, but not part of the band Current Reunion Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. 2020 or 2012. But is he straddling was probably one of the key components of guns and roses, but, you know Hey, he decided not to go back to the back to them. So here, that's his gig. You can do whatever the hell he wants. Let's continue talking a little bit. Let me tell you some other. Some other stuff. Uh, so because we know our demo is mostly males on this show, let's talk about some fake man cave facts in case you wanted to know some. If you have a man cave, I have a whole other side conversation we can have about that. But here you go. Its main purpose is for men together and talk about their feelings. Many include a sewing nook. It's no no drinking zone. Smooth jazz. 24 7 Women who wish their husbands didn't spend so much time in there. There are more posters of kittens than the neon beer signs. The toilet seat is always left in the down position. There are handmade dollies on the table, and they must always be used. They always smell like Febreze and not marijuana. They all dressed like Fred Flintstone. Whoops. Sorry that one for the fake caveman fact, Um, and then those are not dolls in there. They're collectibles, and there's no farting allowed, just in case. So there you go. That's what we got inside of there. Okay, so let's talk about some other stuff. Let's talk about if you need a phone starter for a day. You should probably try this one. What is the smartest thing you've ever seen a child? Do try that one. I would love to hear what some people have to say about that. Something tells me they're going to tell you about their kid. Uh, if you need a random joke for today, try this one. I can't wait to put fully vaccinated on my dating profile. Just like an adoptable dog. Yeah, I said that. Okay, if you need something for the water cooler for today, you can try this one. When people were asking a survey what they would miss the most if they traveled back in time, this came in at number one. What do you think it is? Or should I say? It's almost like traveling back in time inside of a man cave. But that's a whole other story. Actually, the answer is flushing the toilet. That's what they would miss the most. Anyways, it is 56 minutes past the top of the hour. You are hanging out here on safety FM and radio big dot FM. If you want to do so. Here you go. We can talk about it in this particular fashion. Oh, did you really just do that, Jim? Thank you. You're fully vaccinated. Congratulations. Where's the sticker? Yeah, so no. Cool. I'm glad that you made a decision for yourself, because I think it's so important for people to do what they believe that is right for what they want to do. So I'm glad that you're proud of on your decision on moving forward with that. So anyways, you've been listening to the radio, our safety show on safety FM dot com and on radio big dot FM. I'm gonna go hang out on radio big dot FM for the next couple hours or so. You're more than welcome to come out and hang out with us if you want to do that, or you can hang out here still on safety FM, Um, listen to some different safety stuff. I do play music and some other things on radio big dot FM. We continue talking about some of the things that are going on inside of the world of the news and kind of get into a whole array of other stuff. Also, don't forget if you're interested in doing so, you can still download the download The pick to let people know that I am not speaking at X event between September the 13th in the 15th or at any safety event. So there you go. You can download it using that QR code right there. We'll make sure to post that on our social media for you to hang out and be able to grab it as well. Anyways, let me leave you with a thought for today if I can leave you with anything. Good judgment. Good judgment comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgment. Think about that for the rest of the day. As you do move forward. Thank you for always being the best part of safety FM and radio big and that is the listener. Safety FM is the home of real safety talk. I know who you are. You know who I am, Love you mean it and goodbye. The views and opinions expressed on this podcast are those of the host and its guests and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the company. Examples of analysis discussed within this podcast are only examples. It should not be utilized in the real world as the only solution available as they are based only on very limited and dated open source information. Assumptions made within this analysis are not reflective of the position of the company. No part of this podcast may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means mechanical, electronic recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the creator of the podcast, Jay.
[00:00:00] : this show is brought to you by safety. Following program is reading L S V. It contains strong language, sexual situations and violence. It is intended only for mature audiences. Finally, show with the ball should call it like it is rated R safety show on safety FM countdown to audio torture decorated. Our safety show starts in 321 lady ear drum pain. But again, forget the corporate bullshit. This is the rated R safety show with your host, Dr. Uh, It doesn't matter who the host is. Well, is that not the truth or what it surely does Not matter who is filling in for this chair today or tomorrow or any other time that we'd do the show. Anyways, today is Thursday, April the eighth of 2021 day 98th of the year and only 267 days to go before the end of the year. So there you go a lot of stuff going on across the multiverse. Hopefully, you're off to a grand start as we are starting off on this lovely Thursday. Anyways, we're broadcasting live from the safety FM studios in Orlando, Florida, and coming across the multiverse of safety FM and hanging out with our friends and family and sister station. You know, at that other place you're being infiltrated. Radio big. Oh, yeah. Infiltration radio big. That's what's going on. So anyways, we are coming across everything that we can at the moment as we do hang out. So just in case you're not familiar, But hopefully by now you are aware because I think we are an episode 332. Uh, we are a radio show that is a podcast that is also a streaming, um, kind of show at the same time too. So we got a lot of stuff going on. So you do have some different options available on how you want to take a listen of you or so on. Of course, the easiest format to do it is hanging out on the radio station or radio station APP, which is available at safety FM dot com. You can download the app directly from there, just in case you're not familiar with it, or you can watch us on any of the streamers, including safety FM plus Oh, yes, I did say safety FM. Plus, we are available on there as well. Or, of course, a podcast. You know, you know what What some people are doing? Uh, I would say I would. I almost said what the cool kids are doing. But apparently that's what the cool kids are doing in clubhouse. You know the voice chat room thing anyway, So let's start talking about some other things that are going on. And, of course, with being Thursday, we started talking about videos that are trending because that's gonna be important. So let's talk about this real quick. A massive Asian water monitor terrified shoppers after going on a rampage through a 7 11 in Bangkok, Thailand. The original video of the incident racked up nearly a million views before it was deleted. Now the fun part is there have been some other people that have actually duplicated the video and posted the video online. But every