Today on The Rated R Safety Show, we discuss all things safety and the news.
During the main story, we talk about the side thing.
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#RRSS #SafetyFM
During the main story, we talk about the side thing.
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#RRSS #SafetyFM
Show Notes
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[00:00:00] : Mhm. This show is brought to you by safety. FM. The following program is rated M. A. L. S. V. It contains strong language, sexual situations and violence. It is intended only for mature audiences. Finally, show with the ball should call it like it is rated R. Safety Show on Safety FF. Countdown to audio torture decorated. Our safety show starts in 321. Ah Let the ear drum pain begin. Forget the corporate bullshit. This is the rated R. Safety show with your host. Dr uh It doesn't matter who the host is. Well, is that not the truth of what it does? Not matter who the host is. Today's thursday, april 22nd of 2021 day, 112 of the year. And only only only 253 days left to go before the whole thing's over with. So, I guess that's kind of important. Anyways, we're broadcasting live from the safety FM. Studios in Orlando florida and coming across the multiverse of safety FM. So you kind of know that just in case and then we're also kind of hanging out with those people at that other side of the station. You know that sister station thing? Mhm. You're being infiltrated Radio big. So there you go. Infiltration from radio Big. So there you go. A lot of stuff. Good morning there inside of the box. Hopefully everything's good inside of your neck of the woods. Uh So let's get moving and grooving. Start talking about some of the things that are actually going on according to the news. You say, I'm not into playing a lot of weird videos and stuff when those things do happen. But I have to tell you, there is a pretty popular video that is making the circuits right now. So let's talk about that real quick. The florida beach goers were shocked when a vintage airplane landed in the ocean near the shore last weekend. The Cocoa Beach airshow plane, a torpedo bomber used the U. S. Navy during World War two. Experience of mechanical issue forcing the pilot to make an emergency landing. No one was injured in the crash including the pilot but he did land in the water. Yeah, that's not a joke. And of course the video has been making the sequence of events throughout, you know, the social media stuff. Over a million views. Now keep in mind we're just talking a few days ago this actually happening. But I mean over a million views are ready with that going on. So there you go. I guess I'm telling you because if you want to see it you should see it. If you don't want to see it then don't go look for it. But that's kind of some stuff to think about anyway. So that's what's going on right now. I don't know why we started off with that because that's what we're starting with anyway, so that's what we're going with. Uh So let's talk to our friends and feature story news, see what kind of features they have going on, and then we'll talk about those new segments. If you're not familiar with how the show goes, it goes, something like this. You talk I listen or is it the other way around? I talk? You listen? I don't know, we have some kind of communication, some kind of confrontation going on during the whole time. Now keep in mind we are a radio show that's followed into a podcast. It's also followed into a streaming service. Take it into whatever sequence you want, you can interact with us inside of the box or you can actually text our phone line at 866930 sfM one. That's 866930 SfM one. So that way, if you're on the radio, you have the opportunity of doing it. That way. If you are actually doing inside of the streamer, you can pop into whatever social media aspect you're looking at and jump right in now keep in mind we're available on safety FM and radio big dot FM at any point, safety FM dot live is one portion where you can actually take a listen or you can go to radio big dot FM and listening all the time there as well. Anyway, so let's get you to our friends at feature story news and we'll get that moving Here is the News Story News in London. I'm Ali Barrett India's reported the highest single day spike in COVID-19 infections. More than 314,000 cases and over 2000 deaths were reported. But experts warn this is not the peak in the country should prepare for worse. Ishan Gerg reports from FsN New Delhi. In absence of a strict lockdown in many parts of the country, the second wave is proving to be more infectious and much deadlier, leaving the country's healthcare system in a bad shape, hospitals across the country are reporting a severe shortage of oxygen and people are taking to social media Desperate to find help with hospital beds and life saving drugs. Some experts claim that India will hit a peak with close to 400,000 cases in 2-3 weeks, but others say the country should prepare for worse. The Japanese government set to declare a state of emergency for Tokyo Osaka and two other prefectures. With the final decision expected on friday, Japan is facing 1/4 wave amid mounting questions over the safety of the Tokyo. Olympics and Paralympics scheduled to begin at the end of July Phoebe Amoroso reports from Tokyo, the number of new coronavirus daily cases across Japan surpassed 5000 on Wednesday. The highest figure in three months. Osaka and Tokyo have been calling on the government to declare a state of emergency so that they are granted greater powers to enact countermeasures, such as asking businesses to close entirely. A final decision on the length of the restrictions is expected on friday, organizers of the olympics are scrambling to adjust to the infection situation. The head of the organizing committee said that they may not decide on the number of domestic Spectators allowed to attend the events until the end of june a bomb attack on a hotel in Quetta in Pakistan has killed at least four people. Local media report. The chinese ambassador to Pakistan may have been the target but was not present at the site when the explosion took place. The US. is expected to make a new pledge to cut its carbon emissions in half by 2030 later. It's thought president biden will make the announcement as he hosts 40 world leaders for a virtual climate-change summit. Kate Fisher reports from Washington. It certainly has to be something relatively ambitious because joe biden needs to show the rest of the world that the US is back in the climate change arena. Under Donald trump the country, left the paris climate accord. Um and now under Joe Biden, he is saying that he recognizes that it is an existential crisis and he wants the US to be at the forefront of things, hence this leaders summit and hence a relatively ambitious goal for cutting emissions. He's also doing it because he wants other countries to follow suit. He wants to lead by example and his hope will be that if the US sets a relatively ambitious goal, it will encourage others to follow suit from bureaus worldwide. This is FsN this show is almost as enjoyable as hearing the sound of the toilet flush rated R safety show on safety. FM. You're listening to something. You're listening to the rated R safety show. I spend a lot of time in the backyard in the center of attention at summer barbecues. In 96 I made some of the tastiest smores and at 09 it was me your backyard fire pit that accidentally started a wildfire when a summer breeze carried one of my embers into some dry brush spark a change not a wildfire visit. Smokey bear dot com brought to you by the U. S. Forest Service, your state forester and the ad council only. You can prevent wildfires. Hope you enjoy your meal. And I just want to say he's lucky to have a brother like you lucky, caring for my brother is far from easy, but he's a part of me, like my arms and legs so I'll be his no time for tired. Nothing can disable this love. He needs me. But I'm the lucky one. Even though I need help now and then if you're caring for a loved one visit AARP dot org slash caregiving for care guides and community support for your strength brought to you by AARP and the AD council. What if I told you that a tornado was going to happen tomorrow, right where you live mm That it would touch down at exactly 3:17 PM and I told you the exact path it would take. You would of course prepare. You would talk with your loved ones and you make a plan today. It's true. I can't tell you a tornado strike tomorrow. But shouldn't you have a plan anyway? Go to ready dot gov slash communicate and make your emergency plan today. Don't wait communicate brought to you by fema and the ad council. This is Mario andretti. You know me as a race car driver, but I'm also a meals on wheels. Volunteer I've raised against the sport's biggest personalities but I've never met more vibrant, amazing people than a senior served by meals on wheels. You can make a difference by dropping off a hot meal and saying a quick hello. So America, let's do lunch. Volunteer your lunch break at America. Let's do lunch. Org. This message brought to you by meals on wheels. America and the ad council Listen at your own risk rated r safety show. Well, you definitely have to listen at your own risk. As you know, you are hanging out on this show. Uh, so anyways, a lot of stuff, of course going on first thing in the morning as we are always talking. So I think we're at the time now that we probably need to start talking about it because we're about less than a month away. Uh, just for reference purpose. Let me see if I can find it over here. Didn't they just put this over here? Think it did. Well, that's definitely not it. Uh, here we go. Here we go. Uh, so here it is. Finally, uh, safety day 2021. So, let's talk about this real quick. This is an event that we have coming up. Or let me rephrase that the A. C. F. S. Has coming up. So the, so this event is taking place in central florida. So here's, let me kind of give you the outlier of the gig here. What's taking place? Is there is an event known as Safety Day which actually does give out, see us for attending this thing? Uh Now here's the fun part, It is in central florida. I normally don't like to talk about local stuff you know that and we talk about this, but this event is something that they attempt to do once a year uh last year we didn't get to do it. So it was a virtual event, we got to hang out there, do some stuff at Universal Studios Orlando or the back lot. Excuse me, I was supposed to say it that way, the back lot at Universal Studios Orlando, but this one is actually going to be in person. So on May the 18th you have the opportunity of coming out and hanging out in Atlanta florida and receive see us were attending this event. Now we do have a few people from our station there that will be there, of course, Emily L Rod from unapologetically bold and sam Goodman will be there doing a presentation as you can see it is called who is in your corner now, there is a plethora of people that are actually there and former boxing champion Christy martin will be there as well, covering a lot of the information that's actually going on during the time. So there you go. So that's an event that will be happening in Orlando. So if you're in the area, you're more than welcome on showing up. As you can see this is not one of those gouging events, it is only $30 to get you into the door and that does include lunch. Yeah, that's not a joke there. If you want more information, it's at a c f s dot org. That's a c F s dot org to find out some more things of what is going on inside of there. So there you go. Some fun stuff happening inside of that little world. Now, the other fun part is we're talking about it. We meaning safety FM will be broadcasting from the event. We will be broadcasting the whole event, but we'll have some of our show's going there. Now, I will tell you, uh, the chairman of the A. C. F S. Well, you know him um from our station, of course josh caudal who kind of hangs out on married to safety, so he'll be there as well. So come out, hang out, see what's taking place during that time if you're inclined to do so if you'll be inside of the Orlando market now, like I said, I normally don't like talking about local specific because our show is a little bit, you know, it gives a little bit further, but we talk about these things but I think they're important. I will tell you if you're gonna fly to anything. Uh that's not price gouging this year. That's probably the thing to go to. It was probably a good starters a day, it's a day event uh and they will be actually taking all of the covid precautions that are available out there. So there you go. Like I said, we'll be hanging out doing some live broadcasting from there, more information. A cfs dot org. You know, I left that thing on there for quite a long time just in case. But let's talk about some other things because you know, we always have to talk about those. There's the QR code just in case you were looking for it. We will be running that QR code on this thing about this thing. If you want this sign and you want to download it. I am not speaking at any safety conference or expo between september the 13th and the 15th. Yeah, you can download it right here. Uh, so just click on the QR code or you can actually go to safety FM dot com and just type in fort slash I am not. And as long as you go to do those things, we'll get you moving and grooving. Anyways, let's talk about what's going on inside of the world of the news. It is 14 minutes past the top of the hour as we are talking here, a Baltimore plant that was making the johnson and johnson Covid 19 vaccine has a laundry list of things to fix, including peeling paint and on sanitary conditions. After a recent visit from the F. D. A. In the scotching inspection report, experts said that repairs could take months. Neither J. R. J. And jay nor the FDA has said when they expect the vaccine production to restart. Only two other plans, one located in the Netherlands and the other in India are currently equipped to supply the world with the vaccine. So there you go. That's some information going on inside of there. So it'll be interesting to see what happens next. I'm always kind of intrigued by that stuff because we definitely just did a one sided partial information of that whole thing. So that's not a joke whatsoever. Anyway, let's continue talking to California mother accused of murdering her three young Children. Was charged with three counts of murder this week after meeting to her heinous act in a jailhouse interview, liliana Carajo 30 is charged with the death of 30 year old johanna, her two year old son Terry and her six month old daughter Sierra, the Los Angeles district Attorney office announced Carajo claimed that the interview that she killed them to save them from the abuse at the hands of their father, eric Denton who was fighting for full custody for the Children. Okay, so now I've shared the information with you. Not a good story to share. But what the hell is going on there? Unplanned events like we talk about all the time anyways. As of Wednesday over 215,000,000.9 250 million 2500.9 215.9 million covid vaccine have been administered nationwide. Over 87.5 million americans have been fully vaccinated while more than 134.4 million have received at least one dose according to the CDC. The total number of competitive cases is over 31.6 million with just over 565 1000 deaths. So there you go. So I don't know a lot of stuff to be to start talking about and so on. Now I have to tell you it's kind of amazing. It's finally happening. We are starting to see the dating profiles that say I'm fully vax, not a joke. Think about that for a moment. More than mortal kombat be downgraded. Safety show. So as we were talking about earlier in the week, let's talk about it some more derek Chavin will be held in a maximum security prison in Minnesota for the next eight weeks as he's awaiting sentencing. The former cop who was found guilty of second degree, unintentional murder, third degree murder and second degree manslaughter. On Tuesday faces a total up to 75 years behind bars. Following the guilty verdict, Attorney General Merrick Garland announced that the probe into Minnesota policing and whether it is a pattern of practice of unconstitutional and unlawful policing. So there you go. Some information going on inside of there. Anyway, let's get to our friends john smith. Yes, john Smalls and let him come in here and talk about what was going on inside of the market yesterday. He has such a better voice, by the way, if you like john Smalls and what he's doing. He hangs out with us on radio big dot FM in the afternoons, 2 to 6, him and his wife with the john and Heidi show. But let's get you were going to get your brother in real quick. What he has to say about the market, Here's your market beat minute for thursday. April 22nd 2021. Equity markets rebounded from Tuesday's selloff on Wednesday, but they've yet to recover the recent highs. The rebound was led by reopening plays on the eve of peak earning season. The Q one earnings season kicks into high gear beginning today in the action will be hot for the next two weeks. The risk for the market is, the average earnings growth will be tepid compared to the consensus estimate and could lead the market into a correction earnings reports to watch out for include intel, mattel and old Dominion freight lines on the economic front. The outlook remains positive despite increasing signs of rising inflation from S and P 500 companies. Today's calendar includes key reports on joblessness, housing and the index of leading indicators any of which may move the market on friday investors will be on the alert for the flash PM. I. Readings from market and any insight they can give into the global economy. If the S. And P. 500 is able to set a new high this week, it may continue moving higher well into the summer, you can get the inside track at market beat minute dot com. Well, thanks john Smalls and his crew for actually helping out with that one. But here's some more information Wednesday session saw stock averages more hire more higher. Really, that's that's something that somebody wrote and gave it to me for me to read. Awesome as the tower lifted. 316 points and then access climbed 100 and 63 points and S. And P. 500 S. And P. 538 points. The 10 year Treasury note lifted to as close as close as 1.57%. That indicates the movies. Riskier Securities after recent news showed virus infections increasing netflix tanked more than 7% after reporting a major mess on new subscriber totals during their earning um their earnings release. Didn't they just say that they were committing to $17 billion in content. Seriously, $17 billion in content. You know, that's those shows that you run in the background while you're doing all other things inside of your life. Yeah, I'm not joking is as I say that there, but some stuff to think about. Um that's for sure. Anyway, let's continue talking about some other things going on real quick. Uh north Carolina man was fatally shot on Wednesday morning by officers who were um executing a search warrant on his property. The man identified as Andrew Brown was driving away from the officer Elizabeth Elizabeth City, that's her last name. A city when they shot him, according to the authorities, the north Carolina State Bureau investigation will take over the probe into the shooting. What led to the surgeon warrior is unclear. It is also not clear whether a body camera footage of the incident will be released if there's even any to be released. Uh, so there you go, if there you go. Um, so a lot of stuff going on inside of the world there uh, let's continue talking. A judge has ordered that a man behind the shooting of the suburban new york grocery store be held without bail. Gabriel Dewitt Wilson, a 31 year old who was allegedly shot three co workers one fatal On Tuesday appeared before the judge yesterday where he entered a plea of not guilty. It is unclear what charges he faces. Wilson has a history of arrests dating back to 2006 in 2014 and 2016. He was cited for illegal firearms possession. A motive in the shooting still remains unclear. Wow. It sounds like all we're talking about today is gunshots, shootings, wow, this is, this is this is something, let's continue. Let's let's go to the next one. A police officer in Virginia has been fired after donating to a legal defense fund of kid. A shot shooter, Kyle Rittenhouse, Lieutenant William kelly and Alice Notley gave $25 to a fundraiser for written house last year using his city email address. He also wrote, God bless. Thank you for for your courage. Keep your head up. You've done nothing wrong. The guardian reports, kelly, an 18 year old, an 18 year old, an 18 year veteran of the department was fired after an internal investigation determined that he violated the city department policies. He can appeal the decision if he chooses written house 1818 faces murder and attempted murder charges for shooting and killing two people and wounded 33. Um, in the protests that have been back in Wisconsin last August. He is also set to stand trial on November. The first. What to say, what to say about this. Uh, let's just go with the next one. Listen to our host of the rated R. Safety self implode on our airwaves. Only on safety FM. Okay, protests erupted in columbus Ohio. After a video of police officer firing his weapon at a 16 year old girl went viral. Officers responded to a call of a fight between a group of teenage girls on Tuesday afternoon and they arrived to Macchia Bryant was lunging at another girl with a knife in her hand, causing an officer to quickly draw the gunfire four times fatally shooting the team. The columbus mayor Andrew Ginther called the incident tragic and said that he felt transparency in sharing the footage despite the investigation being incomplete. Self there you go. I mean, I don't know, there's a lot of stuff going on real quick. Um, and the problem that I run into from time to time is that the person that you know, we sit together and put some of this stuff together is very sarcastic sometimes and some of their writing. So I don't even know if I should say some of the shit that they wrote because you know, it's always dangerous, always dangerous stuff. But what are you seeing here? We keep on talking about guns. We keep on talking about shootings and keep in mind. Yes, I know that. Here's the problem. When we started talking about this, we started talking about cases that occur across this glorious country, across and across across. So there is some limitations of what we're talking about. And you're seeing one in 101 in 1000 1 in 110,000. So depending on how you look at it. But there is a lot of stuff related to gun guns, guns, guns. I mean, let's be realistic. Just stuff to talk about. Don't shoot the messenger. Just saying what's going on. Anyway, let's continue talking. Those wanting to visit George Floyd square, the intersection where he died last, but he can do so. But if they are uh, if they are white, they will need to follow certain restrict instructions. This is not a joke. A sign near the entrance welcomes visitors despite, well, also noting that white visitors need to D center and come to listen, learn mornin witness. White people are also asked to contribute to the energy of the space rather than drain it. Finally, white people are encouraged to engage rather than escalate. So it can be a learning moment rather than a disruption one. Since the death of Floyd, the area has been turned into an autonomous zone that has seen a record levels of violent crime and gun violence to the area. Barricades are set up to keep law enforcement out and gang activity, drug dealing and gun violence disrupt the area. So there you go. Um All right. I don't know what to tell you. I mean, it's interesting that that would be the case that it's going on down there. A lot of interesting things going on inside of the world as we do speak about it. Of course, I don't know. What do you think about this? What do you hear a lot of this stuff? Like what is your thought process? Seriously? Because that's going to be always the point is where where does this go next? How do we continue to having some of these convo those as we are moving forward? Because I think that that's going to be important. I don't know, I almost feel like um we might need a motivation minute it up right now. It's time right now for the motivation minute better credit cards dot com. Dennis wheatley said the reason most people never reach their goals is that they don't define them or even seriously consider them as believable or achievable winners can tell you where they're going, what they plan to do along the way and who will be sharing the adventure with them. I absolutely love this quote. I know so many people who've never planned for anything, they just kind of go with the flow. But if you ever noticed the flow always goes downhill, it's the law of gravity. Don't go with the flow map out a plan to succeed. How do you define success? If you don't know how to define success, it's gonna be hard to tell if you're getting their set a goal and track your progress. This has been today's motivation minute, courtesy of better credit cards dot com. I'm john small. Thanks for listening. Your favorite motivational quotes can be submitted for upcoming programs at motivation minute dot org. I'm a trial lawyer. I'm not part of your family and I don't do skits with my mom. I'm a real lawyer. A damn good lawyer. The best lawyer this state has to offer. And I've built a reputation for standing up for the people of this country righting the wrongs. You may not agree with all of my views, but when it comes to try in cases, there's only one view. Justice and justice is what I get fighter law. That's why we're unstoppable. Mm Here is our main story on the radio safety show. Okay, so let's start talking about some other things, some things to focus on, Some things to think about as we are moving forward. So let's talk about the side thing. Let's talk about the stuff that we do outside of the normal world, of the things that we do from our 9 to 5 or 8 to 5 or whatever. Now, I have to tell you, I have been blessed enough to be able to have conversations with people throughout different countries throughout the world, throughout, you know, this glorious planet of ours and it's interesting that when we start talking, it's always the conversation as I did this to do that and I did that to do this and it's always about the expansion, it's always about driving the community and moving forward. I've been blessed enough to sit at tables with people that have events that they're planning for future dates, but they've always been driven by a dream of what they want to do as a community. I have had conversations and spoken to people that want to change their