time that someone posted, it gets deleted. So there you go. That's a good, fun part about the whole thing. So if you're interested inside of that kind of stuff, that's what you have going on. Well, we got Jonathan Dempsey telling us how clubhouses great, of course, he is a clubhouse monitor. That's what we're probably gonna get to at some point. So I'll kind of speed up the process. He is a monitor to his own chat room inside of there. I mean, I'll put it to you this way. I look at clubhouse in the current state with it not being available on Android, and it only being to the exclusivity of the club of iPhone that becomes an issue. The other portion is let's be realistic, a glamorized chat room where people are able to speak. I mean, it's really what it boils down to at the moment, and, you know, it's kind of funny. Shaped robot, um had a video that she posted about clubhouse about a week or so ago, maybe two weeks, and I think she's spot on with it. I mean, clubhouses. Let's just put it to you this way. There is an audience for pretty much a little bit of everything out there, So if your option is to go and hang out with people in clubhouse, cool. What I'm glad that you're doing is that you're building some kind of community when you're hanging out and doing that. But everybody is gonna be kind of assigned to their own gig. And yeah, it's great. But do you remember? I mean, at least here in the U. S. When I was younger, they were used to have something called a party line and not what you're probably thinking. But it was pretty much a phone service when phones were becoming popular. And I'm not even talking about cell phones. We're talking about landlines where somebody could pick up a phone and dial if you were inside of a neighbourhood because you had a shared phone number. They called it a party line because you never knew who the hell was going to be on it inside of your neighborhood. If you really think about it, Clubhouse is pretty similar to that. Of course you have, you know, the people monitoring and speaking in your building community. But that's the gig. It's like, Can you please mute? Can you Can everybody please mute if you're not talking? Oh, by the way, I have a blah, blah, blah. You know this person inside of there, and they're coming in and hanging out with us, so I don't know. I mean, it's just It's just it's a different approach. But then again, people complain about radio. At one point, people complain about podcasting. I mean, if you really want to go into some dives, take a look at when War of the Worlds was released on radio originally. And then let's talk about how the emergency broadcast system came about. Yeah, that's a whole other story anyway. So there you go. Let's continue talking real quick as you are where we like to talk to our professionals and feature story news for them to tell us what exactly is going on inside of the world of the news. And then we'll come back onto the other side and start talking. Here is the news show from Feature Story News in London. I'm Ali Bharat India has hit a new one day record for new confirmed covid 19 cases over 126,000. Several states, meanwhile, claim they're running out of vaccine shots near Poona. Reports from New Delhi At least three Indian states have complained about vaccine shortages so far, India's worst hit state. Maharashtra says it only has vaccines for three more days and has had two already shut down some vaccination centres. Punjab, Odisha and Andhra Pradesh have all raised similar concerns, asking the government to dispatch more vaccines urgently. But India's health minister has denied that there is any shortage. Instead, he's accused these states, most of them not ruled by Prime Minister Modi's party, of creating panic and mishandling the outbreak. The UK says it's vaccine rollout remains on course despite a change in guidance for young people about the AstraZeneca Covid 19 jab. Regulators say people under 30 will be offered an alternative vaccine if one is available, it's due to evidence linking rare clots to the AstraZeneca job. Ministers say the UK has enough supplies of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines for all adults under 30. Health Secretary Matt Hancock says the rollout will continue at pace. We're totally transparent about these extremely rare side effects and we've said that if you're under 30 then if you want you can have a different one and we've done that because we just want this program to be as safe as it possibly can be. The fact that the regulators who monitor this rollout have spotted a four in one million chance event is impressive and I'm very grateful to them. It's better to be totally transparent. Myanmar's ambassador to London has spent a night locked out of the embassy in the British capital. Cures Women, says staff loyal to the military have taken over the building and are telling him he's no longer the representative in the UK Last month he criticized February's coup. Democracy activists in Hong Kong are applauding a $60 million support package being offered in the UK for Hong Kong is seeking to emigrate there. But the measures being dismissed by pro Beijing campaigners as assigned fewer Hong Kong is than expected are interested in leaving Richard Kimber. Reports from Hong Kong The UK government is pledging to help Hong Kongers settle in. It's launching a new integration program that covers advice on issues from housing to finding employment and school admissions. More than five million of Hong Kong 7.5 million population are eligible to immigrate to the UK under a visa program that followed China's controversial introduction of a national security law in the city. The UK government says it's received 27,000 applications so far and is expecting 10 times that many will apply over the next few years. Democracy activists in Hong Kong say the new funding is a welcome show of practical support. But the scheme is facing criticism from supporters of the Hong Kong and Beijing governments. They claim it's a sign the visa program is less popular than expected from bureaus worldwide. This is Jason. Listen to our host of the rated R safety show, self implode on our airwaves only on safety FM. I spend a lot of time in the backyard, and I'm the center of attention at summer barbecues. In 96 I made some of the tastiest smores, and at oh nine, it was me, your backyard fire pit that accidentally started a wildfire when a summer breeze carried one of my embers into some dry brush. Spark a change, not a wildfire. Visit smokey bear dot com Brought to you by the U. S. Forest Service, your state forester in the Ad council. Only you can prevent wildfires. Hope you enjoy your meal, and I just want to see he's lucky to have a brother like you. Lucky caring for my brother is far from easy, but he's a part of me, like my arms and legs, so I'll be his no time for tired. Nothing can disable this love. He needs me. But I'm the lucky one even though I need help now and then if you're caring for a loved one, visit AARP dot org slash caregiving for care guides and community support for your strength brought to you by AARP and the ad Council. What if I told you that a tornado was going to happen tomorrow, right where you live? That it would touch down at exactly 3. 