organization. I have had conversations with people that want to change the way that people look at things inside of the world in those conversations are always interesting as they start moving forward, but here's the fun part. They all started with an idea, they all started was having to sacrifice certain things to be able to do. So. So as we talk about side hustles side gigs and all this other stuff, you normally have to start off by doing one thing to be able to move on to the other. Yeah, that's kind of part of the equation and the interesting part about it is you have to start building from where you're at, you're not going to jump from this sector to another unless you have like a super agent and that's a whole other story. But here's the thing, sometimes you will notice that if you're trying to go towards a dream or a goal, things will be different, depending on the environment, things will be different depending on what you have going on. I will tell you, I have a friend that he has told me in the past how he had superman syndrome and I was like, what in what he was referring to was the following. That he would go induced speeches sometimes before work, sometimes during the middle of work and he would take an extended lunch with permission and sometimes directly after lunch. Or he would fly out directly after work to in return, come back where sometimes he was inside of the bathroom of where he was supposed to be doing the speech at doing a change of clothes because sometimes you're going to have to sacrifice certain things, work extra hours and do other things to be able to get to whatever this goal is. The problem that we run into is that sometimes we believe that that side hustle by thought process alone is going to get us to act without doing a lot of the work. Listen guilty as charged here. I would love to say that one morning I woke up and I said, Hey, let's come up with a radio show that's related to mostly around safety in WA LA. We were successful overnight. If I told you that I'd be lying, there were some things that we triggered and did to make sure that things could actually happen. And that's the thing. Regardless of what your side gig is, if you have one or you've been considering one, it will take some work. Listen, there are people that are successful in our profession, but they've done it by doing several different things. They work hard, they show up, they do what they need to do and then move on by doing there. So I think think about this for a moment, if you've ever had the opportunity of working and also at the same time going to school, you were doing a side gig paying for side because you're paying for it but you were doing it to gain more knowledge to be able to move forward. And sometimes what happens is people tend to forget that even if you're starting your own gig you're going to have to put work into it, you're gonna have to do things out of the ordinary. Listen at one particular point with our little thing, I knew that I was going to have to jump into a vehicle, drive around portions of the country, possibly sleep in my vehicle. Designed by choice of course to be able to go share some of this messaging of what I wanted to do with safety. FM. And that's the thing the work has to be put in for that side gig for that moonlight. What are you willing to do to get there? Will you be okay sleeping an hour less? Will you be okay being an extra day out on the road working? Will you be okay? X. X. X. X. X. Because that's the thing as much as I would love to say that everything is an overnight sensation and there was no work put into it and it just all works or you helicoptered up all the way. That's not how it goes. And that's the stuff that we have to think about. That's the stuff that we have to talk about. Because look at it real quick. Look at this scenario for a moment. If you started committing to the things that you want to, how different will your life be in six months, a year, two years so on. And if you're wanting to do stuff inside of this space, not really the room that I'm sitting in but this space in general, this might be some of the best times on the planet to do So think about it. A lot of the things are already virtual. A lot of the things you can already do by just turning on a camera that is on a computer by having a microphone on a headset. If this is what you're wanting to do to be able to speak to people and listen, it can be fun, it can be nerve wracking but you have to start taking the process of getting it out there. You're not going to go from ground level to whatever's next overnight. I would love to say that that's the case and of course you run into the fake famous people. They believe their own hype. Uh huh. I know I shouldn't say that too loud but that's part of the thing. That is part of the thing I will tell you. I have interacted with people that they just go like everyday life and they might be world famous. I have interacted with people that I think only maybe two or three people in the room now who the hell they are but they act like they own the joint, it's all about how you want to do it in your perspective. So all I can tell you today is that if you want the side thing to work while you're still doing your main thing you have to put the work in, you have to put it work in. I mean you just have to, it's just the way that it goes. You'll get it to work if you have a dream an idea and move forward with it but if you think it's just going to take off for the sake of take it off probably is not going to happen. But what do I know? I'm just a guy behind a microphone. Oops, What did she just say? We have safety FM. Don't always agree with the viewpoints of our hosts and guests. Now back to real safety talk on safety FM. Don't go anywhere. You're listening to the home of real Safety talk. You are listening to safety FM. We'll be right back. Hamilton was adopted from a rescue in 2000 and eight. She really likes to be around people. I get out my mat and I'm doing a downward dog and he's underneath. He's quite the pug about town. He gets invited to a lot of parties, you know, he's a pretty big deal. Look at this little face. I do not love him. Hamilton, the pug instagram star and shelter pet, amazing adoption stories start in shelters visit the shelter pet project dot org. To find a pet near you brought to you by Maddie's Fund. The Humane Society of the United States and the Ad Council. You make sure his toys don't have any sharp edges. You taught her what to do when the smoke alarm goes off. You do so much to keep your child safe. But are you using the right car seat for your child? Car crashes are a leading killer of Children, ages 1-13 protect your child's future at every stage of life. For information on the right seat for your child visit safer car dot gov slash the right seat. A message from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Ad Council. So you see son. Good manners are important. Should I go through it again? Yes, yes, please. Yes, please. Exactly. Always say, please thank you. You're welcome. An excuse me, sit up straight, hold doors open to speak with a mouthful. Keep your elbows off the table, share your things, play nice and generally treat others the way you'd like to be treated. Got it, got it and stop picking your nose. Most parenting is hard to do in just two minutes, two minutes twice a day. Making sure they brush their teeth is easier and it could help save them from a lifetime of tooth pain visit two men two x dot org to find out more. A message from the partnership for healthy miles, healthy lives in the ad council. I'm a retired school psychologist and helping people with my thing after my stroke when wheels on real started, I was on the other end of the stick, so to speak. My name is Julius cain's creative writer, poet, photographer, one and six seniors faces the threat of hunger and millions more live in isolation. Drop off a hotmail and say a quick hello volunteer for meals on wheels by donating your lunch break at America. Let's do lunch dot org. This message brought to you by meals on wheels. America and the ad council. This mhm. Uh huh. Mm. Okay. Corrida. This is by Loony. The other songs readily available on Spotify and Itunes. Van Corrida, That's the one here. Okay, so there you go. There you go. Some stuff going on inside of inside of the world, inside of the world here as we're moving forward. So thank you to Looney and his group for allowing us to play this this morning on the radar safety show. Let's take a look at some of the comments that are coming in right there. We'll continue to play that in the background here for a second. Okay, Your words are calling me to share an experience with you, j Okay. Sounds good. Great points on the side hustle have been added for years, and the grind is wonderful and necessary. I agree with you, Lucas. So there you go. I'm liking the spanish vibe this morning. I'm gonna have to tell you, I'm not gonna lie about that one. Anyways, it is 39 minutes past the top of the hour. You and I are hanging out here on radio big dot FM and on safety FM dot com. And then if you're streaming, well then you're on the streamer and we're streaming together. Anyway, so let's talk about some stuff that's going around on the other side of the equation. So let's talk about it. Facebook World domination, Part six. This is not a joke. Facebook has definitely had our eyes for a while now that it's coming to now, it's coming to your ears. Take a listen to this because I think that this is going to be very important. So listen to what I have to say next. The company has announced several new tools for creating and sharing. You ready for this audio. Yes, I didn't hesitate when I said it audio similar to when they moved into video after youtube and introduce appeared disappearing photos after Snapchat. And the short form content of the heels of tick tock. Facebook is big on audio these days because of the resurgence with the rise of podcasts and live social audio on clubhouse and twitter spaces. Facebook will introduce its own live audio product called live audio rooms, which should be available to all users by this summer podcasts are also coming to facebook. Yeah, not a joke there. Soon people will be able to listen to and discover new podcast directly on facebook app and sound bites features a short form audio clip like Tiktok videos, but audio focused only with captions. So that's gonna be important. Facebook also announced plans for creators to be able to make money with these new audio tools. Ceo Mark Zuckerberg said a big part of our creator economy is that empowering individuals and he sees this as a positive trend and the fact that he can make money off of them too. And even more positive man, it keeps up, it keeps up. They just keep up well before facebook all day. So that's all going to happen where it's gonna be on facebook all day, taking a look around and never leave our homes. Oh, like now I guess. But that's the fun part and this is what I've been saying for years. Radio is radio, audio is audio, podcast is podcast, blah blah. But I will tell you if I can tell you a story and you don't see me and all you're doing is listening to me. It still has tons of insight. I call this theater of the mind when you are listening to an audio only story I can tell you. I'm doing X, Y and Z. And if you don't see me, you don't know that it's true or not. If you were just listening to me right now, I can tell you as long as you have no visual that I am sitting on the back porch at my house in front of a lake and I could go as far as doing sound effects inside of there to have you believe me. But then if you're looking at me video, why is you know, automatically I'm a liar. So facebook is noticing where this is taking place. I talked about yesterday that Apple had announced a way to monetize podcast. I mean people that are in the podcasting world already know how to monetize podcast. But now with the subscription model and Spotify is focusing on bringing their own exclusive podcast to their platform. Do you think there's a reason for this? Listen on demand radio, on demand podcasting, it's going to be a thing? The funny part is that people don't realize how long podcasting has already been around. It's now that people are going, there's money in this market. So let's try to do something with it now. That's the fun part. Message inside here says Lincoln is going to fall behind and they don't hustle on the creator mode and live approvals. Yeah, they're really slow on the live approvals. I'll tell you that. And don't get me wrong, we do hang out on linked in. Um you know, and if I'm if we're being 100 honest, which I always like to be we for the longest period of time debate about not even putting this show on linkedin. We were on all other social media platforms and we debated about not coming on to linkedin because some of the things that your host here says can be considered controversial for our little community, so we weren't sure if we want to do it, but you know, we're here now. So I guess we like the idea anyway, let's continue talking about some other things. This is nuts. How about some good news? A new study found that when it comes to eating almonds, chances are that you can eat them without worrying about calories. Yeah, the University of Toronto researchers say that it comes to al almonds. The calories listed don't equal the amount that is absorbed we eat that we eat at that time. What? Yeah, you heard me sounds kind of confusing, but let's talk a little bit more. Principal study investigator john sliced pierre points out that although nuts have been uh been thought of as a healthy, as a healthy snack, They often have the disclaimer that they are high in fat and calories, but this study found that your body doesn't absorb roughly 20 of the calories coming from Almonds fat. After digested, an ounce of Almond contains about 14 g of fat. Almonds also have a lot of beneficial proteins, vitamins and minerals. Previous studies find almonds and other nuts can be uh contribute to good cattle vascular health by the way, the hope is also that this study will help eliminate nuts, leads to weight gain stigma. Almonds also have an excellent chocolate delivery system. Just want to reference that real quick, you realize of course that this means that I'm going to eat about 20 more of albums as I do reference that. And then the other portion is, I don't like all men's, but I have some men's. Um, if you get what I'm saying there anyways, let's continue talking about some other things. Because that's what we do. We jump around talking about everything that's going on inside of the world of the news. It is 45 minutes past the top of the hour, just in case. So how about some chicken soup for the kids? Yeah. The multimillion selling chicken soup for the Soul franchises, searching for younger demographic. Chicken soup for the Soul. The company announced that it has partnered with Children's publisher, college branch for two new books. Children's soup for the Soul babies will be on the four babies and toddlers for up to three. I mean, the chicken soup for the Soul well be for or for kids Excuse me, will be for 4 to 7. The initial four books, uh, the new project will be launched on september the 21st includes everyone shares except Cat. The publishers points out that today's partner, parents grew up with the original series and we look forward and bringing chicken soup for the sole positive, an inclusive storytelling for the next generation. Excited expect them to rename chicken nuggets for the Soul. I think that today's kids, they'll do better with an app if you were being honest here and these kids are going to make me make my kids cry because that's all my wife does when she's taking a listen to them. Yeah, I did say that. What did she just say? We have safety FM. Don't always agree with the viewpoints of our hosts and guests. Now, back to real safety talk on safety. FM. Okay. From the pole vault, let's talk about this real quick. A statistical look on who we are in things that we do. So let's take a listen to it. This is coming in, no order or no sequences sharing the information that we were able to come up with here. 11 of women say that they shave their legs every day. 14 of adults say that they, that they face of the pandemic. They no longer wear deodorant, Good to know. 10 of us have tried uh, meditation during the pandemic. 23% say that they have beautiful feet. I definitely do not fall into that category. Uh, 71% of adults say that they eat unhealthy food behind their significant others back. Isn't that like a level of cheating? I mean, I'm just saying here And the nine of us say that we don't miss hugging because we never did it before. The pandemic. Anyways, I definitely fall into that category. How the hell do you want to hug me? Safety in a way? Never heard of before. Okay. Great. Uh Safety show. Safety is okay. So happy Earth Day, according to new research, Extra National dust from space, adding about 5200 metric tones. That's 11,464. Hold on. £11,464,000 of weight to the planet each year. Uh That is equivalent of 28 Boeing 7 47 jets, 433 yellow school buses and 882 african elephants. And I thought my quarantine 15 was bad. So think about that for a moment. Anyways, let's jump around talking about some other things going on inside of this lovely world of ours. I don't feel like being part of Swampland today. So let's not talk about that. So no winner for Tuesday night to make a million drawings, friday's drawing will be for $277 million jackpot or 100 and $89.2 million cash payout. So there you go. Good luck if you're into playing that kind of stuff. That's of course entirely up to you. Uh, but what else do we got going on inside of the world around here? Because there's quite a bit Uh, let's talk about some of the things that occurred back on this date. Let's go, let's go, let's go. Do you remember this story? This was this was quite a few years ago at this point back in 2000 Cuban refugee. Elian Gonzalez has forcefully taken out of the home of his relatives in Miami. Gonzalez was part of the crew uh, that tried to escape in Cuba five months earlier on the on the group of 14, only three survived. One of them being young. Elliot, a fishing boat eventually recover the survivors. I. N. S placed Gonzalez with his great uncle living in Miami. But Janet Reno would soon order that alien be taken from the home in Miami. His relatives feared that his return to CUBA after his force will remove him from Miami. Alien became a propaganda piece for Fidel Castro's communist regime. So there you go. That happened back in let's see, 4000, wow, Where is the time? God anyways, let's talk about some birthdays for today. If you're interested in finding out some of those machine gun Kelly turns 31 today, Amber Turd turns 35 William Robertson turns 49 Sherri Shepherd turns 54, Jeffrey Dean Morgan turns 55 Ryan Styles turned 62. Peter Frampton uh, turned 71 Jack Nicholson. Oh yes, good old Jack been seeing him in a while. Uh, 84 years old today. Anyways, if you need some days to celebrate for today, let's talk about some of those for you to do. Uh, today's National Earth Day, National Girl Scout Leaders Day, National jelly Bean Day. National Take our daughters and son to work day. Hold on. If you're working from home, do you have to take them far? I mean, I'm just asking I'm in the National teach Children to save Day. So there you go. Those are some days of the year that you can celebrate today if you're so inclined to do So anyway, let me tell you about my good old friends at the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention know that you're not alone. Whether you have struggled with suicide yourself or have lost a loved one or a loved one. No, I know that you're not alone here about personal experiences from people in your local community whose lives have been impacted by suicide in depression. If you need someone to talk to or just want to get some information, there's some different places that you can go to. You can go to a f sp dot org. That's a f sp dot org or call 1 802 73 talk. That's 1 802 73 talk or 1 802 738255 Now, of course they do have the feature available now of texting the word talk to 741741 please. All joking aside, if you are struggling with any of this right now, make sure that you actually place the call before you do anything else. We can't do what we do without you. Seriously. You have one of the largest impact on this planet so no one can play your role. So if you're contemplating suicide are going through depression disk, go and go to a f sp dot org. I'm telling you, I'm just asking you as a favor to do so. All joking aside, we all want to make sure that our family is protected in medical emergencies. What many of us don't realize is that health insurance won't always cover the full amount of an emergency medical flight. Even with comprehensive coverage, you could get hit with high deductibles and copays. That's why an Air Med care network membership is so important as a member. If an emergency arises, you won't see a bill for air medical transport when flown by an A. M. C. N. Provider. Best of all, a membership covers your entire household for as little as $85 a year. A. M. C. N. Providers are called upon to transport nearly 100,000 patients a year. This is coverage no family should go without. Now. As a J. Allen show listener, you'll get up to a $50 E gift card with a new membership, simply visit Air Med care network dot com slash safety and use the offer code safety. And don't forget to tell them that J Allen sent you. You're listening to something. You're listening to the rated R. Safety show. Okay. Okay. 53 past the top of the hour. If you want to come hang out on radio big dot FM. After we're done here, we moved there so you can come hang out and do all the kind of fun stuff that we do over there. Anyways, let's talk about some other things going on inside of the world of the news. Let's talk about some wack wack backs real quick if I can say it. Uh Beverly Hills was one of the most um has uh let's talk that Beverly Hills was once most famous for its lima beans. Yeah, there you go. Probably didn't know that Oranges aren't even the top 10 list of foods when it comes to vitamin C. There you go. For a surprise. Bacon was used to make explosives during World War two. Wow! Bacon, why would he do that? Uh There are only two tablespoons of sugar in a bag of cotton, candy, frankincense, Amir tree, risen arising uh which has been used to increase in perfume and perfume over 5000 years. So there you go, when it comes to wine and aroma similar to cat pee, it is considered a good thing. Yeah, not a joke. So there are some things to think about real quick as we are talking about by the way, here are some signs that Earth Day is running out of steam. I want you to think about this and a kind of a bad thing to say, but I'm just going to share it real quick real quick with you all often confused with Smurf Day. CBc Newsworld coverage of this year's event is brought to you by Exxonmobil saying that you're a member of the Greenpeace just doesn't have the same pickup power power in bars anymore. Uh, Sting now shows up, save the rainforest benefits, benefits Lincoln navigator In the 1990, organizers actually got Shelley long to come out for it in 2020, organizers got Shelley long to come out for it. Yeah, so there you go. Just kind of wanted to reference some of those things uh, of, of stuff. Let's talk about some low bar inspirational quotes for today when one door closes. That's a sign when life hands you lemons, feed them to your kids and enjoy the laugh. The cheapest things in life are free. Just do your okay. Ist if you can dream it, keep dreaming. There is no try so don't. So there you go. Some things to think about as we do talk about it. If you need some scoops for of of God bosch for today. Let's talk about a couple of things Today is Earth Day and once again we we get no respect. Said wind and fire. Duncan says it plans to double in size over the next 10 years. How, by how? By feeding itself Dunkin donuts. Of course. A recent study showed that the use of selfies you share on social media, the less likely you become. I just can't picture myself doing it. A study claims that more time spent on facebook is less less active. They are. I'm going to post a study on facebook once, once I have enough energy to, you know, get out of this lawn chair and then Jack Nicholson is 84 today. Nowadays he settled for a few good bowel movements. Oh, that's a terrible one. That's for sure. What did he just say? We had safety. Don't always agree with the viewpoints of our hosts and guests. Now, back to real safety talk on safety. F Okay, so let's kind of leave you with this. If you need a random joke for the day, the voices in my head sounded like morgan Freeman. I just listened to them more often. What is your favorite, your, your favorite uh song lyric? If you need a phone starter, just in case if you need something for the water cooler, try this one. If your average, if you're an average woman, you have 38 of these, what are they things in your purse And then that's it. That's it. That's all I got to say for smart ass remarks for today. Anyways, you've been listening to the rated R safety show on safety FM dot com and radio big dot FM. If you want to come hang out, do some more things with us, I will be hanging out on that other side for the next couple hours. Keep in mind it's streaming radio so you don't have to watch video if you don't want to do that, That's that's for sure. You don't have to watch video at any point anyway, because we do this thing on multiple platforms. Uh, and we try to get this thing out as soon as possible. Of course, the show is always available here and then we will move this to safety. FM. Plus, as long as we have some other plethora of stuff on safety FM Plus as well. So there you go. Some interesting things always going on inside of here. Anyways, thank you for always being the best part of safety FM. And that is the listener safety FM is the home of real safety talk. And we are part of radio big as well. If I can leave you with a thought for today, I would love to leave you with this one. Better to be the one who smiled than the one who didn't smile back. Think about that. Your day will probably get a lot better. I know who you are, you know who I am love. You mean it and goodbye. I'll see you tomorrow. The views and opinions expressed on this podcast are those of the host and its guests and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the company. Examples of analysis discussed within this podcast are only examples. It should not be utilized in the real world as the only solution available as they are based only on very limited in dated open source information, assumptions made within this analysis are not reflective of the position of the company. No part of this podcast may be reproduced stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means mechanical, electronic recording or otherwise. Without prior written permission of the creator of the podcast. J uh,