17 PM and I told you the exact path it would take You would, of course, prepare. You would talk with your loved ones and you make a plan today. It's true. I can't tell you a tornado strike tomorrow, but shouldn't you have a plan anyway? Go to ready dot gov slash communicate and make your emergency plan today. Don't wait. Communicate Brought to you by FEMA and the Ad Council. This is Mario Andretti. You know me as a race car driver, but I'm also a Meals on Wheels volunteer I've raised against the sport's biggest personalities, but I've never met more vibrant, amazing people than a senior served by meals on wheels. You can make a difference by dropping off a hot meal and saying a quick Hello, So America, let's do lunch. Volunteer your lunch break at America. Let's do lunch dot org This message brought to you by Meals on Wheels, America and the Ad Council. We are now video streaming the rated R safety show. I don't know why our host has a face for radio rated R safety show. Hey, so there you go a lot of stuff going on inside of the world of the news. So let's take a look. So Jonathan had something else to say. Apparently, there's two comments. Clubhouse sucks. Most people are want to be in there. I don't know. I have not hung out on clubhouse. I mean, I've been there, Uh, but I didn't go into any rooms and hang out just just saying so Let's see. Jonathan Dempsey. Jonathan, what's going on here? Why is there so many letters behind your name? Dude, like there's like 12 Let's say 1234567 89 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1920 21 22 23 You have 23 letters behind your name, dude. Comment down my friend. 23 letters. Now, here's the thing. Some people will know what some of this stuff means. But what the hell does the other 23 letters mean? I mean, three out of there. I'm just asking the question to ask what the hell is going on, dude. So let's go into what you had to say. The video you shared was funny. I'm using it to let us talk Risk and Safety Club to share experience insights with other professionals, E g on a weekly, uh, women women in safety and future safety. Um, inside of the room. It's another option to engage. Yeah, I agree with you and educate and inform. I also will be available on android suit. You know, you told me that, like, two weeks ago as well That will be available on android suit. Uh, so I'm just asking the question so hopefully you have some kind of stock or you're tied into this company with the way that you're doing it, so I don't know. So anyways, I would love to hear the descriptor of what the hell you have going on with all those letters. Um, because I'm I'm assuming not everybody knows You should probably limit some of it. I'm just throwing it out there. I mean, if I'll put it to you this way, if I ended up putting every single letter that I have, um, from any certificate that I had, I probably need a couple of paragraphs, and I don't think we need to go that far. Anyway, that's just my opinion. Do whatever you want. It's your gig. But probably we probably need to put some encoders out there for people to know what's out there. I mean, I think the last time that me and Sheldon primers were taking a look, there was about 350 designations that were available that you could put behind your name. So just just for the sake of doing so anyways, let's start talking about what is going on inside of the world of the hit list. It is roughly about 14 minutes past the top of the hour right now, taking it from the top 104 year old woman from Colombia has beaten Covid, 19 not once, but twice. Carmen Hernandez was the first diagnosed with the virus back in June of 2020 and was treated at her nursing home. She was recently diagnosed a second time and admitted to the ICU, where she spent 21 days. She was discharged on Monday. It is unknown whether or not she has been vaccinated. So there you go, some interesting stuff going on in there. So she didn't beat it just once but twice. Good for Herb, baby. Anyways, let's continue talking. A two year old boy is fighting for the for his life after being shot in the head and apparent road rage incident in Chicago. The boy was in a car driven by his grandmother when shots were fired from another vehicle. Officers don't believe those involved know each other. So there you go, some information going on right there. And that goes back to what we talk about all the time. And I know people get tired of me mentioning it, but we have to talk about it. We have to talk about the hazard matrix on How do you plan for this? I mean, what is the likelihood, but what kind of damage will it have if it does occur because I'm pretty sure that when you're driving down the road, you don't have the expectancy that the car next to you is gonna shoot at you. And I know that we're talking about Chicago, which seems to be a common theme, that we talk about all the time about gun violence going on in the area. So I don't want to get onto the gun violence bandwagon once again. But it's definitely talking about some other things that are going on because I think all of these are important. So let's look at it in that fashion as we do. Move on Mortal Kombat down. So I don't know if you heard about this, but a surge in Covid 19 deaths in Brazil will soon pass the record that it had in January. Wave setting the U. S. The country's health care system is at a breaking point, which could push the death total to top. The US, despite a population of two thirds the size according to Brazil, became the epicenter of the pandemic contribute to about four deaths per day globally, one in four deaths globally. Let's get that straight, the outlet reported on Wednesday. Despite the surge of the economy. Prime Minister Paolo Gillis expects the country to be back in business, probably in 2 to 3 months from now 2 to 3 months. What do you mean back in business? I'd like to have a better understanding about that. Of course, with everything going on inside of the world, it's kind of difficult to understand what that exactly means, because everybody is handling the situation slightly different now. We did talk about this earlier in the week. We talked about how the cruise lines were doing and improving in all this. So let's talk about some of this right now. Carnival Cruise Line has threatened to leave the U. S ports due to covid restrictions. While we have not made plans to move Carnival Cruise Line ships outside of our US home ports, we may have no choice but to do so in order to resume our operation, which have been paused for over a year, Christie Duffy, Carnival Cruise president, said in a statement. Duffy said that the company would would like to work with the C D. C to find a workable solution to the cruise. Companies are are treated on par and par. Yeah, you know, you know the Gulf ter on par with the rest of the travel industry, like airlines. Earlier this week, Norwegian Cruise Lines announced they plan to require all crew members and passengers will be fully vaccinated prior to departure. The company hopes to resume cruises in the Caribbean and in Europe by July. So here you go. So now we're talking once again about how the passport thing, I mean, because that's realistically what it is. If you're going to actually ask somebody, if they're going to get onto a cruise and then you turn around and say, Hey, you need to be vaccinated you're essentially asking for some version Allergy of the passport. Now I'm going to bring this up because it did happen to a very close person that I know where they went to go get the vaccine. And when they went to go get the vaccine, they were issued the card before they got the vaccine. Yep, I would love to say that I'm joking about that one, but I would definitely be lying. Uh, so it's not a joke. That's exactly what occurred at this one. Pretty popular. Um, we'll say pretty well known store. Um, that's around the world for the most part or around the U. S. Markets, for sure. But it's known worldwide, and some people sometimes think they sell some kind of walls where they don't really sell walls inside of there. Just saying, uh So anyways, thinking about that real quick when you start thinking about cruises, I'll be honest. I have never been on one have opted not to do it. What do you think? Especially, you know, you kind of know the charity in lockdown to some extent inside of the cruise. So now you're now you're you're locked in and you're not going anywhere with a whole bunch of other people. Now, I did hear a presenter reference that cruise lines are like Petri dishes where you're just waiting for disease to Kurt now. That was his opinion. I'm just kind of re quoting what exactly? He said, I don't know. What do you think about it? Have you been on a cruise and are you looking forward to getting back onto a cruise relatively soon? I don't know. Just saying What did he just say? We had safety. FN don't always agree with the viewpoints of our hosts and guests. Now back to real safety. Talk on safety FM. Okay, The average daily Covid 19 death toll plunged by nearly 20% in the U. S over the past week, despite the average number of cases going up. According to the CDC, the average of 745 people died per day between March the 30th and April, the fifth, a drop of the night by 19.7% from the previous week. The decrease in fatalities comes at the vaccination rates rise across the nation. Around three million people are getting jabbed each day. Why do I always think about boxing when somebody says Jeb? I don't know. Uh, so there you go, What do you think? They're so some stuff to think about, for sure, as we do, move forward anyway. So let's continue talking. As of Wednesday, over 171.4 million Covid vaccines have been administered nationwide, over 64.4 million Americans have been fully vaccinated, while more than 109.9 million have received at least one does, according to the C. D. C. the total number of collective cases in the U. S. Is slightly over 30.6 million, with now the death toll hitting over 555,000 deaths attributed to the virus. So what do you think when you hear that we're talking over a half a million people dead because of the virus? What comes to mind when you hear this? I mean, there has to be a lot of thoughts because we have talked about it several times over about the impact that one version has on somebody's life. So imagine what we're starting to talk of over 100,000 over 200,000 and making it over to over half a million. I mean, it's getting interesting more and more that you talk about it. I mean, think about it. This is like, at least in the town that I live in. I was like a quarter of the town, so it's just something to think about. I mean, it's really, really one of those strange things that comes about when you start thinking about Oh, it's kind of it's made up. I mean, how can you say that it's made up? I'm just asking. I mean, just asking the question, not trying to stir up controversy this early this morning, safety in a way never heard of before. The rated R safety show on safety FM. Okay, here we go. At least 20 people were injured and more than 250 residents displaced after an eight alarm fire destroyed a New York City apartment building on Tuesday. The blaze broke out in Jackson Heights neighborhood on Tuesday afternoon, and by the time fire crews arrived, it was an advanced fire. F D N Y. Commissioner Daniel said, According to news reports. Resident Kayla Cardin's 10 said that she was home alone when the fire began, and she was able to escape after the neighbor alerted her to the place. The cause of the fires is unknown, but Daniel said that he was that it was able to spread so rapidly due to open doors. So there you go some things to think about real quick in regards of what is going on. Um, when it comes to stuff like that and I mean, here's the thing we talk about safety on this show, we talk about safety in our livelihoods, because that's what you know. That's what most of us do here. But a lot of times we tend to forget one key component about the whole thing, and that's about safety at home. Like right now as we talk about it. Do you have fire extinguishers at your house? And if you do do, does everyone who lives in your household you know where they're located? And are they easily accessible? That's the other key portion there. Anyway, let's continue talking. Nearly half of the nation, uh, nations, New Covid 19 cases are located in just five states. Uh, you're gonna like this one. Probably not, but I'll share it anyways. New York, Michigan, Florida, Pennsylvania in New Jersey accounts for more than 44 of all new infections between March the 19th now, March the 29th and April. The fourth. About 197 1005 100 cases out of 452,000, according to John Hopkins University, New York and Michigan account for about 22% of the nation's total cases. So there goes for theories where people are saying well compared to other people in social media. I'm pretty sure that I'm handling it. Okay, in comparison, what did he just say? We don't always agree with the viewpoints of our hosts and guests. Now back to real safety. Talk on safety FM. Okay, so it sounds like it's pretty covid full day. One third of covid survivors suffer from psych er, psychiatric or brain problems within six months of their diagnosis, a new study found. Researchers analyzed the health records of 236,379 covid patients, mostly from the US, and found that 34% that were diagnosed with neurological or psychiatric disorders during six months following their virus diagnosis. Of those, about 12.8% were diagnosed for the first time with such an illness, the most common diagnosis where anxiety and depression or mood disorders at 14%. So there you go, so I don't know, So I don't know. I mean, it's interesting to see how all these things are taking about and coming about now as we start talking about them more and more anyways, let's start talking about the stock market and let's get that into here. 25 minutes past the top of the hour. And let's talk to our friend John Smalls as he brings it to you right now. Here's your market beat minute for Thursday, April 8th 2021. Equity traders got some reassurance from the Fed Wednesday, but not enough to spur a large move. The minutes from the last FOMC meeting indicate the committee is not eager to raise interest rates, stating it would be some time before the first hike would come. The NASDAQ lead the market but only gained 20210.25% by the end of the day. The S and P 500 the Dow Jones industrial average both hovered near break even and closed virtually unchanged for the day. Action on Thursday could be different. Fed chief Jerome Powell is scheduled for a speech on the state of the global economy and could give the market and additional boost with global GDP estimates on the rise in recent labor data. Pointing to a solid reopening, positive commentary from the FOMC chair could usher in another market rally with the earnings season right around the corner. Earnings growth in the Q one period is expected to be strong and the estimates are on the rise. You can get the inside track from Wall Street's brightest minds, delivered directly to your inbox at market beat minute dot com. Okay, so let's continue on with what John has to say. Wednesday's trading station was finished mixed as the Dow added 16 points in the SNP rose about six points and the NASDAQ dipped about nine points. Today's closed market a new all time high for the S and P 500. The technology heavy NASDAQ composite fell despite by tech firms, UH, Amazon, Apple and Alphabet all jumped more than 1%. Facebook jumped about 2.2% on Wednesday. Investors appeared cautious on the Federal Reserve release of their meeting minutes, unveiling plans to continue asset purchases at their current rates. Many feel that the wave of inflation coming may force the central banks