[00:00:00] : Mhm. This show is brought to you by safety. FM. The following program is rated M. A. L. S. V. It contains strong language, sexual situations and violence. It is intended only for mature audiences. Finally, show with the ball should call it like it is rated R. Safety Show on Safety FF. Countdown to audio torture decorated. Our safety show starts in 321. Ah Let the ear drum pain begin. Forget the corporate bullshit. This is the rated R. Safety show with your host. Dr uh It doesn't matter who the host is. Well, is that not the truth of what it does? Not matter who the host is. Today's thursday, april 22nd of 2021 day, 112 of the year. And only only only 253 days left to go before the whole thing's over with. So, I guess that's kind of important. Anyways, we're broadcasting live from the safety FM. Studios in Orlando florida and coming across the multiverse of safety FM. So you kind of know that just in case and then we're also kind of hanging out with those people at that other side of the station. You know that sister station thing? Mhm. You're being infiltrated Radio big. So there you go. Infiltration from radio Big. So there you go. A lot of stuff. Good morning there inside of the box. Hopefully everything's good inside of your neck of the woods. Uh So let's get moving and grooving. Start talking about some of the things that are actually going on according to the news. You say, I'm not into playing a lot of weird videos and stuff when those things do happen. But I have to tell you, there is a pretty popular video that is making the circuits right now. So let's talk about that real quick. The florida beach goers were shocked when a vintage airplane landed in the ocean near the shore last weekend. The Cocoa Beach airshow plane, a torpedo bomber used the U. S. Navy during World War two. Experience of mechanical issue forcing the pilot to make an emergency landing. No one was injured in the crash including the pilot but he did land in the water. Yeah, that's not a joke. And of course the video has been making the sequence of events throughout, you know, the social media stuff. Over a million views. Now keep in mind we're just talking a few days ago this actually happening. But I mean over a million views are ready with that going on. So there you go. I guess I'm telling you because if you want to see it you should see it. If you don't want to see it then don't go look for it. But that's kind of some stuff to think about anyway. So that's what's going on right now. I don't know why we started off with that because that's what we're starting with anyway, so that's what we're going with. Uh So let's talk to our friends and feature story news, see what kind of features they have going on, and then we'll talk about those new segments. If you're not familiar with how the show goes, it goes, something like this. You talk I listen or is it the other way around? I talk? You listen? I don't know, we have some kind of communication, some kind of confrontation going on during the whole time. Now keep in mind we are a radio show that's followed into a podcast. It's also followed into a streaming service. Take it into whatever sequence you want, you can interact with us inside of the box or you can actually text our phone line at 866930 sfM one. That's 866930 SfM one. So that way, if you're on the radio, you have the opportunity of doing it. That way. If you are actually doing inside of the streamer, you can pop into whatever social media aspect you're looking at and jump right in now keep in mind we're available on safety FM and radio big dot FM at any point, safety FM dot live is one portion where you can actually take a listen or you can go to radio big dot FM and listening all the time there as well. Anyway, so let's get you to our friends at feature story news and we'll get that moving Here is the News Story News in London. I'm Ali Barrett India's reported the highest single day spike in COVID-19 infections. More than 314,000 cases and over 2000 deaths were reported. But experts warn this is not the peak in the country should prepare for worse. Ishan Gerg reports from FsN New Delhi. In absence of a strict lockdown in many parts of the country, the second wave is proving to be more infectious and much deadlier, leaving the country's healthcare system in a bad shape, hospitals across the country are reporting a severe shortage of oxygen and people are taking to social media Desperate to find help with hospital beds and life saving drugs. Some experts claim that India will hit a peak with close to 400,000 cases in 2-3 weeks, but others say the country should prepare for worse. The Japanese government set to declare a state of emergency for Tokyo Osaka and two other prefectures. With the final decision expected on friday, Japan is facing 1/4 wave amid mounting questions over the safety of the Tokyo. Olympics and Paralympics scheduled to begin at the end of July Phoebe Amoroso reports from Tokyo, the number of new coronavirus daily cases across Japan surpassed 5000 on Wednesday. The highest figure in three months. Osaka and Tokyo have been calling on the government to declare a state of emergency so that they are granted greater powers to enact countermeasures, such as asking businesses to close entirely. A final decision on the length of the restrictions is expected on friday, organizers of the olympics are scrambling to adjust to the infection situation. The head of the organizing committee said that they may not decide on the number of domestic Spectators allowed to attend the events until the end of june a bomb attack on a hotel in Quetta in Pakistan has killed at least four people. Local media report. The chinese ambassador to Pakistan may have been the target but was not present at the site when the explosion took place. The US. is expected to make a new pledge to cut its carbon emissions in half by 2030 later. It's thought president biden will make the announcement as he hosts 40 world leaders for a virtual climate-change summit. Kate Fisher reports from Washington. It certainly has to be something relatively ambitious because joe biden needs to show the rest of the world that the US is back in the climate change arena. Under Donald trump the country, left the paris climate accord. Um and now under Joe Biden, he is saying that he recognizes that it is an existential crisis and he wants the US to be at the forefront of things, hence this leaders summit and hence a relatively ambitious goal for cutting emissions. He's also doing it because he wants other countries to follow suit. He wants to lead by example and his hope will be that if the US sets a relatively ambitious goal, it will encourage others to follow suit from bureaus worldwide. This is FsN this show is almost as enjoyable as hearing the sound of the toilet flush rated R safety show on safety. FM. You're listening to something. You're listening to the rated R safety show. I spend a lot of time in the backyard in the center of attention at summer barbecues. In 96 I made some of the tastiest smores and at 09 it was me your backyard fire pit that accidentally started a wildfire when a summer breeze carried one of my embers into some dry brush spark a change not a wildfire visit. Smokey bear dot com brought to you by the U. S. Forest Service, your state forester and the ad council only. You can prevent wildfires. Hope you enjoy your meal. And I just want to say he's lucky to have a brother like you lucky, caring for my brother is far from easy, but he's a part of me, like my arms and legs so I'll be his no time for tired. Nothing can disable this love. He needs me. But I'm the lucky one. Even though I need help now and then if you're caring for a loved one visit AARP dot org slash caregiving for care guides and community support for your strength brought to you by AARP and the AD council. What if I told you that a tornado was going to happen tomorrow, right where you live mm That it would touch down at exactly 3:17 PM and I told you the exact path it would take. You would of course prepare. You would talk with your loved ones and you make a plan today. It's true. I can't tell you a tornado strike tomorrow. But shouldn't you have a plan anyway? Go to ready dot gov slash communicate and make your emergency plan today. Don't wait communicate brought to you by fema and the ad council. This is Mario andretti. You know me as a race car driver, but I'm also a meals on wheels. Volunteer I've raised against the sport's biggest personalities but I've never met more vibrant, amazing people than a senior served by meals on wheels. You can make a difference by dropping off a hot meal and saying a quick hello. So America, let's do lunch. Volunteer your lunch break at America. Let's do lunch. Org. This message brought to you by meals on wheels. America and the ad council Listen at your own risk rated r safety show. Well, you definitely have to listen at your own risk. As you know, you are hanging out on this show. Uh, so anyways, a lot of stuff, of course going on first thing in the morning as we are always talking. So I think we're at the time now that we probably need to start talking about it because we're about less than a month away. Uh, just for reference purpose. Let me see if I can find it over here. Didn't they just put this over here? Think it did. Well, that's definitely not it. Uh, here we go. Here we go. Uh, so here it is. Finally, uh, safety day 2021. So, let's talk about this real quick. This is an event that we have coming up. Or let me rephrase that the A. C. F. S. Has coming up. So the, so this event is taking place in central florida. So here's, let me kind of give you the outlier of the gig here. What's taking place? Is there is an event known as Safety Day which actually does give out, see us for attending this thing? Uh Now here's the fun part, It is in central florida. I normally don't like to talk about local stuff you know that and we talk about this, but this event is something that they attempt to do once a year uh last year we didn't get to do it. So it was a virtual event, we got to hang out there, do some stuff at Universal Studios Orlando or the back lot. Excuse me, I was supposed to say it that way, the back lot at Universal Studios Orlando, but this one is actually going to be in person. So on May the 18th you have the opportunity of coming out and hanging out in Atlanta florida and receive see us were attending this event. Now we do have a few people from our station there that will be there, of course, Emily L Rod from unapologetically bold and sam Goodman will be there doing a presentation as you can see it is called who is in your corner now, there is a plethora of people that are actually there and former boxing champion Christy martin will be there as well, covering a lot of the information that's actually going on during the time. So there you go. So that's an event that will be happening in Orlando. So if you're in the area, you're more than welcome on showing up. As you can see this is not one of those gouging events, it is only $30 to get you into the door and that does include lunch. Yeah, that's not a joke there. If you want more information, it's at a c f s dot org. That's a c F s dot org to find out some more things of what is going on inside of there. So there you go. Some fun stuff happening inside of that little world. Now, the other fun part is we're talking about it. We meaning safety FM will be broadcasting from the event. We will be broadcasting the whole event, but we'll have some of our show's going there. Now, I will tell you, uh, the chairman of the A. C. F S. Well, you know him um from our station, of course josh caudal who kind of hangs out on married to safety, so he'll be there as well. So come out, hang out, see what's taking place during that time if you're inclined to do so if you'll be inside of the Orlando market now, like I said, I normally don't like talking about local specific because our show is a little bit, you know, it gives a little bit further, but we talk about these things but I think they're important. I will tell you if you're gonna fly to anything. Uh that's not price gouging this year. That's probably the thing to go to. It was probably a good starters a day, it's a day event uh and they will be actually taking all of the covid precautions that are available out there. So there you go. Like I said, we'll be hanging out doing some live broadcasting from there, more information. A cfs dot org. You know, I left that thing on there for quite a long time just in case. But let's talk about some other things because you know, we always have to talk about those. There's the QR code just in case you were looking for it. We will be running that QR code on this thing about this thing. If you want this sign and you want to download it. I am not speaking at any safety conference or expo between september the 13th and the 15th. Yeah, you can download it right here. Uh, so just click on the QR code or you can actually go to safety FM dot com and just type in fort slash I am not. And as long as you go to do those things, we'll get you moving and grooving. Anyways, let's talk about what's going on inside of the world of the news. It is 14 minutes past the top of the hour as we are talking here, a Baltimore plant that was making the johnson and johnson Covid 