to change their policy soon. So there you go, a lot of information going on inside of there and well, I guess it's getting close to that time, so maybe we should do that thing that we do around this time because it might be slightly important. So let's do that right now. It is a main story on the radio safety show. Okay, so let's talk about it. You know that it's time you know, that people are going around, you know, that people are talking about the different things that are going on inside of the world of ours. They're pretty excited. They're getting excited or some excitement is going on. I mean, you're seeing right now on social media everybody jumping around and talking about something that they're doing. They're talking about something that they want, something that that is being done or something along those lines. It's like all kinds of craziness out there. You know what I'm saying? Or you have no clue, because we have no clue. That's perfectly fine, too, because sometimes I have no clue what even I'm saying. So don't worry about that portion. Don't worry about that factoid, Um, as we do talk about it. But as you did notice, our show today was called Guess what I am not doing, and that's the fun part. So people go around and they're talking about anything, anything that they're doing right now because they've been locked up for such a long period of time. There's people posting about how they're getting their new vaccine. There's people that are posting that are talking about how they're going around and doing X, y and Z, and that's all cool. Don't get me wrong. I don't want to come across the wrong way that I don't care or that it doesn't matter what they're doing, because, of course it does matter. But here's the thing. There's a lot of things going on right now as portion of the economy is opening. And some of these events that had occurred in our industry previously had not been really going full force. A lot of the stuff that had to be come, Um, we'll say virtual, we'll say virtual. Some places are now starting to open up and talk about some of the events that they have going on and some of the events they will be doing here in the very near future and all that kind of fun stuff. So I mean, some people are getting excited, but, you know, as we always talk about the world of safety, we talk about everything we talk about all the time on how we want to have diversity and inclusion with everything that we do, which is perfectly cool. So I'm starting to notice that there is a lot of events that are starting to open up and people are really excited about being part of the event. So they're going onto the social media platforms and they're talking about how they might be speaking in this state or that state or the other state or all that kind of fun stuff, which is cool. I mean, that's cool. I'm glad that you're able to do so and that you're going around and letting people. Now I am speaking at this event, and the one that I keep on seeing quite a bit of is the one that says I am speaking at an event in September between the 13th and the 15th of September, which is cool. I'm glad people are doing that now. The other portion about the whole thing is that I am not seeing a lot of people saying anything about them not speaking. So what we have done here at Safety FM because we wanted to help the people that are not speaking, we have created the following and let me probably do a screen change real quick if you're following along on the streamer. So if you're following along on the visual component of this thing which that's cool, this is what we've created for you. I am not speaking at any safety conference or expo September the 13th through the 15th. So we have made this sign readily available. We will be posting it on our social media platforms for you to be able to access. Now, if you want to. As you're taking a look at this, we want you to be able to share the love of letting people know how you're not speaking at the event because we don't want you to feel left out. And you can tell everyone how you're not speaking at this event between error at any safety conference between September the 13th through the 15th. Now, here you go. I'll give you even this. I'm gonna leave this thing up throughout the rest of the show. As I am on video. This will actually take you directly to where you can download it. This is a QR code that we're gonna put out there for you to be able to download the sign and posted on your social media. So that way you can feel part of what other people are doing. We want to have inclusion for everyone. So the sign available right there. I am not speaking at any safety conference or expo September the 13th through the 15th. So that will be readily available for you if you desire to do so. If you do so we'll post it. Like I said after the show. That way you can get direct access to it and will leave the cure our code right there open for you to be able to scan it. And it will take you directly to our website for you can actually download the sign. I think it should be something that we should share as much as possible, but only if you're not speaking at any safety conference or expo between September the 13th. It is the 15th. But hey, I'm just trying to help out the industry. What do I know? I'm just a guy behind a microphone. Oops. What did he just say? We have safety FM. Don't always agree with the viewpoints of our hosts and guests. Now back to real safety. Talk on safety FM. Don't go anywhere. You're listening to the home of real safety talk. You are listening to safety FM. We'll be right back. Hamilton was adopted from a rescue in 2000 and eight. She really likes to be around people. I get out my mat and I'm doing a downward dog and he's underneath. He's quite the pug about town. He gets invited to a lot of parties, you know, he's a pretty big deal. Look at this little face. Do not love him. Hamilton The Pug Instagram Store and Shelter Pet Amazing Adoption Story Start in shelters. Visit the Shelter Pet Project org. To find a pet near you brought to you by Maddie's Fund, the Humane Society of the United States and the Ad Council, you make sure his toys don't have any sharp edges. You taught her what to do when the smoke alarm goes off. You do so much to keep your child safe, but are you using the right car seat for your child? Car crashes are a leading killer of Children ages 1 to 13. Protect your child's future at every stage of life. For information on the right seat for your child visit safer car dot gov slash the right seat. A message from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Ad Council. So you see, son, good manners are important. Should I go through it again? Yes. Yes, please. Yes, please. Exactly. Always say please. Thank you. You're welcome. An excuse me. Sit up straight. Hold doors open. I'll speak with your mouth full. Keep your elbows off the table, share your things, play nice and generally treat others the way you'd like to be treated. Got it? Got it. And stop picking your nose. Most parenting is hard to do in just two minutes, two minutes, twice a day. Making sure they brush their teeth is easier and it could help save them from a lifetime of tooth pain. Visit two men two x dot org To find out more a message from the Partnership for Healthy Miles Healthy Lives in the Ad Council. I'm a retired school psychologist and helping people with my thing. After my stroke, when meals on wheels started, I was on the other end of mistakes that to speak. My name is Julius Cain's creative writer, poet, photographer, one and six seniors faces the threat of hunger and millions more Live in isolation. Drop off a hot meal and say a quick hello Volunteer for meals on wheels By donating your lunch break at America. Let's do lunch dot org This message brought to you by Meals on Wheels America and the Ad Council. Sorry. Right? Yeah. Okay. Okay. No feels is the connection. Okay, this is World on Fire, sightless and shadow his artist. This is available on Spotify and iTunes. All right, you. Yeah. Okay, So there you go. There you go. Some musica here on the radar safety show. So, anyways, let's talk about that real because I don't want there to be any confusion here. I figured that we should share the signs with people that are interested in sharing signs. It's perfectly fine. Um, if you want to do that, uh, the other portion is I will I will say about any safety event that's going on between the 13th and 15th of September. I did not apply to speak it there, so that's kind of probably one of the main reasons is not that I would ever been accepted to any safety event that's going on this year between the 13th and 15th, but I'm just letting you know as well. So there you go. If you want to download the sign, it is available right there in that QR code on that side of the of the screen real quick before I forget. Let's talk about some other couple of things going on real quick. Let's talk about this because this is gonna be important. I'm gonna cover that for just a half a second. Uh, so this right here is the event that we're giving away tomorrow at noon, time for the following week. If you have not entered to win, still take the opportunity of doing so. Accidents, investigation, theory and practice. It's the class that's being conducted by nipping AnAnd and Todd Conklin. So all you have to do is go to safety FM dot com Fortune last contest that safety FM dot com Fortune Last contest. Follow the entries of the rules to get into it. Go ahead and enter into the whole thing, but make sure that you do confirm your email when they do email you back. Sometimes you have to check your spam just in case that it's actually there or not. So There you go. Some interesting stuff, some interesting insights when it comes into it. Um, So the ticket will be for both sessions, the one that actually is being hosted by nipping and the other one that's being hosted by tied. So the ticket will get you interest to both. It is a four day event occurring between nine and one Pacific Daylight time or something. Whatever, whatever that's considered. So all you have to do is just go to safety FM dot com forward slash contest to win, by the way. Good morning, Jim. Welcome into the box. Thanks. Thanks for coming out and hanging out. And then just another thing before I forget we got this going on. Right. So I got the wrong one up there. We got this going on right now. So the safety reconfigured class that we just recently did is now available on Safety FM. Plus, all you have to do is sign up for safety FM plus and the class is readily available. It right there for you. Um, it is exactly the first class that we did out of the whole thing. Um, you just go into safety FM plus right Now we have a I think it's a three day trial available. You can sign up, take the class if you want to and take a look at what the hell else we got going around inside of Safety FM plus right there. So three day trial free on us for you to give it a whirl. See? See what? You can get. Knowledge wise out of there. So there you go. That's what's going on on this side of the planet on what we have going on. Uh, so there you go. A lot of interesting things, um, going on there for sure. Anyways, let's continue talking about some other things going on inside of the world. Uh, medical advance variant. Maybe it's time to put away the Clorox in the bottles of hand sanitizer that seem to line the interest is to every school of restaurants supermarket wanting to show off their covid 19 safety protocols. While the so called hygiene theater may be reassuring to the public, these precautions are not necessary. According to the revised guide guidance issued by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in the US, the C D. C. Says it is possible for people to be infected through contact with contaminated services or object. But the risk is generally considered to be not just low, but very low, the CDC estimates, is the chance of contaminate our contracting the coronavirus that to the surface transmission to be lower than one in 10,000, as the scientists have known for a while, the viruses to spread almost exclusively by air, porn or air Harris are Excuse me. Aerosolized particles just bide many establishments that have continued to insist that their strict sanitation protocols with some schools, districts, even closing classrooms for full day deep cleaning. Oh, we've got a lot of commercials to redo because they are thinking about it with all the new slew of commercials that are out there. That's fine. But I'm still going to clean my oranges before I lick them. Okay, but maybe we still have hand sanitizers in the bathroom. Who the hell knows? So there you go. A lot of interesting stuff going on inside of there, as we do talk about it anyways, the yawned phenomenon. I'm not sure if you heard about this, but let's talk about it real quick. Although we all know that yawning is contagious. It will never really knew why. Until now, researchers have spent five months following two prides, too prides of lions, a game reserve in South Africa. Their findings is to give them some idea of the phenomenon. How it occurs. Scientists found that the spontaneous yawning mainly happened when lions were relaxed, suggesting that like humans yawning, um, maybe used to cool the brain and increase the flow of blood. Uh, so it may. It was also observed that the two lions were lying down one yacht and the other ¥1 and then the first. Your Honor stood up and did, and so did the other lion. That seems to support the theory that contagious yawning involved in the boost of vigilance of group of social animals. This could also mean the advantages of threat detection. The study, which is was published in the Journal of Animal Behavior, found that the likelihood of of a lion yawning was increased by 139 times higher if they had just seen another member of their pride. Yawning, contagious yawning has also been observed in elephants after human handlers did so First, let's face it. It's our our bodily functions that have have been contagious, and it could be a lot worse than just yawning if you really start thinking about it. But yes, when lions yawn does, does it let them have, um, it gets them up to having watched another romcom with their wife's. I mean, I guess that's one way to look at it. So maybe that's kind of a way to get out of it. And maybe Lions du Yang together. But they could, uh, possibly look at horrendous as my wife and I when I then do it the same way. So who the hell knows a lot of stuff going on inside of there as we do talk about it and move and groove anyways, it is 42 minutes past the top of the hour, and I feel like we might need some time to be motivated. So let's get John Smalls back in here and let him talk about the motivation minute. The Motivation minute is courtesy of better credit cards dot com. Henry Kravis said a real entrepreneur is somebody who has no safety net underneath them. I remember my first business. It was fun but it was what they nowadays call a side gig. I still work for somebody else 40 or more hours a week, and then I did this on the weekends. It was fun, but I also remember making the decision to work for myself 100% of the time. The day I gave my notice, I was so nervous I had these negative voices whispering into my ear. What if it doesn't work out? Why not go part time to start? But I