19 vaccine has a laundry list of things to fix, including peeling paint and on sanitary conditions. After a recent visit from the F. D. A. In the scotching inspection report, experts said that repairs could take months. Neither J. R. J. And jay nor the FDA has said when they expect the vaccine production to restart. Only two other plans, one located in the Netherlands and the other in India are currently equipped to supply the world with the vaccine. So there you go. That's some information going on inside of there. So it'll be interesting to see what happens next. I'm always kind of intrigued by that stuff because we definitely just did a one sided partial information of that whole thing. So that's not a joke whatsoever. Anyway, let's continue talking to California mother accused of murdering her three young Children. Was charged with three counts of murder this week after meeting to her heinous act in a jailhouse interview, liliana Carajo 30 is charged with the death of 30 year old johanna, her two year old son Terry and her six month old daughter Sierra, the Los Angeles district Attorney office announced Carajo claimed that the interview that she killed them to save them from the abuse at the hands of their father, eric Denton who was fighting for full custody for the Children. Okay, so now I've shared the information with you. Not a good story to share. But what the hell is going on there? Unplanned events like we talk about all the time anyways. As of Wednesday over 215,000,000.9 250 million 2500.9 215.9 million covid vaccine have been administered nationwide. Over 87.5 million americans have been fully vaccinated while more than 134.4 million have received at least one dose according to the CDC. The total number of competitive cases is over 31.6 million with just over 565 1000 deaths. So there you go. So I don't know a lot of stuff to be to start talking about and so on. Now I have to tell you it's kind of amazing. It's finally happening. We are starting to see the dating profiles that say I'm fully vax, not a joke. Think about that for a moment. More than mortal kombat be downgraded. Safety show. So as we were talking about earlier in the week, let's talk about it some more derek Chavin will be held in a maximum security prison in Minnesota for the next eight weeks as he's awaiting sentencing. The former cop who was found guilty of second degree, unintentional murder, third degree murder and second degree manslaughter. On Tuesday faces a total up to 75 years behind bars. Following the guilty verdict, Attorney General Merrick Garland announced that the probe into Minnesota policing and whether it is a pattern of practice of unconstitutional and unlawful policing. So there you go. Some information going on inside of there. Anyway, let's get to our friends john smith. Yes, john Smalls and let him come in here and talk about what was going on inside of the market yesterday. He has such a better voice, by the way, if you like john Smalls and what he's doing. He hangs out with us on radio big dot FM in the afternoons, 2 to 6, him and his wife with the john and Heidi show. But let's get you were going to get your brother in real quick. What he has to say about the market, Here's your market beat minute for thursday. April 22nd 2021. Equity markets rebounded from Tuesday's selloff on Wednesday, but they've yet to recover the recent highs. The rebound was led by reopening plays on the eve of peak earning season. The Q one earnings season kicks into high gear beginning today in the action will be hot for the next two weeks. The risk for the market is, the average earnings growth will be tepid compared to the consensus estimate and could lead the market into a correction earnings reports to watch out for include intel, mattel and old Dominion freight lines on the economic front. The outlook remains positive despite increasing signs of rising inflation from S and P 500 companies. Today's calendar includes key reports on joblessness, housing and the index of leading indicators any of which may move the market on friday investors will be on the alert for the flash PM. I. Readings from market and any insight they can give into the global economy. If the S. And P. 500 is able to set a new high this week, it may continue moving higher well into the summer, you can get the inside track at market beat minute dot com. Well, thanks john Smalls and his crew for actually helping out with that one. But here's some more information Wednesday session saw stock averages more hire more higher. Really, that's that's something that somebody wrote and gave it to me for me to read. Awesome as the tower lifted. 316 points and then access climbed 100 and 63 points and S. And P. 500 S. And P. 538 points. The 10 year Treasury note lifted to as close as close as 1.57%. That indicates the movies. Riskier Securities after recent news showed virus infections increasing netflix tanked more than 7% after reporting a major mess on new subscriber totals during their earning um their earnings release. Didn't they just say that they were committing to $17 billion in content. Seriously, $17 billion in content. You know, that's those shows that you run in the background while you're doing all other things inside of your life. Yeah, I'm not joking is as I say that there, but some stuff to think about. Um that's for sure. Anyway, let's continue talking about some other things going on real quick. Uh north Carolina man was fatally shot on Wednesday morning by officers who were um executing a search warrant on his property. The man identified as Andrew Brown was driving away from the officer Elizabeth Elizabeth City, that's her last name. A city when they shot him, according to the authorities, the north Carolina State Bureau investigation will take over the probe into the shooting. What led to the surgeon warrior is unclear. It is also not clear whether a body camera footage of the incident will be released if there's even any to be released. Uh, so there you go, if there you go. Um, so a lot of stuff going on inside of the world there uh, let's continue talking. A judge has ordered that a man behind the shooting of the suburban new york grocery store be held without bail. Gabriel Dewitt Wilson, a 31 year old who was allegedly shot three co workers one fatal On Tuesday appeared before the judge yesterday where he entered a plea of not guilty. It is unclear what charges he faces. Wilson has a history of arrests dating back to 2006 in 2014 and 2016. He was cited for illegal firearms possession. A motive in the shooting still remains unclear. Wow. It sounds like all we're talking about today is gunshots, shootings, wow, this is, this is this is something, let's continue. Let's let's go to the next one. A police officer in Virginia has been fired after donating to a legal defense fund of kid. A shot shooter, Kyle Rittenhouse, Lieutenant William kelly and Alice Notley gave $25 to a fundraiser for written house last year using his city email address. He also wrote, God bless. Thank you for for your courage. Keep your head up. You've done nothing wrong. The guardian reports, kelly, an 18 year old, an 18 year old, an 18 year veteran of the department was fired after an internal investigation determined that he violated the city department policies. He can appeal the decision if he chooses written house 1818 faces murder and attempted murder charges for shooting and killing two people and wounded 33. Um, in the protests that have been back in Wisconsin last August. He is also set to stand trial on November. The first. What to say, what to say about this. Uh, let's just go with the next one. Listen to our host of the rated R. Safety self implode on our airwaves. Only on safety FM. Okay, protests erupted in columbus Ohio. After a video of police officer firing his weapon at a 16 year old girl went viral. Officers responded to a call of a fight between a group of teenage girls on Tuesday afternoon and they arrived to Macchia Bryant was lunging at another girl with a knife in her hand, causing an officer to quickly draw the gunfire four times fatally shooting the team. The columbus mayor Andrew Ginther called the incident tragic and said that he felt transparency in sharing the footage despite the investigation being incomplete. Self there you go. I mean, I don't know, there's a lot of stuff going on real quick. Um, and the problem that I run into from time to time is that the person that you know, we sit together and put some of this stuff together is very sarcastic sometimes and some of their writing. So I don't even know if I should say some of the shit that they wrote because you know, it's always dangerous, always dangerous stuff. But what are you seeing here? We keep on talking about guns. We keep on talking about shootings and keep in mind. Yes, I know that. Here's the problem. When we started talking about this, we started talking about cases that occur across this glorious country, across and across across. So there is some limitations of what we're talking about. And you're seeing one in 101 in 1000 1 in 110,000. So depending on how you look at it. But there is a lot of stuff related to gun guns, guns, guns. I mean, let's be realistic. Just stuff to talk about. Don't shoot the messenger. Just saying what's going on. Anyway, let's continue talking. Those wanting to visit George Floyd square, the intersection where he died last, but he can do so. But if they are uh, if they are white, they will need to follow certain restrict instructions. This is not a joke. A sign near the entrance welcomes visitors despite, well, also noting that white visitors need to D center and come to listen, learn mornin witness. White people are also asked to contribute to the energy of the space rather than drain it. Finally, white people are encouraged to engage rather than escalate. So it can be a learning moment rather than a disruption one. Since the death of Floyd, the area has been turned into an autonomous zone that has seen a record levels of violent crime and gun violence to the area. Barricades are set up to keep law enforcement out and gang activity, drug dealing and gun violence disrupt the area. So there you go. Um All right. I don't know what to tell you. I mean, it's interesting that that would be the case that it's going on down there. A lot of interesting things going on inside of the world as we do speak about it. Of course, I don't know. What do you think about this? What do you hear a lot of this stuff? Like what is your thought process? Seriously? Because that's going to be always the point is where where does this go next? How do we continue to having some of these convo those as we are moving forward? Because I think that that's going to be important. I don't know, I almost feel like um we might need a motivation minute it up right now. It's time right now for the motivation minute better credit cards dot com. Dennis wheatley said the reason most people never reach their goals is that they don't define them or even seriously consider them as believable or achievable winners can tell you where they're going, what they plan to do along the way and who will be sharing the adventure with them. I absolutely love this quote. I know so many people who've never planned for anything, they just kind of go with the flow. But if you ever noticed the flow always goes downhill, it's the law of gravity. Don't go with the flow map out a plan to succeed. How do you define success? If you don't know how to define success, it's gonna be hard to tell if you're getting their set a goal and track your progress. This has been today's motivation minute, courtesy of better credit cards dot com. I'm john small. Thanks for listening. Your favorite motivational quotes can be submitted for upcoming programs at motivation minute dot org. I'm a trial lawyer. I'm not part of your family and I don't do skits with my mom. I'm a real lawyer. A damn good lawyer. The best lawyer this state has to offer. And I've built a reputation for standing up for the people of this country righting the wrongs. You may not agree with all of my views, but when it comes to try in cases, there's only one view. Justice and justice is what I get fighter law. That's why we're unstoppable. Mm Here is our main story on the radio safety show. Okay, so let's start talking about some other things, some things to focus on, Some things to think about as we are moving forward. So let's talk about the side thing. Let's talk about the stuff that we do outside of the normal world, of the things that we do from our 9 to 5 or 8 to 5 or whatever. Now, I have to tell you, I have been blessed enough to be able to have conversations with people throughout different countries throughout the world, throughout, you know, this glorious planet of ours and it's interesting that when we start talking, it's always the conversation as I did this to do that and I did that to do this and it's always about the expansion, it's always about driving the community and moving forward. I've been blessed enough to sit at tables with people that have events that they're planning for future dates, but they've always been driven by a dream of what they want to do as a community. I have had conversations and spoken to people that want to change their organization. I have had conversations with people that want to change the way that people look at things inside of the world in those conversations are always interesting as they start moving forward, but here's the fun