dove in and I got rid of that safety net. Now. I had 100% of my efforts working for my family. It was scary, but it was also the right thing for me at that time. Don't be afraid to make the leap, but make sure you do it when the time is right for you. This has been today's motivation minute, courtesy of better credit cards dot com. I'm John Small. Thanks for listening. Your favorite motivational quotes can be submitted for upcoming programs at motivation minute dot org. We Safety FM are not responsible for what this idiot behind the microphone is saying is trying to be entertaining. Rated R safety show okay, According to a study, turning to Dr Google does not make a person's assessment of their own system less accurate or worsen their anxiety regarding their health. The study, published by the JAMA Network Open, found that the patients Google their symptoms is actually leads to a slight improvement in diagnosis. Once they, uh, they are medically in their medical setting, returning to the common concern that the Internet can lead to them down the wrong path, study author Dr David Levine said, That is that it's lightly okay to tell our patients to Google it. Therefore, there's not a lot and therefore a lot of harm in that, and in fact, there may be some good if you really start thinking about it. So there you go. You have one doctor out of thousands say that it's a good idea to Google your own symptoms to see what the hell is going on. I don't know. What do you think? Do you think that's a good idea? Bad idea, somewhat of an idea or an idea that could lead to some other severe issues? Potentially. If you really start thinking about it, I don't know, just something to talk about as we are talking right now. Um, here at the very top of the hour, of course. Going on a lot of stuff. A lot of different things that were going inside of the world. Anyways, let's talk about some wack facts because, you know, that's what we have to do. So here you go. Men get hiccups more often than women. No one knows why apples are actually part of the Rose family. Did you know that? Did you really know that? Come on. Did you know Did you know or did you not know? The average bra is designed for just 180 days of use? Yeah. Go to radio Big. I'll have some more explanations on that one. Okay. Bound for pound hamburgers cost more than the new cars. Over 50% of lottery players go back to work after winning the jackpot. Kentucky Fried Chicken's Colonel Sanders was born in Indiana. So there you go. Some wack facts for you. In case you did not know some of these things as we are sharing them today. Anyway, let's talk about some scoops of Bs. Today. The 2021 baseball season is in full swing. Sorry about baseball is way too boring for me. I prefer the constant stimulation of another 00 tie in soccer. The 2021 baseball season is in full swing. Sorry, I'm going to spend hours watching guys playing on grass. I'll just go to a Phish concert. Yeah, you'll get that later. Uh, the 2021 Master Master Golf Champion chips are underway. It's one of the four PGA majors that also includes the U. S. Open, the British Open and, oh, God, I'm already bored. Shoot me. April is STD Awareness Month, although health experts say that you can also increase awareness of STD by watching old episodes of Jersey Shore Fact of the day cuddling literally kills depression, relieves anxiety and strengthen the immune system until her husband walks in. What did he just say? We don't always agree with the viewpoints of our hosts and guests back to real safety. Talk on safety. F M O. You got to love the people around here with all their fun stuff anyway, So there you go. That's what's going on inside of the wack facts, Um, in some scoops of BS for today anyways, Uh, no winner for Tuesday night make a million drawing. Friday's drawing will be for $201 million jackpot or 100 and $35.9 million cash payout. So if you're interested in either one, I guess it might be some time to play. So there you go. Some interesting things there. Did you hear about this? About the world of showbiz When it comes to Bar Rescue is returning for its eighth season next month and the new season. Jot says that his, um, stays in his hometown of Las Vegas instead of crossing the country, Um, in searches of bars and pubs that need help. The series will air on Paramount Network starting Sunday, May the second, while the upcoming season will take John and the team through 200 to 200 episode milestone. So I just got a question. Are these gonna be like new and live filming? Because I would imagine, uh, kind of when everything was locked down, it might be a little bit more difficult to film it. Is he going to be going into, um to some casinos if you know what I'm saying? There because that's gonna probably be, uh, some things to talk about for sure. Anyway, did you hear about this? Dak Prescott is getting back to doing football things after a devastating ankle injury last October, the Cowboys quarterback is finally getting some time in the old pigskin or what? The old pigskin? Not in the old pigskin, That's not it weird. In a video posted on Wednesday, Prescott, who think to massive extension with the Cowboys in March, was seen making some throws off his injured angle or ankle as well. His trainer, Damien Devon, Uh, said Dak, is being back on the field, uh, is a great sign. So there you go, some great signs on seeing him back on the field, Um, as he is doing the things that he do, uh, places. So let's talk about it because we talk about some weird things all the time. How about we start talking about some sports to play to stay young? Yeah, seriously, Some sports to play to stay young. According to research in the Journal of a Mayo Clinic, proceedings involved data that the Copenhagen city hard study certain sports can help you live long and stay stronger worth, noting the research admits that the jury is still out about whether the relationship is simply correlated or just casual. Over 25 years of tracking more than 8500 people, they found that these sports and activities done regularly increase the life expectancy. Um, they mostly compared to, um, sedentary peers. So there you go number. I'll give it to you backwards Calisthenics. 3.1 years at number six, jogging at 3.2. And number five, swimming by 3.4. Site number four cycling at 3.7 at number three, Soccer at 4.7. Bad mission did 6.2 and at the number one spot increase. Here you go tennis lifespan by 9.7. So there you go. If that's what you're looking to do. Look at this. Terry Gray in the box this morning. The let's see the safety man movement Guy is here. I have to tell you, I've been enjoying the videos as of late as you've been posting them online. So thanks for coming out hanging out this morning. Please make sure that you do continue to do the videos. You know, it's kind of a weird angle from the car. But, hey, it's cool because at least you're consistent with it. I like how it started off at the 62nd thing or the safety man minute, and then it kind of became and then plus because, you know, we all tend to go a little long, but they're good concepts, and they're good creations that you're doing out there. So please continue doing what you're doing. I think it's super important. Anyway, Let's continue talking about some other things. If I'm gonna tell you about the most important part of the show, let's talk about it right now at 50 minutes past the top of the hour. And it's this part right here. Let me tell you about my friends at the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. That is the a f sp dot org that's a f sp dot org. Know that you are not alone. Whether you have struggled with suicide yourself or have lost a loved