part. They all started with an idea, they all started was having to sacrifice certain things to be able to do. So. So as we talk about side hustles side gigs and all this other stuff, you normally have to start off by doing one thing to be able to move on to the other. Yeah, that's kind of part of the equation and the interesting part about it is you have to start building from where you're at, you're not going to jump from this sector to another unless you have like a super agent and that's a whole other story. But here's the thing, sometimes you will notice that if you're trying to go towards a dream or a goal, things will be different, depending on the environment, things will be different depending on what you have going on. I will tell you, I have a friend that he has told me in the past how he had superman syndrome and I was like, what in what he was referring to was the following. That he would go induced speeches sometimes before work, sometimes during the middle of work and he would take an extended lunch with permission and sometimes directly after lunch. Or he would fly out directly after work to in return, come back where sometimes he was inside of the bathroom of where he was supposed to be doing the speech at doing a change of clothes because sometimes you're going to have to sacrifice certain things, work extra hours and do other things to be able to get to whatever this goal is. The problem that we run into is that sometimes we believe that that side hustle by thought process alone is going to get us to act without doing a lot of the work. Listen guilty as charged here. I would love to say that one morning I woke up and I said, Hey, let's come up with a radio show that's related to mostly around safety in WA LA. We were successful overnight. If I told you that I'd be lying, there were some things that we triggered and did to make sure that things could actually happen. And that's the thing. Regardless of what your side gig is, if you have one or you've been considering one, it will take some work. Listen, there are people that are successful in our profession, but they've done it by doing several different things. They work hard, they show up, they do what they need to do and then move on by doing there. So I think think about this for a moment, if you've ever had the opportunity of working and also at the same time going to school, you were doing a side gig paying for side because you're paying for it but you were doing it to gain more knowledge to be able to move forward. And sometimes what happens is people tend to forget that even if you're starting your own gig you're going to have to put work into it, you're gonna have to do things out of the ordinary. Listen at one particular point with our little thing, I knew that I was going to have to jump into a vehicle, drive around portions of the country, possibly sleep in my vehicle. Designed by choice of course to be able to go share some of this messaging of what I wanted to do with safety. FM. And that's the thing the work has to be put in for that side gig for that moonlight. What are you willing to do to get there? Will you be okay sleeping an hour less? Will you be okay being an extra day out on the road working? Will you be okay? X. X. X. X. X. Because that's the thing as much as I would love to say that everything is an overnight sensation and there was no work put into it and it just all works or you helicoptered up all the way. That's not how it goes. And that's the stuff that we have to think about. That's the stuff that we have to talk about. Because look at it real quick. Look at this scenario for a moment. If you started committing to the things that you want to, how different will your life be in six months, a year, two years so on. And if you're wanting to do stuff inside of this space, not really the room that I'm sitting in but this space in general, this might be some of the best times on the planet to do So think about it. A lot of the things are already virtual. A lot of the things you can already do by just turning on a camera that is on a computer by having a microphone on a headset. If this is what you're wanting to do to be able to speak to people and listen, it can be fun, it can be nerve wracking but you have to start taking the process of getting it out there. You're not going to go from ground level to whatever's next overnight. I would love to say that that's the case and of course you run into the fake famous people. They believe their own hype. Uh huh. I know I shouldn't say that too loud but that's part of the thing. That is part of the thing I will tell you. I have interacted with people that they just go like everyday life and they might be world famous. I have interacted with people that I think only maybe two or three people in the room now who the hell they are but they act like they own the joint, it's all about how you want to do it in your perspective. So all I can tell you today is that if you want the side thing to work while you're still doing your main thing you have to put the work in, you have to put it work in. I mean you just have to, it's just the way that it goes. You'll get it to work if you have a dream an idea and move forward with it but if you think it's just going to take off for the sake of take it off probably is not going to happen. But what do I know? I'm just a guy behind a microphone. Oops, What did she just say? We have safety FM. Don't always agree with the viewpoints of our hosts and guests. Now back to real safety talk on safety FM. Don't go anywhere. You're listening to the home of real Safety talk. You are listening to safety FM. We'll be right back. Hamilton was adopted from a rescue in 2000 and eight. She really likes to be around people. I get out my mat and I'm doing a downward dog and he's underneath. He's quite the pug about town. He gets invited to a lot of parties, you know, he's a pretty big deal. Look at this little face. I do not love him. Hamilton, the pug instagram star and shelter pet, amazing adoption stories start in shelters visit the shelter pet project dot org. To find a pet near you brought to you by Maddie's Fund. The Humane Society of the United States and the Ad Council. You make sure his toys don't have any sharp edges. You taught her what to do when the smoke alarm goes off. You do so much to keep your child safe. But are you using the right car seat for your child? Car crashes are a leading killer of Children, ages 1-13 protect your child's future at every stage of life. For information on the right seat for your child visit safer car dot gov slash the right seat. A message from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Ad Council. So you see son. Good manners are important. Should I go through it again? Yes, yes, please. Yes, please. Exactly. Always say, please thank you. You're welcome. An excuse me, sit up straight, hold doors open to speak with a mouthful. Keep your elbows off the table, share your things, play nice and generally treat others the way you'd like to be treated. Got it, got it and stop picking your nose. Most parenting is hard to do in just two minutes, two minutes twice a day. Making sure they brush their teeth is easier and it could help save them from a lifetime of tooth pain visit two men two x dot org to find out more. A message from the partnership for healthy miles, healthy lives in the ad council. I'm a retired school psychologist and helping people with my thing after my stroke when wheels on real started, I was on the other end of the stick, so to speak. My name is Julius cain's creative writer, poet, photographer, one and six seniors faces the threat of hunger and millions more live in isolation. Drop off a hotmail and say a quick hello volunteer for meals on wheels by donating your lunch break at America. Let's do lunch dot org. This message brought to you by meals on wheels. America and the ad council. This mhm. Uh huh. Mm. Okay. Corrida. This is by Loony. The other songs readily available on Spotify and Itunes. Van Corrida, That's the one here. Okay, so there you go. There you go. Some stuff going on inside of inside of the world, inside of the world here as we're moving forward. So thank you to Looney and his group for allowing us to play this this morning on the radar safety show. Let's take a look at some of the comments that are coming in right there. We'll continue to play that in the background here for a second. Okay, Your words are calling me to share an experience with you, j Okay. Sounds good. Great points on the side hustle have been added for years, and the grind is wonderful and necessary. I agree with you, Lucas. So there you go. I'm liking the spanish vibe this morning. I'm gonna have to tell you, I'm not gonna lie about that one. Anyways, it is 39 minutes past the top of the hour. You and I are hanging out here on radio big dot FM and on safety FM dot com. And then if you're streaming, well then you're on the streamer and we're streaming together. Anyway, so let's talk about some stuff that's going around on the other side of the equation. So let's talk about it. Facebook World domination, Part six. This is not a joke. Facebook has definitely had our eyes for a while now that it's coming to now, it's coming to your ears. Take a listen to this because I think that this is going to be very important. So listen to what I have to say next. The company has announced several new tools for creating and sharing. You ready for this audio. Yes, I didn't hesitate when I said it audio similar to when they moved into video after youtube and introduce appeared disappearing photos after Snapchat. And the short form content of the heels of tick tock. Facebook is big on audio these days because of the resurgence with the rise of podcasts and live social audio on clubhouse and twitter spaces. Facebook will introduce its own live audio product called live audio rooms, which should be available to all users by this summer podcasts are also coming to facebook. Yeah, not a joke there. Soon people will be able to listen to and discover new podcast directly on facebook app and sound bites features a short form audio clip like Tiktok videos, but audio focused only with captions. So that's gonna be important. Facebook also announced plans for creators to be able to make money with these new audio tools. Ceo Mark Zuckerberg said a big part of our creator economy is that empowering individuals and he sees this as a positive trend and the fact that he can make money off of them too. And even more positive man, it keeps up, it keeps up. They just keep up well before facebook all day. So that's all going to happen where it's gonna be on facebook all day, taking a look around and never leave our homes. Oh, like now I guess. But that's the fun part and this is what I've been saying for years. Radio is radio, audio is audio, podcast is podcast, blah blah. But I will tell you if I can tell you a story and you don't see me and all you're doing is listening to me. It still has tons of insight. I call this theater of the mind when you are listening to an audio only story I can tell you. I'm doing X, Y and Z. And if you don't see me, you don't know that it's true or not. If you were just listening to me right now, I can tell you as long as you have no visual that I am sitting on the back porch at my house in front of a lake and I could go as far as doing sound effects inside of there to have you believe me. But then if you're looking at me video, why is you know, automatically I'm a liar. So facebook is noticing where this is taking place. I talked about yesterday that Apple had announced a way to monetize podcast. I mean people that are in the podcasting world already know how to monetize podcast. But now with the subscription model and Spotify is focusing on bringing their own exclusive podcast to their platform. Do you think there's a reason for this? Listen on demand radio, on demand podcasting, it's going to be a thing? The funny part is that people don't realize how long podcasting has already been around. It's now that people are going, there's money in this market. So let's try to do something with it now. That's the fun part. Message inside here says Lincoln is going to fall behind and they don't hustle on the creator mode and live approvals. Yeah, they're really slow on the live approvals. I'll tell you that. And don't get me wrong, we do hang out on linked in. Um you know, and if I'm if we're being 100 honest, which I always like to be we for the longest period of time debate about not even putting this show on linkedin. We were on all other social media platforms and we debated about not coming on to linkedin because some of the things that your host here says can be considered controversial for our little community, so we weren't sure if we want to do it, but you know, we're here now. So I guess we like the idea anyway, let's continue talking about some other things. This is nuts. How about some good news? A new study found that when it comes to eating almonds, chances are that you can eat them without worrying about calories. Yeah, the University of Toronto researchers say that it comes to al almonds. The calories listed don't equal the amount that is absorbed we eat that we eat at that time. What? Yeah, you heard me sounds kind of confusing, but let's talk a little bit more. Principal study investigator john sliced pierre points out that although nuts have been uh been thought of as a healthy, as a healthy snack, They often have the