one or no, I know that you are not alone here about personal experiences from people in your local community whose lives have been impacted by suicide in depression. If you need someone to talk to you can go to the website. A f a f sp dot org That's a f sp dot org, or you can give them a call at 1 802 73 talk That's 1 802 73 Talk or text The word Talk to 741741 That's 741741 Please know that we can't do what we do without you. So before you do anything, make sure that you give them a call or get some kind of form of contact with them. There's multiple different languages available on their website, and it's so crucial you don't know at at any point what kind of impact this is going to have in someone's life. So I normally ask people if they could educate themselves about suicide and depression because it is so crucial to everything that we do. Seriously, it really is. I mean, I know we joke. We kid, we play around, we mess around. We do all kinds of fun stuff on here. But let's be real. People are the most important part about the whole thing, and we can't do anything without them. No one else can play your part, so please make sure that you contact them before you decide to do anything else. I'm a trial lawyer. I'm not part of your family. And I don't do skits with my mom. I'm a real lawyer, a damn good lawyer, the best lawyer this state has to offer. And I've built a reputation for standing up for the people of this country, righting the wrongs. You may not agree with all of my views, but when it comes to try in cases, there's only one view. Justice and justice is what I get. Fighter law. That's why we're unstoppable safety in a way never heard of before. Greater safety show on safety is here. Okay, so let's talk about some birthdays going on today. Isaac, right from game of Thrones turns 22. Black youngster turns 31. Uh, Matthew Healy turns 32 today. Uh, Patricia Arquette turns 53. Robin Wright turns 55. Biz Markie 57. John Snyder from The Dukes of Hazzard, Famed and Smallville turned 61 Ken Holder from Friday the 13th. He played Jason, just in case he turned 66 today anyways, if you want to talk about some reasons to celebrate today, I probably got a few of those that we can talk about today. Today is national. All is our day. Yeah, national. All is our day National Empanada Day, National Zoo Lovers Day. And also it is National alcohol Screening day. Oh my Oh, I'm glad it's being done on a Thursday. So some things to think about today for sure that you can celebrate if you're so inclined to do so. Um, the I mean, I think there's some other birthdays we could probably talk about. Easy Straddling or Geoffroy Isabel. You might know him. He's from Lafayette, Indiana, former rock guitarist, co founder of Guns and Roses, probably best known for Sweet Child of Mine, but not part of the band Current Reunion Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. 2020 or 2012. But is he straddling was probably one of the key components of guns and roses, but, you know Hey, he decided not to go back to the back to them. So here, that's his gig. You can do whatever the hell he wants. Let's continue talking a little bit. Let me tell you some other. Some other stuff. Uh, so because we know our demo is mostly males on this show, let's talk about some fake man cave facts in case you wanted to know some. If you have a man cave, I have a whole other side conversation we can have about that. But here you go. Its main purpose is for men together and talk about their feelings. Many include a sewing nook. It's no no drinking zone. Smooth jazz. 24 7 Women who wish their husbands didn't spend so much time in there. There are more posters of kittens than the neon beer signs. The toilet seat is always left in the down position. There are handmade dollies on the table, and they must always be used. They always smell like Febreze and not marijuana. They all dressed like Fred Flintstone. Whoops. Sorry that one for the fake caveman fact, Um, and then those are not dolls in there. They're collectibles, and there's no farting allowed, just in case. So there you go. That's what we got inside of there. Okay, so let's talk about some other stuff. Let's talk about if you need a phone starter for a day. You should probably try this one. What is the smartest thing you've ever seen a child? Do try that one. I would love to hear what some people have to say about that. Something tells me they're going to tell you about their kid. Uh, if you need a random joke for today, try this one. I can't wait to put fully vaccinated on my dating profile. Just like an adoptable dog. Yeah, I said that. Okay, if you need something for the water cooler for today, you can try this one. When people were asking a survey what they would miss the most if they traveled back in time, this came in at number one. What do you think it is? Or should I say? It's almost like traveling back in time inside of a man cave. But that's a whole other story. Actually, the answer is flushing the toilet. That's what they would miss the most. Anyways, it is 56 minutes past the top of the hour. You are hanging out here on safety FM and radio big dot FM. If you want to do so. Here you go. We can talk about it in this particular fashion. Oh, did you really just do that, Jim? Thank you. You're fully vaccinated. Congratulations. Where's the sticker? Yeah, so no. Cool. I'm glad that you made a decision for yourself, because I think it's so important for people to do what they believe that is right for what they want to do. So I'm glad that you're proud of on your decision on moving forward with that. So anyways, you've been listening to the radio, our safety show on safety FM dot com and on radio big dot FM. I'm gonna go hang out on radio big dot FM for the next couple hours or so. You're more than welcome to come out and hang out with us if you want to do that, or you can hang out here still on safety FM, Um, listen to some different safety stuff. I do play music and some other things on radio big dot FM. We continue talking about some of the things that are going on inside of the world of the news and kind of get into a whole array of other stuff. Also, don't forget if you're interested in doing so, you can still download the download The pick to let people know that I am not speaking at X event between September the 13th in the 15th or at any safety event. So there you go. You can download it using that QR code right there. We'll make sure to post that on our social media for you to hang out and be able to grab it as well. Anyways, let me leave you with a thought for today if I can leave you with anything. Good judgment. Good judgment comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgment. Think about that for the rest of the day. As you do move forward. Thank you for always being the best part of safety FM and radio big and that is the listener. Safety FM is the home of real safety talk. I know who you are. You know who I am, Love you mean it and goodbye. The views and opinions expressed on this podcast are those of the host and its guests and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the company. Examples of analysis discussed within this podcast are only examples. It should not be utilized in the real world as the only solution available as they are based only on very limited and dated open source information. Assumptions made within this analysis are not reflective of the position of the company. No part of this podcast may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means mechanical, electronic recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the creator of the podcast, Jay.
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