disclaimer that they are high in fat and calories, but this study found that your body doesn't absorb roughly 20 of the calories coming from Almonds fat. After digested, an ounce of Almond contains about 14 g of fat. Almonds also have a lot of beneficial proteins, vitamins and minerals. Previous studies find almonds and other nuts can be uh contribute to good cattle vascular health by the way, the hope is also that this study will help eliminate nuts, leads to weight gain stigma. Almonds also have an excellent chocolate delivery system. Just want to reference that real quick, you realize of course that this means that I'm going to eat about 20 more of albums as I do reference that. And then the other portion is, I don't like all men's, but I have some men's. Um, if you get what I'm saying there anyways, let's continue talking about some other things. Because that's what we do. We jump around talking about everything that's going on inside of the world of the news. It is 45 minutes past the top of the hour, just in case. So how about some chicken soup for the kids? Yeah. The multimillion selling chicken soup for the Soul franchises, searching for younger demographic. Chicken soup for the Soul. The company announced that it has partnered with Children's publisher, college branch for two new books. Children's soup for the Soul babies will be on the four babies and toddlers for up to three. I mean, the chicken soup for the Soul well be for or for kids Excuse me, will be for 4 to 7. The initial four books, uh, the new project will be launched on september the 21st includes everyone shares except Cat. The publishers points out that today's partner, parents grew up with the original series and we look forward and bringing chicken soup for the sole positive, an inclusive storytelling for the next generation. Excited expect them to rename chicken nuggets for the Soul. I think that today's kids, they'll do better with an app if you were being honest here and these kids are going to make me make my kids cry because that's all my wife does when she's taking a listen to them. Yeah, I did say that. What did she just say? We have safety FM. Don't always agree with the viewpoints of our hosts and guests. Now, back to real safety talk on safety. FM. Okay. From the pole vault, let's talk about this real quick. A statistical look on who we are in things that we do. So let's take a listen to it. This is coming in, no order or no sequences sharing the information that we were able to come up with here. 11 of women say that they shave their legs every day. 14 of adults say that they, that they face of the pandemic. They no longer wear deodorant, Good to know. 10 of us have tried uh, meditation during the pandemic. 23% say that they have beautiful feet. I definitely do not fall into that category. Uh, 71% of adults say that they eat unhealthy food behind their significant others back. Isn't that like a level of cheating? I mean, I'm just saying here And the nine of us say that we don't miss hugging because we never did it before. The pandemic. Anyways, I definitely fall into that category. How the hell do you want to hug me? Safety in a way? Never heard of before. Okay. Great. Uh Safety show. Safety is okay. So happy Earth Day, according to new research, Extra National dust from space, adding about 5200 metric tones. That's 11,464. Hold on. £11,464,000 of weight to the planet each year. Uh That is equivalent of 28 Boeing 7 47 jets, 433 yellow school buses and 882 african elephants. And I thought my quarantine 15 was bad. So think about that for a moment. Anyways, let's jump around talking about some other things going on inside of this lovely world of ours. I don't feel like being part of Swampland today. So let's not talk about that. So no winner for Tuesday night to make a million drawings, friday's drawing will be for $277 million jackpot or 100 and $89.2 million cash payout. So there you go. Good luck if you're into playing that kind of stuff. That's of course entirely up to you. Uh, but what else do we got going on inside of the world around here? Because there's quite a bit Uh, let's talk about some of the things that occurred back on this date. Let's go, let's go, let's go. Do you remember this story? This was this was quite a few years ago at this point back in 2000 Cuban refugee. Elian Gonzalez has forcefully taken out of the home of his relatives in Miami. Gonzalez was part of the crew uh, that tried to escape in Cuba five months earlier on the on the group of 14, only three survived. One of them being young. Elliot, a fishing boat eventually recover the survivors. I. N. S placed Gonzalez with his great uncle living in Miami. But Janet Reno would soon order that alien be taken from the home in Miami. His relatives feared that his return to CUBA after his force will remove him from Miami. Alien became a propaganda piece for Fidel Castro's communist regime. So there you go. That happened back in let's see, 4000, wow, Where is the time? God anyways, let's talk about some birthdays for today. If you're interested in finding out some of those machine gun Kelly turns 31 today, Amber Turd turns 35 William Robertson turns 49 Sherri Shepherd turns 54, Jeffrey Dean Morgan turns 55 Ryan Styles turned 62. Peter Frampton uh, turned 71 Jack Nicholson. Oh yes, good old Jack been seeing him in a while. Uh, 84 years old today. Anyways, if you need some days to celebrate for today, let's talk about some of those for you to do. Uh, today's National Earth Day, National Girl Scout Leaders Day, National jelly Bean Day. National Take our daughters and son to work day. Hold on. If you're working from home, do you have to take them far? I mean, I'm just asking I'm in the National teach Children to save Day. So there you go. Those are some days of the year that you can celebrate today if you're so inclined to do So anyway, let me tell you about my good old friends at the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention know that you're not alone. Whether you have struggled with suicide yourself or have lost a loved one or a loved one. No, I know that you're not alone here about personal experiences from people in your local community whose lives have been impacted by suicide in depression. If you need someone to talk to or just want to get some information, there's some different places that you can go to. You can go to a f sp dot org. That's a f sp dot org or call 1 802 73 talk. That's 1 802 73 talk or 1 802 738255 Now, of course they do have the feature available now of texting the word talk to 741741 please. All joking aside, if you are struggling with any of this right now, make sure that you actually place the call before you do anything else. We can't do what we do without you. Seriously. You have one of the largest impact on this planet so no one can play your role. So if you're contemplating suicide are going through depression disk, go and go to a f sp dot org. I'm telling you, I'm just asking you as a favor to do so. All joking aside, we all want to make sure that our family is protected in medical emergencies. What many of us don't realize is that health insurance won't always cover the full amount of an emergency medical flight. Even with comprehensive coverage, you could get hit with high deductibles and copays. That's why an Air Med care network membership is so important as a member. If an emergency arises, you won't see a bill for air medical transport when flown by an A. M. C. N. Provider. Best of all, a membership covers your entire household for as little as $85 a year. A. M. C. N. Providers are called upon to transport nearly 100,000 patients a year. This is coverage no family should go without. Now. As a J. Allen show listener, you'll get up to a $50 E gift card with a new membership, simply visit Air Med care network dot com slash safety and use the offer code safety. And don't forget to tell them that J Allen sent you. You're listening to something. You're listening to the rated R. Safety show. Okay. Okay. 53 past the top of the hour. If you want to come hang out on radio big dot FM. After we're done here, we moved there so you can come hang out and do all the kind of fun stuff that we do over there. Anyways, let's talk about some other things going on inside of the world of the news. Let's talk about some wack wack backs real quick if I can say it. Uh Beverly Hills was one of the most um has uh let's talk that Beverly Hills was once most famous for its lima beans. Yeah, there you go. Probably didn't know that Oranges aren't even the top 10 list of foods when it comes to vitamin C. There you go. For a surprise. Bacon was used to make explosives during World War two. Wow! Bacon, why would he do that? Uh There are only two tablespoons of sugar in a bag of cotton, candy, frankincense, Amir tree, risen arising uh which has been used to increase in perfume and perfume over 5000 years. So there you go, when it comes to wine and aroma similar to cat pee, it is considered a good thing. Yeah, not a joke. So there are some things to think about real quick as we are talking about by the way, here are some signs that Earth Day is running out of steam. I want you to think about this and a kind of a bad thing to say, but I'm just going to share it real quick real quick with you all often confused with Smurf Day. CBc Newsworld coverage of this year's event is brought to you by Exxonmobil saying that you're a member of the Greenpeace just doesn't have the same pickup power power in bars anymore. Uh, Sting now shows up, save the rainforest benefits, benefits Lincoln navigator In the 1990, organizers actually got Shelley long to come out for it in 2020, organizers got Shelley long to come out for it. Yeah, so there you go. Just kind of wanted to reference some of those things uh, of, of stuff. Let's talk about some low bar inspirational quotes for today when one door closes. That's a sign when life hands you lemons, feed them to your kids and enjoy the laugh. The cheapest things in life are free. Just do your okay. Ist if you can dream it, keep dreaming. There is no try so don't. So there you go. Some things to think about as we do talk about it. If you need some scoops for of of God bosch for today. Let's talk about a couple of things Today is Earth Day and once again we we get no respect. Said wind and fire. Duncan says it plans to double in size over the next 10 years. How, by how? By feeding itself Dunkin donuts. Of course. A recent study showed that the use of selfies you share on social media, the less likely you become. I just can't picture myself doing it. A study claims that more time spent on facebook is less less active. They are. I'm going to post a study on facebook once, once I have enough energy to, you know, get out of this lawn chair and then Jack Nicholson is 84 today. Nowadays he settled for a few good bowel movements. Oh, that's a terrible one. That's for sure. What did he just say? We had safety. Don't always agree with the viewpoints of our hosts and guests. Now, back to real safety talk on safety. F Okay, so let's kind of leave you with this. If you need a random joke for the day, the voices in my head sounded like morgan Freeman. I just listened to them more often. What is your favorite, your, your favorite uh song lyric? If you need a phone starter, just in case if you need something for the water cooler, try this one. If your average, if you're an average woman, you have 38 of these, what are they things in your purse And then that's it. That's it. That's all I got to say for smart ass remarks for today. Anyways, you've been listening to the rated R safety show on safety FM dot com and radio big dot FM. If you want to come hang out, do some more things with us, I will be hanging out on that other side for the next couple hours. Keep in mind it's streaming radio so you don't have to watch video if you don't want to do that, That's that's for sure. You don't have to watch video at any point anyway, because we do this thing on multiple platforms. Uh, and we try to get this thing out as soon as possible. Of course, the show is always available here and then we will move this to safety. FM. Plus, as long as we have some other plethora of stuff on safety FM Plus as well. So there you go. Some interesting things always going on inside of here. Anyways, thank you for always being the best part of safety FM. And that is the listener safety FM is the home of real safety talk. And we are part of radio big as well. If I can leave you with a thought for today, I would love to leave you with this one. Better to be the one who smiled than the one who didn't smile back. Think about that. Your day will probably get a lot better. I know who you are, you know who I am love. You mean it and goodbye. I'll see you tomorrow. The views and opinions expressed on this podcast are those of the host and its guests and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the company. Examples of analysis discussed within this podcast are only examples. It should not be utilized in the real world as the only solution available as they are based only on very limited in dated open source information, assumptions made within this analysis are not reflective of the position of the company. No part of this podcast may be reproduced stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means mechanical, electronic recording or otherwise. Without prior written permission of the creator of the podcast. J uh,
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